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The mechanisms controlling early adenovirus gene expression in vivo have been studied using inhibitors of protein synthesis. When inhibitors were added shortly before or at the onset of infection, viral mRNA from all early regions was transcribed, spliced and accumulated over a 7 hr period. After longer pretreatment, accumulation of several early mRNAs were suppressed. Addition of inhibitors 1 hr after infection enhanced the accumulation of viral mRNA in the cytoplasm. Translation of early mRNA selected on adenovirus DNA in a cell-free system reflected the amount of viral mRNA present. A viral coded product may therefore control accumulation of viral mRNA.A different pattern emerged when inhibitors of protein synthesis were removed at 5 hr postinfection and cells were pulse-labeled in vivo. If inhibitors were introduced at or before infection, early viral proteins were synthesized only after a lag of 1–3 hr. However, if treatment was introduced 1 hr post-infection, reversion of the protein synthesis block was instantaneous. It appears that protein synthesis inhibitors reveal an in vivo translational block for viral mRNA. This block could be overcome by preinfection with a related virus. Furthermore, no block was observed in a virus-transformed human embryonic kidney cell line (293) which expresses early region 1 of the viral genome. Viral gene product(s) encoded in early region 1 may control translation of early adenovirus messenger RNA in vivo.  相似文献   
Accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau in the entorhinal cortex (EC) is one of the earliest pathological hallmarks in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It can occur before significant Aβ deposition and appears to “spread” into anatomically connected brain regions. To determine whether this early-stage pathology is sufficient to cause disease progression and cognitive decline in experimental models, we overexpressed mutant human tau (hTauP301L) predominantly in layer II/III neurons of the mouse EC. Cognitive functions remained normal in mice at 4, 8, 12 and 16 months of age, despite early and extensive tau accumulation in the EC. Perforant path (PP) axon terminals within the dentate gyrus (DG) contained abnormal conformations of tau even in young EC-hTau mice, and phosphorylated tau increased with age in both the EC and PP. In old mice, ultrastructural alterations in presynaptic terminals were observed at PP-to-granule cell synapses. Phosphorylated tau was more abundant in presynaptic than postsynaptic elements. Human and pathological tau was also detected within hippocampal neurons of this mouse model. Thus, hTauP301L accumulation predominantly in the EC and related presynaptic pathology in hippocampal circuits was not sufficient to cause robust cognitive deficits within the age range analyzed here.  相似文献   
Nanoporous alumina membranes were silanized with aminopropylsilane and iminodiacetic acid (IDA) groups were generated in situ by reaction with iodoacetate. The membranes were mounted in standard filter holders, connected to a HPLC system and saturated with selected metal ions. Cu(II) allowed the capture of chicken muscle lactate dehydrogenase with such stability, repeatability and reproducibility that Michaelis–Menten kinetics could be studied. The IDA surface was stable for months and could be depleted and regenerated with metal ions multiple times without appreciable loss of capacity. The binding of lactate dehydrogenase influenced the backpressure to the extent that could be expected for a monolayer according to Poiseuilles law.  相似文献   
A 12-week-old fetus and one 17-week-old fetus + placenta were obtained after spontaneous abortions from two women of blood group p. The 17-week-old fetus was dissected into intestine, liver, brain and residual tissue. Nonacid glycosphingolipid fractions were prepared from the tissues. Glycolipid characterization was carried out using thin layer chromatography immunostained with monoclonal antibodies and bacteria and by1H NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. In the placental fraction substantial amounts of globotetraosylceramide (P-antigen) and globotriaosylceramide (Pk-antigen) were identified. In contrast, the fetuses contained only trace amounts of these structures, as revealed by immunostaining. These results indicate that the primary target for the antibodies of the anti-Tja serum is the placenta tissue, resulting in termination of the pregnancy.  相似文献   
Ethylene regulation of cell division in the vascular cambium and cell wall formation was studied in hypocotyls of Norway spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.) seedlings. Cuttings from 6-week-old seedlings were placed in water culture to which compounds affecting the synthesis and action of ethylene were added. After a 3-week treatment period, growth, ethylene production, morphology and cell wall composition of the hypocotyls were determined. Addition of high concentrations of the potent ethylene releasing agent 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethrel), which increased ethylene emission by more than twice compared to control plants, inhibited the expansion of xylem cells while stimulating the incorporation of cell wall material, especially cellulose. Addition of small amounts of ethrel, which slightly stimulated ethylene emission, led to increases in the size of xylem cells, the amount of phloem tissue and the number of intercellular spaces in the cortex, and thus to increased hypocotyl diameter. However, no significant change in cell wall composition was detected. When ethylene production was decreased by adding Co2+ to the nutrient solution, differentiation of new xylem was disturbed, but the rate of cell division was not affected. Although the incorporation of cell wall material was inhibited, the proportions of lignin and cellulose in the wall appeared to remain unchanged. Silver ions stimulated the expansion of both xylem and cortex cells, but had no significant effect on cell wall formation. We conclude that ethylene has a role in regulating the incorporation of wall carbohydrates.  相似文献   
Microsporangial conditions, macrosporogenesis, embryo sac development and in some species endosperm formation have been studied in 5 species of Dimorphotheca Vaill. ex Mnch, 2 species of Castalis Cass., 16 species of Osteospermum L., 6 species of Calendula L., 1 species of Gibbaria Cass., and 1 species of Chrysanthemoides Tourn. ex Fabr.
The microsporangial wall consists of four different layers of cells. Miocrospore formation is simultaneous. The tetrads are mostly arranged in tetrahedrals. A tapetal periplasmodium develops.
The archespore of the macrosporangium is in most cases 1-celled, sometimes 2-or many-celled. The meiosis gives rise to a linear tetrad. Usually the chalazal macro-spore develops. The embryo sac development is monosporic of the Polygonum type. In a few cases in Dimorphotheca venusta T. Norl. a tetrasporic embryo sac development was observed besides the Polygonum type. Castalis tragus (Ait.) T. Norl. may have a bisporic embryo sac development in addition to the Polygonum type. All the Calendula species develop synergid haustoria. Antipode haustoria occur in Osteospermum sinuatum (DC.) T. Norl. and Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) T. Norl. Chalazally situated extra embryo sacs below the ordinary one in Dimorphotheca sinuata DC, D. venusta , and Castalis nudicaulis var. graminifolia (L.) T. Norl. are regarded to be aposporic. Six species have more than three antipodes per embryo sac. The antipodes occasionally become 2-or 4-nucleate.  相似文献   
Patterns of food evacuation in fishes: a critical review   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Multiple conformations of amino acid residues in ribonuclease A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The highly refined 1.26 A structure (R = 0.15) of phosphate-free bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A was modeled with 13 residues having discrete multiple conformations of side chains. These residues are widely distributed over the protein surface, but only one of them, Lys 61, is involved in crystal packing interactions. The discrete conformers have no unusual torsion angles, and their interactions with the solvent and with other atoms of the protein are similar to those residues modeled with a single conformation. For three of the residues--Val 43, Asp 83, and Arg 85--two correlated conformations are found. The observed multiple conformations on the protein surfaces will be of significance in analyzing structure-function relationships and in performing protein engineering.  相似文献   
Adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) host range mutants dl312 and hr-1, with lesions in region E1A (0 to 4.5 map units) of the viral genome, fail to accumulate virus-specific early RNA during infection in HeLa cells. In a recent report, we showed that the addition of anisomycin, a stringent inhibitor of protein synthesis, at 1 h after infection of HeLa cells with hr-1 virus resulted in the accumulation of properly spliced and translatable mRNA from all early regions (M. G. Katze, H. Persson, and L. Philipson, Mol. Cell. Biol. 1:807-813, 1981). Based on these results we proposed a model in which expression of early mutant RNA was achieved through inactivation of a cellular protein normally causing a reduction in the amount of viral RNA. These studies have been extended in the present report, which shows that early viral proteins can be detected in Ad5 dl312- and Ad5 hr-1-infected HeLa cells which have been treated for several hours with anisomycin either shortly after infection or before infection. A pulse of drug treatment also resulted in expression of substantial amounts of adenovirus structural proteins after infection with both Ad5 hr-1 and Ad5 dl312, whereas in drug-free controls no late proteins were detected. The Ad5 hr-1 virus previously reported to be DNA replication negative in nonpermissive HeLa cells was found to replicate its DNA, albeit at low levels, when anisomycin was present either from 1 to 5 h postinfection or for 5 h before infection. When infectious virus production was examined in mutant-infected cells the titer of Ad5 dl312 virus was found to increase at least 500-fold in anisomycin-treated HeLa cells. Taken together, these and our previous results suggest that the block in gene expression characteristic for complementation group I Ad5 host range mutants in HeLa cells can be overcome by inactivating cellular gene products serving as negative regulators of viral gene expression.  相似文献   
A chemically defined medium has been developed for isolation of amino acid-requiring mutants of Staphylococcus aureus strain 8325, and for use as a selective medium in transformation assays. Variables affecting transformation of both plasmid and chromosomal markers have been studied. The optimal pH and temperature for transformation are 6.75 to 7.0 and 30 C, respectively. Ca ions are required for transformation, and only cells lysogenic for the phage phi11 can be transformed. Superinfection of competent cells with phi11 does not increase the transformation frequency. Maximal number of transformants is obtained after 20 min of contact between cells and deoxyribonucleic acid. The transformation frequencies for the plasmid marker erythromycin resistance (ero) and the chromosomal markers trp, thy, and cyt are of the same order of magnitude, whereas the frequency for the chromosomal marker tyr is approximately one order of magnitude lower.  相似文献   
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