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The rehydration of dried conidia of Metarhizium flavoviride was investigated in an attempt to increase speed of kill of locusts and grasshoppers by formulations of this fungus. Conidia were dried to 4-5% moisture content with no apparent adverse effects on viability, but rapid rehydration (by putting dried conidia directly in free water) reduced viability. Rehydration in an atmosphere of high humidity allowed dry conidia to absorb sufficient moisture to avoid imbibition damage. Rehydrating and pre-germinating conidia prior to spraying (in an oil-based formulation) on to the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, did not decrease the time to death, suggesting that moisture uptake by dry conidia on the desert locust cuticle is easily achieved.  相似文献   
  • 1 Effective biological pesticides based on oil formulation of deuteromycete fungal spores have been developed for use against locusts and grasshoppers. The isolate IMI 330189 of Metarhizium anisopliae (flavoviride) var. acridum has been registered, extensively field tested and its operating characteristics explored. It should form an powerful component technology in the integrated management of locust and grasshopper pests.
  • 2 The particular advantages of Metarhizium anisopliae were found to be efficacy and persistence, low vertebrate toxicity, little environmental impact, conservation of natural enemies and potential for recycling. Additional socio-economic advantages include the possibility of local production, ease of disposal and versatility in use. The principal disadvantages relate to operating characteristics such as slower speed of kill and slightly greater lability in storage than chemical pesticides.
  • 3 Strategies are being developed to integrate biological control agents into locust and grasshopper management schemes; for Metarhizium the accent is placed on: (i) treating the pest before it invades crops and (ii) situations with a high premium on environmental issues.
  • 4 For some pest situations, fast-acting chemical pesticides will still be necessary for crop protection.
  • 5 A cheaper biological agent, such as Nosema locustae, with the capacity to persist in the pest insect population would be useful. Research is recommended on the long-term impact of Nosema in Africa.
  • 6 An evaluation of the utility of the manual destruction of egg pods leads to the conclusion that we should consider the possibility of importing egg parasitoids, such as Scelio parvicornis from Australia, into Africa.
  • 7 Further development work is needed to clarify the economics and politics of locust and grasshopper control; to improve the regulatory framework for biopesticides; to inform key decision makers of the availability and potential of Metarhizium; and to implement the bio-intensive IPM strategies described.
Operational scale field trials were conducted in 1996 and 1997, in the east of the Niger Republic, on 50 and 800 hectare plots, to compare the efficacy of an oil based formulation of the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae (flavoviride) var. acridum (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) with fenitrothion for the control of Sahelian grasshoppers. The Senegalese Grasshopper Oedaleus senegalensis Krauss was the most abundant species in the trials. M. anisopliae was applied at 5 x 1012 spores ha-1 at volume application rates of 2 and 0.5 l ha-1 in successive years. Fenitrothion was applied at 220 g/ha-1 at 1.25 and 0.22 l ha-1 volume application rates. Ultra low volume equipment mounted on a vehicle (1996) or a fixed wing aircraft (1997) was used for application. The M. anisopliae treatment reduced the grasshopper population significantly after 7 days and by 93% within 16 days. Fenitrothion caused a population reduction of more than 90% shortly after application, but due to immigration, the grasshopper population recovered to the initial level within 16 days. Grasshoppers treated with the fungus and given the opportunity to thermoregulate in the sun died more slowly than grasshoppers incubated in the shade. The survival of spores in the spray residue of the M. anisopliae plots assessed by exposing grasshoppers to the sprayed vegetation at intervals and monitoring disease levels during subsequent laboratory incubation, showed the spray residue to remain highly infective, for three weeks after spraying. At the end of the 1997 season, egg pod density and viability in the plot treated with the fungus was reduced compared with both untreated and the fenitrothion plots. Compared with the existing practice of large-scale treatment of grasshopper infestations with fenitrothion, use of M. anisopliae would not only be safer to mammals and less damaging to non-target organisms, but also be more effective in the long-term control of grasshoppers.  相似文献   
The efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae strain Ma43 and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus strain Pfr12 (both Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) against adults of Empoasca decipiens (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) and potential side effects on the egg parasitoid Anagrus atomus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), were investigated in greenhouse cage and laboratory experiments. Treating leafhopper-infested faba bean plants at a dose rate of 1×107 conidia mL-1 resulted in up to 97% mortality 7 days after application and a 100% infection rate. Experiments on the residual effects revealed a significant decrease in adult E. decipiens mortality with increasing time from application to insect release. The decrease in mortality over time corresponded well with data from conidia germination tests. The germination of conidia on agar medium after washing them from the surafce of sprayed plants declined significantly from 95 and 96% immediately after application for M. anisopliae Ma43 and P. fumosoroseus Pfr12, respectively, to 29 and 27% 5 days later. Experiments on potential side effects of the entomopathogenic fungi on A. atomus showed that the tested isolates had no influence on adult emergence and longevity; however, the rates of parasitism were significantly reduced by the fungal treatments. The latter might be due to either density effects and/or could indicate that A. atomus avoids fungal-treated plants. However, the parasitoid is substantially less susceptible to the fungal strains tested than the host itself.  相似文献   
The effect of the chemical insecticide, fenitrothion, and a mycoinsecticide based on Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum on the activity of non-target epigeal arthropod scavengers was investigated in areas of open savannah in southeast Niger Republic, West Africa. Both insecticides were applied as full cover sprays to unreplicated 800 ha plots to assess their season-long control of Sahelian grasshoppers. Compared with control plots, fenitrothion caused an immediate but temporary reduction in grasshopper numbers, whereas M. anisopliae var. acridum provided delayed but prolonged control. Scavenging rates of pyrethroid-killed grasshoppers placed along transects in unsprayed plots and those treated with fenitrothion and M. anisopliae var. acridum at various intervals after spraying were assessed. In the fenitrothion plot, an immediate reduction in scavenging activity occurred that was still apparent after 40 days at the plot center, although recovery at the plot edges was more rapid. By contrast scavenging rates remained high over equivalent areas in the M. anisopliae var. acridum and two untreated plots. Concurrent to the scavenging study, counts of grasshopper cadavers resulting from the spray treatments were conducted. These counts revealed that the density of grasshopper cadavers remained low throughout the M. anisopliae var. acridum plot and explained <1% of the reduction in live grasshoppers resulting from treatment, compared with >20% in the fenitrothion plot. This shortfall in grasshopper cadavers resulting from the spray treatment in the M. anisopliae var. acridum plot was unexpected because in a monitoring study, fungus-killed (unlike pyrethroid-killed) grasshoppers were unattractive to scavengers and readily persisted in this plot, and thus should have become apparent. Given we did not observe significant grasshopper dispersal, the scarcity of cadavers generated in the M. anisopliae var. acridum plot, together with unquantified visual observations, suggests that predation of infected but living grasshoppers was high. Our data provide circumstantial evidence that the different effects of chemical and biological grasshopper control on grasshopper natural enemies may influence the efficacy of large-scale treatments.  相似文献   
A mixture of lambda-cyhalothrin (lambda-cyhalothrin: chemical insecticide) and Metarhizium anisopliae ( flavoviride ) var. acridum Driver and Milner, an entomopathogenic fungus (bioinsecticide) was used for grasshopper control in Mali. An oil-based formulation of Metarhizium anisopliae ( flavoviride ) var. acridum Driver and Milner has been developed by LUBILOSA a collaborative project for locust and grasshoppers control. It takes 6 to 10 days for the biopesticide to kill the hosts, which is not a problem for larvae in fallows because they will die before reaching the farmers' fields. However, if crops are infested by adults, the farmers can not wait for 6 to 10 days. An experiment was conducted in Mali using a mixture of a biopesticide and chemical pesticide. The mixture of lambda-cyhalothrin (chemical insecticide) and Metarhizium anisopliae ( flavoviride ) var. acridum (biopesticide: oil-based entomopathogenic fungus spore suspension) was applied to nymphs of Sahelian grasshoppers, using ultra low volume (ULV) sprayers. Both the mixture and lambda-cyhalothrin alone gave quick mortality, with slightly higher mortality for the mixture. Mortality due to the Metarhizium treatments began 2 days after application and subsequently reached similar levels of mortality to the lambda-cyhalothrin mixture treatments. The efficacy of the mixture was greater than Metarhizium alone. The efficacy of lambda-cyhalothrin reached 80% on the day following application, but declined after 10 days, due probably to immigration of untreated grasshoppers.  相似文献   
1 Thermal behaviour of the variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus, was investigated in the humid tropical zone of southern Benin, west Africa, in the dry seasons of 1996 and 1998. In 1998, investigations included studies of a population of grasshoppers sprayed with an oil‐based formulation of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae var acridum. 2 Body temperature measurements and observations of thermal behaviour both in the field and on thermal gradients in the laboratory, suggest that Z. variegatus was not an active behavioural thermoregulator. Although it did show shade‐seeking behaviour at high temperatures, no overt behavioural postures or microhabitat selection associated with heat gain and elevation of body temperatures was observed. Moreover, no alterations to thermal behaviour were found in response to infection by Metarhizium. 3 Body temperatures exhibited by Z. variegatus in the field will lengthen disease incubation of M. anisopliae var acridum compared with laboratory maintained, constant temperature conditions and may have a significant impact on pathogens with a lower thermal tolerance. 4 Habitat structure appeared to be an important factor determining the extent of body temperature elevation. The effect of habitat differences on infection and growth of M. anisopliae var acridum and other entomopathogenic fungi is discussed.  相似文献   
A field trial was conducted to test the efficacy of an oil formulation of the entomopathogenic fungus , Metarhizium flavoviride Gams & Rozsypal (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) , as a control agent for the desert locust , Schistocerca gregaria Forskal (Orthoptera: Acrididae) , in Mauritania . The treatment was applied to hopper bands in the field . In caged samples of the treated insects , 99% mortality was observed in 15 days . On average during application only 51% of the hoppers received spray droplets directly , the additional mortality being due to pick - up of spores from the spray residue . This mortality was assessed by exposing insects to a treated plot at intervals , and monitoring disease levels during subsequent incubation in cages . The spray residue remained highly infective for a period of 6 days after application . The number of nymphs in the hopper bands was estimated using a computer - based photographic image - processing technique . Unfortunately , most of the hopper bands dispersed into small groups , but a population reduction could be demonstrated for one hopper band . Maximal daily mortality in the field was observed 10 - 11 days after application , compared with 6 - 10 days in cages .  相似文献   
Locusts and grasshoppers regularly threaten agricultural production across large parts of the developed and developing worlds. Recent concerns over the health and environmental impacts of standard chemical control measures have led to a demand for alternative, more environmentally benign control technologies. Here we present the results of a field study to investigate the potential of inundative biological control for control of grasshoppers in the Sahelian region of Africa. The biocontrol agent was an oil-based biopesticide formulation of a naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium flavoviride. This was applied at a rate of 2l ha-1 to a total area of 150 ha using standard equipment normally used for the application of chemical pesticides. Twenty-one days after application, an 80 per cent reduction in grasshopper populations was recorded in treated plots, relative to control populations in equivalent unsprayed areas. We think that this is the first operational-scale application of a biopesticide to demonstrate significant population reductions of key Sahelian grasshopper pests. This represents a substantial development in locust and grasshopper control, and should open the way for a new era of integrated control strategies where reliance on conventional chemicals is reduced.  相似文献   
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