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Responses of Vegetable Seeds to Controlled Hydration   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Leek, onion and carrot seeds were imbibed in water and in solutionsof polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 over the range –0.5to –4.0 MPa osmotic potential, for periods up to 28 dat 15 C. Seeds started to germinate after 7 and 14 d at –0.5MPa and –1.0 MPa PEG, respectively, but in the lattercase, germination did not exceed 5%. No germination occurredin solutions of lower (more negative) osmotic potential. Seedmoisture content increased with osmotic potential in all threespecies and the relationships were unaffected by the durationof imbibition in solutions of –1.0 to –4.0 MPa,though leek seeds had higher moisture contents than the otherspecies for any given osmotic potential. Linear relationships between response to priming (differencebetween mean germination times of primed and untreated seeds)and seed moisture content were obtained for each species, positiveresponses being obtained above 30–35% seed moisture contentwith optima at 46, 44.5 and 44% seed moisture contents in leek,onion and carrot, respectively. Priming had no effect on embryovolume or cell number per embryo in leek and onion. Carrot embryovolume increased by 43% and cell number per embryo doubled inprimed compared with untreated seeds, whereas seeds imbibedin water showed only a slight increase in cell number per embryoat the stage when radicles were beginning to penetrate the seedcoat. Allium cepa L. cv. Rijnsburger Robusta, onion, Allium porrum L. cv. Winterreuzen, leek, Daucus carota L. cv. Nantaise, carrot, germination, priming, polyethylene glycol, seed moisture, cell number, embryo volume  相似文献   
Three morphological problems were investigated in three species of the Nyctaginaceae: epiphylly, phyllotaxis and placentation. Epiphylly, which occurs in Bougainvillea spectabilis , is the result of ontogenetic displacement resulting from the activity of an intercalary meristem at the base of the floral bract and the floral bud. Floral development of Bougainvillea spectabilis was compared with that of Boerhaavia diffusa and Mirabilis jalapa . Considerable variation occurs with regard to the number and arrangement of stamens. Five stamens are initiated simultaneously, alternate to the petals, in Mirabilis . In Bougainvillea , eight stamens arise sequentially at divergence angles suggestive of a 3/8 spiral. No developmental evidence was found to support the derivation of the eight stamens from a two whorled pentamerous androecium. Boerhaavia normally has only two stamens which most frequently are initiated toward opposite sides of the floral apex, but may also be formed in a 2/5 to 3/8 divergence. In some flowers only one or three stamens are formed. The gynoecium is formed in the same way in all three species: growth occurs in a crescent-shaped zone at the periphery of the floral apex thus producing the gynoecial wall. The single ovule, which is basal in the mature gynoecium, is formed from the gradual upgrowth and transformation of the floral apex and is developmentally terminal. Even the two-layered tunica is maintained as the floral apex is transformed into the ovule primordium. If 'carpel' is defined traditionally as a folded megasporophyll which bears and encloses ovule(s) then carpels are not present in the gynoecia of the three species studied. If 'carpel' is re-defined as an appendage which encloses ovule(s), then the gynoecia of the Nyctaginaceae are carpellate. However, the ovules remain cauline regardless of which definition is adopted.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A new type of airflow olfactometer is described, and results given of experiments using it to measure behavioural olfactory responses of hymenopterous parasitoids. Compared with Y-tube olfactometers it shows several advantages. In its exposure chamber four separate abutting odour fields are presented so that the test insect can readily enter and re-enter them. More than one odour (or different concentrations of one odour) can be tested at the same time, thereby providing complex preference test situations. The various behavioural measures that can be assessed in the apparatus are examined and discussed.  相似文献   
At a time when populations of indigenous river mussels havebeen dwindling and/or disappearing, the introduced Asian clam,Corbicula, has spread through many U.S. rivers from Californiato Florida. In the Arkansas River Navigation System, a heavilymanaged waterway, Corbicula presently has a different "competitive"presence than it does in the relatively unmanaged Buffalo Riverin Arkansas. Comparative studies of both Corbicula and indigenousbivalved mollusks reveal biological bases for the contrastingkinds of benthic faunal change. There are ecologically relevant,distinctive differences between the two kinds of animals: inmantle/shell and mantle/gill apparatus, in the reproductivecomplex and neuroanatomy, and in spawning and locomotor behaviors.It is argued that the conservative molluscan characteristicsof Corbicula enable it to function in an exclusive, "contradictory"role with indigenous bivalves in a heavily managed waterway,and in a "contrary" competitive role elsewhere. Rationale ispresented for incorporating organismic evaluation into studiesof competition between distantly related taxa.  相似文献   
Abstract Ranunculus prasinus is a mat-forming species of the marginal herbfields and tussock grasslands of brackish wetlands. It is only known from four wetlands, all on private land, in the driest part of Tasmania. The species has been successfully introduced from divisions from three of the populations into a secure reserve with similar vegetation to that of the natural populations. This is considered to be desirable and morally sound in that it increases the chances of survival of native biological diversity as a whole. However, ex situ measures and a gaining of security for natural populations would also be prudent.  相似文献   
Plants developed under high (90%) relative air humidity (RH) have previously been shown to have large, malfunctioning stomata, which results in high water loss during desiccation and reduced dark induced closure. Stomatal movement is to a large extent regulated by abscisic acid (ABA). It has therefore been proposed that low ABA levels contribute to the development of malfunctioning stomata. In this study, we investigated the regulation of ABA content in rose leaves, through hormone analysis and β‐glucosidase quantification. Compared with high RH, rose plants developed in moderate RH (60%) and 20 h photoperiod contained higher levels of ABA and β‐glucosidase activity. Also, the amount of ABA increased during darkness simultaneously as the ABA‐glucose ester (GE) levels decreased. In contrast, plants developed under high RH with 20 h photoperiod showed no increase in ABA levels during darkness, and had low β‐glucosidase activity converting ABA‐GE to ABA. Continuous lighting (24 h) resulted in low levels of β‐glucosidase activity irrespective of RH, indicating that a dark period is essential to activate β‐glucosidase. Our results provide new insight into the regulation of ABA under different humidities and photoperiods, and clearly show that β‐glucosidase is a key enzyme regulating the ABA pool in rose plants.  相似文献   
Overuse of molluscicides by farmers in arable systems can lead to environmental and product contamination. Here we assess a simple and inexpensive surface trapping method for monitoring populations of slugs (Deroceras reticulatum and Arion intermedius). This method was biased against small slugs, and against A. intermedius, when compared to direct soil sampling. Regression was used to model the relationship between the results of surface trapping and soil sampling methods. Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE) algorithms were used to describe the spatial relationships between the two sets of samples. Using both traditional statistical methods and spatial statistics, the spatial information collected from surface traps was sufficient to identify patches and gaps in slug numbers and possibly to allow the spot application of slug control, and thus provide land managers who experience slug damage with a way of reducing molluscicides use, whilst maintaining slug control. Further improvements and applications of the model are discussed.  相似文献   
1. Plant responses to herbivore attack may have community‐wide effects on the composition of the plant‐associated insect community. Thereby, plant responses to an early‐season herbivore may have profound consequences for the amount and type of future attack. 2. Here we studied the effect of early‐season herbivory by caterpillars of Pieris rapae on the composition of the insect herbivore community on domesticated Brassica oleracea plants. We compared the effect of herbivory on two cultivars that differ in the degree of susceptibility to herbivores to analyse whether induced plant responses supersede differences caused by constitutive resistance. 3. Early‐season herbivory affected the herbivore community, having contrasting effects on different herbivore species, while these effects were similar on the two cultivars. Generalist insect herbivores avoided plants that had been induced, whereas these plants were colonised preferentially by specialist herbivores belonging to both leaf‐chewing and sap‐sucking guilds. 4. Our results show that community‐wide effects of early‐season herbivory may prevail over effects of constitutive plant resistance. Induced responses triggered by prior herbivory may lead to an increase in susceptibility to the dominant specialists in the herbivorous insect community. The outcome of the balance between contrasting responses of herbivorous community members to induced plants therefore determines whether induced plant responses result in enhanced plant resistance.  相似文献   
On homology     
The currently most widely used definitions of homology, which concentrate exclusively on what I call phylogenetic homology, involve comparisons between taxa. Although they share important conceptual relationships with phylogenetic homology and their role in evolutionary biology is significant, serial and other forms of iterative homology have been, by comparison, overlooked. There is need for a more inclusive definition of homology. I propose that the basis of homology in the broad sense is the sharing of pathways of development, which are controlled by genealogically-related genes. Using this definition, one can construct hierarchies of homology, and recognize different degrees or strengths of homology. Because different aspects of structures are controlled by distinct developmental programs, it is sometimes necessary to speak of homologies of different attributes of specific structures, rather than to homologize the structures per se. For good biological reasons, parallelism may be difficult to distinguish from homology, and one must in practice be willing to tolerate some ambiguity between them. The formulation I present leads to some unorthodox conclusions about homology in mammalian dentitions and homology between the fore-and hindlimbs of tetrapods.  相似文献   
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