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Cyanobacteria play a key role in marine photosynthesis, which contributes to the global carbon cycle and to the world oxygen supply. Genes encoding the photosystem‐II (PSII) reaction centre are found in many cyanophage genomes, and it was suggested that the horizontal transfer of these genes might be involved in increasing phage fitness. Recently, evidence for the existence of phages carrying Photosystem‐I (PSI) genes was also reported. Here, using a combination of different marine metagenomic datasets and a unique crossing of the datasets, we now describe the finding of phages that, as in plants and cyanobacteria, contain both PSII and PSI genes. In addition, these phages also contain NADH dehydrogenase genes. The presence of modified PSII and PSI genes in the same viral entities in combination with electron transfer proteins like NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH‐1) strongly points to a role in perturbation of the cyanobacterial host photosynthetic electron flow. We therefore suggest that, depending on the physiological condition of the infected cyanobacterial host, the viruses may use different options to maximize survival. The modified PSI may alternate between functioning with PSII in linear electron transfer and contributing to the production of both NADPH and ATP or functioning independently of PSII in cyclic mode via the NDH‐1 complex and thus producing only ATP.  相似文献   
Three patients suffering from sudden occipital blindness following basilar artery occlusion underwent electroretinography and visual evoked potential (VEP) examinations. The VEPs performed early in those blind patients and repeated later seem to be of prognostic value. Responses of normal shape and amplitude after monocular and binocular stimulation were followed by complete recovery of vision. Unequal and subnormal VEPs obtained following monocular stimulation, and even smaller responses reached after binocular stimulation, accompanied permanent unilateral occipital damage resulting in homonymous hemianopsia. Lack of VEP was proved to be a preceding sign of permanent blindness.  相似文献   
Oligodendrocyte maturation is regulated by multiple secreted factors present in the brain during critical stages of development. Whereas most of these factors promote oligodendrocyte proliferation and survival, members of the bone morphogenetic protein family (BMPs) recently have been shown to inhibit oligodendrocyte differentiation in vitro. Oligodendrocyte precursors treated with BMPs differentiate to the astrocyte lineage. Given that cells at various stages of the oligodendrocyte lineage have distinct responses to growth factors, we hypothesized that the response to BMP would be stage‐specific. Using highly purified, stage‐specific cultures, we found that BMP has distinct effects on cultured oligodendrocyte preprogenitors, precursors, and mature oligodendrocytes. Oligodendrocyte preprogenitors (PSA‐NCAM+, A2B5−) treated with BMP2 or BMP4 developed a novel astrocyte phenotype characterized by a morphological change and expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) but little glutamine synthetase expression and no labeling with A2B5 antibody. In contrast, treating oligodendrocyte precursors with BMPs resulted in the accumulation of cells with the traditional type 2 astrocyte phenotype (GFAP+, A2B5+). However, many of the cells with an astrocytic morphology did not express GFAP or glutamine synthetase unless thyroid hormone was present in the medium. The addition of fibroblast growth factor along with BMP to either oligodendrocyte preprogenitor or the oligodendrocyte precursor cells inhibited the switch to the astrocyte lineage, whereas platelet‐derived growth factor addition had no effect. Treatment of mature oligodendrocytes with BMP elicited no change in morphology or expression of GFAP. These data suggest that as cells progress through the oligodendrocyte lineage, they show developmentally restricted responses to the BMPs. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 43: 1–17, 2000  相似文献   


In 1994 there was a horrific genocide in Rwanda following years of tension, resulting in the murder of at least 800,000 people. Although many people were injured in addition to those killed, no attempt has been made to assess the lasting burden of physical injuries related to these events. The aim of this study was to estimate the current burden of musculoskeletal impairment (MSI) attributable to the 1994 war and related violence.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A national cross-sectional survey of MSI was conducted in Rwanda. 105 clusters of 80 people were selected through probability proportionate to size sampling. Households within clusters were selected through compact segment sampling. Enumerated people answered a seven-question screening test to assess whether they might have an MSI. Those who were classed as potential cases in the screening test were examined and interviewed by a physiotherapist, using a standard protocol that recorded the site, nature, cause, and severity of the MSI. People with MSI due to trauma were asked whether this trauma occurred during the 1990–1994 war or during the episodes that preceded or followed this war. Out of 8,368 people enumerated, 6,757 were available for screening and examination (80.8%). 352 people were diagnosed with an MSI (prevalence = 5.2%, 95% CI = 4.5–5.9%). 106 cases of MSI (30.6%) were classified as resulting from trauma, based on self-report and the physiotherapist''s assessment. Of these, 14 people (13.2%) reported that their trauma-related MSI occurred during the 1990–1994 war, and a further 7 (6.6%) that their trauma-related MSI occurred during the violent episodes that preceded and followed the war, giving an overall prevalence of trauma-related MSI related to the 1990–1994 war of 0.3% (95% CI = 0.2–0.4%).


A decade on, the overall prevalence of MSI was relatively high in Rwanda but few cases appeared to be the result of the 1994 war or related violence.  相似文献   
Locust plagues are a notorious, ancient phenomenon. These swarming pests tend to aggregate and perform long migrations, decimating cultivated fields along their path. When population density is low, however, the locusts will express a cryptic, solitary, non-aggregating phenotype that is not considered a pest. Although the transition from the solitary to the gregarious phase has been well studied, associated shifts in the locust's microbiome have yet to be addressed. Here, using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, we compared the bacterial composition of solitary desert locusts before and after a phase transition. Our findings revealed that the microbiome is altered during the phase transition, and that a major aspect of this change is the acquisition of Weissella (Firmicutes). Our findings led us to hypothesize that the locust microbiome plays a role in inducing aggregation behaviour, contributing to the formation and maintenance of a swarm. Employing a mathematical model, we demonstrate the potential evolutionary advantage of inducing aggregation under different conditions; specifically, when the aggregation-inducing microbe exhibits a relatively high horizontal transmission rate. This is the first report of a previously unknown and important aspect of locust phase transition, demonstrating that the phase shift includes a shift in the gut and integument bacterial composition.  相似文献   
To date, data are not available concerning the effectiveness of chemotherapy in the treatment of Spirocerca lupi-associated esophageal sarcomas. In the present study, we compared the effectiveness of 4 chemotherapeutic agents against S. lupi-associated osteosarcoma, using a xenograft murine model created in our lab. Samples of xenografted osteosarcoma were inoculated subcutaneously into 5 groups (n = 10 each) of 6-wk-old male and female NOD/SCID mice. Tumor-bearing mice were divided into treatment and control groups. The treatment groups were injected with either pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (6 mg/kg, intravenously, n = 9), doxorubicin (6 mg/kg, intravenously, n = 8), carboplatin (60 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, repeated twice at 1-wk intervals for a total of 2 doses, n = 9), or cisplatin (6 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, n = 8). The control group was injected with buffered saline (n = 9). Tumor size was determined by caliper measurements. Compared with the control group, the pegylated liposomal doxorubicin- and doxorubicin-treated groups, but not the carboplatin or cisplatin groups, showed significant inhibition of tumor growth. Our results indicate that doxorubicin-based drugs are effective against S. lupi-associated sarcomas in a mouse xenograft model. Because it is less toxic than doxorubicin, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin is likely the drug of choice for treatment of S. lupi-associated sarcomas. We suggest that combination of doxorubicin or its pegylated form with surgical excision will improve the prognosis of dogs with this disease.  相似文献   
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