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The oriental persimmon (Diospyros kaki Lf) is believed to have originated in China with subsequent introduction into Japan and Korea in ancient times. The species was then brought to Europe, Brazil and the USA from Japan in the 19th century. Recent studies highlighted the poor state of identification of cultivars in these countries due to incorrect labelling and presence of synonyms among local varieties. Thus, molecular marker characterization of germplasm resources is of great value for genetic resource preservation and plant breeding of persimmon. Therefore, to identify accessions for further plant breeding and germplasm management, 37 microsatellite loci were developed from a CT/AG‐enriched persimmon genomic library.  相似文献   
Several axenic strains of pathogenic and nonpathogenic Entamoeba histolytica were tested for their capacity to digest native radioactive type I collagen gels and to produce liver abscesses when injected into the liver of newborn hamsters. The results demonstrate that the pathogenic strains of amebas (HM1:IMSS, HM3:IMSS, HM38:IMSS, and HK9) have a collagenolytic activity that closely correlates with their in vivo capacity to produce liver lesions. The nonpathogenic isolate (Laredo) did not show collagenolytic activity and failed to produce lesions in the liver of newborn hamsters. The results also demonstrate that type I collagen obtained from rodents and cats is degraded less by amebic collagenase than is bovine collagen, which is similar to human collagen. These findings suggest that species susceptibility to invasive infection may depend, among other factors, on the characteristics of the extracellular components of host tissues.  相似文献   
Abstract Most insect pheromones comprise multicomponent blends of geometric or optical isomers, and one major question is how insects produce species‐specific ratios of components for successful reproductive isolation. Key enzymes suggested to be involved in pheromone biosynthesis are acetyl‐coenzyme A carboxylase and fatty acyl synthetase, chain‐shortening enzymes, desaturases, elongases, reductases, oxidases, and alcohol acetyl transferases. The female pheromone composition of the Egyptian armyworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) is highly dependent on the origin of the strain. In this review, we present a summary of the different reported pheromone compositions of the moth, including from our recent studies on this subject, as well as the biosynthetic routes to the different components and the molecular approaches involved. In addition, the key role played in the proposed biosynthetic pathways by a number of important biosynthetic enzymes, such as chain shortening enzymes, desaturases and alcohol acetyl transferases, is outlined, as well as the latest developments on the inhibition of these enzymes.  相似文献   
The endosomal LeNHX2 ion transporter exchanges H+ with K+ and, to lesser extent, Na+. Here, we investigated the response to NaCl supply and K+ deprivation in transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) overexpressing LeNHX2 and show that transformed tomato plants grew better in saline conditions than untransformed controls, whereas in the absence of K+ the opposite was found. Analysis of mineral composition showed a higher K+ content in roots, shoots and xylem sap of transgenic plants and no differences in Na+ content between transgenic and untransformed plants grown either in the presence or the absence of 120 mm NaCl. Transgenic plants showed higher Na+/H+ and, above all, K+/H+ transport activity in root intracellular membrane vesicles. Under K+ limiting conditions, transgenic plants enhanced root expression of the high‐affinity K+ uptake system HAK5 compared to untransformed controls. Furthermore, tomato overexpressing LeNHX2 showed twofold higher K+ depletion rates and half cytosolic K+ activity than untransformed controls. Under NaCl stress, transgenic plants showed higher uptake velocity for K+ and lower cytosolic K+ activity than untransformed plants. These results indicate the fundamental role of K+ homeostasis in the better performance of LeNHX2 overexpressing tomato under NaCl stress.  相似文献   
The Lutzomyia subgenus (Diptera: Psychodidae) includes sibling species with morphologically indistinguishable females. The aims of this study were to analyse variations in the size and shape of wings of species within the Lutzomyia subgenus and to assess whether these analyses might be useful in their identification. Wings (n = 733) of 18 species deposited in Brazilian collections were analysed by geometric morphometrics, using other genera and subgenera as outgroups. Shape variation was summarized in multivariate analyses and differences in wing size among species were tested by analysis of variance. The results showed significant variation in the sizes and shapes of wings of different Lutzomyia species. Two clusters within the Lutzomyia subgenus were distinguished in analyses of both males and females. In Cluster 1 (Lutzomyia ischnacantha, Lutzomyia cavernicola, Lutzomyia almerioi, Lutzomyia forattinii, Lutzomyia renei and Lutzomyia battistinii), scores for correct reclassification were high (females, kappa = 0.91; males, kappa = 0.90), whereas in Cluster 2 (Lutzomyia alencari, Lutzomyia ischyracantha, Lutzomyia cruzi, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Lutzomyia gaminarai and Lutzomyia lichyi), scores for correct reclassification were low (females, kappa = 0.42; males, kappa = 0.48). Wing geometry was useful in the identification of some species of the Lutzomyia subgenus, but did not allow the identification of sibling species such as L. longipalpis and L. cruzi.  相似文献   
Abstract Larvae of the tobacco hornworm moth Manduca sexta starved for the first 3 days of the last (fifth) stadium undergo a supernumerary moult. If they are provided with sucrose during the starvation period, they develop into normal pupae although pupation is delayed. The activities of the corpora allata (CA) from normal, starved, and sucrose fed larvae were followed through the fifth stadium with a radiochemical assay for Juvenile Hormone (JH) biosynthesis. An attempt was made to correlate CA-activity with CA cell number, size, and protein content.
In CA of normally fed larvae the rate of JH synthesis declined to undetectable levels by day 4 which was also the time of exposure of the dorsal vessel. In CA of starved larvae, the rate of JH synthesis at first decreased but began to increase on day 3 and reached a peak value by day 7 , at which time head capsule slippage occurred. In CA of sucrose fed larvae, the rate of biosynthesis declined as in normal larvae but the decline was extended over a longer period. Exposure of the dorsal vessel was delayed in the same manner and occurred on days 7–9. The major JH in all cases was JH-II.
The CA comprise c. 150 cells in the early fifth stadium, and this number remained constant during the fifth stadium in all three feeding regimens. In normal larvae, CA size and protein content increased several-fold during the stadium whereas in starved and sucrose-fed larvae they increased slowly and in agreement with the altered timing of developmental events. In none of the groups was the CA activity pattern correlated with morphometric changes of the CA. The rates of JH biosynthesis were not closely correlated with published JH titre curves. The in vivo mechanisms for regulation of JH production remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   
Abstract: We estimated wind turbines in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area (APWRA), California, USA, kill >100 burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) annually, or about the same number likely nesting in the APWRA. Turbine-caused mortality was up to 12 times greater in areas of rodent control, where flights close to the rotor plane were disproportionately more common and fatalities twice as frequent as expected. Mortality was highest during January through March. Burrowing owls flew within 50 m of turbines about 10 times longer than expected, and they flew close to wind turbines disproportionately longer within the sparsest turbine fields, by turbines on tubular towers, at the edges of gaps in the turbine row, in canyons, and at lower elevations. They perched, flew close to operating turbine blades, and collided disproportionately more often at turbines with the most cattle dung within 20 m, with the highest densities of ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) burrow systems within 15 m, and with burrowing owl burrows located within 90 m of turbines. A model of relative collision threat predicted 29% of the 4,074 turbines in our sample to be more dangerous, and these killed 71% of the burrowing owls in our sample. This model can help select the most dangerous turbines for shutdown or relocation. All turbines in the APWRA could be shut down and blades locked during winter, when 35% of the burrowing owls were killed but only 14% of the annual electricity was generated. Terminating rodent control and installing flight diverters at the ends of turbine rows might also reduce burrowing owl mortality, as might replacing turbines with new-generation turbines mounted on taller towers.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The germination of microsporidian spores under conditions expected to affect water flow across the plasma membrane-wall complex was studied by assessing their responses to in vitro stimulation with Na+ or K+. Partial or full substitution of common water with D2O, which more effectively coats ions and electrostatically-charged cell surfaces with relatively stable hydration layers, delayed and inhibited spore germination in a concentration-dependent manner; yet, preincubation in 100% D2O did not change the normal response to standard stimulation. Water structure-breaking conditions, such as an increase in temperature (within the 15° C to 40° C range) or in ionic strength (2- to 10-fold normal), opposed the inhibition by D2O and allowed significant stimulation by Li+, the monovalent cation with the largest hydration diameter and a usually weak stimulant action on the spores. Ethanol, known to reduce water permeation across cell membranes and phospholipid bilayers, also caused a powerful and dose-dependent (1% to 4% v/v) inhibition of spore germination, but pretreatment with ethanol did not affect the normal response. HgCl2, an inhibitor of specific water channels, blocked spore germination at just 250 μM in the normal stimulation solution irrespective of the temperature, and permitted only a delayed response in high salt stimulation solutions. However, the inhibition by Hg2+ was abolished by the simultaneous presence of 2-mercaptoethanol in the medium. These results suggest (1) that spore germination is keenly dependent upon the hydration states of both the plasma membrane-wall complex and the stimulant ions, and (2) that osmotic water flows into the spores through specific transmembrane pathways with critical sulfhydryl groups, i.e. analogous to the water channels that facilitate water movements across the plasma membranes of highly permeable cells.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The relative capacity of Na+, K+ and Cl- to stimulate germination of spores of the microsporidian Nosema algerae, a pathogen of mosquitoes, was examined by ion substitution experiments. Sodium at 0.1 M was ineffective to produce the high percentage of germination that typically occurs with 0.1 M NaCl (the normal stimulation solution) if Cl- was substituted with the usually impermeant anions SO42-, HPO42-, or the organic acids oxalate, cacodylate, EGTA, MES and HEPES. However, substantial concentration- and pH-dependent germination was seen with Na2SO4 in the 0.2-0.8 M Na+ range. Similar results were obtained with solutions of K+ accompanied by impermeant anions. In contrast, the chloride salts of usually impermeant cations, like choline and triethanolamine, failed to germinate spores even at 0.8 M unless Na+ or K+ was independently added. The presence of 0.5 M choline chloride in the medium reduced the levels of Na2SO4 required to produce germination down to equivalence with those of Na+ in the normal stimulation solution. Monensin, a Na+ ionophore, facilitated the germination induced by a medium-level stimulus (0.04 M NaCl) in sonicated samples. These findings indicate that N. algerae spores germinate in response to the alkali metal cations, while CI- plays a passive role by diffusing to maintain internal electroneutrality during cation influx. A possible mechanism of cation action in spore germination is suggested on the basis of these results and observations on other systems of intracellular motility.  相似文献   
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