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Recent studies point to a great diversity of non-ribosomal peptide synthesis systems with major roles in amino acid and co-factor biosynthesis, secondary metabolism, and post-translational modifications of proteins by peptide tags. The least studied of these systems are those utilizing tRNAs or aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AAtRS) in non-ribosomal peptide ligation.  相似文献   


Ubiquitin (Ub)-mediated signaling is one of the hallmarks of all eukaryotes. Prokaryotic homologs of Ub (ThiS and MoaD) and E1 ligases have been studied in relation to sulfur incorporation reactions in thiamine and molybdenum/tungsten cofactor biosynthesis. However, there is no evidence for entire protein modification systems with Ub-like proteins and deconjugation by deubiquitinating enzymes in prokaryotes. Hence, the evolutionary assembly of the eukaryotic Ub-signaling apparatus remains unclear.  相似文献   
Charan, Nirmal B., Shane R. Johnson, S. Lakshminarayan,William H. Thompson, and Paula Carvalho. Nitric oxide and-adrenergic agonist-induced bronchial arterial vasodilation.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 686-692, 1997.In anesthetized sheep, we measured bronchial blood flow(br) by an ultrasonic flow probe to investigate the interaction between inhaled nitric oxide (NO; 100 parts/million) givenfor 5 min and 5 ml of aerosolized isoetharine (1.49 × 102 M concentration).NO and isoetharine increased br from 26.5 ± 6.5 to 39.1 (SE) ± 10.6 and 39.7 ± 10.7 ml/min,respectively (n = 5).Administration of NO immediately after isoetharine further increasedbr to 57.3 ± 15.1 ml/min. NO synthase inhibitorN-nitro-L-arginine methyl esterhydrochloride (L-NAME; 30 mg/kg, in 20 ml salinegiven iv) decreased br to 14.6 ± 2.6 ml/min. NO given three times alternately with isoetharine progressively increased br from 14.6 ± 2.6 to 74.3 ± 17.0 ml/min, suggesting that NO and isoetharine potentiatevasodilator effects of each other. In three other sheep, afterL-NAME, three sequential doses of isoetharine increased br from 10.2 ± 3.4 to11.5 ± 5.7, 11.7 ± 4.7, and 13.3 ± 5.7 ml/min,respectively, indicating that effects of isoetharine are predominantlymediated through synthesis of NO. When this was followed by threesequential administrations of NO, br increased by146, 172, and 185%, respectively. Thus in the bronchial circulationthere seems to be a close interaction between adenosine3,5-cyclic monophosphate- and guanosine3,5-cyclic monophosphate-mediated vasodilatation.

Discovery of the TET/JBP family of dioxygenases that modify bases in DNA has sparked considerable interest in novel DNA base modifications and their biological roles. Using sensitive sequence and structure analyses combined with contextual information from comparative genomics, we computationally characterize over 12 novel biochemical systems for DNA modifications. We predict previously unidentified enzymes, such as the kinetoplastid J-base generating glycosyltransferase (and its homolog GREB1), the catalytic specificity of bacteriophage TET/JBP proteins and their role in complex DNA base modifications. We also predict the enzymes involved in synthesis of hypermodified bases such as alpha-glutamylthymine and alpha-putrescinylthymine that have remained enigmatic for several decades. Moreover, the current analysis suggests that bacteriophages and certain nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses contain an unexpectedly diverse range of DNA modification systems, in addition to those using previously characterized enzymes such as Dam, Dcm, TET/JBP, pyrimidine hydroxymethylases, Mom and glycosyltransferases. These include enzymes generating modified bases such as deazaguanines related to queuine and archaeosine, pyrimidines comparable with lysidine, those derived using modified S-adenosyl methionine derivatives and those using TET/JBP-generated hydroxymethyl pyrimidines as biosynthetic starting points. We present evidence that some of these modification systems are also widely dispersed across prokaryotes and certain eukaryotes such as basidiomycetes, chlorophyte and stramenopile alga, where they could serve as novel epigenetic marks for regulation or discrimination of self from non-self DNA. Our study extends the role of the PUA-like fold domains in recognition of modified nucleic acids and predicts versions of the ASCH and EVE domains to be novel ‘readers’ of modified bases in DNA. These results open opportunities for the investigation of the biology of these systems and their use in biotechnology.  相似文献   
We studiedthe effects of aerosolized as well as intravenous infusion ofacetylcholine on bronchial blood flow in six anesthetized sheep.Intravenous infusion of acetylcholine, at a dose of 2 µg/kg, increased bronchial blood flow from 45 ± 15 (SE) to 74 ± 30 ml/min, and vascular conductance increased by 76 ± 22%. In contrast, aerosolized acetylcholine at doses of 2 and 20 µg/kg decreased bronchial vascular conductance by ~10%. At anaerosolized dose of 200 µg/kg, the bronchial vascular conductanceincreased by ~15%, and there was no further increase in conductancewhen the aerosolized dose was increased to 2,000 µg/kg. Pretreatmentof animals with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor,N-nitro-L-argininemethyl ester hydrochloride, partially blocked the vasodilatory effectsof intravenous acetylcholine and completely blocked the vasodilatoryeffects of high-dose aerosolized acetylcholine. These data suggest thataerosolized acetylcholine does not readily penetrate the vascular wallof bronchial circulatory system and, therefore, has minimalvasodilatory effects on the bronchial vasculature.

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