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Prenatal screening for Down Syndrome (DS) would benefit from an increased number of biomarkers to improve sensitivity and specificity. Improving sensitivity and specificity would decrease the need for potentially risky invasive diagnostic procedures.


We have performed an in depth two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D DIGE) study to identify potential biomarkers. We have used maternal plasma samples obtained from first and second trimesters from mothers carrying DS affected fetuses compared with mothers carrying normal fetuses. Plasma samples were albumin/IgG depleted and expanded pH ranges of pH 4.5 - 5.5, pH 5.3 - 6.5 and pH 6 - 9 were used for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE). We found no differentially expressed proteins in the first trimester between the two groups. Significant up-regulation of ceruloplasmin, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4, complement proteins C1s subcomponent, C4-A, C5, and C9 and kininogen 1 were detected in the second trimester in maternal plasma samples where a DS affected fetus was being carried. However, ceruloplasmin could not be confirmed as being consistently up-regulated in DS affected pregnancies by Western blotting.


Despite the in depth 2DE approach used in this study the results underline the deficiencies of gel-based proteomics for detection of plasma biomarkers. Gel-free approaches may be more productive to increase the number of plasma biomarkers for DS for non-invasive prenatal screening and diagnosis.  相似文献   
Cultured bovine capillary endothelial (BCE) cells produce low levels of collagenolytic activity and significant amounts of the serine protease plasminogen activator (PA). When grown in the presence of nanomolar quantities of the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), BCE cells produced 5-15 times more collagenolytic activity and 2-10 times more PA than untreated cells. The enhanced production of these enzymes was dependent on the dose of TPA used, with maximal response at 10(-7) to 10(-8) M. Phorbol didecanoate (PDD), an analog of TPA which is an active tumor promoter, also increased protease production. 4-O-methyl-TPA and 4α-PDD, two analogs of TPA which are inactive as tumor promoters, had no effect on protease production. Increased PA and collagenase activities were detected within 7.5 and 19 h, respectively, after the addition of TPA. The TPA-stimulated BCE cells synthesized a urokinase-type PA and a typical vertebrate collagenase. BCE cells were compared with bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cells and bovine embryonic skin (BES) fibroblasts with respect to their production of protease in response to TPA. Under normal growth conditions, low levels of collagenolyic activity were detected in the culture fluids from BCE, BAE, and BES cells. BCE cells produced 5-13 times the basal levels of collagenolytic activity in response to TPA, whereas BAE cells and BES fibroblasts showed a minimal response to TPA. Both BCE and BAE cells exhibited relatively high basal levels of PA, the production of which was stimulated approximately threefold by the addition of TPA. The observation that BCE cells and not BAE cells produced high levels of both PA and collagenase activities in response to TPA demonstrates a significant difference between these two types of endothelial cells and suggests that the enhanced detectable activities are a property unique to bovine capillary and microvessel and endothelial cells.  相似文献   
The Silent Information Regulator (SIR2) family of genes have been cloned from a variety of species ranging from bacteria to man. In previous studies, we reported the characterization of a Leishmania major gene encoding a protein with extensive homology to yeast SIR2p and expressed by different Leishmania species and parasite developmental stages and thus termed LmSIR2. Unlike the yeast SIR2p, LmSIR2p is mainly localized within the cytoplasm. In the present study, sequencing of a homologue encoding gene in another Leishmania species, Leishmania infantum, revealed 93% overall amino acid identity with L. major SIR2 gene. Further, using L. infantum as a recipient for a plasmid vector (pTEX) which allows overexpression of LmSIR2p led to the accumulation of the protein in the parasite cytoplasm of both promastigote and amastigote forms and a striking increase in the survival of amastigotes, the vertebrate stage of the parasite, when maintained under normal axenic culture conditions. This phenotype was also observed when L. infantum parasites were transfected with a cosmid vector (CLHyg), isolated from a L. infantum cosmid library, carrying the L. infantum SIR2 gene (CLHyg-LiSIR2). In contrast, no effect was observed on survival of the promastigote forms (insect stage) under similar culture conditions. However, when the glucose was used as a unique source of energy under starvation conditions, the viability of promastigotes was significantly enhanced. Moreover, we showed that amastigote forms in the stationary phase of culture died with a feature of apoptosis as revealed by the appearance of YOPRO-1 positive cells and that expression of LmSIR2 protein substantially delays this phenomenon. Taken together, these results demonstrate the existence of SIR2-related proteins encoding genes in different Leishmania species and suggest that LmSIR2p could participate among other factors in the control of cell death.  相似文献   
In previous studies we have characterized several Leishmania major polypeptides and showed that one member of this group (LmSIR2rp) shared significant homology to silent information regulator 2 (SIR2) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a protein playing a role in both telomeric and mating type loci repression in these organisms. In the present study, by using molecular and immunological approaches, we could identify LmSIR2rp homologues in different Leishmania species and developmental stages (eg logarithmic (LP) and stationary phase promastigotes (SP) and amastigotes). The reactive antigen was also detected in Trypanosoma cruzi extracts. Surprisingly, immunofluorescence assays revealed that LmSIR2rp is associated mainly with cytoplasmic granules of different sizes and numbers depending on the life stage of the parasite used. No reactivity was observed in the nucleus, in agreement with the Western blot showing an absence of immunoreactivity of anti-LmSIR2rp immune serum against parasite nuclear extracts. Furthermore, immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labeled promastigote antigens after pulse chase experiments, using anti-LmSIR2rp fusion protein antibodies, showed that the protein is among parasite excreted-secreted antigens (ESA). Moreover, immunoflurescence assays conducted with short time incubations of either purified LmSIR2rp or viable promastigotes with murine macrophages, revealed that LmSIR2rp could be bound to the macrophage surface. The unexpected cytoplasmic localization of LmSIR2rp and its presence in ESA may suggest a new mode of action for silent information regulatory factor homologues.  相似文献   
目的筛选与Rap GAP相互作用的蛋白质,为进一步研究人源Rap1GAP介导的信号转导通路、揭示其与肿瘤的关系提供实验依据。方法选用与Rap1GAP同源的来自美丽线虫的Rap GAP作为饵蛋白,以来源于美丽线虫的c DNA文库作为靶蛋白,应用p PC97、p PC86组成的酵母双杂交系统筛选c DNA文库中与Rap GAP相互作用的蛋白质。结果通过营养缺陷平板(-LTH)筛选出63个拟似阳性菌落。经过Lac Z鉴定,19个菌落为阳性,其中7个为强阳性。提取来自19个酵母菌落中的重组DNA,经PCR扩增,12个菌落出现阳性结果。将该19个重组DNA分别电转化入DH5α细菌,涂板培养后,每板挑取4~10个克隆,通过Sal I和Not I双酶切鉴定进行阳性克隆筛选。将阳性克隆的重组DNA进行序列测定。测序结果与Gen Bank比较,其中4个克隆的DNA片段为Y39b6a基因片段、2个为Rap GAP、1个为苯丙氨酸-4-羟化酶、1个为细胞色素C氧化酶,还有1个DNA片段编码美丽线虫特有的小分子蛋白的基因片段,其余11个DNA片段不编码已知蛋白质。结论初步筛选出与Rap GAP相互作用的蛋白质,特别是其中有2个克隆为Rap GAP,提示Rap GAP可能以二聚体的方式存在。  相似文献   


It is now recognized that enzymatic or chemical side-reactions can convert normal metabolites to useless or toxic ones and that a suite of enzymes exists to mitigate such metabolite damage. Examples are the reactive imine/enamine intermediates produced by threonine dehydratase, which damage the pyridoxal 5''-phosphate cofactor of various enzymes causing inactivation. This damage is pre-empted by RidA proteins, which hydrolyze the imines before they do harm. RidA proteins belong to the YjgF/YER057c/UK114 family (here renamed the Rid family). Most other members of this diverse and ubiquitous family lack defined functions.


Phylogenetic analysis divided the Rid family into a widely distributed, apparently archetypal RidA subfamily and seven other subfamilies (Rid1 to Rid7) that are largely confined to bacteria and often co-occur in the same organism with RidA and each other. The Rid1 to Rid3 subfamilies, but not the Rid4 to Rid7 subfamilies, have a conserved arginine residue that, in RidA proteins, is essential for imine-hydrolyzing activity. Analysis of the chromosomal context of bacterial RidA genes revealed clustering with genes for threonine dehydratase and other pyridoxal 5''-phosphate-dependent enzymes, which fits with the known RidA imine hydrolase activity. Clustering was also evident between Rid family genes and genes specifying FAD-dependent amine oxidases or enzymes of carbamoyl phosphate metabolism. Biochemical assays showed that Salmonella enterica RidA and Rid2, but not Rid7, can hydrolyze imines generated by amino acid oxidase. Genetic tests indicated that carbamoyl phosphate overproduction is toxic to S. enterica cells lacking RidA, and metabolomic profiling of Rid knockout strains showed ten-fold accumulation of the carbamoyl phosphate-related metabolite dihydroorotate.


Like the archetypal RidA subfamily, the Rid2, and probably the Rid1 and Rid3 subfamilies, have imine-hydrolyzing activity and can pre-empt damage from imines formed by amine oxidases as well as by pyridoxal 5''-phosphate enzymes. The RidA subfamily has an additional damage pre-emption role in carbamoyl phosphate metabolism that has yet to be biochemically defined. Finally, the Rid4 to Rid7 subfamilies appear not to hydrolyze imines and thus remain mysterious.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1584-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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