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Genomic clones for the largest human neurofilament protein (NF-H) were isolated, the intron/exon boundaries mapped and the entire protein-coding regions (exons) sequenced. The predicted protein contains a central region that obeys the structural criteria identified for alpha-helical 'rod' domains typically present in all IF protein components: it is approximately 310 amino acids long, shares amino acid sequence homology with other IF protein rod domains and displays the characteristic heptad repeats of apolar amino acids which facilitate coiled-coil interaction. Nevertheless, anomalies are noted in the structure of the NF-H rod which could explain observations of its poor homopolymeric assembly in vitro. The protein segment on the carboxy-terminal side of the human NF-H rod is uniquely long (greater than 600 amino acids) compared to other IF proteins and is highly charged (greater than 24% Glu, greater than 25% Lys), rich in proline (greater than 12%) and impoverished in cysteine, methionine and aromatic amino acids. Its most remarkable feature is a repetitive sequence that covers more than half its length and includes the sequence motif, Lys-Ser-Pro (KSP) greater than 40 times. Together with the recent identification of the serine in KSP as the main target for NF-directed protein kinases in vivo, this repetitive character explains the massive phosphorylation of the NF-H subunit that can occur in axons. The human NF-H gene has three introns, two of which interrupt the protein-coding sequence at identical points to introns in the genes for the two smaller NF proteins, NF-M and NF-L.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Stereo images of vesicular stomatitis virus assembly.   总被引:14,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Viral assembly was studied by viewing platinum replicas of cytoplasmic and outer plasma membrane surfaces of baby hamster kidney cells infected with vesicular stomatitis virus. Replicas of the cytoplasmic surface of the basilar plasma membrane revealed nucleocapsids forming bullet-shaped tight helical coils. The apex of each viral nose cone was anchored to the membrane and was free of uncoiled nucleocapsid, whereas tortuous nucleocapsid was attached to the base of tightly coiled structures. Using immunoelectron microscopy, we identified the nucleocapsid (N) viral protein as a component of both the tight-coil and tortuous nucleocapsids, whereas the matrix (M) protein was found only on tortuous nucleocapsids. The M protein was not found on the membrane. Using immunoreagents specific for the viral glycoprotein (G protein), we found that the amount of G protein per virion varied. The G protein was consistently localized at the apex of viral buds, whereas the density of G protein on the shaft was equivalent to that in the surrounding membrane. These observations suggest that G-protein interaction with the nucleocapsid via its cytoplasmic domain may be necessary for the initiation of viral assembly. Once contact is established, nucleocapsid coiling proceeds with nose cone formation followed by formation of the helical cylinder. M protein may function to induce a nucleocapsid conformation favorable for coiling or may cross-link adjacent turns in the tight coil or both.  相似文献   
Alcohol-induced pancreas damage remains as one of the main risk factors for pancreatitis development. This disorder is poorly understood, particularly the effect of acetaldehyde, the primary alcohol metabolite, in the endocrine pancreas. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a protective protein in many tissues, displaying antioxidant, antiapoptotic, and proliferative responses. In the present work, we were focused on characterizing the response induced by HGF and its protective mechanism in the RINm5F pancreatic cell line treated with ethanol and acetaldehyde. RINm5F cells were treated with ethanol or acetaldehyde for 12 h in the presence or not of HGF (50 ng/ml). Cells under HGF treatment decreased the content of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation induced by both toxics, improving cell viability. This effect was correlated to an improvement in insulin expression impaired by ethanol and acetaldehyde. Using a specific inhibitor of Erk1/2 abrogated the effects elicited by the growth factor. In conclusion, the work provides mechanistic evidence of the HGF-induced-protective response to the alcohol-induced damage in the main cellular component of the endocrine pancreas.  相似文献   
We have prepared polyclonal antibodies to the cytoplasmic portion of the envelope glycoprotein G of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) by using synthetic peptides corresponding to either the 22 or 11 ultimate carboxy-terminal residues of the G as immunogens. When antibodies to the 22 residue peptide are microinjected into monolayer baby hamster kidney cells before or shortly after infection with wild-type VSV, G protein accumulates in large intracellular patches and little G is observed in the Golgi complex or at the cell surface. In contrast, when antibodies to the 11 residue peptide are injected, no such patches are observed and G protein is seen colocalized with the injected antibody at the endoplasmic reticulum, in the Golgi complex, in transport vesicles, and at the plasma membrane. Microinjection of these antibodies does not disturb the pathway or kinetics of G-protein transport. In cells infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of VSV, 045, the glycoprotein accumulates in the endoplasmic reticulum at 39.8 degrees C, but rapidly moves through the Golgi apparatus and then to the cell surface after a temperature shift-down to 32 degrees C. Using rhodamine-coupled antibodies to the 11 residue peptide, a microscope stage equipped for precise temperature control, and a silicon intensifier target video camera, we can visualize by video light microscopy the synchronized exocytotic transport of the G protein directly in the living cell.  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of the region which covalently links the complementary strands of the "snapback" RNA of vesicular stomatitis virus, DI011, is (Formula: see text). Both strands of the defective interfering (DI) particle RNA were complementary for their full length and were covalently linked by a single phosphate group. Because the strands were exactly the same length and complementary, template strand and daughter strand nucleocapsids generated during replication of DI 011 were undistinguishable on the basis of sequence, a property not shared by other types of DI particle RNAs. Treatment of the RNA with RNase T1 in high-ionic-strength solutions cleaved the RNA only between positions 1 and 1'. These results and the availability of the guanosine residue in position 1' to kethoxal, a reagent that specifically derivatizes guanosines of single-stranded RNA, suggest that steric constraints keep a small portion of the "turnaround" region in an open configuration. The sequence of the turnaround region was not related in any obvious way to the sequences at the 3' and 5' termini and limited the number of possible models for the origin of this type of DI particle RNA. Two models for the genesis of DI 011 RNA are discussed. We favor one in which the progenitor DI 011 RNA was generated by replication across a nascent replication fork.  相似文献   
Summary Monosomy 21, whether homogeneous or as a mosaicism, is very uncommon. We report here a 3-month-old white female with a low degree of monosomy 21 in the blood karyotype (6.5%, 110 cells counted) but not in the skin fibroblasts, which contained only the normal chromosome complement.The patient's physical features included microcephaly with frontal slanting; prominent occiput; ridge-shaped sutures; agenesis of the corpus callosum; large, prominent ears; high and narrow palate; micrognathia; tetralogy of Fallot; crowded toes; and dry, thick skin with very little subcutaneous tissue. The case is discussed in light of the suggested clinical features of the monosomy 21 syndrome and the possible implications of such a low-grade mosaicism in prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different natural ventilation systems and explant types on the growth and volatile compound content of Lippia gracilis cultured in vitro. The treatments consisted of four membrane systems (without membrane, with one, two, and four porous membranes) and two explant types (nodal segments with and without a pair of leaves). The evaluation of growth, photosynthetic pigments and chemical analysis of the volatile fraction were performed at 35 days of cultivation in half strength MS basal medium. Natural ventilation systems significantly influenced the in vitro growth and volatile fraction of L. gracilis. Explants with a pair of leaves obtained the best experimental responses. The natural ventilation system with four membranes provided the best growth parameters and leaf area response of L. gracilis explants with leaves. The photosynthetic pigments decreased with an increase in the number of porous membranes in the culture flask. Variations in the number, content, and profile of volatile compounds under the influence of natural ventilation systems were observed. Major constituents such as ρ-cymene, γ-terpinene, thymol, carvacrol, and E-caryophyllene, regardless of experimental conditions, were identified. The highest carvacrol and thymol contents were observed in plantlets grown in culture flasks with four porous membranes. To maximize the content of carvacrol and thymol from the in vitro culture of L. gracilis, explants with a pair of leaves and four porous membranes in culture flasks are recommended for use.

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