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Carroll A. Laurin 《CMAJ》1966,94(1):36-39
The indications for and contraindications to cervical traction are discussed. The social and economic advantages to be obtained from carrying out such treatment at home are obvious. A special technique is described which does not make use of weights and in which traction is applied in a position of flexion rather than of extension.  相似文献   
In the Maritime Alps, the Middle and Upper Bathoniancorresponds to a transgressive episode on the Provençal platform. The advancement of the marine invasion is very noticeable between Grasse and Antibes. The sediment shows the existence of a shallow marine environment in which benthic organisms were predominant.The deposits are at first varied: marly layers withbivalves (burrowers for the most part) and calcareous layers with monospecific populations of brachiopods (Burmirhynchia mediterranea nov. sp. in a calm environment, and B. turgidaBuckman in a more turbulent environment).The deposits then become uniform and show theexistence of very shallows environments: B. decorata kiliani nov. subsp. is the only representative of macrofauna in the micritic limestones that can be attributed to the Upper Bathonian.The Rhynchonellids, as on the other Bathonian carbonateplatforms of Western Europe, seem to be the only organisms likely to stay alive and proliferate in the specific environments in which entirely carbonate sediments are deposited in shallow water. Due to their relationships to those existing in other platforms, the species described in this article permit the clarification of biostratigraphic correlations.  相似文献   
Genes encoding proteins involved in sperm-egg interaction and fertilization exhibit a particularly fast evolution and may participate in prezygotic species isolation [1], [2]. Some of them (ZP3, ADAM1, ADAM2, ACR and CD9) have individually been shown to evolve under positive selection [3], [4], suggesting a role of positive Darwinian selection on sperm-egg interaction. However, the genes involved in this biological function have not been systematically and exhaustively studied with an evolutionary perspective, in particular across vertebrates with internal and external fertilization. Here we show that 33 genes among the 69 that have been experimentally shown to be involved in fertilization in at least one taxon in vertebrates are under positive selection. Moreover, we identified 17 pseudogenes and 39 genes that have at least one duplicate in one species. For 15 genes, we found neither positive selection, nor gene copies or pseudogenes. Genes of teleosts, especially genes involved in sperm-oolemma fusion, appear to be more frequently under positive selection than genes of birds and eutherians. In contrast, pseudogenization, gene loss and gene gain are more frequent in eutherians. Thus, each of the 19 studied vertebrate species exhibits a unique signature characterized by gene gain and loss, as well as position of amino acids under positive selection. Reflecting these clade-specific signatures, teleosts and eutherian mammals are recovered as clades in a parsimony analysis. Interestingly the same analysis places Xenopus apart from teleosts, with which it shares the primitive external fertilization, and locates it along with amniotes (which share internal fertilization), suggesting that external or internal environmental conditions of germ cell interaction may not be the unique factors that drive the evolution of fertilization genes. Our work should improve our understanding of the fertilization process and on the establishment of reproductive barriers, for example by offering new leads for experiments on genes identified as positively selected.  相似文献   
Monitoring ecosystem functions in forests is a priority in a climate change scenario, as climate‐induced events may initially alter the functions more than slow‐changing attributes, such as biomass. The ecosystem functional properties (EFPs) are quantities that characterize key ecosystem processes. They can be derived by point observations of gas and energy exchanges between the ecosystems and the atmosphere that are collected globally at FLUXNET flux tower sites and upscaled at ecosystem level. The properties here considered describe the ability of ecosystems to optimize the use of resources for carbon uptake. They represent functional forest information, are dependent on environmental drivers, linked to leaf traits and forest structure, and influenced by climate change effects. The ability of vegetation optical depth (VOD) to provide forest functional information is investigated using 2011–2014 satellite data collected by the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission and using the EFPs as reference dataset. Tropical forests in Africa and South America were analyzed, also according to ecological homogeneous units. VOD jointly with water deficit information explained 93% and 87% of the yearly variability in both flux upscaled maximum gross primary productivity and light use efficiency functional properties, in Africa and South America forests respectively. Maps of the retrieved properties evidenced changes in forest functional responses linked to anomalous climate‐induced events during the study period. The findings indicate that VOD can support the flux upscaling process in the tropical range, affected by high uncertainty, and the detection of forest anomalous functional responses. Preliminary temporal analysis of VOD and EFP signals showed fine‐grained variability in periodicity, in signal dephasing, and in the strength of the relationships. In selected drier forest types, these satellite data could also support the monitoring of functional dynamics.  相似文献   


Comparative life-cycle assessments (LCAs) today lack robust methods of interpretation that help decision makers understand and identify tradeoffs in the selection process. Truncating the analysis at characterization is misleading and existing practices for normalization and weighting may unwittingly oversimplify important aspects of a comparison. This paper introduces a novel approach based on a multi-criteria decision analytic method known as stochastic multi-attribute analysis for life-cycle impact assessment (SMAA-LCIA) that uses internal normalization by means of outranking and exploration of feasible weight spaces.


To contrast different valuation methods, this study performs a comparative LCA of liquid and powder laundry detergents using three approaches to normalization and weighting: (1) characterization with internal normalization and equal weighting, (2) typical valuation consisting of external normalization and weights, and (3) SMAA-LCIA using outranking normalization and stochastic weighting. Characterized results are often represented by LCA software with respect to their relative impacts normalized to 100 %. Typical valuation approaches rely on normalization references, single value weights, and utilizes discrete numbers throughout the calculation process to generate single scores. Alternatively, SMAA-LCIA is capable of exploring high uncertainty in the input parameters, normalizes internally by pair-wise comparisons (outranking) and allows for the stochastic exploration of weights. SMAA-LCIA yields probabilistic, rather than discrete comparisons that reflect uncertainty in the relative performance of alternatives.

Results and discussion

All methods favored liquid over powder detergent. However, each method results in different conclusions regarding the environmental tradeoffs. Graphical outputs at characterization of comparative assessments portray results in a way that is insensitive to magnitude and thus can be easily misinterpreted. Typical valuation generates results that are oversimplified and unintentionally biased towards a few impact categories due to the use of normalization references. Alternatively, SMAA-LCIA avoids the bias introduced by external normalization references, includes uncertainty in the performance of alternatives and weights, and focuses the analysis on identifying the mutual differences most important to the eventual rank ordering.


SMAA-LCIA is particularly appropriate for comparative LCAs because it evaluates mutual differences and weights stochastically. This allows for tradeoff identification and the ability to sample multiple perspectives simultaneously. SMAA-LCIA is a robust tool that can improve understanding of comparative LCA by decision or policy makers.  相似文献   
The evolution of body size in tetrapods is assessed using a database that includes 107 early stegocephalian species ranging in time from the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) to the Tatarian (Upper Permian). All analyses use methods that incorporate phylogenetic information (topology and branch lengths). In all tests, the impact of alternative topologies and branch lengths are assessed. Previous reports that raised doubts about the accuracy of squared-change parsimony assessment of ancestral character value appear to have used datasets in which there was no phylogenetic signal. Hence, squared-change parsimony may be more reliable than suggested in recent studies, at least when a phylogenetic signal is present in the datasets of interest. Analysis using random taxon reshuffling on three reference phylogenies shows that cranial and presacral length include a strong phylogenetic signal. Character optimization of body size in stegocephalians using squared-change parsimony on a time-calibrated phylogeny incorporating branch length information is used to test a previously published scenario on the origin of amniotes and of the amniotic egg that implies that the ancestors of amniotes were small (no more than 10 cm in snout-vent length), and that their size increased subsequent to the appearance of the amniotic egg. The optimization suggests that first amniotes were somewhat larger than previously hypothesized; the estimated snout-vent length is about 24 cm, and the lower end of the 95% confidence interval of the phylogeny that yields the smallest inferred size suggests that no ancestor of amniotes measured less than 12 cm in snout-vent length. Character optimization, permutational multiple linear regressions, and independent contrast analyses show that Cope's rule of phyletic size increase applies to early reptiliomorphs but that it does not apply to early stegocephalians globally.  相似文献   
A new series of coumarin inhibitors of DNA gyrase B bearing a N-propargyloxycarbamate at C-3' of various 5',5'-dialkylnoviose, including RU79115, were synthesised and their antibacterial activities have been delineated. Introduction of dialkyl substituents at 5'5'-position of noviose leads to coumarin analogues with improved in vitro and in vivo antibacterial activity.  相似文献   
The general aim of our in vitro experiments was to study the role of the metabolic hormones leptin, ghrelin, obestatin and IGF-I and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-dependent intracellular mechanisms in the control of nuclear maturation of porcine oocytes. For this purpose, porcine oocytes were isolated from the ovary and cultured in the presence of leptin, ghrelin, obestatin, IGF-I, MAPK blocker PD98059 and the combinations of hormones with PD98059. Proportions of matured oocytes (at metaphase II of meiosis, determined by DAPI staining) and of oocytes containing MAPK/ERK1-2 (determined by immunocytochemistry) were measured before and after culture. It was observed that the majority of oocytes isolated from the ovary before culture were immature and did not contain visible MAPK, but some oocytes were mature, and the majority of these oocytes contained MAPK. Incubation of oocytes resulted in a significant increase in the proportion of matured oocytes and in the percentage of oocytes containing MAPK in both the matured and not matured groups. Addition of IGF-I to the culture medium increased the proportion of matured oocytes, addition of leptin decreased it, and ghrelin and obestatin did not oocyte maturation. Addition of hormones did not affect the expression of MAPK in either immature or mature oocytes. PD98059, when given alone, suppressed the maturation and accumulation of MAPK in both mature and immature oocytes. When given together with hormones, PD98059 was able to reduce the stimulatory effect of IGF-I, to invert the inhibitory action of leptin to stimulatory and to induce the stimulatory action of ghrelin and obestatin on meiosis. IGF-I, ghrelin and obestatin, but not leptin, when given together with PD98059, increased the accumulation of MAPK in both immature and mature oocytes. Association of nuclear maturation and expression of MAPK in oocytes before, but not after culture, as well as the prevention of oocyte maturation by MAPK blocker suggests the involvement of MAPK-dependent intracellular mechanisms in the promotion of reinitiation, but not completion of meiosis. The effect of hormonal additions on meiosis of oocytes suggests that IGF-I is a stimulator, leptin can be an inhibitor, while ghrelin and obestatin probably do not control oocyte maturation. The ability of PD98059 to modify the effect of hormones on oocyte maturation and on MAPK expression suggests possible interference of hormones and MAPK-dependent intracellular mechanisms in oocytes. However, no influence of hormones on MAPK and lack of association between action of hormones and PD98059 on MAPK and meiosis suggest that MAPK is probably not a mediator of effect of IGF-I, leptin, ghrelin and obestatin on porcine oocyte nuclear maturation.  相似文献   
The Third Meeting of the International Society for Phylogenetic Nomenclature (ISPN) convened at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, from 20 to 22 July 2008. In addition to contributed talks, the conference included a progress report on the PhyloCode 'Companion Volume', a discussion of how to complete this book in a timely fashion, a demonstration of the online registration data base (RegNum), plenary talks, and Council and business meetings. Topics discussed at the meeting include problems created by rank-based nomenclature in various eukaryotic taxa, dealing with hybrids in rank-based and phylogenetic nomenclature, phyloinformatics, the choice of names to use when the taxonomic content associated with available names varies, teaching phylogenetic nomenclature, and the application of phylogenetic nomenclature to specific taxa.  相似文献   
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