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BACKGROUND: The prescence of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the peripheral blood of cancer patients and their frequency has been correlated with disease status. METHODS: In this study, CTCs were characterized by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy after immunomagnetic enrichment from 7.5-ml blood samples collected from patients with prostate cancer in evacuated blood-draw tubes that contained an anticoagulant and a preservative. Events were classified as tumor cell candidates if they expressed cytokeratin, lacked CD45, and stained with the nucleic acid dye 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. RESULTS: In the blood of prostate cancer patients, only few of these events were intact cells. Other CTC events appeared as damaged cells or cell fragments by microscopy. By flow cytometry, these events stained variably with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and frequently expressed the apoptosis-induced, caspase-cleaved cytokeratin 18. Similar patterns of cell disintegration were observed when cells of the prostate line LNCaP were exposed to paclitaxel before spiking the cells into normal blood samples. CONCLUSIONS: The different observed stages of tumor cell degradation or apoptosis varied greatly between patients and were not found in blood of normal donors. Enumeration of CTCs and identification of CTCs undergoing apoptosis may provide relevant information to evaluate the response to therapy in cancer patients.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in patients with carcinomas are extremely rare. In metastatic breast cancer, the presence of >or=5 CTCs in 7.5 ml of blood has been associated with short survival. As this threshold has clinical implications, it is important to recognize the limitations associated with the detection and enumeration of CTCs. METHODS: Statistical analyses were performed on data generated from a multi-center clinical trial that utilized the CellSearchtrade mark System to isolate and enumerate CTCs in 7.5 ml blood samples. The statistical issues associated with each step of the process, from blood collection to final image analysis and CTC enumeration, were determined and implemented into a model. RESULTS: A model describing the statistics of the different process steps that are needed for the isolation and detection of CTCs was developed. The model uses the Poisson distribution for blood collection and empirically determined distributions for the isolation and identification of CTCs. The variability between readers was identified as one of the main sources of errors responsible for the current threshold level of five CTCs. CONCLUSIONS: Elimination of the errors made in the identification of tumor cells isolated from 7.5 ml of blood could potentially reduce the CTC threshold for the identification of patients with a poor prognosis from the current value of five CTCs to one CTC per 7.5 ml of blood.  相似文献   
CRISPR-associated nucleases are powerful tools for precise genome editing of model systems, including human organoids. Current methods describing fluorescent gene tagging in organoids rely on the generation of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) to stimulate homology-directed repair (HDR) or non-homologous end joining (NHEJ)-mediated integration of the desired knock-in. A major downside associated with DSB-mediated genome editing is the required clonal selection and expansion of candidate organoids to verify the genomic integrity of the targeted locus and to confirm the absence of off-target indels. By contrast, concurrent nicking of the genomic locus and targeting vector, known as in-trans paired nicking (ITPN), stimulates efficient HDR-mediated genome editing to generate large knock-ins without introducing DSBs. Here, we show that ITPN allows for fast, highly efficient, and indel-free fluorescent gene tagging in human normal and cancer organoids. Highlighting the ease and efficiency of ITPN, we generate triple fluorescent knock-in organoids where 3 genomic loci were simultaneously modified in a single round of targeting. In addition, we generated model systems with allele-specific readouts by differentially modifying maternal and paternal alleles in one step. ITPN using our palette of targeting vectors, publicly available from Addgene, is ideally suited for generating error-free heterozygous knock-ins in human organoids.

A major downside of double-strand break-mediated genome editing is the need to verify the genomic integrity of the targeted locus and confirm the absence of off-target indels. This study shows that in-trans paired nicking is a mutation-free CRISPR strategy to introduce precise knock-ins into human organoids; its genomic fidelity allows all knock-in cells to be pooled, accelerating the establishment of new organoid models.  相似文献   
L W Terstappen  D Johnson  R A Mickaels  J Chen  G Olds  J T Hawkins  M R Loken  J Levin 《Blood cells》1991,17(3):585-602; discussion 603-5
Forward light scattering, orthogonal light scattering, and the fluorescence intensities of unlysed peripheral blood cells, labeled with CD45-phycoerythrin and the nucleic acid dyes LDS-751 and thiazole orange, were measured simultaneously, utilizing a flow cytometer. Erythrocytes, reticulocytes, platelets, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, nucleated erythrocytes, and immature nucleated cells occupied unique positions in the five-dimensional space created by the listmode storage of the five independent parameters. A software program was developed which identified and enumerated each of these cell populations. Platelets in this study were identified by LDS-751 staining, in addition to their forward and orthogonal light-scattering characteristics. Validation of this approach was obtained by demonstrating that all CD41- or CD42-expressing platelets also stained with LDS-751. Furthermore, the staining by LDS-751 did not change following platelet activation with ADP. The quantification of erythrocytes, platelets, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes correlated well with data obtained with a commercial hematology whole blood analyzer (H-1). Reproducibility of the identification of these populations was shown by repeated measurement of the same sample and by staining and analysis of multiple aliquots of identical blood samples. Stability studies demonstrated that 8 hours after blood collection, the number of damaged cells increased. This could be measured by a greater thiazole orange uptake by the damaged cells. This investigation demonstrates the feasibility of multidimensional flow cytometric blood cell differentiation for an automated whole blood cell analysis without the necessity of erythrocyte lysis. The ability to simultaneously identify reticulocytes, nucleated erythrocytes, and immature nucleated cells in one measurement is unique and promises to be a powerful tool for the assessment of abnormal blood samples.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Recently we introduced the CellTracks cell analysis system, in which samples are prepared based on a combination of immunomagnetic selection, separation, and alignment of cells along ferromagnetic lines. Here we describe the underlying magnetic principles and considerations made in the magnetic field design to achieve the best possible cell selection and alignment of magnetically labeled cells. Materials and Methods Computer simulations, in combination with experimental data, were used to optimize the design of the magnets and Ni lines to obtain the optimal magnetic configuration. RESULTS: A homogeneous cell distribution on the upper surface of the sample chamber was obtained with a magnet where the pole faces were tilted towards each other. The spatial distribution of magnetically aligned objects in between the Ni lines was dependent on the ratio of the diameter of the aligned object and the line spacing, which was tested with magnetically and fluorescently labeled 6 microm polystyrene beads. The best result was obtained when the line spacing was equal to or smaller than the diameter of the aligned object. CONCLUSIONS: The magnetic gradient of the designed permanent magnet extracts magnetically labeled cells from any cell suspension to a desired plane, providing a homogeneous cell distribution. In addition, it magnetizes ferro-magnetic Ni lines in this plane whose additional local gradient adds to the gradient of the permanent magnet. The resultant gradient aligns the magnetically labeled cells first brought to this plane. This combination makes it possible, in a single step, to extract and align cells on a surface from any cell suspension.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: A cell analysis system was developed to enumerate and differentiate magnetically aligned cells selected from whole blood. The cellular information extracted is similar to the readout of musical information from a compact disk (CD). Here we describe the optical design and data processing of the system. The performance of the system is demonstrated using fluorescent-labeled cells and beads. Materials and Methods System performance was demonstrated with 6-microm polystyrene beads labeled with magnetic nanoparticles and allophycocyanin (APC) and immunomagnetically aligned leukocytes, fluorescently labeled with Oxazine750 and CD4-APC, CD8-Cy5.5, and CD14-APC/Cy7 in whole blood. RESULTS: The sensitivity of the system was demonstrated using APC-labeled beads. With this system, beads containing 333 APC molecules could easily be resolved from the background. This level of sensitivity was not achievable with a commercial flow cytometer. A maximum of 20,000 immunomagnetically labeled cells could be aligned and analyzed in between 0.6 m of Ni lines, distributed over a surface area of 18 mm(2) and extracted from a blood volume that depended on the height of the chamber. The utility of the system was demonstrated by performing a three-color CD4-CD8-CD14 assay. CONCLUSIONS: We built a cell analysis system based on immunomagnetic cell selection and alignment and analysis of fluorescent signals employing CD-technology that is as good or better than current commercial analyzers. The cell analysis can be performed in whole blood or any other type of cell suspension without extensive sample preparation.  相似文献   
The occurrence of cytotoxic lymphocyte subpopulations (i.e., CD 16+, CD 57+ and cytotoxic CD 8+) wa studied in the peripheral blood of 18 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) patients. The absolute numbers of CD 57+, CD 16+ and cytotoxic CD 8+ lymphocytes were increased in the peripheral blood of untreated patients as compared with healthy donors, suggesting a causal relation with the accumulation of malignant B-cells. For 5 B-CLL patients and 5 hematological normal donors, the lymphocyte subpopulations in peripheral blood, lymph nodes and bone marrow were determined. A significant immune response was observed in the lymph nodes of the patients, as reflected by the CD 3+ lymphocytes, which were 1.7-27 times larger in the patients lymph nodes than in their peripheral blood and bone marrow. In contrast, with peripheral blood this was mainly caused by an increase in CD 4+ lymphocytes. The CD 57 lymphocytes in the lymph nodes of the patients had abnormal orthogonal light-scattering signals and an abnormal density of CD 57+ receptors in comparison with their peripheral blood CD 57+ lymphocytes or the CD 57+ lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, bone marrow and tonsils of the hematological normal donors. This study shows that although a significant increase of cytotoxic lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of B-CLL patients is observed, the actual distributions of the non-malignant lymphocytes can be quite different at the actual tumor sites, i.e., bone marrow and lymph nodes.  相似文献   
Light scattering properties and antigen distribution of lymphocytes labeled with the monoclonal antibodies CD 5 and CD 20 were determined for 19 patients with a chronic B-cell derived leukaemia. The density of the antigen detected by the monoclonal antibody CD 5 appeared to be considerably lower on malignant B-lymphocytes of the patients as compared with T lymphocytes. A large variation was observed in the amount of receptors for the monoclonal antibodies CD 5 and CD 20 on the malignant cells of the different patients. B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL) patients were clearly distinguishable from leukaemic follicular non Hodgkin lymphoma patients (LF-NHL, formerly lymphosarcoma cell leukaemia) and from a patient with a prolymphocytoid transformation (PLT) of the B-CLL according to the amount of the antigens for CD 5 and CD 20. Within the B-CLL patient population, no relation of progression of the disease with distribution of these antigens could be observed. In one patient the extraordinary phenotype CD 20+, CD 11+, leu 8+, CD 5- of the malignant lymphocytes was observed. An experimentally simple method to differentiate between the various chronic lymphocytic leukaemias (CLL) appeared to be the determination of orthogonal light scattering properties of lymphocytes. In healthy donors one can always distinguish two populations of lymphocytes in the orthogonal light scatter histograms. Lymphocytes of B-CLL patients show one uniform population with a relatively small orthogonal light scattering signal, lymphocytes of our patients with PLT of B-CLL or with LF-NHL show one uniform population with a relatively large orthogonal light scattering signal.  相似文献   
The field of proteomics is advancing rapidly as a result of powerful new technologies and proteomics experiments yield a vast and increasing amount of information. Data regarding protein occurrence, abundance, identity, sequence, structure, properties, and interactions need to be stored. Currently, a common standard has not yet been established and open access to results is needed for further development of robust analysis algorithms. Databases for proteomics will evolve from pure storage into knowledge resources, providing a repository for information (meta-data) which is mainly not stored in simple flat files. This review will shed light on recent steps towards the generation of a common standard in proteomics data storage and integration, but is not meant to be a comprehensive overview of all available databases and tools in the proteomics community.  相似文献   
Phosphoproteome Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protein phosphorylation is directly or indirectly involved in all important cellular events. The understanding of its regulatory role requires the discovery of the proteins involved in these processes and how, where and when protein phosphorylation takes place. Investigation of the phosphoproteome of a cell is becoming feasible today although it still represents a very difficult task especially if quantitative comparisons have to be made. Several different experimental strategies can be employed to explore phosphoproteomes and this review will cover the most important ones such as incorporation of radiolabeled phosphate into proteins, application of specific antibodies against phosphorylated residues and direct staining of phosphorylated proteins in polyacrylamide gels. Moreover, methods to enrich phosphorylated proteins such as affinity chromatography (IMAC) and immunoprecipitation as well as mass spectrometry for identification of phosphorylated peptides and phosphorylation sites are also described.  相似文献   
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