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The chemical composition of 44 leaf oil samples of Laggera pterodonta (DC.) Sch.Bip. ex Oliv. (Asteraceae) from Côte d'Ivoire was investigated, using combination of chromatographic (GC‐FID) and spectroscopic (GC/MS, 13C‐NMR) techniques. Two oil samples chosen according to their chromatographic profiles were submitted to column chromatography and all fractions of CC were analyzed by GC‐FID, GC/MS and 13C‐NMR. In total, 83 components accounting for 96.5 to 99.4 % of the whole chemical composition were identified. Significant variations were observed within terpene classes: monoterpene hydrocarbons (0.4–22.7 %), oxygenated monoterpenes (32.9–54.9 %), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (18.6–38.3 %) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (3.5–38.4 %). Thus, the 44 compositions were subjected to hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). Two groups were differentiated according to their composition. All the samples contained 2,5‐dimethoxy‐p‐cymene, α‐humulene and (E)‐β‐caryophyllene among the main components. Other components were present at appreciable contents and allowed differentiation of two groups: sabinene and germacrene D for Group I; 10‐epiγ‐eudesmol and eudesm‐7(11)‐en‐4α‐ol for Group II. All the samples collected in Eastern Côte d'Ivoire constituted Group I, while samples collected in the Central area of the country constituted Group II.  相似文献   
It is widely recognized that stromal fibroblasts significantly influence biological properties of multiple tumors including breast cancer. However, these epithelial–mesenchymal interactions seem to be essential in tumor biology and it is not fully clear whether this interaction is tumor type-specific or has a more general non-specific character. To elucidate this question, we tested the effect of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) isolated from different types of tumors (breast cancer skin metastasis, cutaneous basal cell carcinoma and melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma arising from oral cavity mucous membrane) on the EM-G3 breast cancer cell line. The results were compared with control experiments using normal human dermal fibroblasts, 3T3 mouse fibroblasts, and 3T3 fibroblasts influenced by the fibroblasts prepared from the basal cell carcinoma. Our results demonstrated that expression of luminal marker keratin 8 was influenced only by CAFs prepared from any tested tumors. In contrast, all tested types of fibroblasts showed a strong stimulatory effect on the expression of basal/myoepithelial marker keratin 14. The CAFs also elevated the number of cells with positivity for both keratins 8 and 14 that are similar to ductal originated precursor cells. The expression of proliferation marker Ki67 was not influenced by any of the tested fibroblasts. In conclusion, our data indicate that CAFs are able to influence the phenotype of a breast cancer cell line and this effect is based on a tumor type-unspecific mechanism. Finally, a clear functional difference between normal and CAFs was demonstrated.  相似文献   


Burden of disease estimates are widely used for priority setting in public health and disability-adjusted life years are a powerful “currency” nowadays. However, disability weights, which capture the disability incurred by a typical patient of a certain condition, are fundamental to such burden calculation and their determination remains a widely debated issue.


A cross-sectional epidemiological survey was conducted in the recently established Taabo health demographic surveillance system (HDSS) in south-central Côte d''Ivoire, to provide new, population-based evidence on the disability caused by schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis. Parasitological results from stool, urine, and blood examinations were juxtaposed to quality of life (QoL) questionnaire results from 187 adults. A multivariable linear regression model with stepwise backward elimination was used to identify significant associations, considering also sociodemographic characteristics obtained from the Taabo HDSS database.

Principal Findings

Prevalences for hookworm, Plasmodium spp., Trichuris trichiura, Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni were 39.0%, 18.2%, 2.7%, 2.1% and 2.1%, respectively. S. mansoni and T. trichiura infections of any intensity reduced the participants'' self-rated QoL by 16 points (95% confidence interval (CI): 4–29 points) and 13 points (95% CI: 1–24 points), respectively, on a scale from 0 (worst QoL) to 100 points (best QoL). The only other statistically significant effect was a 1-point (95% CI: 0.1–2 points) increase on the QoL scale per one unit increase in a calculated wealth index.


We found consistent and significant results on the negative effects of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis on adults'' self-rated QoL, also when taking sociodemographic characteristics into account. Our results warrant further investigation on the disability incurred by helmintic infections and the usefulness of generic QoL questionnaires in this endeavor.  相似文献   
This study was aimed at understanding the main abiotic environmental factors controlling the distribution patterns of abundance and composition of phytoplankton (size less than 10 μm) assemblages in the coastal waters of south‐eastern Côte d'Ivoire. Data were collected during two cruises, in January (low‐water period) and October (high‐water period) of 2014. A total of 67 species were identified and assigned to Bacillariophyceae (49%), Cyanophyceae (21%), Chlorophyceae (13%), Euglenophyceae (10%), Dinophyceae (4%) and Chrysophyceae (3%). Three biotic zones (I, IIA and IIB) were distinguishable on a Kohonen self‐organizing map after an unsupervised learning process. The diatom genera Eunotia sp., Navicula sp. and Actinoptychus senarius are significantly associated with I, IIA and IIB biotic zones, respectively. A clear seasonal cum salinity trend was apparent in phytoplankton distribution patterns. Turbidity and nitrate levels were the main abiotic factors controlling phytoplankton distribution in I, the upland tidal regions of the lagoon. In regions along the lagoon–sea continuum, phosphate and turbidity exert the most control during the low‐water season (IIA), while total dissolved solids control phytoplankton distribution during the high‐water season (IIB). These are climate‐sensitive parameters whose concentrations depend on prevailing hydroclimatic processes. Therefore, seasonality can have important consequences on phytoplankton community and inadvertently the productivity of these systems.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus aureus is an important human pathogen, but it appears more commonly in asymptomatic colonization of the nasopharynx than in cases of invasive disease. Evidence concerning the global population structure of S. aureus is limited by the overrepresentation in the multilocus sequence testing database of disease isolates recovered from Western Europe, the Americas, Australia, and Japan. We address this by presenting data from the S. aureus carriage population in Mali, the first detailed characterization of asymptomatic carriage from an African population. These data confirm the pandemic spread of many of the common S. aureus clones in the carriage population. We also note the high frequency (approximately 24%) of a single divergent genotype, sequence type 152 (ST152), which has not previously been recovered from nasal carriage isolates but corresponds to a sporadic Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)-positive, community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus clone noted mostly in Central Europe. We show that 100% of the ST152 isolates recovered from nasal carriage samples in Mali are PVL positive and discuss implications relating to the emergence and spread of this virulent genotype.  相似文献   
To improve our understanding of the ecological functioning of constructed wetlands, the macrofauna structure in the sediments of a constructed wetland planted with Panicum maximum treating domestic wastewater was studied. Two beds were planted with young P. maximum and two unplanted beds were used as controls. After 150 days of wastewater treatment on the beds, macrofauna was collected by taking five cores of sediment samples at the corners and the centre of each bed following three layers in the vertical profile. Globally, the planted beds removed COD, NH4+, and PO43? more (p < 0.05) than the control. Eleven taxa belonging to 6 classes and 11 orders were recorded. Macrofauna was significantly more diversified (Mann–Whitney test: p < 0.05) in terms of Shannon index of diversity in the planted beds (0.25–0.44 bits/ind.) than in the control (0.08–0.23 bits/ind.). But macrofauna settlement presents a relative homogeneity between the beds (index Jaccard = 0.63). Its abundance was three times higher in the planted bed than in the control. From the surface to the bottom of the beds, macrofauna diversity and abundance decreased and were heavily dominated by Annelida. The significant relationships were only observed between Insecta and Myriapoda in the control.  相似文献   


New efforts are being made to improve understanding of the epidemiology of the helminths and intensifying the control efforts against these parasites. In contrast, relatively few studies are being carried out in this direction for the intestinal protozoa. To contribute to a better comprehension of the epidemiology of the intestinal protozoa, prevalence, and spatial distribution of Entamoeba histolytica/dispar and Giardia lamblia, and their association with drinking water supplies, were determined in the Agboville department in southeast Côte d''Ivoire.


Stool samples were taken from more than 1,300 schoolchildren in the third year of primary education (CE1) from 30 primary schools and preserved in SAF (sodium acetate-acetic acid-formalin). The samples were analyzed by formalin-ether concentration. Then, a survey questionnaire addressed to schoolchildren and school directors was used to collect data on water supplies. Prevalence of E. histolytica/dispar and G. lamblia were, respectively, 18.8% and 13.9%. No particular focus zone was observed in the spatial distribution of the two species. Significant negative association was observed between use of tap water and high prevalence of E. histolytica/dispar infection (OR = 0.83, p = 0.01). High prevalence of G. lamblia infection was positively associated with use of ponds as the source of drinking water (OR = 1.28, p = 0.009).


These two species of pathogenic protozoa are present with substantial prevalence in this area of Côte d''Ivoire. Although their spatial distribution is not focused in any one place, determination of the population segments with the highest levels of infection will help to target the chemotherapeutic fight. To reinforce treatment with chemotherapeutic agents, tap water should be made available in all the localities of this area.  相似文献   
To extend our observations that single or repeated application of a gel containing the NNRTI MIV-150 (M) and zinc acetate dihydrate (ZA) in carrageenan (CG) (MZC) inhibits vaginal transmission of simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV)-RT in macaques, we evaluated safety and anti-SHIV-RT activity of MZC and related gel formulations ex vivo in macaque mucosal explants. In addition, safety was further evaluated in human ectocervical explants. The gels did not induce mucosal toxicity. A single ex vivo exposure to diluted MZC (1∶30, 1∶100) and MC (1∶30, the only dilution tested), but not to ZC gel, up to 4 days prior to viral challenge, significantly inhibited SHIV-RT infection in macaque vaginal mucosa. MZC''s activity was not affected by seminal plasma. The antiviral activity of unformulated MIV-150 was not enhanced in the presence of ZA, suggesting that the antiviral activity of MZC was mediated predominantly by MIV-150. In vivo administration of MZC and CG significantly inhibited ex vivo SHIV-RT infection (51–62% inhibition relative to baselines) of vaginal (but not cervical) mucosa collected 24 h post last gel exposure, indicating barrier effect of CG. Although the inhibitory effect of MZC (65–74%) did not significantly differ from CG (32–45%), it was within the range of protection (∼75%) against vaginal SHIV-RT challenge 24 h after gel dosing. Overall, the data suggest that evaluation of candidate microbicides in macaque explants can inform macaque efficacy and clinical studies design. The data support advancing MZC gel for clinical evaluation.  相似文献   
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