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The interdependence of the activities of branch point enzymes which compete for a common substrate can yield ultrasensitivity or subsensitivity to control, even if the competing enzymes follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The nature of this "branch point effect" for a particular system depends on the kinetic parameters of the competing enzymes, the rate of substrate production leading into the branch point and the type of regulatory mechanism involved. With physiologically reasonable parameter values, the branch point effect can give ultrasensitivity equivalent to an allosteric enzyme with a Hill coefficient of 8 or higher. An experimental example of this ultrasensitivity was provided by the branch point between isocitrate lyase (of the glyoxylate bypass) and isocitrate dehydrogenase in Escherichia coli. The glyoxylate bypass is very active during growth on acetate but its flux decreases by a factor of approximately 150 upon addition of glucose. This inhibition is brought about by two relatively modest events: a 4-fold increase in the maximum velocity of isocitrate dehydrogenase and a factor of 5.5 decrease in the rate of isocitrate production. The mechanism which underlies this sensitivity amplification is discussed.  相似文献   
In order to study the relationships among mammalian alpha-globin genes, we have determined the sequence of the 3' flanking region of the human alpha 1 globin gene and have made pairwise comparisons between sequenced alpha-globin genes. The flanking regions were examined in detail because sequence matches in these regions could be interpreted with the least complication from the gene duplications and conversions that have occurred frequently in mammalian alpha-like globin gene clusters. We found good matches between the flanking regions of human alpha 1 and rabbit alpha 1, human psi alpha 1 and goat I alpha, human alpha 2 and goat II alpha, and horse alpha 1 and goat II alpha. These matches were used to align the alpha-globin genes in gene clusters from different mammals. This alignment shows that genes at equivalent positions in the gene clusters of different mammals can be functional or nonfunctional, depending on whether they corrected against a functional alpha-globin gene in recent evolutionary history. The number of alpha-globin genes (including pseudogenes) appears to differ among species, although highly divergent pseudogenes may not have been detected in all species examined. Although matching sequences could be found in interspecies comparisons of the flanking regions of alpha- globin genes, these matches are not as extensive as those found in the flanking regions of mammalian beta-like globin genes. This observation suggests that the noncoding sequences in the mammalian alpha-globin gene clusters are evolving at a faster rate than those in the beta-like globin gene clusters. The proposed faster rate of evolution fits with the poor conservation of the genetic linkage map around alpha-globin gene clusters when compared to that of the beta-like globin gene clusters. Analysis of the 3' flanking regions of alpha-globin genes has revealed a conserved sequence approximately 100-150 bp 3' to the polyadenylation site; this sequence may be involved in the expression or regulation of alpha-globin genes.   相似文献   
A binding site for integration host factor (IHF) was identified upstream of the aceBAK promoter. Under inducing conditions, IHF activates aceB::lacZ expression by opposing IclR repression. In contrast, IHF has little effect on aceB::lacZ expression under repressing conditions. The ability of IHF to relieve repression under inducing but not repressing conditions allows this protein to amplify the induction of aceBAK.  相似文献   
Mutations in aceK, the gene encoding isocitrate dehydrogenase kinase/phosphatase, which selectively inhibit phosphatase activity have been isolated. These mutations yield amino acid substitutions within a 113-residue region of this 578-residue protein. These mutations may define a regulatory domain of this protein.  相似文献   
The mutations in three polyoma ts-a mutants have been determined. Two mutants, ts-25 and ts-52, have different single-base changes at the same position (2883) in the early region corresponding to a conserved glycine residue very near the C-terminus of the polyoma large T antigen. Mutant ts-48 has a single-base change at position 2341, as well as a second change at position 1228, in the region of large T antigen shared with medium T antigen.  相似文献   
利用AFLP遗传连锁图定位大麦苗期对叶锈病的部分抗性基因   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈万权  漆小泉 《遗传学报》1999,26(6):690-694
借助大麦染色体AFLP标记遗传连锁图和MapQTLV3.0作图软件,对大麦叶病的数量抗性基因进行了定位分析,明确了大麦部分抗性品种Vada对叶锈病的潜育期由分别位于染色体1、2、6、7上离短臂末端79cM、186cM、58cM和117cM处的4个数量抗性基因所控制。  相似文献   
Growth, tolerance and zinc and cadmium hyperaccumulation of Thlaspi caerulescens populations from three metal contaminated soils and three normal soils were compared under controlled conditions. Individuals of six populations were cultivated on five soils with increasing concentrations of zinc (50–25000 μg g−1) and cadmium (1–170 μg g−1). There was no mortality of normal soil populations in the four metal-contaminated soils, but plant growth was reduced to half that of populations from metal-contaminated soils. However, in noncontaminated soil, the growth of individuals from normal soils was greater than that of individuals from metal-contaminated soils. Individuals from normal soils concentrated three times more zinc in the aboveground biomass than those from metal-contaminated soils, but the latter accumulated twice as much cadmium. We conclude that populations of T. caerulescens from both normal and metal-contaminated soils are interesting material for phytoextraction of zinc and cadmium, but to optimize the process of phytoextraction it is necessary to combine the extraction potentials of both type of populations.  相似文献   
For Escherichia coli, growth on acetate requires the induction of the enzymes of the glyoxylate bypass, isocitrate lyase and malate synthase. The branch point between the glyoxylate bypass and the Krebs cycle is controlled by phosphorylation of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), inhibiting that enzyme's activity and thus forcing isocitrate through the bypass. This phosphorylation cycle is catalyzed by a bifunctional enzyme, IDH kinase/phosphatase, which is encoded by aceK. We have employed random mutagenesis to isolate novel alleles of aceK. These alleles were detected by the loss of ability to complement an aceK null mutation. The products of one class of these alleles retain IDH kinase activity but have suffered reductions in IDH phosphatase activity by factors of 200 to 400. Selective loss of the phosphatase activity also appears to have occurred in vivo, since cells expressing these alleles exhibit phenotypes which are reminiscent of strains lacking IDH; these strains are auxotrophic for glutamate. Assays of cell-free extracts confirmed that this phenotype resulted from nearly quantitative phosphorylation of IDH. The availability of these novel alleles of aceK allowed us to assess the significance of the precise control which is a characteristic of the IDH phosphorylation cycle in vivo. The fractional phosphorylation of IDH was varied by controlled expression of one of the mutant alleles, aceK3, in a wild-type strain. Reduction of IDH activity to 50% of the wild-type level did not adversely affect growth on acetate. However, further reductions inhibited growth, and growth arrest occurred when the IDH activity fell to 15% of the wild-type level. Thus, although wild-type cells maintain a precise effective IDH activity during growth on acetate, this precision is not critical.  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli, the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) are catalyzed by a bifunctional protein kinase/phosphatase. We have determined the nucleotide sequence of aceK, the gene encoding IDH kinase/phosphatase. This gene consists of a single open reading frame of 1,734 base pairs preceded by a Shine-Dalgarno ribosome-binding site. Examination of the deduced amino acid sequence of IDH kinase/phosphatase revealed sequences which are similar to the consensus sequence for ATP-binding sites. This protein did not, however, exhibit the extensive sequence homologies which are typical of other protein kinases. Multiple copies of the REP family of repetitive extragenic elements were found within the intergenic region between aceA (encoding isocitrate lyase) and aceK. These elements have the potential for combining to form an exceptionally stable stem-loop structure (delta G = -54 kcal/mol [ca. -226 kJ/mol]) in the mRNA. This structure, which masks the ribosome-binding site and start codon for aceK, may contribute to the downshift in expression observed between aceA and aceK. Another potential stem-loop structure (delta G = -29 kcal/mol [ca. 121 kJ/mol]), unrelated to the REP sequences, was found within aceK.  相似文献   
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