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Conventional and germfree mice ingested a suspension of 2-micron latex particles in drinking water for a 15-day period. Number and distribution of intestinal Peyer's patches did not differ significantly in the two types of mice. Cleared Peyer's patches were compared with regard to size and particle content. The location of particles within Peyer's patch follicles of germfree mice was similar to that of conventional mice, but the latter had significantly larger follicles and greater accumulations of latex particles. Latex concentration varied with patch location. Proximal patches contained the majority of particles in germfree mice, whereas particles were most abundant in distal patches of conventional mice. The results show that particle uptake into Peyer's patches takes place even in the complete absence of bacteria in the gut.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with a generalization of the simple epidemic model in which the infective population is partitioned intom classes, each of specific infectiousness. Attention is restricted, however, to the case where all the meeting rates between two individuals are equal to each other. Both deterministic and stochastic versions are examined. In either case the development in time of the epidemic process is investigated by exploiting a connection with the standard simple epidemic model. Finally, it is shown that the technique used also applies to a similar model for the spread of information.  相似文献   
Transferrin (Tf) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) were labeled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and 125I, respectively. To determine whether two simultaneously incubated ligands are conveyed by the same population of endosomal vesicles in human colon carcinoma cells (HT-29), we used an analysis system derived from the cross-fire method for quantitation of autoradiographic data. This system permitted the collection of data and the statistical calculations required by the double labeling of the cells. HRP-labeled Tf organelles were chosen as reference structures of the endosomal apparatus and taken as the conventional source of the radiolabeling. Our data established from the co-localization hypothesis strongly suggest that after a 30-sec (T 1/2) and a 10-min (T10) internalization at 37 degrees C, VIP and Tf share in major part the same endocytic pathway and even the recycling route to the cell surface. At T10, most of the radiolabeling was located inside the tubulovesicular network, and we also detected slight radiolabeling inside the vesicles recycling Tf. The number of double-labeled endosomes involved in ligand traffic were advantageously observed with our computer-assisted analysis system.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of comparing several nucleic acid sequencesto identify words occurring imperfectly (patterns with no gap)with unusual frequency. Methods for computing, representing,and inspecting interactively the structure of such repeatingmotifs in nucleic acids and more generally any text are described.Multiple sequences are treated as one large concatenate. Ina preprocessing step, a lexical index is created to providerapid string matching for the enumeration of the words matchinga pattern. For given word features (word length, minimal frequency),a sequence profile is displayed. The profile can be inspectedinteractively with on-line algorithms. Applications to the identificationof regulatory elements in DNA regions involved in the controlof gene expression are presented. Our program (‘DNA-Lexemics’)runs on the Macintosh.  相似文献   
Spatial and size distribution of micro-organisms and their ETSactivity has been investigated in Ligurian Sea surface watersalong the Nice-Calvi transect across frontal areas from 18 to37 km offshore (TOMOFRONT 1 and 2 cruises, April 1988 and April-May1989 respectively). Aplastidic and plastidic nanoflagellatesand aplastidic picoflagellates were present in numbers closeto 0.25 x 104 cells ml–1, whereas plastidic picoflagellatesaccounted for about half this number. Correlations have beenevidenced between plastidic and aplastidic micro-organisms withinthe same size group, suggesting that they belong to a well-definedecosystem. The highest correlation between total ETS activityand abundance of the considered size groups was observed fornanoflagellates (r = 0.94, n = 22, and r = 0.90, n = 22 foraplastidic and plastidic cells respectively). The importanceof the role of nanoflagellates in surface waters, with respectto the overall ETS activity, was supported by results from sizefractionation which assigned to the 3–10 µm sizerange a 73.3% contribution to overall ETS activity. Resultsemphasize analysing global ETS activity of natural samples inorder to derive relationships between the different populationspresent in the sampled water. It is suggested that couplingflow cytometry to the ETS approach should be very helpful inthat respect.  相似文献   
In a preliminary paper [Therapie 34, 397 (1979), we showed that cysteine enhances bismuth digestive absorption in rats. In this paper, we have studied in rats the effects of various thiol compounds (mercaptopropionic acid, penicillamine, cysteine, homocysteine, 2-mercaptoethylamine, mercaptoethane) and nonthiol compounds (methionine, serine, alanine) orally administered on the absorption and elimination of bismuth also given orally. Bismuth was measured in blood and urine by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry.All of the thiol substances, and particularly cysteine, homocysteine, and mercaptopropionic acid, have considerably enhanced bismuth absorption and elimination: whereas, nonthiol substances have had no effect. Moreover, the acute toxicity of bismuth was enhanced when bismuth was given as a complex with cysteine (LD50 = 156± 20 mg/kg).Studies by nmr spectroscopy of interactions between bismuth and these organic compounds have shown that bismuth induces an important chemical shift of the protons of the alpha carbon of the sulfhydrile group. Mainly, studies of 13C and 15N have confirmed this fact. The selectivity of such a complexation, in our pH conditions, may be tentatively explained on the ground of hard and soft acid and base (HSAB) theory.We have suggested that an increase in the concentration of thiol compounds in the gas-trointestinal tract arising from food, or more probably from microorganism synthesis, could be an explanation for human encephalopathies.  相似文献   
Two tandem duplications of the X chromosome associated with the white eye color locus are described. In heterozygous females both revert to a nonduplicated chromosome without detectable meiotic recombination. Clustering of revertants suggests the reversion event occurs in the germ line prior to meiosis. Similarly in males one duplication also reverts with clustering implying a premeiotic event. Revertant X chromosomes derived from males are either nonduplicated or deleted. Intrastrand exchange can account for some but not all revertants recovered.Dedicated to Professor Bauer on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday  相似文献   
The efficiency of transformation of point mutations depends upon base pair mismatches during the recombination process. For low-efficiency markers, the genetic information carried on the donor deoxyribonucleic acid is preferentially lost. To understand this elimination process, we investigated the effect of the size of donor deoxyribonucleic acid on the relative efficiency of low-efficiency point mutations. The deoxyribonucleic acid was shortened either by mechanical shearing or by restriction enzyme treatments. The results indicate that transformation by low-efficiency markers was not affected by shortening the distance between them and the end of the molecule any more than was transformation by the other markers. Moreover, no lethal event could be detected for either cell or chromosomal marker survival. These data do not exclude the double-strand-break hypothesis that was proposed to explain the loss of genetic information for low-efficiency markers, but they offer no support for it.  相似文献   
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