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Launois, Sandrine H., Judy Tsui, and J. Woodrow Weiss.Respiratory function of velopharyngeal constrictor muscles during wakefulness in normal adults. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(2): 584-591, 1997.The levator velipalatini (LVP) and the superior pharyngeal constrictor (SPC) influencevelopharyngeal patency and soft palate position, but their behaviorduring respiration is incompletely characterized. To further clarifytheir respiratory function, we recorded electromyographic activity(EMG) in the LVP and the SPC in awake normal subjects breathing orally.EMG data were obtained in six subjects for the LVP and in nine subjectsfor the SPC. EMG activity and timing and ventilation were measuredduring isocapnic hypoxia and hyperoxic hypercapnia. Phasic EMG activitywas inconsistently present during unstimulated oral breathing. Timingof EMG phasic activity was variable for both muscles. Peak LVP activitywas mainly or exclusively expiratory in three of six subjects. Peak SPCactivity was mainly or exclusively expiratory in five of nine subjects.With chemostimulation, recruitment of phasic activity was observed inthe LVP in four of six subjects and in the SPC in five of ninesubjects. Tonic activity increased in four of six subjects for the LVPand in three of nine subjects for the SPC. However, the response wasalinear, and intersubject as well as breath-to-breath variability wassubstantial. In conclusion, LVP and SPC are characterized by the highinter- and intrasubject variability of EMG activity, timing ofactivation, and response to chemostimulation.

The activation of the phagocyte oxidative respiratory burst by various mycobacteria was evaluated in an in vitro assay, by measuring the chemiluminescence, associated to the release of oxidizing species, generated by normal human whole blood phagocytes. All mycobacterium species, except Mycobacterium leprae, induced a significant chemiluminescence response. The strongest stimulus was provided by BCG, followed by M. triviale, M. chelonei, and M. fortuitum. M. kansasii, M. intracellulare, and M. lepraemurium elicited a weak response, although higher than that triggered by M. leprae. Both polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells contributed to the whole blood cell chemiluminescence stimulated by mycobacteria, mononuclear cells being more efficient on a per cell basis. Phagocyte activation by recombinant interferon gamma did not improve M. leprae ability to trigger a significant chemiluminescence response. The failure of M. leprae and of some atypical mycobacteria to stimulate a strong phagocyte oxidative respiratory burst may have some relevance to their pathogenicity.  相似文献   
Coronary heart disease is frequently associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and treating obstructive sleep apnea appears to significantly improve the outcome in coronary heart disease. Thus we have developed a rat model of chronic intermittent hypoxia (IH) to study the influence of this condition on myocardial ischemia-reperfusion tolerance and on functional vascular reactivity. Wistar male rats were divided in three experimental groups (n = 12 each) subjected to chronic IH (IH group), normoxia (N group), or control conditions (control group). IH consisted of repetitive cycles of 1 min (40 s with inspired O(2) fraction 5% followed by 20 s normoxia) and was applied for 8 h during daytime, for 35 days. Normoxic cycles were applied in the same conditions, inspired O(2) fraction remaining constant at 21%. On day 36, mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) was measured before isolated hearts were submitted to an ischemia-reperfusion protocol. The thoracic aorta and left carotid artery were also excised for functional reactivity studies. MABP was not significantly different between the three experimental groups. Infarct sizes (in percent of ventricles) were significantly higher in IH group (46.9 +/- 3.6%) compared with N (26.1 +/- 2.8%) and control (21.7 +/- 2.1%) groups. Vascular smooth muscle function was similar in aorta and carotid arteries from all groups. The endothelium-dependent relaxation in response to acetylcholine was also similar in aorta and carotid arteries from all groups. Chronic IH increased heart sensitivity to infarction, independently of a significant increase in MABP, and did not affect vascular reactivity of aorta and carotid arteries.  相似文献   
A new case of recombination at the HLA region has been established by mixte lymphocyte culture in the family of potential kidney recipient. Serological family study, MLC and HLA typing were performed to localize the recombination. This corroborates the primordial interest of MLC in family pretransplant matching.  相似文献   
The first experimental evidence for the development of polarized CD4+ Th1 and Th2 responses in vivo has been obtained using the murine model of infection with Leishmania major, an intracellular parasite of macrophages in their vertebrate host. Genetically determined resistance and susceptibility to infection with this parasite have been clearly demonstrated to result from the development of polarized Th1 and Th2 responses, respectively. Using this model system, the dominant role of cytokines in the induction of polarized CD4+ responses has been validated in vivo. The requisite role of IL-4 in mediating both Th2 differentiation and susceptibility to infection in BALB/c mice has directed interest towards the search for evidence of IL-4 production early after infection and identification of its cellular source. We have been able to demonstrate a burst of IL-4 production in susceptible BALB/c mice within the first day of infection with L. major and could establish that this rapidly produced IL-4 instructed Th2 lineage commitment of subsequently activated CD4+ T cells and stabilized this commitment by downregulating IL-12 Rbeta2 chain expression, resulting in susceptibility to infection. Strikingly, this early IL-4 response to infection resulted from the cognate recognition of a single epitope in a distinctive antigen, LACK, from this complex microorganism by a restricted population of CD4+ T cells that express Vbeta4-Valpha8 T cell receptors.  相似文献   
Cutaneous leishmaniasis has various outcomes, ranging from self-healing reddened papules to extensive open ulcerations that metastasise to secondary sites and are often resistant to standard therapies. In the case of L. guyanensis (L.g), about 5–10% of all infections result in metastatic complications. We recently showed that a cytoplasmic virus within L.g parasites (LRV1) is able to act as a potent innate immunogen, worsening disease outcome in a murine model. In this study, we investigated the immunophenotype of human patients infected by L.g and found a significant association between the inflammatory cytokine IL-17A, the presence of LRV1 and disease chronicity. Further, IL-17A was inversely correlated to the protective cytokine IFN-γ. These findings were experimentally corroborated in our murine model, where IL-17A produced in LRV1+ L.g infection contributed to parasite virulence and dissemination in the absence of IFN-γ. Additionally, IL-17A inhibition in mice using digoxin or SR1001, showed therapeutic promise in limiting parasite virulence. Thus, this murine model of LRV1-dependent infectious metastasis validated markers of disease chronicity in humans and elucidated the immunologic mechanism for the dissemination of Leishmania parasites to secondary sites. Moreover, it confirms the prognostic value of LRV1 and IL-17A detection to prevent metastatic leishmaniasis in human patients.  相似文献   
Susceptibility and development of Th2 cells in BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania major result from early IL-4 production by Vbeta4Valpha8 CD4+ T cells in response to the Leishmania homolog of mammalian RACK1 Ag. A role for CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in the control of this early IL-4 production was investigated by depleting in vivo this regulatory T cell population. Depletion induced an increase in the early burst of IL-4 mRNA in the draining lymph nodes of BALB/c mice, and exacerbated the course of disease with higher levels of IL-4 mRNA and protein in their lymph nodes. We further showed that transfer of 10(7) BALB/c spleen cells that were depleted of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells rendered SCID mice susceptible to infection and allowed Th2 differentiation while SCID mice reconstituted with 10(7) control BALB/c spleen cells were resistant to infection with L. major and developed a Th1 response. Treatment with a mAb against IL-4 upon infection with L. major in SCID mice reconstituted with CD25-depleted spleen cells prevented the development of Th2 polarization and rendered them resistant to infection. These results demonstrate that CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells play a role in regulating the early IL-4 mRNA and the subsequent development of a Th2 response in this model of infection.  相似文献   
Implementation research (IR) is growing in recognition as an important generator of practical knowledge that can be translated into health policy. With its aim to answer questions about how to improve access to interventions that have been shown to work but have not reached many of the people who could benefit from them, IR involves a range of particular ethical considerations that have not yet been comprehensively covered in international guidelines on health research ethics. The fundamental ethical principles governing clinical research apply equally in IR, but the application of these principles may differ depending on the IR question, context, and the nature of the proposed intervention. IR questions cover a broad range of topics that focus on improving health system functioning and improving equitable and just access to effective health care interventions. As such, IR designs are flexible and often innovative, and ethical principles cannot simply be extrapolated from their applications in clinical research. Meaningful engagement with all stakeholders including communities and research participants is a fundamental ethical requirement that cuts across all study phases of IR and links most ethical concerns. Careful modification of the informed consent process may be required in IR to permit study of a needed intervention. The risks associated with IR may be difficult to anticipate and may be very context-specific. The benefits of IR may not accrue to the same groups who participate in the research, therefore justifying the risks versus benefits of IR may be ethically challenging. The expectation that knowledge generated through IR should be rapidly translated into health policy and practice necessitates up-front commitments from decision-makers to sustainability and scalability of effective interventions. Greater awareness of the particular ethical implications of the features of IR is urgently needed to facilitate optimal ethical conduct of IR and uniform ethical review.  相似文献   
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