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1. Catecholamine secretion from digitonin-treated chromaffin cells is stimulated directly by micromolar Ca2+ in the medium. The permeabilized cells are leaky to proteins. 2. In this study trypsin (30-50 micrograms/ml) added to cells after digitonin treatment completely inhibited subsequent Ca2+-dependent catecholamine secretion. The same concentrations of trypsin did not inhibit secretion from permeabilized cells if trypsin was present only prior to cell permeabilization. 3. The data indicate that trypsin entered digitonin-treated chromaffin cells which were capable of undergoing secretion and that an intracellular, trypsin-sensitive protein is involved in secretion. Chymotrypsin was less potent but had effects similar to those of trypsin. 4. The enhancement of Ca2+-dependent secretion from permeabilized chromaffin cells induced by the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) was inhibited by trypsin added simultaneously with Ca2+ to permeabilized cells at concentrations (3-10 micrograms/ml) which had little or no effect on Ca2+-dependent secretion from cells untreated with TPA. Ca2+-dependent secretion in TPA-treated cells was reduced by trypsin only to the level that would have occurred in cells not treated with TPA. Trypsin reduced the large TPA-induced increment of membrane-bound protein kinase C.  相似文献   
The prodrug p-[N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]phenyl phosphate (phenol mustard phosphate, POMP) was prepared from p-[N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)amino]phenol (phenol mustard, POM) by phosphorylation with phosphoryl chloride, followed by aqueous hydrolysis. It was found that POMP was much less cytotoxic than POM when tested against H2981 human lung and H3396 human breast carcinoma cells in vitro. Pretreatment of the H2981 cells with L6-alkaline phosphatase (L6-AP), a monoclonal antibody conjugate that could bind to cell surface antigens, greatly enhanced the cytotoxic effects of POMP in an immunologically specific manner. Owing to its reduced toxicity in nude mice, larger amounts of POMP compared to POM could be administered. Neither agent exhibited significant in vivo antitumor activity when tested against subcutaneous H2981 tumors in nude mice. However, antitumor activity was observed in animals receiving L6-AP 48 h prior to POMP administration. This level of activity was greater than with the drugs alone, or a combination of 1F5-AP (nonbinding control) with POMP.  相似文献   
Studies of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) have yielded substantial progress, however a lack of immortalized cell lines representative of the primary disease has hampered a full understanding of disease pathogenesis and development of new treatments. Here we describe a novel CLL cell line (OSU-CLL) generated by EBV transformation, which displays a similar cytogenetic and immunophenotype observed in the patient’s CLL (CD5 positive with trisomy 12 and 19). A companion cell line was also generated from the same patient (OSU-NB). This cell line lacked typical CLL characteristics, and is likely derived from the patient’s normal B cells. In vitro migration assays demonstrated that OSU-CLL exhibits migratory properties similar to primary CLL cells whereas OSU-NB has significantly reduced ability to migrate spontaneously or towards chemokine. Microarray analysis demonstrated distinct gene expression patterns in the two cell lines, including genes on chromosomes 12 and 19, which is consistent with the cytogenetic profile in this cell line. Finally, OSU-CLL was readily transplantable into NOG mice, producing uniform engraftment by three weeks with leukemic cells detectable in the peripheral blood spleen and bone marrow. These studies describe a new CLL cell line that extends currently available models to study gene function in this disease.  相似文献   
Conjugates of the L49 monoclonal antibody (binds to the p97 antigen on melanomas and carcinomas) were formed by attaching Enterobacter cloacae beta-lactamase (bL) to the L49-Fab' fragment using a heterobifunctional cross-linking reagent or by linking the enzyme to L49-sFv using DNA recombinant technology. The conjugates thus formed, L49-Fab'-bL and L49-sFv-bL, were designed to activate cephalosporin containing anticancer prodrugs at the surfaces of antigen positive tumor cells. Results from in vitro experiments using two lung carcinoma cell lines demonstrated that the conjugates were equally active in effecting the release of phenylenediamine mustard from the cephalosporin nitrogen mustard prodrug CCM. While treatment with either of the conjugates combined with the maximum tolerated doses of CCM led to cures of established SN12P renal cell carcinoma tumors in nude mice, only the L49-sFv-bL conjugate maintained its ability to do so at 1/4 the maximum tolerated dose of CCM. L49-sFv-bL was also superior to L49-Fab'-bL in the 1934J renal cell carcinoma tumor model and was shown to be quite active in two in vivo models of human lung carcinoma. These results demonstrate that the recombinant fusion protein leads to more pronounced therapeutic windows than the chemical conjugate and is active in an array of human tumor models.  相似文献   
Using complex roots of unity and the Fast Fourier Transform, we design a new thermodynamics-based algorithm, FFTbor, that computes the Boltzmann probability that secondary structures differ by base pairs from an arbitrary initial structure of a given RNA sequence. The algorithm, which runs in quartic time and quadratic space , is used to determine the correlation between kinetic folding speed and the ruggedness of the energy landscape, and to predict the location of riboswitch expression platform candidates. A web server is available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/FFTbor/.  相似文献   
Cephalosporin mustard (CM) was designed as an anticancer prodrug that could be activated in a site-specific manner by monoclonal antibody-beta-lactamase conjugates targeted to antigens present on tumor cell surfaces. Purified beta-lactamases from Bacillus cereus (BC beta L) and Escherichia coli (EC beta L) catalyzed the release of phenylenediamine mustard (PDM) from CM through a fragmentation reaction which occurs after the beta-lactam ring of CM is hydrolyzed. The Km and Vmax values were 5.7 microM and 201 mumol/min per mg for BC beta L and 43 microM and 29 mumol/min per mg for EC beta L, respectively. Conjugates of BC beta L were prepared by combining the F(ab')2 fragments of the maleimide-substituted monoclonal antibodies L6 and 1F5 with thiolated BC beta L. The conjugates showed little loss in enzymatic activity and bound nearly as well as the unmodified F(ab')2 monoclonal antibodies to antigens expressed on the H2981 human lung adenocarcinoma cell line (L6 positive, 1F5 negative). PDM was approximately 50-fold more cytotoxic than CM to H2981 cells. Treatment of the cells with L6-BC beta L followed by CM resulted in a level of cytotoxic activity that was comparable to that of PDM. This was most likely due to activation of CM by conjugate that bound to cell-surface antigens, since pretreatment of H2981 cells with BC beta L or 1F5-BC beta L enhanced the activity of CM to a lesser extent. Thus, we have shown that CM is a prodrug, and that it can be activated with immunological specificity by a monoclonal antibody-beta-lactamase conjugate.  相似文献   
Summary The two monoclonal antibodies (mAb), L6 (anti-carcinoma), and 1F5 [anti-(B-cell-lymphoma)], were chemically linked to the enzyme penicillin-V amidase (PVA), which hydrolyzes phenoxyacetamides, to explore the potential of using mAb-enzyme conjugates for the localizaton of chemotherapeutic drugs at tumor cells. The phenoxyacetamide derivatives of doxorubicin and melphalan were prepared, yielding the less toxic amides, doxorubicin-N-p-hydroxyphenoxyacetamide (DPO) and melphalan-N-p-hydroxyphenoxyacetamide (MelPO). These were hydrolyzed by PVA to doxorubicin and melphalan respectively.In vitro studies with the L6-positive lung carcinoma cell line, H2981, and the 1F5-positive B-cell lymphoma line, Daudi, showed that DPO was 80-fold less toxic to H2981 cells and 20-fold less toxic to Daudi cells than doxorubicin, and its toxicity was substantially increased when the H2981 cells were pretreated with L6-PVA or the Daudi cells were pretreated with 1F5-PVA. The cytotoxic effect was antigen-specific, since only the binding mAb-enzyme conjugate increased the cytotoxicity of the prodrug. MelPO was more than 1000-fold less toxic than melphalan to H2981 cells and more than 100-fold less toxic than melphalan to Daudi cells. Pretreatment with the mAb-PVA conjugates did not enhance the toxicity of MelPO in either cell line, because PVA hydrolyzes the phenoxyacetamide bond of MelPO too slowly to generate a toxic level of melphalan.  相似文献   
Here, I present a review and synthesis of fossil and neontological evidence to find major trends in the pre-Cenozoic evolution of animal acoustic behaviour. Anatomical, ecological and phylogenetic data support the following scenario. Stridulating insects, including crickets, performed the first terrestrial twilight choruses during the Triassic. The twilight chorus was joined by water boatmen in the Lower Jurassic, anurans in the Upper Jurassic, geckoes and birds in the Lower Cretaceous, and cicadas and crocodilians in the Upper Cretaceous. Parallel evolution of defensive stridulation took place multiple times within Malacostraca, Arachnida and Coleoptera. Parallel evolution of defensive and courtship-related sound production took place in Actinopterygii, possibly as early as the Devonian. Defensive vocalisations by tetrapods probably did not appear until their predators acquired tympanic ears in the Permian. Tympanic ears appeared independently in Diadectomorpha, Seymouriamorpha, Parareptilia, Diapsida and derived Synapsida. Crocodilians and birds acquired vocal organs independently, and there is no anatomical evidence for vocal ability in bird-line archosaurs basal to the avian clade Ornithothoraces. Acoustic displays by non-avian dinosaurs were therefore probably non-vocal. Other aspects of the evolution of acoustic behaviour in these and other lineages are also discussed.  相似文献   
In a masked, randomized, concurrently controlled clinical trial we compared the therapeutic response of two regimens in which the same topical corticoid was used to treat 52 men who had stable psoriasis. One regimen, called reduced dose, consisted of once-a-day application of a representative potent fluorinated topical steroid ointment, fluocinonide (Lidex), combined with three-times-a-day application of its vehicle. The other regimen, called traditional dose, consisted of four-times-a-day topical application of the same steroid. Patients were assigned to one of the two regimens and observed for six weeks. Confidence intervals for the difference in true mean response under these two regimens provide good evidence that for these patients the traditional dose was not clinically superior to the reduced dose.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) selectively recognizing tumor surface antigens are an important and evolving approach to targeted cancer therapy. One application of therapeutic mAbs is drug targeting via mAb-drug conjugate (ADC) technology. Identification of mAbs capable of internalizing following antigen binding has been accomplished by tracking decline of surface-bound mAb or by internalization of a secondary mAb linked to a toxin. These methods may not be sufficiently sensitive for screening nor wholly predictive of the mAbs' capacity for a specific drug delivery. We have developed a highly selective and sensitive method to detect mAbs for cell internalization and drug delivery. This system uses secondary anti-human or anti-murine mAbs conjugated to the high-potency drug monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE) via a highly stable, enzymatically cleavable linker. Prior studies of this drug linker technology demonstrated internalization of a primary ADC leads to trafficking to lysosomes, drug release by lysosomal cathepsin B, and ensuing cell death. A secondary antibody--drug conjugate (2 degrees ADC) capable of binding primary mAbs bound to the surface of antigen-positive cells has comparable drug delivery capability. The system is sufficiently sensitive to detect internalizing mAbs in nonclonal hybridoma supernatants and is predictive of the activity of subsequently produced primary ADC. Because of their high extracellular stability, the noninternalized 2 degrees ADC are 100--1000-fold less toxic to cells over extended periods of time, permitting an assay in which components can be added without need for separate wash steps. This homogeneous screening system is amenable to medium-throughput screening applications and enables the early identification of mAbs capable of intracellular trafficking for drug delivery and release.  相似文献   
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