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This paper describes the feeding habits of the snailfish Careproctus cf. cyclocephalus (Scorpaeniformes, Liparidae). The diet consisted mostly of crustaceans, among which decapods predominated comprising up to 69.3% of the mean biomass of food organisms. Small shrimp (Eualus biunguis and E. townsendi) dominated the diet making up over 40.9% of the total stomach fullness index.  相似文献   
The bulk of diet of the rock sole Lepidopsetta polyxystra in waters of the eastern coast of the northern Kuril Islands and the southern extremity of Kamchatka from September to October 1997 was formed by polychaetes and amphipods (36.8 and 35.1% of the food bolus weight, respectively), which is typical of the feeding of this species, on the whole. The dominant consumption by L. polyxystra of polychaetes is recorded from February to June and of amphipods, from August to December. Polychaetes dominated in the diet of individuals with a length of 16–45 cm and amphipods, in the diet of individuals 46–55 cm long. The feeding migration of L. polyxystra in the study area took place at sites with an increased biomass of the accessible food benthos.  相似文献   
The paper describes the feeding of two phenotypically different forms of the snailfish Careproctus roseofuscus (Scorpaeniformes, Liparidae) from the Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka. The diet in the first form is comprised of actiniae. The second form mostly feeds on fish eggs and the amphipod Metopa majuscula Gurjanova. The second form is supposed to be confined to the biocenosis of Ophiopholis aculeata + Spongia.  相似文献   
Clasterization of benthic stations by biomass of common species using an index of coenotic similarities allowed us to distinguish three communities of macrophytobenthos (Zostera marina + Z. japonica, Zostera japonica, and Potamogeton pectinatus) and eight macrozoobenthos communities (Macoma balthica, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri + Anisogammarus tiuschovi, Spio filicornis + Archaeomysis grebnitzkii, Kamaka kuthae, Glyptotendipes paripes, Neomysis awatschensis + Dolielinotus moskvitini, Neomysis mirabilis, and Anisogammarus tiuschovi + Littorina sitkana + Crangon septemspinosa). The bulk of the bottom surface is occupied by a community of Zostera marina + Macoma balthica with the mean biomass of the dominating species reaching 0.3–1386.6 and 573.9 g/m2, respectively. Specific geomorphologic and hydrologic features, as well as the presence of many estuarine areas in Nyivo Lagoon, provide conditions for numerous different fresh-and brackish water communities and variations of them. However, bottom communities cannot be clearly separated into mostly freshwater and mostly brackish communities, which is the case for Pil'tun Lagoon, a well studied lagoon in eastern Sakhalin. Several decades of timber rafting in the Tym' River has had a significant effect on bottom biota and the communities of Nyivo Lagoon. Considering the well-known negative effects of phenol and its derivatives on benthic biota and communities derived during timber decomposition, the sources of pollution of the natural environment in the lagoons of eastern Sakhalin must be evaluated and differentiated.  相似文献   
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