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Biochemical properties of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor system of the avian retina were found to change during the period when synapses form in ovo. Comparison of ligand binding to membranes obtained before and after synaptogenesis showed a significant increase in the affinity, but not proportion, of the high affinity agonist-binding state. There was no change in receptor sensitivity to antagonists during this period. Pirenzepine binding, which can discriminate muscarinic receptor subtypes, showed the presence of a single population of low affinity sites (M2) before and after synaptogenesis. The change in agonist binding was not due to the late development of receptor function; tests for receptor-stimulated phosphatidylinositol turnover and for modulation of agonist binding by guanylylimidodiphosphate showed functional coupling to be present several days prior to the onset of synapse formation. However, detergent-solubilization of membranes eliminated differences in agonist binding between receptors from embryos and hatched chicks, suggesting a developmental change in interactions of the receptor with functionally related membrane components. A possible basis for altered interactions was obtained from isoelectric point data showing that the muscarinic receptor population underwent a transition from a predominantly low pI form (4.25) in 13 day embryos to a predominantly high pI form (4.50) in newly hatched chicks. The possibility that biochemical changes in the muscarinic receptor play a role in differentiation of the system by controlling receptor position on the surface of nerve cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Washed microsomal preparations (100 000 xg sediment) from the yeast Sporopachydermia cereana that had been grown on trimethylamine N-oxide as sole nitrogen source catalysed the NAD(P)H-dependent reduction of trimethylamine N-oxide to trimethylamine. Under anaerobic conditions, this was the sole reaction product, but under aerobic conditions only small amounts of trimethylamine accumulated, most being further metabolized to methylamine and formaldehyde (no detectable dimenthylamine accumulated due to its rapid turnover). In the absence of NAD(P)H, no formation of amines or formaldehyde from trimethylamine N-oxide was detected. The trimethylamine N-oxide reductase activity was inhibited by quinacrine, Cu2+ ions, triethylamine N-oxide (apparent K i 0.43 mM) and dimethyl sulphoxide (K i 0.94 mM). Chlorate and nitrate failed to inhibit the enzyme. The K m for trimethylamine N-oxide was 29 M. Triethylamine N-oxide was also reduced by the microsomal preparation with the formation of acetaldehyde, and this reduction was sensitive to the same inhibitors as trimethylamine N-oxide, suggesting that both amine oxides are metabolized by the same enzyme(s). It is concluded that trimethylamine N-oxide is metabolized in this yeast via an NAD(P)H-dependent reductase.Abbreviations TMAO triemthylamine N-oxide  相似文献   
Abstract After growth on a mixture of ammonium and either methylamine or n -butylamine as nitrogen sources, benzylamine oxidase activity in yeasts from a number of different genera was found to be repressed to a lesser extent by ammonium than was methylamine oxidase. Catalase activity was better repressed by ammonium with methylamine as the nitrogen source than with n -butylamine. During growth of Kluyveromyces fragilis on equimolar mixtures of ammonium and an amine as nitrogen sources, benzylamine oxidase synthesis began during the period of exclusive growth on ammonium, and a period of simultaneous use of both nitrogen sources was observed just before the ammonium was exhausted. Addition of ammonium to cultures growing on n -butylamine as nitrogen source had no immediate repressive effect on benzylamine oxidase or catalase synthesis. However, growth on limiting ammonium in the absence of amines did give rise to low levels of amine oxidase and derepression of catalase activity. It is concluded that benzylamine oxidase in yeasts is induced strongly by amines as well as being less strongly repressed by ammonium than methylamine oxidase.  相似文献   
Abstract Sporopachydermia cereana , an ascosporogenous yeast, grew on dimethylamine, trimethylamine or trimethylamine N -oxide as sole nitrogen sources and produced mono-oxygenases for dimethylamine and trimethylamine that were significantly more stable than the corresponding enzymes found in Candida utilis . No trimethylamine mono-oxygenase activity was found in S. cereana grown on dimethylamine. In cells grown on trimethylamine N -oxide (but not on the other nitrogen sources), evidence for an enzyme metabolizing the N -oxide, possibly an aldolase, but more probably a reductase was obtained. All these activities showed a similar requirement for the presence of FAD or FMN in the extract buffer during isolation to retain activity. Amine mono-oxygenase activities showed a similar sensitivity to inhibitors, including proadifen hydrochloride and carbon monoxide as the corresponding enzymes in C. utilis . The trimethylamine N -oxide-dependent oxidation of NADH was more sensitive to inhibition by EDTA, N -ethylmaleimide and β-phenylethylamine than the mono-oxygenases, and less sensitive to KCN, and activity was significantly higher with NADPH than was observed with the 2 mono-oxygenases.  相似文献   
The g-value and linewidth of ESR spectra of methylamine dehydrogenase (primary-amine:(acceptor) oxidoreductase (deaminating) EC 1.4.99.-) and methanol dehydrogenase (alcohol:(acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC are very similar. This similarity is also reflected in electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) results, the coupling constants of two protons in one enzyme equalling those in the other. The presence of a third proton in the ENDOR spectrum of methylamine dehydrogenase suggests a different structure or a different kind of interaction which can be related to the finding that the resolved ROSTHETIC GROUP IS PROTEIN-BOUND. The bound prosthetic group has a high redox-potential, supporting the conclusion from the ESR and ENDOR results that it is a quinone derivative.  相似文献   
N-Methylglutamate dehydrogenase, purified to a specific activity of 0.29 unit/mg of protein, gave one band on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, corresponding to a molecular weight of 130 000. Enzyme-Triton complexes were found to have a partial specific volume of 0.73 cm3/g, suggesting that the protein binds less than 0.1 g of Triton/g of protein. A molecular weight for the intact enzyme in the presence of 1% (w/v) Triton X-100 of 550 000 suggested that the enzyme may be a tetramer.  相似文献   
These studies were initiated to determine whether the soluble, truncated form of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor arises from post-translational processing of the intact, membrane-bound receptor or from an alternatively spliced mRNA. Pulse-chase analysis of cultured primary rat Schwann cells coupled with immunoprecipitations using antibodies to the intracellular and extracellular domains of the receptor were used to monitor receptor production. Three forms of the NGF receptor (80, 83, and 85 kDa) displaying a precursor product relationship were detected over the 2-h chase period; only the 85-kDa species was detected on the cell surface. Truncated receptors (50 and 52 kDa) were detected in conditioned media 5 h after cell labeling but were never observed intracellularly. Polymerase chain reaction and RNase protection analyses of NGF receptor mRNA targeted toward the coding region for the transmembrane domain detected no splice variants that could generate truncated receptor, and media conditioned by fibroblasts transfected with rat receptor cDNA, in which splicing cannot occur, nonetheless contained the truncated receptor protein. Taken together, these results suggest that the truncated NGF receptor does not arise as a distinct translation product but rather from a post-translational modification of the intact, surface-bound form of the protein.  相似文献   
Glycopeptides of desired structure can be conveniently prepared by the coupling of reducing oligosaccharides to aspartic acid of peptides via their glycosylamines formed in the presence of saturated aqueous ammonium hydrogen carbonate. The resulting oligosaccharide chains are N-linked to asparagine as in natural glycoproteins, allowing different peptide oligosaccharide combinations to be analysed for conformational effects. In the present paper, a pentapeptide of ovalbumin was coupled to Man5GlcNAc2 oligosaccharide and the glycopeptide and the two parent compounds compared by NMR ROESY experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. Despite the small size of the peptide, conformational effects were observed suggestive of the oligosaccharide stabilising the peptide in solution and of the peptide influencing oligosaccharide conformation. These effects are relevant to the function of glycosylation and the enzymic processing of oligosaccharide chains.  相似文献   
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