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Injection of norepinephrine (NE) into the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus has been shown to elicit eating in satiated rats. In the present study, the monoamine oxidase inhibitor tranylcypromine (TCP), which is known to release endogenous NE, was found to produce a similar effect in rats maintained and tested on a palatable milk-mash combination diet. The effect of this antidepressant drug was positively correlated in magnitude with the NE effect in the same animals. It was selectively antagonized by central injection of drugs which block α-adrenergic receptors. Local pretreatment with NE synthesis inhibitors similarly blocked the TCP eating response but had no effect on eating elicited by exogenous NE. It is suggested from these results that TCP is stimulating eating through the release of endogenous NE from adrenergic neurons innervating the region of the paraventricular nucleus.  相似文献   
Malignant rabbit fibroma virus (MV) is an oncogenic immunosuppressive leporipoxvirus. We studied the effects of MV infection and MV-associated tumor-induced suppressor factor (TISF) on the production of and responsiveness to interleukins 1 and 2. Adherent cells from MV tumor-bearing rabbits elaborate adequate amounts of IL 1 in response to E. coli endotoxin. Neither live virus nor TISF alters the production or the responsiveness to IL 1. However, when we examined spleen cells from rabbits 7 days after MV inoculation, we noted that their ability to produce and respond to IL 2 is deficient. Despite their relatively poor capacity to produce IL 2, these spleen cells express receptor for IL 2 in normal amounts, as measured by the monoclonal antibody 7D4. TISF derived from T lymphocytes from MV tumor-bearing rabbits is by itself capable of inhibiting partially normal secretion of IL 2 and also the response of the cloned murine T cell line HT-2 to added IL 2. Full expression of the immunosuppressive capacity of spleen cells from MV tumor-bearing rabbits requires cell-cell contact, however, and cannot be replaced by either live virus or spleen cell supernatants. Such spleen cells inhibit normal mitogen responsiveness, a defect not remedied by adding exogenous IL 2. Immunologic dysfunction induced by MV infection is transient, and by 11 days after virus inoculation, actively mediated recovery from immunosuppression is observed. We found that spleen cells from rabbits studied 11 days postinoculation secreted IL 2 normally. Thus, immunologic dysfunction secondary to infection with malignant rabbit fibroma virus reflects deficiencies in both elaboration of and response to IL 2, and return of immune function later in the course of the infection is associated with return of the ability of lymphocytes to secrete IL 2.  相似文献   
After infection with 10(3) plaque-forming units of mouse hepatitis virus strain 3 (MHV-3) in vivo, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and splenic cells expressed procoagulant activity (PCA) in a pattern directly correlating with susceptibility to disease. Mononuclear cells from BALB/cJ mice, a strain which is fully susceptible to MHV-3, expressed a greater than 500-fold increase in PCA. PCA was first detected within 12 hr of infection; prior to histologic evidence of disease and viral replication, it reached maximal levels 48 hr post-infection (p.i.) and persisted until the death of the animals 5 to 7 days p.i. Mononuclear cells from C3HeB/FeJ mice expressed a significant but lesser titer of PCA, with elevated PCA persisting throughout the chronically infected state until death of the animals 4 to 6 mo p.i. Basal levels of PCA were detected in mononuclear cells from fully resistant A/J mice despite the presence of large amounts of virus in livers, spleens, and sera from these animals. When mononuclear cells expressing high PCA were subfractionated, monocytes were found to be the cellular source of greater than 96% of the PCA activity. Increased plasminogen activator activity was found in monocytes from resistant A/J mice at the time when PCA was markedly elevated in BALB/cJ and C3HeB/FeJ mice. This activity persisted for 5 to 7 days p.i., but was undetectable 10 days p.i. at a time when the mice had cleared the virus from their blood streams. These observations suggest that monocyte PCA may be important in the pathogenesis of MHV-3 disease, whereas the production of monocyte plasminogen activators may contribute to resistance of A/J mice to MHV-3-induced liver disease.  相似文献   
Malignant rabbit fibroma virus (MV) is a potent oncogenic poxvirus that produces a rapidly progressive syndrome of disseminated myxosarcoma, immunosuppression, and fatal gram-negative infection. MV is probably a recombinant between Shope fibroma virus (SFV) and rabbit myxoma virus, and is capable of preventing or aborting the in vitro proliferative responses of rabbit lymphocytes to B and T lymphocyte mitogens. Proliferative responses to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) are similarly affected, although MV does not alter ongoing antibody responses to SRBC. Splenic lymphocytes from MV tumor-bearing rabbits suppress antibody and proliferative responses to SRBC when added to lymphocytes from SRBC-primed rabbits. Finally, lysates of cultured splenic lymphocytes from rabbits given MV suppress both proliferative and antibody-forming responses to SRBC. When MV is removed from these lysates by UV inactivation or by centrifugation, the suppressive activity remains. We therefore conclude that MV induces immunologic unresponsiveness in rabbits by at least two mechanisms. First, a direct suppressive effect of added virus on in vitro lymphocyte proliferation is seen. There is no effect in this situation if an antibody response is already in progress. Second, spleen cells exposed to MV in vivo produce one or more soluble factors capable of suppressing both proliferative and antibody responses of normal lymphocytes.  相似文献   
A prokaryotic vector, pGE374, containing the recA and lacZ genes, out-of-frame, was used for the expression of cDNA derived from the putative polymerase-encoding gene of the coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 (MHV-A59). The pGE374/viral recombinant vector generates a tripartite bacterial/viral protein composed of a segment of the RecA protein at the N terminus, the coronaviral sequences in the middle, and an enzymatically active beta-galactosidase at the C terminus. Rabbits immunized with such recombinant proteins generated antibodies to the MHV-A59 portion of the tripartite protein. Because the MHV-A59 polymerase proteins have been difficult to identify during infection, we used a novel method to demonstrate the viral specificity of the antiserum. The viral cDNA was excised from the expression vector, and transferred to a pGem vector, downstream from and in-frame with a portion of the cat gene. This construct contained a bacteriophage RNA polymerase promoter that enabled the cell-free synthesis of a fusion protein that was used to verify that antibodies were generated to the expressed viral DNA. This strategy was shown to successfully result in the specific generation of antibodies to the encoded information of the viral cDNA. Furthermore, this method has general applicability in the generation and characterization of antibodies directed against proteins encoded in cDNAs.  相似文献   
The peptide galanin (GAL), when injected into the rat hypothalamus, is known to stimulate feeding behavior and affect the secretion of various hormones, including insulin and the adrenal steroid, corticosterone. To determine whether endogenous peptide levels shift in relation to natural rhythms of feeding and circulating hormone levels, rats were sacrificed at different times of the light/dark cycle, and their GAL levels were measured, via radioimmunoassay, in medial hypothalamic dissections and micropunched hypothalamic areas. The results suggest the existence of two distinct diurnal rhythms for hypothalamic GAL. One rhythm, detected exclusively in the area of the SCN, is characterized by bimodal peaks of GAL, threefold higher than basal peptide levels, around the onset of the dark and light periods. The second rhythm shows a single peak of GAL towards the middle of the nocturnal feeding cycle, specifically between the third and sixth hour. This latter rhythm is evident in the dorsal region of the medial hypothalamus, localized specifically to the lateral portion of the PVN. Moreover, it is inversely related to circulating insulin but unrelated to the adrenal steroids, suggesting a possible association between this pancreatic hormone and GAL in the PVN.  相似文献   
Previously, we demonstrated induction of a unique macrophage prothrombinase during infection of BALB/cJ mice by mouse hepatitis virus strain 3 (MHV-3). By immunologic screening, a clone representing this prothrombinase was isolated from a cDNA library and sequenced. The sequence identified this clone as representing part of a gene, musfiblp, that encodes a fibrinogen-like protein. Six additional clones were isolated, and one clone, p11-3-1, encompassed the entire coding region of musfiblp. Murine macrophages did not constitutively express musfiblp but, when infected with MHV-3, synthesized musfiblp-specific mRNA. musfiblp mRNA induction was earlier and significantly greater in BALB/cJ than A/J macrophages. Prothrombinase activity was demonstrated when musfiblp was expressed from p11-3-1 in RAW 264.7 cells. These data suggest that musfiblp encodes the MHV-induced prothrombinase.  相似文献   
Bidirectional effectors of a group I intron ribozyme.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The group I self-splicing introns found in many organisms are competitively inhibited by L-arginine. We have found that L-arginine acts stereoselectively on the Pc1. LSU nuclear group I intron of Pneumocystis carinii, competitively inhibiting the first (cleavage) step of the splicing reaction and stimulating the second (ligation) step. Stimulation of the second step is most clearly demonstrated in reactions whose first step is blocked after 15 min by addition of pentamidine. The guanidine moiety of arginine is required for both effects. L-Canavanine is a more potent inhibitor than L-arginine yet it fails to stimulate. L-Arginine derivatized on its carboxyl group as an amide, ester or peptide is more potent than L-arginine as a stimulator and inhibitor, with di-arginine amide and tri-arginine being the most potent effectors tested. The most potent peptides tested are 10,000 times as effective as L-arginine in inhibiting ribozyme activity, and nearly 400 times as effective as stimulators. Arginine and some of its derivatives apparently bind to site(s) on the ribozyme to alter its conformation to one more active in the second step of splicing while competing with guanosine substrate in the first step. This phenomenon indicates that ribozymes, like protein enzymes, can be inhibited or stimulated by non-substrate low molecular weight compounds, which suggests that such compounds may be developed as pharmacological agents acting on RNA targets.  相似文献   
S F Leibowitz  L Hor 《Peptides》1982,3(3):421-428
Brain cannulated rats were injected with the opioid peptide beta-endorphin (beta-EP) directly into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) where norepinephrine (NE) is most effective in stimulating eating behavior. Beta-Endorphin (1.0 nmole) reliably increased food intake in satiated animals, and this response was blocked by local administration of the selective opiate antagonist naloxone. The eating induced by beta-EP was positively correlated in magnitude with the NE response and, like NE, was antagonized by PVN injection of the alpha-noradrenergic blocker phentolamine. Naloxone had no effect on NE-induced eating, and the dopaminergic blocker fluphenazine failed to alter either beta-EP or NE eating. When injected simultaneously, at maximally effective doses, beta-EP and NE produced an eating response which was significantly larger than either of the responses elicited separately by beta-EP or NE and was essentially equal to the sum of these two responses. The evidence obtained in this study suggests that beta-EP and NE stimulate food ingestion through their action on PVN opiate and alpha-noradrenergic receptors, respectively, and that beta-EP's action is closely related to, and in part may be dependent upon, the PVN alpha-noradrenergic system for feeding control.  相似文献   
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