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Batch cultures of Desulfovibrio vulgaris stored at 32 degrees C for 10 months have been found to retain 50% of the hydrogenase activity of a 1-day culture. The hydrogenase found in old cultures needs reducing conditions for its activation. Viable cell counts are negative after 6 months, showing that the hydrogenase activity does not depend on the presence of viable cells. These observations are of importance in the understanding of anaerobic biocorrosion of metals caused by depolarization phenomena.  相似文献   
The Desulfovibrio gigas aldehyde-oxido-reductase contains molybdenum and iron-sulfur clusters. M?ssbauer spectroscopy was used to characterize the iron-sulfur clusters. Spectra of the enzyme in its oxidized, partially reduced and benzaldehyde-reacted states were recorded at different temperatures and applied magnetic fields. All the iron atoms in D. gigas aldehyde oxido-reductase are organized as [2Fe-2S] clusters. In the oxidized enzyme, the clusters are diamagnetic and exhibit a single quadrupole doublet with parameters (delta EQ = 0.62 +/- 0.02 mm/s and delta = 0.27 +/- 0.01 mm/s) typical for the [2Fe-2S]2+ state. M?ssbauer spectra of the reduced clusters also show the characteristics of a [2Fe-2S]1+ cluster and can be explained by a spin-coupling model proposed for the [2Fe-2S] cluster where a high-spin ferrous ion (S = 2) is antiferromagnetically coupled to a high-spin ferric ion (S = 5/2) to form a S = 1/2 system. Two ferrous sites with different delta EQ values (3.42 mm/s and 2.93 mm/s at 85 K) are observed for the reduced enzyme, indicating the presence of two types of [2Fe-2S] clusters in the D. gigas enzyme. Taking this observation together with the re-evaluated value of iron content (3.5 +/- 0.1 Fe/molecule), it is concluded that, similar to other Mo-hydroxylases, the D. gigas aldehyde oxido-reductase also contains two spectroscopically distinguishable [2Fe-2S] clusters.  相似文献   
In order to utilize sulfate as the terminal electron acceptor, sulfate-reducing bacteria are equipped with a complex enzymatic system in which adenylylsulfate (AdoPSO4) reductase plays one of the major roles, reducing AdoPSO4 (the activated form of sulfate) to sulfite, with release of AMP. The enzyme has been purified to homogeneity from the anaerobic sulfate reducer Desulfovibrio gigas. The protein is composed of two non-identical subunits (70 kDa and 23 kDa) and is isolated in a multimeric form (approximately 400 kDa). It is an iron-sulfur, flavin-containing protein, with one FAD moiety, eight iron atoms and a minimum molecular mass of 93 kDa. Low-temperature EPR studies were performed to characterize its redox centers. In the native state, the enzyme showed an almost isotropic signal centered at g = 2.02 and only detectable below 20 K. This signal represented a minor species (0.10-0.25 spins/mol) and showed line broadening in the enzyme isolated from 57Fe-grown cells. Addition of sulfite had a minor effect on the EPR spectrum, but caused a major decrease in the visible region of the optical spectrum (around 392 nm). Further addition of AMP induced only a minor change in the visible spectrum whereas major changes were seen in the EPR spectrum; the appearance of a rhombic signal at g values 2.096, 1.940 and 1.890 (reduced Fe-S center I) observable below 30 K and a concomitant decrease in intensity of the g = 2.02 signal were detected. Effects of chemical reductants (ascorbate, H2/hydrogenase-reduced methyl viologen and dithionite) were also studied. A short time reduction with dithionite (15 s) or reduction with methyl viologen gave rise to the full reduction of center I (with slightly modified g values at 2.079, 1.939 and 1.897), and the complete disappearance of the g = 2.02 signal. Further reduction with dithionite produces a very complex EPR spectrum of a spin-spin-coupled nature (observable below 20 K), indicating the presence of at least two iron-sulfur centers, (centers I and II). M?ssbauer studies on 57Fe-enriched D. gigas AdoPSO4 reductase demonstrated unambiguously the presence of two 4Fe clusters. Center II has a redox potential less than or equal to 400 mV and exhibits spectroscopic properties that are characteristic of a ferredoxin-type [4Fe-4S] cluster. Center I exhibits spectra with atypical M?ssbauer parameters in its reduced state and has a midpoint potential around 0 mV, which is distinct from that of a ferredoxin-type [4Fe-4S] cluster, suggesting a different structure and/or a distinct cluster-ligand environment.  相似文献   
Peridinin-chlorophyll a protein (PCP) is a unique water soluble antenna complex that employs the carotenoid peridinin as the main light-harvesting pigment. In the present study the near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectrum of PCP was recorded at the carbon K-edge. Additionally, the NEXAFS spectra of the constituent pigments, chlorophyll a and peridinin, were measured. The energies of the lowest unoccupied molecular levels of these pigments appearing in the carbon NEXAFS spectrum were resolved. Individual contributions of the pigments and the protein to the measured NEXAFS spectrum of PCP were determined using a “building block” approach combining NEXAFS spectra of the pigments and the amino acids constituting the PCP apoprotein. The results suggest that absorption changes of the pigments in the carbon near K-edge region can be resolved following excitation using a suitable visible pump laser pulse. Consequently, it may be possible to study excitation energy transfer processes involving “optically dark” states of carotenoids in pigment-protein complexes by soft X-ray probe optical pump double resonance spectroscopy (XODR).  相似文献   
A c-type monoheme cytochrome c554 (13 kDa) was isolated from cells of Achromobacter cycloclastes IAM 1013 grown anaerobically as a denitrifier. The visible absorption spectrum indicates the presence of a band at 695 nm characteristic of heme-methionine coordination (low-spin form) coexisting with a minor high-spin form as revealed by the contribution at 630 nm. Magnetic susceptibility measurements support the existence of a small contribution of a high-spin form at all pH values, attaining a minimum at intermediate pH values. The mid-point redox potential determined by visible spectroscopy at pH 7.2 is +150 mV. The pH-dependent spin equilibrum and other relevant structural features were studied by 300-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. In the oxidized form, the 1H-NMR spectrum shows pH dependence with pKa values at 5.0 and 8.9. According to these pKa values, three forms designated as I, II and III can be attributed to cytochrome c554. Forms I and II predominate at low pH values, and the 1H-NMR spectra reveal heme methyl proton resonances between 40 ppm and 22 ppm. These forms have a methionyl residue as a sixth ligand, and C6 methyl group of the bound methionine was identified in the low-field region of the NMR spectra. Above pH 9.6, form III predominates and the 1H-NMR spectrum is characterized by down-field hyperfine-shifted heme methyl proton resonances between 29 ppm and 22 ppm. Two new resonances are observed at congruent to 66 ppm and 54 ppm, and are taken as indicative of a new type of heme coordination (probably a lysine residue). These pH-dependent features of the 1H-NMR spectra are discussed in terms of the heme environment structure. The chemical shifts of the methyl resonances at different pH values exhibit anti-Curie temperature dependence. In the ferrous state, the 1H-NMR spectrum shows a methyl proton resonance at -3.9 ppm characteristic of methionine axial ligation. The electron-transfer rate between ferric and ferrous forms has been estimated to be smaller than 2 x 10(4) M-1 s-1 at pH 5. EPR spectroscopy was also used to probe the ferric heme environment. A prominent signal at gmax congruent to 3.58 and the overall lineshape of the spectrum indicate an almost axial heme environment.  相似文献   
1. Ferricytochrome c3 from D. gigas exhibits two low-spin ferric heme EPR resonances with gz-values at 2.959 and 2.853. Ferrocytochrome c3 is diamagnetic based on the absence of any EPR signals. 2. EPR potentiometric titrations result in the resolution of the two low-spin ferric heme resonances into two additional heme components representing in total the four hemes of the cytochrome, with EM values of -235 mV and -315 mV at heme resonance I and EM values of -235 mV and -306 mV at heme resonance II. 3. EPR spectroscopy has detected a significant diminution of intensity (approx. 60 p. 100) in the gx amplitude of ferricytochrome c3 in the presence of D. gigas ferredoxin II. The presence of ferredoxin II also causes a more negative shift in the EM of the second components of the signals at heme resonances I and II of cytochrome C3. Both observations suggest that an interaction has occurred between cytochrome C3 and ferredoxin II. 4. The results presented suggest that the heme ligand environment of ferricytochrome c3 from D. gigas is less perturbed and/or less asymmetric than environment for ferricytochrome c3 from D. vulgaris whose EPR behavior indicates the non-equivalence of all four hemes.  相似文献   
 In an effort to initiate steps designed to characterize the idiopathic hemochromatosis disease gene, the HLA-A/HLA-F region where this gene is in disequilibrium linkage with some polymorphic markers has been overlapped by a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig. In order to achieve the physical mapping of these YACs and of the corresponding genomic region, we subcloned one of the YACs involved. A computer-assisted analysis of the sequence of one subclone led to the isolation of a potential exon that proved to belong to a new expressed messenger named HCGIX. After Southern blot analysis, the corresponding cDNA clone was found to belong to a new multigene family whose members are dispersed throughout the HLA class I region and are closely associated with members of another recently described multigene family designated PERB11. The data reported here suggest that these two multigene families form a cluster that have been dispersed together throughout the telomeric part of the major histocompatibility complex and have been involved in the genesis of this human class I region. Received: 23 February 1996 / Revised: 23 April 1996  相似文献   
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