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Intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) play an immunoregulatory role in the intestine. This role involves cell-cell interactions with intraepithelial lymphocytes that may also play a role in some enteropathies. The discovery of the RGD motif-containing Protein ADAM-15 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease-15) raises the question of its involvement in these cell-cell interactions. Cell adhesion assays were performed using the Jurkat E6.1 T cell line as a model of T lymphocytes and Caco2-BBE monolayers as a model of intestinal epithelia. Our results show that an anti-ADAM-15 ectodomain antibody inhibited the attachment of Jurkat cells on Caco2-BBE monolayers. Overexpression of ADAM-15 in Caco2-BBE cells enhanced Jurkat cell binding, and overexpression of ADAM-15 in Jurkat cells enhanced their aggregation. Mutagenesis experiments showed that both the mutation of ADAM-15 RGD domain or the deletion of its cytoplasmic tail decreased these cell-cell interactions. Moreover, wound-healing experiments showed that epithelial ADAM-15-mediated Jurkat cell adhesion to Caco2-BBE cells enhances the mechanisms of wound repair. We also found that ADAM-15-mediated aggregation of Jurkat cells increases the expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha mRNA. These results demonstrate the following: 1) ADAM-15 is involved in heterotypic adhesion of intraepithelial lymphocytes to IEC as well as in homotypic aggregation of T cells; 2) both the RGD motif and the cytoplasmic tail of ADAM-15 are involved for these cell-cell interactions; and 3) ADAM-15-mediated cell-cell interactions are involved in mechanisms of epithelial restitution and production of pro-inflammatory mediators. Altogether these findings point to ADAM-15 as a possible therapeutic target for prevention of inappropriate T cell activation involved in some pathologies.  相似文献   
Sulfate reduction and S-oxidation in a moorland pool sediment   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
In an oligotrophic moorland pool in The Netherlands, S cycling near the sediment/water boundary was investigated by measuring (1) SO4 2– reduction rates in the sediment, (2) depletion of SO4 2– in the overlying water column and (3) release of35S from the sediment into the water column. Two locations differing in sediment type (highly organic and sandy) were compared, with respect to reduction rates and depletion of SO4 2– in the overlying water.Sulfate reduction rates in sediments of an oligotrophic moorland pool were estimated by diagenetic modelling and whole core35SO4 2– injection. Rates of SO4 2– consumption in the overlying water were estimated by changes in SO4 2– concentration over time in in situ enclosures. Reduction rates ranged from 0.27–11.2 mmol m–2 d–1. Rates of SO4 2– uptake from the enclosed water column varied from –0.5, –0.3 mmol m–2 d–1 (November) to 0.43–1.81 mmol m–2 d–1 (July, August and April). Maximum rates of oxidation to SO4 2– in July 1990 estimated by combination of SO4 2– reduction rates and rates of in situ SO4 2– uptake in the enclosed water column were 10.3 and 10.5 mmol m–2 d–1 at an organic rich and at a sandy site respectively.Experiments with35S2– and35SO4 2– tracer suggested (1) a rapid formation of organically bound S from dissimilatory reduced SO4 2– and (2) the presence of mainly non SO4 2–-S derived from reduced S transported from the sediment into the overlying water. A35S2– tracer experiment showed that about 7% of35S2– injected at 1 cm depth in a sediment core was recovered in the overlying water column.Sulfate reduction rates in sediments with higher volumetric mass fraction of organic matter did not significantly differ from those in sediments with a lower mass fraction of organic matter.Corresponding author  相似文献   
Leptin, a hormone primarily secreted from adipocytes, plays a key role in controlling body weight homeostasis. In vitro studies indicate that it is also implicated in immune responses. Hyperleptinaemia has been reported in acute inflammation, especially during the early stages of intestinal inflammation in rats. The present study investigated the possible role of leptin in the pathogenesis of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis in rats. Since no specific antagonist of leptin is available, a CCK-B antagonist (YM022) and a beta3 agonist (BRL37344) were used in this study to inhibit leptin secretion. Colitis was induced by intracolonic instillation of TNBS in rats. Five TNBS-groups were subcutaneously implanted with micropumps containing: placebo, YM022, BRL37344, BRL37344 and exogenous leptin simultaneously, or leptin alone. At sacrifices, colitis severity was assessed by macroscopic and histological scoring systems and by determination of tissue myeloperoxidase activity. The TNBS-induced hyperleptinaemia was significantly reduced by YM022 and BRL37344 (p<0.05). Inhibition of leptin secretion markedly reduced colonic inflammation, whatever the criteria considered (i.e. macroscopic, histological or biochemical). In contrast, administration of exogenous leptin completely abolished the beneficial effect of leptin-lowering drugs on colitis severity. These results provide the first direct evidence for an important deleterious role of leptin in the pathogenesis of experimental intestinal inflammation and suggest that a pro-inflammatory activity is attributable to leptin in vivo. Further studies are required to determine if these results have clinical significance.  相似文献   
A stably differentiated clonal derivative (Cl.16E) of the human colonic adenocarcinoma cell line HT29 secretes in culture high-Mr glycoproteins that were purified from the serum-free conditioned medium by preparative SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Analysis of the oligosaccharides released from the [3H]glucosamine-labelled high-Mr glycoproteins by alkaline-borohydride treatment showed that this material consisted of O-linked oligosaccharides (without any detectable N-linked oligosaccharides) that were eluted as three fractions from Bio-Gel P-6 columns. The main oligosaccharide fraction obtained after such treatment and desialylation was eluted together with a six-unit glucose polymer from a Bio-Gel P-4 column. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against the high-Mr glycoproteins, and in immunoblot analysis they reacted specifically with the high-Mr glycoproteins present in the conditioned medium. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining of sections in paraffin wax revealed that these antibodies labelled normal human gastrointestinal mucins. We conclude that (1) the high-Mr glycoproteins prepared by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis are pure mucus glycoproteins on the basis of sensitivity to alkaline-borohydride treatment, monosaccharide composition and immunochemical and immunohistological findings, and (2) these mucins have antigenic determinants in common with the normal human gastrointestinal mucins.  相似文献   
Maintenance of a high degree of biodiversity in homogeneous environments is poorly understood. A complex cheese starter culture with a long history of use was characterized as a model system to study simple microbial communities. Eight distinct genetic lineages were identified, encompassing two species: Lactococcus lactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides. The genetic lineages were found to be collections of strains with variable plasmid content and phage sensitivities. Kill-the-winner hypothesis explaining the suppression of the fittest strains by density-dependent phage predation was operational at the strain level. This prevents the eradication of entire genetic lineages from the community during propagation regimes (back-slopping), stabilizing the genetic heterogeneity in the starter culture against environmental uncertainty.  相似文献   
The membrane dye FM 1-43 has frequently been used to quantify exocytosis in neurons. In epithelia, intense lateral intracellular space staining and fluctuations in baseline labeling produced inconsistent results. Membrane retrieved in the presence of FM 1-43 retains the dye, however, and cells that undergo compensatory endocytosis during and following evoked exocytosis contain punctate, fluorescent particles after washout of external stain. As an alternative measure of trafficking, we quantified the fluorescent puncta retained after dye washout and tested our method on both coverslip-grown cell clusters and filter-grown intact monolayers. Images for analysis were acquired using serial sectioning with either epifluorescence or confocal microscopy. Tests with an intestinal goblet cell line that exhibits basal and ATP-stimulated granule trafficking confirmed that 1), the algorithm identified the same number of internalized particles with either epifluorescence or confocal microscopy acquired images; 2), low density clusters exhibited significantly more internalized particles per cell than either filter-grown monolayers or high density clusters; 3), ATP stimulation significantly increased the number of internalized particles in all preparations; and 4), the number of particles internalized was comparable to capacitance measurements of exocytosis. This method provides a single technique for quantifying membrane trafficking in both monolayers and unpolarized cells.  相似文献   
Short-circuit current (Isc) measurement is used to quantify transepithelial ion flux. This technique provides a direct measure of net charge transport across a cell monolayer. Isc however, lacks chemical selectivity. Chemically resolved ion fluxes may be much greater than Isc, and differ in different biological processes. This work describes a novel experimental approach and deconvolution method to obtain temporally resolved ion fluxes at epithelial cell monolayers. HT29-Cl.16E cells, a sub clone of the human colonic cancer cell line HT29 was used as a model cell line to validate this approach in the context of epithelial transport studies. This cell line is known to secrete chloride in response to purinergic stimulation. Changes in chloride concentration after stimulation with 1 mM ATP plus 50 nM phorbol-myristate acetate (PMA) are recorded with a chloride ion-selective electrode (ISE) at a short distance (∼50 μm) from the monolayer. The recorded concentrations are transformed to corresponding chloride flux across the monolayer using a deconvolution algorithm for extracellular mass transport based on minimization of the shape error function (Nair and Gratzl in Anal Chem 77:2875–2888, 2005). Simultaneous voltage clamp yields the associated net electrical charge flux (Isc). The dynamics of Cl flux did correlate with that of the electrical flux, but was found to be greater in amplitude. This suggests that Cl may not be the only ion secreted. The method of simultaneously assessing ionic and electrical fluxes with a temporal resolution of seconds provides unique information about the dynamics of solute fluxes across the apical membrane. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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