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Marine invertebrates have evolved multiple responses to naturally variable environmental oxygen, all aimed at either maintaining cellular oxygen homeostasis or limiting cellular damage during or after hypoxic or hyperoxic events. We assessed organismal (rates of oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion) and cellular (heat shock protein expression, anti-oxidant enzymes) responses of juvenile and adult abalone exposed to low (~ 83% of saturation), intermediate (~ 95% of saturation) and high (~ 115% of saturation) oxygen levels for one month. Using the Comet assay, we measured DNA damage to determine whether the observed trends in the protective responses were sufficient to prevent oxidative damage to cells. Juveniles were unaffected by moderately hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions. Elevated basal rates of superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase were sufficient to prevent DNA fragmentation and protein damage. Adults, with their lower basal rate of anti-oxidant enzymes, had increased DNA damage under hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions, indicating that the antioxidant enzymes were unable to prevent oxidative damage under hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions. The apparent insensitivity of juvenile abalone to decreased and increased oxygen might be related to their life history and development in algal and diatom biofilms where they are exposed to extreme diurnal fluctuations in dissolved oxygen levels.  相似文献   
Cremona  Fabien  Laas  Alo  Hanson  Paul C.  Sepp  Margot  Nõges  Peeter  Nõges  Tiina 《Ecosystems》2019,22(4):805-817
Ecosystems - We assessed the allochthonous organic carbon (OC) budgets for thirteen hemiboreal lakes using a simple equilibrium model coupled with a Bayesian framework for estimating parameter...  相似文献   
Lecanosticta acicola is a pine needle pathogen causing brown spot needle blight that results in premature needle shedding with considerable damage described in North America, Europe, and Asia. Microsatellite and mating type markers were used to study the population genetics, migration history, and reproduction mode of the pathogen, based on a collection of 650 isolates from 27 countries and 26 hosts across the range of L. acicola. The presence of L. acicola in Georgia was confirmed in this study. Migration analyses indicate there have been several introduction events from North America into Europe. However, some of the source populations still appear to remain unknown. The populations in Croatia and western Asia appear to originate from genetically similar populations in North America. Intercontinental movement of the pathogen was reflected in an identical haplotype occurring on two continents, in North America (Canada) and Europe (Germany). Several shared haplotypes between European populations further suggests more local pathogen movement between countries. Moreover, migration analyses indicate that the populations in northern Europe originate from more established populations in central Europe. Overall, the highest genetic diversity was observed in south‐eastern USA. In Europe, the highest diversity was observed in France, where the presence of both known pathogen lineages was recorded. Less than half of the observed populations contained mating types in equal proportions. Although there is evidence of some sexual reproduction taking place, the pathogen spreads predominantly asexually and through anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   
Leaf segments of a monohaploid, dihaploid and tetraploid genotype of the potato (Solanum tuberosum; x = 12) were cultured on callus-inducing medium with 10, 20, 30 or 40 gl–1 sucrose. After 5 and 7 days of culture, metaphases contained the somatic or polyploidized number of mono- or diplochromosomes. The percentages of polyploidized metaphases were inversely correlated with the number of chromosome sets of the genotypes. In monohaploid leaf segments the percentages of polyploidized metaphases and of metaphases with diplochromosomes increased when the sucrose concentration was raised from 10 or 20 to 30 gl–1 and remained constant or decreased from 30 to 40 gl–1. Higher concentrations of sucrose but not higher osmolalities of the medium due to mannitol induced endoreduplication in more cells. The frequency of polyploidized metaphases and metaphases with diplochromosomes in dihaploid and tetraploid leaf segments remained constant through increases in sucrose concentrations.  相似文献   
This study explored the spatiotemporal dynamics of the bacterioplankton community composition in the Gulf of Finland (easternmost sub-basin of the Baltic Sea) based on phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences acquired from community samples via pyrosequencing. Investigations of bacterioplankton in hydrographically complex systems provide good insight into the strategies by which microbes deal with spatiotemporal hydrographic gradients, as demonstrated by our research. Many ribotypes were closely affiliated with sequences isolated from environments with similar steep physiochemical gradients and/or seasonal changes, including seasonally anoxic estuaries. Hence, one of the main conclusions of this study is that marine ecosystems where oxygen and salinity gradients co-occur can be considered a habitat for a cosmopolitan metacommunity consisting of specialized groups occupying niches universal to such environments throughout the world. These niches revolve around functional capabilities to utilize different electron receptors and donors (including trace metal and single carbon compounds). On the other hand, temporal shifts in the bacterioplankton community composition at the surface layer were mainly connected to the seasonal succession of phytoplankton and the inflow of freshwater species. We also conclude that many relatively abundant populations are indigenous and well-established in the area.  相似文献   
Respiratory CO2 release from inland waters is a major process in the global carbon cycle, retaining more than half of the carbon flux from terrestrial sources that otherwise would reach the sea. The strongly lake type-specific balance between primary production and respiration determines whether a lake acts regionally as a net sink or source of CO2. This study presents two-year (2009, 2010) results of high-frequency metabolism measurements in the large and shallow polymictic eutrophic Lake V?rtsj?rv (area 270?km2; mean depth 2.8?m). We estimated the net ecosystem production (NEP), community respiration (R) and gross primary production (GPP) from continuous measurements of oxygen, irradiance, wind and water temperature. A sinusoidal model fitted to the calculated metabolic rates showed the prevalence of net autotrophy (mean GPP:R?>?1) from early spring until August/September, whereas during the rest of the year heterotrophy (mean GPP:R?2 neutral on an annual basis. Community respiration lagged behind GPP by approximately 2?weeks, which could be explained by the bulk of the phytoplankton biomass accounted for by filamentous cyanobacteria that are considered mostly inedible to zooplankton, and the seasonally increasing role of sediment resuspension. In the warmer year 2010, the seasonal peaks of GPP, R and NEP were synchronously shifted nearly 1?month earlier compared with 2009. The strong stimulating effect of temperature on both GPP and R and its negative effect on NEP revealed by the multiple regression analysis suggests increasing metabolic rates and increasing heterotrophy in this lake type in a warmer climate.  相似文献   
We investigated meiosis, fertilization, and early development in eggs of the tellinid bivalve Macoma balthica (L.), which has external fertilization. Meiosis is standard but polyspermy is found to be very common. In all eight crosses examined, mosaic embryos consisting of a mixture of diploid (2n = 38) and haploid cells occur at a frequency ranging from 2.7 to 29.1%. The earliest mosaic found is in the two-cell stage. We propose that an androgenic haploid cell lineage can originate from one supernumerary sperm that decondenses into a functional haploid nucleus, starts mitosis, and is incorporated in the developing embryo.  相似文献   
We analysed phosphorus retention as a function of external loading, hydraulic turnover time, area and relative depth on the basis of published data from 54 lakes and reservoirs in different climate regions around the world. Our analysis demonstrated that reservoirs and lakes that received higher areal loading of phosphorus (TPin) also retained more P per m2 but the proportion of the external P loading retained in the waterbody (retention coefficient, R P) remained generally independent of TPin. The waterbodies with longer hydraulic residence times (T R) retained larger proportions of external P and the correlation between R P and T R was much stronger in lakes with areas larger than 25 km2 than in the whole data set. TPin and T R together determined 78% of the variation in R P in large lakes. We also partially confirmed our hypothesis that waterbodies with bigger relative depths (Z R) retain more of the external phosphorus than larger and shallower waterbodies with lower Z R. The hypothesis was, however, validated only for lakes larger than 25 km2 and for those with T R <0.3 year, where R P increased significantly with increasing Z R. In stratified lakes, increasing relative depth correlated with reduced P retention capacity, demonstrating the complex nature of phosphorus biogeochemistry in lake ecosystems.  相似文献   
The chromosome complements of sporadic males and masculinized females of the thelytokous phasmid Carausius morosus Br. could be analysed in spermatogonia and ovarian follicle cells. Masculinized females with ovaries, ovotestes or testes have the female chromosome number, i.e., 61 autosomes and three sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes, one being longer than the other two, are metacentric. In one masculinized female with testes the three sex chromosomes were different, apparently through a reciprocal translocation. The masculinized females are considered to be intersexes (phenotypic sex determination). The chromosome complement of males differs from that of females by lacking either one of the sex chromosomes or only a segment of one of these chromosomes (genotypic sex determination). The deleted sex chromosomes appear as acrocentrics and may have arisen through a chiasma between a translocated segment in one sex chromosome and its untransposed homologous region in another sex chromosome. One apparently telocentric sex chromosome may have originated from centric fission together with loss of the other arm. The sex chromosomes are positively heteropycntoic in the psermatogonia, also in those of masculinized females. En bloc heterochromatinization of the sex chromosomes, which seems to be under the direct or indirect control of one or more sites on the sex chromosomes themselves, functions in sex determination. The sex determination does not give a decisive answer to the question whether di-, tri-, or tetraploidy is involved.  相似文献   
Parthenogenesis induced by cytoplasmatically inherited Wolbachia bacteria has been found in a number of arthropod species, mainly Hymenoptera. Previously, two different forms of diploidy restoration have been reported to underlie parthenogenesis induction in Hymenoptera by Wolbachia. Both are a form of gamete duplication, but each differs in their timing. We investigated the cytology of the early embryonic development of a Wolbachia-infected strain of the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina clavipes and compared it with that of an uninfected sexual strain. Both strains have a similar meiosis. In the infected parthenogenetic strain, diploidy is restored by anaphase restitution during the first somatic mitosis, similar to Trichogramma, but not to Muscidifurax. Our results confirm the occurrence of different cytological mechanisms of diploidy restoration associated with parthenogenesis-inducing Wolbachia in the order Hymenoptera.  相似文献   
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