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For the first time ever, the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Index for habitat types was calculated for an entire country, Finland. The RLIs were based on species threat assessments from 2000 and 2010 and included habitat definitions for all 10,131 species of 12 organism groups. The RLIs were bootstrapped to track statistically significant changes. The RLI changes of species grouped by habitats were negative for all habitat types except for forests and rural biotopes which showed a stable trend. Trends of beetles and true bugs were positive in rural and forest habitats. Other 16 observed trends of species group and habitat combinations were negative. Several trends observed were in accordance with studies focusing on particular taxa and habitats, and drivers for their change. This study demonstrates the usefulness of the RLI as a tool for observing habitat change based on species threat assessment data.  相似文献   
The basement membranes of developing Leydig cells in fetal and newborn testis of rat were studied by ultrastructural and immunocytochemical methods. Fetal-type Leydig cells in prenatal rats were organized in irregularly outlined groups in the interstitium and were extensively surrounded by ultrastructurally identifiable basement membranes and immunocytochemically localized laminin and collagen type IV. Prenatal Leydig cell precursors had small patches of laminin and collagen type IV on their surfaces, which indicated that changes in extracellular matrix took place during their differentiation to mature fetal-type Leydig cells. Additionally, ultrastructural evidence was obtained for a basement membrane surrounding the fetal human Leydig cells similar to that in fetal rats. Soon after birth the rat fetal-type cells gathered into distinct clusters surrounded by delicate envelope cells and a discontinuous basement membrane. Basement-membrane structures, laminin, and collagen type IV were observed between the clustered cells as well. The basement membranes covering large cell surface areas of the fetal-type Leydig cells in fetal and newborn rats differed from those of the adult-type cells, which, according to our earlier study, are covered only by small patches of basement membrane. The difference between the basement membranes of the fetal- and adult-type rat Leydig cells further supports the concept of two different Leydig cell populations. The earlier findings of the epithelial nature of the Leydig cells agree with the observation of basement membranes in the Leydig cells.  相似文献   
Summary The histochemical demonstration of alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and localization of smooth muscle myosin (SMM), F-actin, and desmin were carried out on frozen sections of testes and ovaries from 15-day-old fetal to newborn rats. The presence of immunocytochemically localized SMM and desmin was confirmed by Western blot analysis of proteins from isolated gonads. The development of smooth muscle cells was predominant in the testis. The first SMM-positive cells with an increasing intensity for F-actin and desmin appeared in the testicular tunica albuginea and around the testicular cords by the age of 16 days. A continuous layer of SMM- and F-actin-positive (but not uniformly desmin-positive) myoid cells was detected in the newborn testis. In the early gonads and in the newborn ovary, a majority of the interstitial cells expressed desmin, indicating that, in undifferentiated tissues, non-myogenic cells may also express desmin. During fetal development, male and female gonocytes showed a decrease in F-actin content but retained their high AP activity. In the cortex of the newborn rat ovary, the observed high AP activity and the presence of desmin may be associated with the postnatal histogenesis of the follicles. The presence of SMM-containing cells in the hilus of the ovary may be required for the demarcation of the ovary from the mesonephros by the constriction of the mesovarium. The occurrence of SMM-positive cells predominantly in male fetuses suggests that the development of the contractile cells in the fetal testis may be induced by testicular androgens.  相似文献   
Densities of microtine rodents in two habitat complexes in the tundra of Finnmarks-vidda, Norwegian Lapland, were studied during 1977-89 by means of snap trapping (Small Quadrat Method) Predator populations were studied by mapping breeding raptors and by snow-tracking small mustelids During 1977-85, snow-trackmg was conducted only during peak and decline years, whereas during 1986-89, snow-tracking was conducted every winter (November-December) and live-trapping (in August) was used as an additional method
Lowland vole populations had regular density fluctuations with peaks in 1978-79. 1982-84 and 1987-88 Highland vole populations fluctuated less regularly and at lower over-all densities Highland lemming populations had two outbreaks, in 1978 and 1988, ending in abrupt winter crashes In the lowland, outbreak levels were reached only in 1978 All microtine declines in relatively productive lowland habitats were accompanied by intense activity of small mustelids. whereas avian predators were common only in 1983 Lowland declines also showed clear between-habitat asynchrony they started in areas with an exceptional abundance of productive habitats and then spread to more barren areas These lowland data are consistent with the hypothesis of a mustelid-microtine limit cycle, although also several other hypotheses remain unrefuted The highland lemming data suggest a simple exploiter-victim interaction between lemmings and the vegetation  相似文献   
The habitat use of small mustelids in a tundra area in Norwegian Lapland was studied chiefly by means of snow-tracking 1986-89 Stoats showed strong peference to a habitat complex immediately beneath the thrust line of the Scandes, with exceptional abundance of luxuriant habitats, whereas weasel activity was more evenly spread over the lowland tundra Mustelid activity on the high tundra above the thrust line was consistently low Within each subarea. stoat activity was concentrated to the most luxuriant habitats Similar preferences were shown by weasels on the lowland but not in the vicinity of the thurst cliff Daily movements of both species varied from local (c 200 m) to extensive (up to 4 km), no consistent interspecific differences in travel distances could be observed
The results largely conform to the hypothesis of patchy exploitation ecosystems (T Oksanen 1990a), according to which predator activity tends to "spill over' from luxuriant habitats, capable of supporting predator populations, to adjacent barren ones, due to despotic behavior within and between species and due to opportunistic predation by transient predators However, predator activity in barren habitats during the crash winter could not be explained by these mechanisms alone A third mechanism - breakdown of habitat preferences of predators during crash phases of a cyclic prey population - was thus introduced  相似文献   
Two susceptibility loci for hereditary nonpolyposis colo-rectal cancer (HNPCC) have been identified, and each contains a mismatch repair gene: MSH2 on chromosome 2p and MLH1 on chromosome 3p. We studied the involvement of these loci in 13 large HNPCC kindreds originating from three different continents. Six families showed close linkage to the 2p locus, and a heritable mutation of the MSH2 gene was subsequently found in four. The 2p-linked kindreds included a family characterized by the lack of extracolonic manifestations (Lynch I syndrome), as well as two families with cutaneous manifestations typical of the Muir-Torre syndrome. Four families showed evidence for linkage to the 3p locus, and a heritable mutation of the MLH1 gene was later detected in three. One 3p-linked kindred was of Amerindian origin. Of the remaining three families studied for linkage, one showed lod scores compatible with exclusion of both MSH2 and MLH1, while lod scores obtained in the other two families suggested exclusion of one HNPCC locus (MSH2 or MLH1) but were uninformative for markers flanking the other locus. Our results suggest that mismatch repair genes on 2p and 3p account for a major share of HNPCC in kindreds that can be evaluated by linkage analysis.  相似文献   
Summary The ducts of the rat ventral prostate have been studied by light and electron microscopy for elucidation of their role in prostatic function. The epithelium of the main duct consists of simple columnar cells and polymorphic basal cells. The columnar cells show no indication of secretory activity. The basal cells contain bundles of filaments of 5–6 nm thickness and numerous pinocytotic vesicles. The ducts are surrounded by layers of circular smooth muscle cells interspersed with nerve axons. On ultrastructural grounds the ducts do not appear to secrete material into the seminal fluid, but apparently the muscular coat actively helps drain the gland during ejaculation.  相似文献   
Adult-dystrophic chicken muscle had 30% higher tRNA methylase activity and 42% higher tRNA methylating capacity than normal-adult chicken muscle. Eighty percent of the tRNA methylase activity of the dystrophic muscle resulted in the synthesis of N2-methylguanine, and 9% in the formation of N2,N2-dimethylguanine. From adult-normal muscle extracts, 33% of the tRNA methylase activity was due to the synthesis of N2-methylguanine, and 45% to the formation of N2,N2-dimethylguanine. Eight other methylated bases accounted for 5–15% of the enzyme activity in both tissues. Dialyzed and nondialyzed adult-normal muscle extracts had equivalent tRNA methylase activity. However, the dialyzed extracts synthesized 22% more N2-methylguanine and 18% less N2,N2-dimethylguanine than the nondialyzed extracts. Dialysis had no effect on the tRNA methylase activity or tRNA methylation pattern produced by adult-dystrophic muscle.  相似文献   
In oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, excluding angiosperms, flavodiiron proteins (FDPs) catalyze light‐dependent reduction of O2 to H2O. This alleviates electron pressure on the photosynthetic apparatus and protects it from photodamage. In Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, four FDP isoforms function as hetero‐oligomers of Flv1 and Flv3 and/or Flv2 and Flv4. An alternative electron transport pathway mediated by the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase‐like complex (NDH‐1) also contributes to redox hemostasis and the photoprotection of photosynthesis. Four NDH‐1 types have been characterized in cyanobacteria: NDH‐11 and NDH‐12, which function in respiration; and NDH‐13 and NDH‐14, which function in CO2 uptake. All four types are involved in cyclic electron transport. Along with single FDP mutants (?flv1 and Δflv3) and the double NDH‐1 mutants (?d1d2, which is deficient in NDH‐11,2 and ?d3d4, which is deficient in NDH‐13,4), we studied triple mutants lacking one of Flv1 or Flv3, and NDH‐11,2 or NDH‐13,4. We show that the presence of either Flv1/3 or NDH‐11,2, but not NDH‐13,4, is indispensable for survival during changes in growth conditions from high CO2/moderate light to low CO2/high light. Our results show functional redundancy between FDPs and NDH‐11,2 under the studied conditions. We suggest that ferredoxin probably functions as a primary electron donor to both Flv1/3 and NDH‐11,2, allowing their functions to be dynamically coordinated for efficient oxidation of photosystem I and for photoprotection under variable CO2 and light availability.  相似文献   
Plant stomata function in innate immunity against bacterial invasion and abscisic acid (ABA) has been suggested to regulate this process. Using genetic, biochemical, and pharmacological approaches, we demonstrate that (i) the Arabidopsis thaliana nine-specific-lipoxygenase encoding gene, LOX1, which is expressed in guard cells, is required to trigger stomatal closure in response to both bacteria and the pathogen-associated molecular pattern flagellin peptide flg22; (ii) LOX1 participates in stomatal defense; (iii) polyunsaturated fatty acids, the LOX substrates, trigger stomatal closure; (iv) the LOX products, fatty acid hydroperoxides, or reactive electrophile oxylipins induce stomatal closure; and (v) the flg22-mediated stomatal closure is conveyed by both LOX1 and the mitogen-activated protein kinases MPK3 and MPK6 and involves salicylic acid whereas the ABA-induced process depends on the protein kinases OST1, MPK9, or MPK12. Finally, we show that the oxylipin and the ABA pathways converge at the level of the anion channel SLAC1 to regulate stomatal closure. Collectively, our results demonstrate that early biotic signaling in guard cells is an ABA-independent process revealing a novel function of LOX1-dependent stomatal pathway in plant immunity.  相似文献   
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