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There are experimental data which suggest that the primary immune effector cell responsible for maintaining immune surveillance against the outgrowth of EBV-transformed B cells in humans is the CTL, but in vivo proof of this is lacking. In this study we perform a series of cellular and molecular assays to characterize an autologous, endogenous immune response against a transplantation-associated, monoclonal, EBV+ posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD). Following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, a patient developed a monoclonal PTLD of donor B cell origin. With a decrease in immune suppression, we document the emergence of endogenous, donor-derived CD3+CD8+ CTLs, followed by regression of the PTLD. The TCR Vbeta repertoire went from a polyclonal pattern prior to the development of PTLD to a restricted TCR Vbeta pattern during the outgrowth and regression of PTLD. Donor-derived CD3+CD8+ T lymphocytes displayed MHC class I-restricted cytolytic activity against the autologous EBV+ B cells ex vivo without additional in vitro sensitization. The striking temporal relationship between the endogenous expansion of a TCR Vbeta-restricted, CD3+CD8+ population of MHC class I-restricted CTL, and the regression of an autologous monoclonal PTLD, provides direct evidence in humans that endogenous CD3+CD8+ CTLs can be responsible for effective immune surveillance against malignant transformation of EBV+ B cells.  相似文献   
A new reagent (blue guaran) for quantitative estimation of lectins, has been derived from a galactomannan (guaran). When the lectin solution is added to an aqueous solution of blue guaran, dye-bound guaran is precipitated from the solution. The difference in absorbance of the blue guaran solution before and after the addition of lectin solution is proportional to the amount of lectin present in the sample. The method of preparation of blue guaran, its spectral characteristics and effect of pH on precipitation have also been described. It gives a simple colorimetric method for the estimation of galactose-specific lectins.  相似文献   
A gene responsible for the degradation of ß-N-Oxalyl diaminopropionic acid (ODAP) was fused to the maIE gene, which codes for maltose binding protein, by cloning into an expression vector pMAL c2. The gene has been expressed as fusion protein of mol wt approximately 62 kD. It has been purified by affinity chromatography. The fusion protein has been cleaved by an endoprotease factor Xa and the presence of maltose binding protein and the product of the cloned gene confirmed. SDS-PAGE has shown that the product of the ODAP degrading gene is a single polypeptide of mol wt of about 20.7 kD.  相似文献   
When subjected to thiol reduction, purified intestinal mucins have been shown to undergo a decrease in molecular mass and to liberate a 118-kDa glycopeptide (Roberton, A. M., Mantle, M., Fahim, R. E. F., Specian, R., Bennick, A., Kawagishi, S., Sherman, P., and Forstner, J. F. (1989) Biochem. J. 261, 637-647). The latter has been called a putative "link" component because it is assumed to be important for disulfide bond-mediated mucin polymerization. Controversy exists as to whether the putative link is an integral mucin component or a separate mucin-associated glycopeptide. In the present study both NH2-terminal and internal amino acid sequences of the 118-kDa glycopeptide of rat intestinal mucin were used to generate opposing oligonucleotide primers for polymerase chain reaction. A specific 1.2-kilobase (kb) product was obtained, from which a 0.5-kb HindIII fragment was used as a probe to screen a lambda ZAP II cDNA library of rat intestine. A 2.6-kb cDNA (designated MLP 2677) was sequenced and revealed an open reading frame of 2.5 kb encoding 837 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence showed that the putative link peptide is equivalent to the carboxyl-terminal 689 amino acids of a larger peptide. Northern blots revealed a mRNA size of approximately 9 kb. Computer searches revealed no sequence homology with other proteins, but similarities were seen in the alignment of cysteine residues in the link and in several domains of human von Willebrand factor, as well as cysteine-rich areas of bovine and porcine submaxillary mucins and a frog skin mucin designated FIM-B.1. In keeping with earlier demonstrations of the presence of mannose in the 118-kDa glycopeptide, there were several (13) consensus sequences for attachment of N-linked oligosaccharides within the link domain. Further sequencing of MLP 2677 in a direction 5' to the codon specifying the NH2-terminal proline of the link has revealed a coding region for 148 amino acids, including a unique 75-amino acid domain rich in cysteine and proline, and a region containing 4.5-variable tandem repeats (each 11-12 amino acids) rich in serine, threonine, and proline. The presence of mucin-like tandem repeats suggests that the entire cysteine-rich link peptide represents the carboxyl-terminal region (75.5 kDa) of a mucin-like peptide (MLP). The latter is estimated to have a molecular mass of approximately 300 kDa.  相似文献   
Cellular functions such as cell division are remarkably conserved across phyla. However, the evolutionary principles of cellular organization that drive them are less well explored. Thus, an essential question remains: to what extent do cellular parameters evolve without altering the basic functions they sustain? Here we have observed six different nematode species for which the mitotic spindle is positioned asymmetrically during the first embryonic division. Whereas the C. elegans spindle undergoes oscillations during its displacement, the spindle elongates without oscillations in other species. We asked which evolutionary changes in biophysical parameters could explain differences in spindle motion while maintaining a constant output. Using laser microsurgery of the spindle, we revealed that all species are subjected to cortical pulling forces of varying magnitudes. Using a viscoelastic model to fit the recoil trajectories and with an independent measurement of cytoplasmic viscosity, we extracted the values of cytoplasmic drag, cortical pulling forces, and spindle elasticity for all species. We found large variations in cytoplasmic viscosity, whereas cortical pulling forces and elasticity were often more constrained. In agreement with previous simulations, we found that increased viscosity correlates with decreased oscillation speeds across species. However, the absence of oscillations in some species despite low viscosity can only be explained by smaller pulling forces. Consequently, we find that spindle mobility across the species analyzed here is characterized by a tradeoff between cytoplasmic viscosity and pulling forces normalized by the size of the embryo. Our work provides a framework for understanding mechanical constraints on evolutionary diversification of spindle mobility.  相似文献   
A major limitation of gene expression biomarker studies is that they are not reproducible as they simply do not generalize to larger, real-world, heterogeneous populations. Frequentist multi-cohort gene expression meta-analysis has been frequently used as a solution to this problem to identify biomarkers that are truly differentially expressed. However, the frequentist meta-analysis framework has its limitations–it needs at least 4–5 datasets with hundreds of samples, is prone to confounding from outliers and relies on multiple-hypothesis corrected p-values. To address these shortcomings, we have created a Bayesian meta-analysis framework for the analysis of gene expression data. Using real-world data from three different diseases, we show that the Bayesian method is more robust to outliers, creates more informative estimates of between-study heterogeneity, reduces the number of false positive and false negative biomarkers and selects more generalizable biomarkers with less data. We have compared the Bayesian framework to a previously published frequentist framework and have developed a publicly available R package for use.  相似文献   
Despite the publication of several software tools for analysis of glycopeptide tandem mass spectra, there remains a lack of consensus regarding the most effective and appropriate methods. In part, this reflects problems with applying standard methods for proteomics database searching and false discovery rate calculation. While the analysis of small post-translational modifications (PTMs) may be regarded as an extension of proteomics database searching, glycosylation requires specialized approaches. This is because glycans are large and heterogeneous by nature, causing glycopeptides to exist as multiple glycosylated variants. Thus, the mass of the peptide cannot be calculated directly from that of the intact glycopeptide. In addition, the chemical nature of the glycan strongly influences product ion patterns observed for glycopeptides. As a result, glycopeptidomics requires specialized bioinformatics methods. We summarize the recent progress towards a consensus for effective glycopeptide tandem mass spectrometric analysis.  相似文献   
A novel noninvasive genomic DNA isolation protocol from fecal tissue, by the proteinase K digestion and guanidine hydrochloride extraction method, was assessed for the genotyping of cattle and buffalo. The epithelial tissues present on the surface of the feces were used as source for isolation of genomic DNA. The DNA isolated from fecal tissue was found to be similar as those obtained from other body tissues such as skin, brain, liver, kidney, and muscle. The quality of DNA was checked by agarose gel electrophoresis and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We successfully amplified a 320 bp MHC class II DRB gene and a 125 bp mt-DNA D-loop region from isolated genomic DNA of cattle. Thus, the DNA isolated using this method was suitable for common molecular biology methods, such as restriction enzyme digestion and genotyping of dairy animals through PCR.  相似文献   
Previously, we reported an acidification-dependent interaction of the endosomal vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) with cytohesin-2, a GDP/GTP exchange factor (GEF), suggesting that it functions as a pH-sensing receptor. Here, we have studied the molecular mechanism of signaling between the V-ATPase, cytohesin-2, and Arf GTP-binding proteins. We found that part of the N-terminal cytosolic tail of the V-ATPase a2-subunit (a2N), corresponding to its first 17 amino acids (a2N(1–17)), potently modulates the enzymatic GDP/GTP exchange activity of cytohesin-2. Moreover, this peptide strongly inhibits GEF activity via direct interaction with the Sec7 domain of cytohesin-2. The structure of a2N(1–17) and its amino acids Phe5, Met10, and Gln14 involved in interaction with Sec7 domain were determined by NMR spectroscopy analysis. In silico docking experiments revealed that part of the V-ATPase formed by its a2N(1–17) epitope competes with the switch 2 region of Arf1 and Arf6 for binding to the Sec7 domain of cytohesin-2. The amino acid sequence alignment and GEF activity studies also uncovered the conserved character of signaling between all four (a1–a4) a-subunit isoforms of mammalian V-ATPase and cytohesin-2. Moreover, the conserved character of this phenomenon was also confirmed in experiments showing binding of mammalian cytohesin-2 to the intact yeast V-ATPase holo-complex. Thus, here we have uncovered an evolutionarily conserved function of the V-ATPase as a novel cytohesin-signaling receptor.  相似文献   
We have previously reported the existence of a soluble form of CD200 (sCD200) in human plasma, and found sCD200 to be elevated in the plasma of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) patients. CLL cells release CD200 at a constitutive level, which could be attenuated partially by ADAM28 silencing. In this study, we further explored mechanisms of CD200 shedding beyond that of ADAM28, and performed biochemical analysis of sCD200 using materials derived from purified CLL cells and Hek293 cells stably transfected with CD200, and antibodies generated specifically against either the extracellular or cytoplasmic regions of CD200. CD200 shedding was enhanced by PMA stimulation, and the loss of cell surface CD200 could be monitored as a reduction in CD200 cell surface expression by flow cytometry, in parallel with an increase in the detection of sCD200 in the supernatant. Western blot analyses and functional studies using CD200R1 expressing Hek293 cells showed that the shed CD200 detected in CLL and Hek293-hCD200 supernatants lacked the cytoplasmic domain of CD200 but retained the functional extracellular domain required for binding to, and phosphorylation of, CD200R. These data confirms that a functionally active CD200 extracellular moiety can be cleaved from the surface of CD200 expressing cells following ectodomain shedding.  相似文献   
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