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The evolution of bootstrap proportions (BP) with sequence length was studied using a 28S ribosomal RNA data set. For different sequence lengths, informative sites were jackknifed several times. Bootstrapping was subsequently performed on each of these subsamples. For each node, BPs so obtained were plotted against sequence length, showing the evolution of the robustness with increasing number of informative sites. For robust nodes (BP of 100%), the pattern of BPs is unvarying and is described by a simple function BP = 100(1− eb(xx′)), where x is the number of informative sites and b and x′ are two parameters estimated using a nonlinear regression procedure. When a node has a BP <100% and the pattern of BPs fits this function, it is possible to estimate the number of informative sites required to obtain a given average BP. The method also identifies nonrobust nodes (nonascending clusters of BP dots), for which it seems to be more cost effective and fruitful to turn to other species and/or genes rather than to continue sequencing longer gene lengths from the same species to reach a BP of 95%.  相似文献   
Metabolic pathways exhibit structures resulting from an evolutionary process. Pathways have been inherited through time with modification, from the earliest periods of life. It is possible to compare the structure of pathways as done in comparative anatomy, i.e. for inferring ancestral pathways or parts of it (ancestral enzymatic functions), using standard phylogenetic reconstruction. Thus a phylogenetic tree of pathways provides a relative ordering of the rise of enzymatic functions. It even becomes possible to order the birth of each complete pathway in time. This particular "DNA-free" conceptual approach to evolutionary biochemistry is reviewed, gathering all the justifications given for it. Then, the method of assigning a given pathway to a time span of biochemical development is revisited. The previous method used an implicit "clock" of metabolic development that is difficult to justify. We develop a new clock-free approach, using functional biochemical arguments. Results of the two methods are not significantly different; our method is just more precise. This suggests that the clock assumed in the first method does not provoke any important artefact in describing the development of biochemical evolution. It is just unnecessary to postulate it. As a result, most of the amino acid metabolic pathways develop forwards, confirming former models of amino acid catabolism evolution, but not those for amino acid anabolism. The order of appearance of sectors of universal cellular metabolism is: (1) amino acid catabolism, (2) amino acid anabolism and closure of the urea cycle, (3) glycolysis and glycogenesis, (4) closure of the pentose-phosphate cycle, (5) closure of the Krebs cycle and fatty acids metabolism, (6) closure of the Calvin cycle.  相似文献   
Fishes thriving in polar habitats offer many opportunities for comparative approaches to understanding protein thermal adaptations. Investigations on the remarkable evolutionary adaptations to these environments of basic proteins such as hemoglobin, the oxygen carrier, can provide new insights into the mechanisms studied in temperate organisms and can shed light on convergent processes evolved in response to thermal adaptations. At the molecular level, hemoglobins are one of the most intriguing systems for studying the relationships between environmental conditions and adaptations. This review summarizes the current knowledge on molecular structure, biological function and phylogeny of hemoglobins of fish species living in both polar habitats but having different evolutionary histories. In benthic, non-migratory, cold-adapted fishes, the stability of thermal conditions may have generated no or few variations in selective pressures on globin sequences through evolutionary time, so that sequences retain the species phylogenetic “signal”. In pelagic, migratory, cold-adapted or temperate fishes, variations in selective pressures on globin sequences caused by variations in temperature accompanying the dynamic life style may have disrupted the phylogenetic “signal” in phenetic trees.  相似文献   
Clades that have undergone episodes of rapid cladogenesis are challenging from a phylogenetic point of view. They are generally characterised by short or missing internal branches in phylogenetic trees and by conflicting topologies among individual gene trees. This may be the case of the subfamily Trematominae, a group of marine teleosts of coastal Antarctic waters, which is considered to have passed through a period of rapid diversification. Despite much phylogenetic attention, the relationships among Trematominae species remain unclear. In contrast to previous studies that were mostly based on concatenated datasets of mitochondrial and/or single nuclear loci, we applied various single-locus and multilocus phylogenetic approaches to sequences from 11 loci (eight nuclear) and we also used several methods to assess the hypothesis of a radiation event in Trematominae evolution. Diversification rate analyses support the hypothesis of a period of rapid diversification during Trematominae history and only a few nodes in the hypothetical species tree were consistently resolved with various phylogenetic methods. We detected significant discrepancies among trees from individual genes of these species, most probably resulting from incomplete lineage sorting, suggesting that concatenation of loci is not the most appropriate way to investigate Trematominae species interrelationships. These data also provide information about the possible effects of historic climate changes on the diversification rate of this group of fish.  相似文献   
Karyotypes of basal lineages in notothenioid fishes: the genus Bovichtus   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Using comparative cytogenetic techniques, we characterized the chromosomes of fishes from the family Bovichtidae, the basal lineage of the largely Antarctic suborder Notothenioidei. We focused on three Sub-Antarctic species of the genus Bovichtus that differ greatly in their circumpolar distributions: B. diacanthus (Tristan da Cunha Island Group), B. variegatus (New Zealand) and B. angustifrons (Tasmania). Chromosomes were analyzed both by conventional karyotyping and by cytogenetic mapping of ribosomal genes using fluorescence in situ hybridization. The three species displayed a strongly conserved karyotype consisting entirely of telocentric chromosomes (diploid number = 48; Fundamental Number = 48), in agreement with our previously published hypothesis that the bovichtid karyotype is the basal state for notothenioid fishes. The chromosomal distribution of ribosomal genes differed from those of most notothenioid species studied to date, with the 45S and 5S genes separated on two different chromosome pairs. Separation of two classes of ribosomal genes is the most widespread condition in teleosts, including the bovichtids. Most notothenioid lineages on the other hand exhibit a derived consolidation of these genes.  相似文献   


Researchers sorely need markers and approaches for biodiversity exploration (both specimen linked and metagenomics) using the full potential of next generation sequencing technologies (NGST). Currently, most studies rely on expensive multiple tagging, PCR primer universality and/or the use of few markers, sometimes with insufficient variability.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We propose a novel approach for the isolation and sequencing of a universal, useful and popular marker across distant, non-model metazoans: the complete mitochondrial genome. It relies on the properties of metazoan mitogenomes for enrichment, on careful choice of the organisms to multiplex, as well as on the wide collection of accumulated mitochondrial reference datasets for post-sequencing sorting and identification instead of individual tagging. Multiple divergent organisms can be sequenced simultaneously, and their complete mitogenome obtained at a very low cost. We provide in silico testing of dataset assembly for a selected set of example datasets.


This approach generates large mitogenome datasets. These sequences are useful for phylogenetics, molecular identification and molecular ecology studies, and are compatible with all existing projects or available datasets based on mitochondrial sequences, such as the Barcode of Life project. Our method can yield sequences both from identified samples and metagenomic samples. The use of the same datasets for both kinds of studies makes for a powerful approach, especially since the datasets have a high variability even at species level, and would be a useful complement to the less variable 18S rDNA currently prevailing in metagenomic studies.  相似文献   
We show that RNF213 is a nuclear gene suitable for investigating large scale acanthomorph teleosteans interrelationships. The gene recovers many clades already found by several independent studies of acanthomorph molecular phylogenetics and considered as reliable. Moreover, we performed phylogenetic analyses of three other independent nuclear markers, first separately and then of all possible combinations (Dettaï, A., Lecointre, G., 2004. In search of nothothenioid (Teleostei) relatives. Antarct. Sci. 16 (1), 71–85. URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0954102004) of the four genes. This was coupled with an assessment of the reliability of clades using the repetition index of Li and Lecointre (Li, B., Lecointre, G., 2008. Formalizing reliability in the taxonomic congruence approach. Article accepted by Zoologica Scripta. URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1463-6409.2008.00361.x). This index was improved here to handle the incomplete taxonomic overlap among datasets. The results lead to the identification of new reliable clades within the ‘acanthomorph bush’. Within a clade containing the Atherinomorpha, the Mugiloidei, the Plesiopidae, the Blennioidei, the Gobiesocoidei, the Cichlidae and the Pomacentridae, the Plesiopidae is the sister-group of the Mugiloidei. The Apogonidae are closely related to the Gobioidei. A clade named ‘H’ grouping a number of families close to stromateids and scombrids (Stromateidae, Scombridae, Trichiuridae, Chiasmodontidae, Nomeidae, Bramidae, Centrolophidae) is related to another clade named ‘E’ (Aulostomidae, Macrorhamphosidae, Dactylopteridae). The Sciaenidae is closely related to the Haemulidae. Within clade ‘X’ (Dettaï, A., Lecointre, G., 2004. In search of nothothenioid (Teleostei) relatives. Antarct. Sci. 16 (1), 71–85. URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0954102004), the Cottoidei, the Zoarcoidei, the Gasterosteidae, the Triglidae, the Scorpaenidae, the Sebastidae, the Synanceiidae, and the Congiopodidae form a clade. Within clade ‘L’ (Chen, W.-J., Bonillo, C., Lecointre, G., 2003. Repeatability of clades as a criterion of reliability: a case study for molecular phylogeny of Acanthomorpha (Teleostei) with larger number of taxa. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 26, 262–288; Dettaï, A., Lecointre, G., 2004. In search of nothothenioid (Teleostei) relatives. Antarct. Sci. 16 (1), 71–85. URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0954102004) grouping carangoids with flatfishes and other families (Centropomidae, Menidae, Sphyraenidae, Polynemidae, Echeneidae, Toxotidae, Xiphiidae), carangids are the stem-group of echeneids and coryphaenids, and sphyraenids are the sister-group to the Carangoidei. The Howellidae, the Epigonidae and the Lateolabracidae are closely related. We propose names for most of the clades repeatedly found in acanthomorph phylogenetic studies of various teams of the past decade.  相似文献   
Although much progress has been made recently in teleostean phylogeny, relationships among the main lineages of the higher teleosts (Acanthomorpha), containing more than 60% of all fish species, remain poorly defined. This study represents the most extensive taxonomic sampling effort to date to collect new molecular characters for phylogenetic analysis of acanthomorph fishes. We compiled and analyzed three independent data sets, including: (i) mitochondrial ribosomal fragments from 12S and 16s (814bp for 97 taxa); (ii) nuclear ribosomal 28S sequences (847bp for 74 taxa); and (iii) a nuclear protein-coding gene, rhodopsin (759bp for 86 taxa). Detailed analyses were conducted on each data set separately and the principle of taxonomic congruence without consensus trees was used to assess confidence in the results as follows. Repeatability of clades from separate analyses was considered the primary criterion to establish reliability, rather than bootstrap proportions from a single combined (total evidence) data matrix. The new and reliable clades emerging from this study of the acanthomorph radiation were: Gadiformes (cods) with Zeioids (dories); Beloniformes (needlefishes) with Atheriniformes (silversides); blenioids (blennies) with Gobiesocoidei (clingfishes); Channoidei (snakeheads) with Anabantoidei (climbing gouramies); Mastacembeloidei (spiny eels) with Synbranchioidei (swamp-eels); the last two pairs of taxa grouping together, Syngnathoidei (aulostomids, macroramphosids) with Dactylopteridae (flying gurnards); Scombroidei (mackerels) plus Stromatoidei plus Chiasmodontidae; Ammodytidae (sand lances) with Cheimarrhichthyidae (torrentfish); Zoarcoidei (eelpouts) with Cottoidei; Percidae (perches) with Notothenioidei (Antarctic fishes); and a clade grouping Carangidae (jacks), Echeneidae (remoras), Sphyraenidae (barracudas), Menidae (moonfish), Polynemidae (threadfins), Centropomidae (snooks), and Pleuronectiformes (flatfishes).  相似文献   
Molecular phylogeny of the species Escherichia coli using the E. coli reference (ECOR) collection strains has been hampered by (1) the absence of rooting in the commonly used phenogram obtained from multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) data and (2) the existence of recombination events between strains that scramble phylogenetic trees reconstructed from the nucleotide sequences of genes. We attempted to determine the phylogeny for E. coli based on the ECOR strain data by extracting from GenBank the nucleotide sequences of 11 chromosomal structural and 2 plasmid genes for which the Salmonella enterica homologous gene sequences were available. For each of the 13 DNA data sets studied, incongruence with a nonnucleotide whole-genome data set including MLEE, random amplified polymorphic DNA, and rrn restriction fragment length polymorphism data was measured using the incongruence length difference (ILD) test of Farris et al. As previously reported, the incongruence observed between the gnd and plasmid gene data and the whole-genome data was multiple, indicating numerous horizontal transfer and/or recombination events. In five cases, the incongruence detected by the ILD test was punctual, and the donor group was identified. Congruence was not rejected for the remaining data sets. The strains responsible for incongruences with the whole-genome data set were removed, leading to a "prior-agreement" approach, i.e., the determination of a phylogeny for E. coli based on several genes, excluding (1) the genes with multiple incongruences with the whole genome data, (2) the strains responsible for punctual incongruences, and (3) the genes incongruent with each other. The obtained phylogeny shows that the most basal group of E. coli strains is the B2 group rather than the A group, as generally thought. The D group then emerges as the sister group of the rest. Finally, the A and B1 groups are sister groups. Interestingly, the most primitive taxon within E. coli in terms of branching pattern, i.e., the B2 group, includes highly virulent extraintestinal strains with derived characters (extraintestinal virulence determinants) occurring on its own branch.   相似文献   
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