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Activation of human ribosomal genes by 5-azacytidine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cultured human fibroblasts were exposed to 5-azacytidine which inhibits methylation of newly synthesized DNA. A significant increase in the mean number of Ag-stained active nucleolus organizers has been observed in treated cells. This suggests that DNA methylation is involved in modulation of human rRNA synthesis.  相似文献   
Abstract Genetic diversity of Korean populations in Hosta clausa was investigated using starch gel electrophoresis. Hosta clausa is widespread, grows only along streamsides, and has both sexual and asexual reproduction. Populations of the species are small and isolated. Thirty-two percent of the loci examined were polymorphic, and mean genetic diversity within populations (Hep=0.082) was lower than mean estimates for species with very similar life history characteristics (0.131), particularly for its congener H. yingeri (0.250). The mean number of multilocus genotypes per population was 8.7, and genotypic diversity index (DG) was 0.84. Significant differences in allele frequencies among populations were found in all seven polymorphic loci (P < 0.001). About one-fifth of the total allozyme variation was among populations (GST=0.192). Indirect estimate of the number of migrants per generation (Nm=0.48, calculated from mean GST) and nine private alleles found indicate that gene movement among populations was low. The low levels of genetic diversity within populations and the relatively high levels of genetic diversity among populations suggest that strong moist habitat preferences, clonal reproduction, low level of gene flow among populations, genetic drift, and historical events may have played roles in the genetic structuring of the species.  相似文献   
The consequence of harvesting young leaves of cassava as vegetable on the vulnerability of the crop to cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and on storage root yield was investigated using 30 cassava genotypes planted in IITA fields located in the humid forest (Port Harcourt?:?Onne), forest-savannah transition (Ibadan), southern guinea savannah (Mokwa) and northern guinea savannah (Zaria) agroecologies in Nigeria. Tender apical leaves and shoots of the cassava genotypes were removed from forty plants per cassava genotype with the same number of plants considered as control. Whitefly infestation, disease incidence (DI) and symptom severity (ISS) of the disease were assessed at monthly interval for six months and also at the ninth month after planting (MAP). Yield reduction due to this treatment was calculated as percentage harvest index (HI). Whitefly population fluctuated throughout the period of observation at all locations with higher population obtained generally for treated plants compared to control plants. Sprouting leaves of some treated genotypes were observed with severe mosaic symptoms, while corresponding control showed no mosaic symptoms. Contrarily, no remarkable difference was observed in Zaria between the mean ISS of treated and control cassava genotypes. There was a highly significant difference (P?<?0.01) in DI and ISS among cassava genotypes across all locations. Also, there was a highly significant interaction (P?<?0.01) in symptom severity between location (loc) and genotype, genotype and treatment (trt), loc and trt. Interaction between loc, genotypes and trt with regard to DI was highly significant at 2, 3 and 4 MAP, while with ISS, the interaction was highly significant all through the counting period. There was a positive relationship between DI and ISS on plants of genotypes 96/1039 and ISU. The percentage HI (27.4) of treated plants of genotype 95/0166 in Ibadan was remarkably lower than the value obtained for corresponding control (41.9) plants. Also, sharp distinction in% HI of treated (39.5) and control (43.8) ISU was observed in Onne with their respective ISS values as 3.7 and 3.2. Therefore, harvesting tender apical leaves and shoots of cassava as vegetables should be discouraged as it increases the severity of CMD infection in the regenerating shoots of cassava with attendant storage root yield reduction.  相似文献   
The small Ran GTPase, a key regulator of nucleocytoplasmic transport, is also involved in microtubule assembly and nuclear membrane formation. Herein, we show by immunofluorescence, immunoelectron microscopy, and biochemical analysis that a fraction of Ran is tightly associated with the centrosome throughout the cell cycle. Ran interaction with the centrosome is mediated by the centrosomal matrix A kinase anchoring protein (AKAP450). Accordingly, when AKAP450 is delocalized from the centrosome, Ran is also delocalized, and as a consequence, microtubule regrowth or anchoring is altered, despite the persisting association of gamma-tubulin with the centrosome. Moreover, Ran is recruited to Xenopus sperm centrosome during its activation for microtubule nucleation. We also demonstrate that centrosomal proteins such as centrin and pericentrin, but not gamma-tubulin, AKAP450, or ninein, undertake a nucleocytoplasmic exchange as they concentrate in the nucleus upon export inhibition by leptomycin B. Together, these results suggest a challenging possibility, namely, that centrosome activity could depend upon nucleocytoplasmic exchange of centrosomal proteins and local Ran-dependent concentration at the centrosome.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The majority of general life‐history models treat the environment as being invariable through time, even though temporal variation in selective agents could dramatically change the outcomes, e.g. in terms of optimal size and time at maturity. For herbivorous insects, seasonal differences in food quality are reasonably well described, but seasonal dynamics of top‐down selective forces are poorly documented. 2. The present study attempted to quantify seasonal changes in predation risk of folivorous insect larvae in temperate forest habitats. In a series of field experiments, artificial larvae were exposed to predators, and the resulting bird‐inflicted damage was recorded. The trials were repeated regularly throughout the course of two summers. 3. A distinct peak of larval mortality was recorded in mid‐June (the nestling period for most insectivorous passerine birds), after which predation risk declined to a plateau of 20–30% below the peak value. 4. The recorded pattern is interpreted as a consequence of seasonal changes in the number and behaviour of insectivorous birds, and the abundance of alternative food resources for these predators. 5. A quantitative analysis based on field data indicated that considering temporal variation in mortality in life‐history models is crucial for obtaining realistic predictions concerning central life‐history traits, such as final body size in different generations.  相似文献   
Arachis hypogaea is a natural, well-established allotetraploid (AABB) with 2n = 40. However, researchers disagree on the diploid genome donor species and on whether peanut originated by a single or multiple events of polyploidization. Here we provide evidence on the genetic origin of peanut and on the involved wild relatives using double GISH (genomic in situ hybridization). Seven wild diploid species (2n = 20), harboring either the A or B genome, were tested. Of all genomic DNA probe combinations assayed, A. duranensis (A genome) and A. ipaensis (B genome) appeared to be the best candidates for the genome donors because they yielded the most intense and uniform hybridization pattern when tested against the corresponding chromosome subsets of A. hypogaea. A similar GISH pattern was observed for all varieties of the cultigen and also for A. monticola. These results suggest that all presently known subspecies and varieties of A. hypogaea have arisen from a unique allotetraploid plant population, or alternatively, from different allotetraploid populations that originated from the same two diploid species. Furthermore, the bulk of the data demonstrated a close genomic relationship between both tetraploids and strongly supports the hypothesis that A. monticola is the immediate wild antecessor of A. hypogaea.  相似文献   
Rhizomatosae is a taxonomic section of the South American genus Arachis, whose diagnostic character is the presence of rhizomes in all its species. This section is of particular evolutionary interest because it has three polyploid (A. pseudovillosa, A. nitida and A. glabrata, 2n?=?4x?=?40) and only one diploid (A. burkartii, 2n?=?2x?=?20) species. The phylogenetic relationships of these species as well as the polyploidy nature and the origin of the tetraploids are still controversial. The present study provides an exhaustive analysis of the karyotypes of all rhizomatous species and six closely related diploid species of the sections Erectoides and Procumbentes by cytogenetic mapping of DAPI/CMA heterochromatin bands and 5S and 18–26S rDNA loci. Chromosome banding showed variation in the DAPI heterochromatin distribution pattern, which, together with the number and distribution of rDNA loci, allowed the characterization of all species studied here. The bulk of chromosomal markers suggest that the three rhizomatous tetraploid species constitute a natural group and may have at least one common diploid ancestor. The cytogenetic data of the diploid species analyzed evidenced that the only rhizomatous diploid species—A. burkartii—has a karyotype pattern different from those of the rhizomatous tetraploids, showing that it is not likely the genome donor of the tetraploids and the non-monophyletic nature of the section Rhizomatosae. Thus, the tetraploid species should be excluded from the R genome, which should remain exclusively for A. burkartii. Instead, the karyotype features of these tetraploids are compatible with those of different species of the sections Erectoides and Procumbentes (E genome species), suggesting the hypothesis of multiple origins of these tetraploids. In addition, the polyploid nature and the group of diploid species closer to the tetraploids are discussed.  相似文献   
Mitotic chromosomes with sister chromatids bearing differentially active ribosomal gene clusters were recovered from human lymphocytes exposed to 5-azacytidine. The hypothesis was that the differential activity was determined by the hypomethylation of one of the two sister chromatids. The verification was carried out by labeling the 5-azacytidine-substituted chromatid with BUdR, and then checking the location of active clusters by specific staining techniques. Data obtained confirmed that the chromatid bearing the active cluster was indeed the 5-azacytidine-substituted one.  相似文献   
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