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White root rot, caused by the ascomycete Rosellinia necatrix, is a devastating disease worldwide, particularly in fruit trees in Japan. Here we report on the biological and molecular properties of a novel bipartite double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus encompassing dsRNA-1 (8,931 bp) and dsRNA-2 (7,180 bp), which was isolated from a field strain of R. necatrix, W779. Besides the strictly conserved 5′ (24 nt) and 3′ (8 nt) terminal sequences, both segments show high levels of sequence similarity in the long 5′ untranslated region of approximately 1.6 kbp. dsRNA-1 and -2 each possess two open reading frames (ORFs) named ORF1 to -4. Although the protein encoded by 3′-proximal ORF2 on dsRNA-1 shows sequence identities of 22 to 32% with RNA-dependent RNA polymerases from members of the families Totiviridae and Chrysoviridae, the remaining three virus-encoded proteins lack sequence similarities with any reported mycovirus proteins. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the W779 virus belongs to a separate clade distinct from those of other known mycoviruses. Purified virions ∼50 nm in diameter consisted of dsRNA-1 and -2 and a single major capsid protein of 135 kDa, which was shown by peptide mass fingerprinting to be encoded by dsRNA-1 ORF1. We developed a transfection protocol using purified virions to show that the virus was responsible for reduction of virulence and mycelial growth in several host strains. These combined results indicate that the W779 virus is a novel bipartite dsRNA virus with potential for biological control (virocontrol), named Rosellinia necatrix megabirnavirus 1 (RnMBV1), that possibly belongs to a new virus family.Viruses are found ubiquitously in major groups of filamentous fungi (40), and an increasing number of novel mycoviruses are being reported (3, 36). Mycoviruses with RNA genomes are now classified into 10 families, of which four accommodate double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses and the remaining six comprise single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses (23). While many ssRNA mycoviruses, like hypoviruses and endornaviruses, do not produce particles, dsRNA virus genomes, whether undivided (the family Totiviridae) or divided (11 or 12 segments for the family Reoviridae, 4 segments for the family Chrysoviridae, and 2 segments for the family Partitiviridae), are encapsidated in rigid particles. Most mycoviruses are considered to cause cryptic infections, while some cause phenotypic alterations that include hypovirulence and debilitation. However, the lack of artificial introduction methods for most mycoviruses has greatly hampered progress in exploring mycovirus-host interactions (23, 40). Thus, a virus etiology of altered fungal phenotypes was established only for a limited number of examples, including hypovirus-C. parasitica and mycoreovirus-C. parasitica.White root rot is one of the most devastating diseases of perennial crops worldwide, particularly highly valued fruits in Japan like apple, Japanese pear, and grapevine. The causal fungus, Rosellinia necatrix, is an ascomycete with a wide range of host plants of >197 species spanning 50 families (31) and is difficult to control by conventional methods, as is often the case for soilborne pathogens. Fungicide application, though it may be effective, is labor-intensive and raises environmental concerns, while cultural practices may not be effective. Successful biocontrol of chestnut blight disease in Europe with hypovirulent strains (25, 38) inspired a group of Japanese researchers to conduct an extensive search of a large collection of >1,000 field fungal isolates for mycoviruses that might serve as virocontrol agents. Virocontrol or virological control refers to one form of biological control utilizing viruses that infect organisms pathogenic to useful organisms (23). Approximately 20% of the collected isolates of R. necatrix were found to be dsRNA positive and presumed to be infected by mycoviruses (4, 29). Agarose gel profiles of dsRNAs suggested infections by members in the families Totiviridae, Partitiviridae, Reoviridae, and Chrysoviridae, as well as unassigned viruses (S. Kanematsu and A. Sasaki, unpublished results). Among those dsRNAs, the genomic segments of Mycoreovirus 3 (MyRV3) (55) and Rosellinia necatrix partitivirus 1 (RnPV1) (44) were well characterized. However, many other dsRNAs remain uncharacterized.Artificial virion introduction protocols, which are often unavailable for mycoviruses, have been developed for specific viruses infecting the white root rot fungus. Using a polyethylene glycol (PEG)-mediated method, as established for MyRV1 and MyRV2 infecting C. parasitaca (27, 28), RnPV1 and MyRV3 were shown to be infectious as particles (45, 46). Subsequently, the cause-effect relationship was established: MyRV3 was demonstrated to confer hypovirulence (attenuated virulence) on an isogenic strain and a few vegetatively incompatible virulent strains of R. necatrix (33, 45), while RnPV1 was shown to be associated with symptomless infection. Protoplast fusion is also available for introduction of partitiviruses and uncharacterized viruses into recipient fungal strains that are vegetatively incompatible with virus-containing ones (A. Sasaki, unpublished results). Furthermore, DNA transformation systems are available for foreign gene expression in R. necatrix (33, 42). These technical advances have made the R. necatrix-mycovirus systems attractive for studies of virus-host interactions and virocontrol (23, 37).R. necatrix strain W779 was isolated by Ikeda et al. (29, 30) from soil in Ibaraki Prefecture as a dsRNA-positive strain that had yet to be characterized. Here we describe the purification and biological and molecular properties of a novel virus isolated from W779. Particles ∼50 nm in diameter isolated from strain W779 consist of two dsRNA elements termed dsRNA-1 and -2 of approximately 9 and 7 kbp and a major protein of 135 kDa encoded by one of two open reading frames (ORFs) on dsRNA-1. Importantly, purified virus particles were shown to be infectious and confer hypovirulence on vegetatively incompatible fungal strains. The two dsRNA segments share the conserved terminal sequences at both ends, and both possess extremely long (>1.6 kb) 5′ untranslated regions (UTRs) similar to each other, two ORFs, and relatively short 3′ UTRs. The 3′-proximal ORF of dsRNA-1 encodes an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) showing low levels (22 to 32%) of sequence identity to those of members of the families Totiviridae and Chrysoviridae. A phylogenetic analysis with RdRp sequences revealed that the W779 virus is placed into a separate clade from the recognized virus families. These attributes indicate that dsRNA-1 and -2 represent the genome segments of a novel bipartite virus, designated Rosellinia necatrix megabirnavirus 1 (RnMBV1), with virolocontrol agent potential. We propose the establishment of a new family, Megabirnaviridae, to accommodate RnMBV1 as the type species.  相似文献   
The rate of preterm birth is a public health concern worldwide because it is increasing and efforts to prevent it have failed. We report a Clinically Relevant Complex Systematic Review (CSCSR) designed to identify and evaluate the best available evidence in support of the association between periodontal status in women and pregnancy outcome of preterm low birth weight. We hypothesize that the traditional limits of research synthesis must be expanded to incorporate a translational component. As a proof-of-concept model, we propose that this CSCSR can yield greater validity of efficacy and effectiveness through supplementing its recommendations with data of the proteomic signature of periodontal disease in pregnancy, which can contribute to addressing specifically the predictive validity for adverse outcomes. For this CRCSR, systematic reviews were identified through The National Library of MedicinePubmed, The Cochrane library, CINAHL, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and the American Dental Association web library. Independent reviewers quantified the relevance and quality of this literature with R-AMSTAR. Homogeneity and inter-rater reliability testing were supplemented with acceptable sampling analysis. Research synthesis outcomes were analyzed qualitatively toward a Bayesian inference, and converge to demonstrate a definite association between maternal periodontal disease and pregnancy outcome. This CRCSR limits heterogeneity in terms of periodontal disease, outcome measure, selection bias, uncontrolled confounders and effect modifiers. Taken together, the translational CRCSR model we propose suggests that further research is advocated to explore the fundamental mechanisms underlying this association, from a molecular and proteomic perspective.  相似文献   
The rate of preterm birth is a public health concern worldwide because it is increasing and efforts to prevent it have failed. We report a Clinically Relevant Complex Systematic Review (CSCSR) designed to identify and evaluate the best available evidence in support of the association between periodontal status in women and pregnancy outcome of preterm low birth weight. We hypothesize that the traditional limits of research synthesis must be expanded to incorporate a translational component. As a proof-of-concept model, we propose that this CSCSR can yield greater validity of efficacy and effectiveness through supplementing its recommendations with data of the proteomic signature of periodontal disease in pregnancy, which can contribute to addressing specifically the predictive validity for adverse outcomes. For this CRCSR, systematic reviews were identified through The National Library of MedicinePubmed, The Cochrane library, CINAHL, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and the American Dental Association web library. Independent reviewers quantified the relevance and quality of this literature with R-AMSTAR. Homogeneity and inter-rater reliability testing were supplemented with acceptable sampling analysis. Research synthesis outcomes were analyzed qualitatively toward a Bayesian inference, and converge to demonstrate a definite association between maternal periodontal disease and pregnancy outcome. This CRCSR limits heterogeneity in terms of periodontal disease, outcome measure, selection bias, uncontrolled confounders and effect modifiers. Taken together, the translational CRCSR model we propose suggests that further research is advocated to explore the fundamental mechanisms underlying this association, from a molecular and proteomic perspective.  相似文献   
A series of visual enumeration tasks were conducted investigating the role of the dorsal visual stream in motion segmentation. Cortical areas representing the lower visual field have greater connections with the parietal cortex and should therefore show an advantage for processes driven by the dorsal stream (Previc, 1990). We looked for differences in processing displays in the upper versus lower visual field when targets required segmentation from distractors in an enumeration task. In a baseline condition, random configurations of moving and static items were presented briefly (200 ms) to the upper or lower visual field. Fast and efficient enumeration took place both for moving targets and for static targets presented alone; there was no effect of visual field. In contrast, for moving targets, a lower visual field advantage was found when the inclusion of static distractors demanded segmentation by motion. This disappeared at the smaller display sizes when the targets were presented in canonical patterns. The results are consistent with segmentation of moving targets from static distractors being mediated by dorsal regions of the visual cortex, particularly under conditions of high load (non-canonical patterns). These regions show greater sensitivity to the lower visual field and to magnocellular-based input.  相似文献   
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