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We assessed the fertility (reproductive success, litter size, testis weight, spermatocyte-to-spermatid ratio) of F1s and backcrosses between different wild-derived outbred and inbred strains of two mouse subspecies, Mus musculus domesticus and M. m. musculus . A significant proportion of the F1 females between the outbred crosses did not reproduce, suggesting that female infertility was present. As the spermatocyte-to-spermatid ratio was correlated with testis weight, the latter was used to attribute a sterile vs. fertile phenotype to all males. Segregation proportions in the backcrosses of F1 females yielded 11 (inbred) to 17% (outbred) sterile males, suggesting the contribution of two to three major genetic factors to hybrid male sterility. Only one direction of cross between the inbred strains produced sterile F1 males, indicating that one factor was borne by the musculus X-chromosome. No such differences were observed between reciprocal crosses in the outbred strains. The involvement of the X chromosome in male sterility thus could not be assessed, but its contribution appears likely given the limited introgression of X-linked markers through the hybrid zone between the subspecies. However, we observed no sterile phenotypes in wild males from the hybrid zone, although testis weight tended to decrease in the centre of the transect.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 379–393.  相似文献   
The ability to predict C cycle responses to temperature changes depends on the accurate representation of temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition in C models for different C pools and soil depths. Theoretically, Q10 of SOM decomposition is determined by SOM quality and availability (referred to here as SOM protection). Here, we focus on the role of SOM protection in attenuating the intrinsic, SOM quality dependent Q10. To assess the separate effects of SOM quality and protection, we incubated topsoil and subsoil samples characterized by differences in SOM protection under optimum moisture conditions at 25 °C and 35 °C. Although lower SOM quality in the subsoil should lead to a higher Q10 according to kinetic theory, we observed a much lower overall temperature response in subsoil compared with the topsoil. Q10 values determined for respired SOM fractions of decreasing lability within the topsoil increased from 1.9 for the most labile to 3.8 for the least labile respired SOM, whereas corresponding Q10 values for the subsoil did not show this trend (Q10 between 1.4 and 0.9). These results indicate the existence of a limiting factor that attenuates the intrinsic effect of SOM quality on Q10 in the subsoil. A parallel incubation experiment of 13C‐labeled plant material added to top‐ and subsoil showed that decomposition of an unprotected C substrate of equal quality responds similarly to temperature changes in top‐ and subsoil. This further confirms that the attenuating effect on Q10 in the subsoil originates from SOM protection rather than from microbial properties or other nutrient limitations. In conclusion, we found experimental evidence that SOM protection can attenuate the intrinsic Q10 of SOM decomposition.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Non‐lethal genetic surveys in insects usually extract DNA from a leg or a piece of wing. Although preferable to lethal sampling, little is known about the effect of leg/wing non‐lethal sampling on fitness‐related traits. 2. Graellsia isabelae (Graells, 1849) is a European moth protected by the Habitats Directive and the Bern Convention. Conservation genetics surveys on this species should therefore use non‐lethal sampling. 3. The present study aimed to (1) quantify the effects of both leg and hind‐wing tail sampling on survivorship and reproductive behaviour of adult males and females, and (2) assess the quality and quantity of DNA obtained from those tissues. 4. Both hind‐wing tails and mid‐legs proved to be good sources of high quality nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. DNA concentration was significantly higher when extracted from a large (130 mm2) piece of the hind‐wing tails than from about half of the mid‐leg. Using mark–release–recapture experiments with adults, it was found that neither mid‐leg nor hind‐wing tail sampling significantly reduced male survivorship or total number of matings. However, although mid‐leg sampling did not significantly affect female survivorship, it had a negative effect on female mating success. 5. Wing‐tail clipping on males appeared to be the best non‐lethal sampling procedure for G. isabelae. It is a fast procedure, similar to natural wing impairment, and did not significantly affect survival or mating behaviour.  相似文献   
Abstract: Latinos in the United States are an increasing segment of the population and are becoming important stakeholders in the management of natural resources. Although Latinos have been included in attitudinal research on environmental concerns, few studies have focused exclusively on Latino attitudes toward natural resources and the environment. We surveyed Texas college and university students of Mexican descent (n = 635) to determine their environmental concerns. Using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP), we determined an environmental concern score for each respondent and compared this index to several demographic variables. We found that gender, a political candidate's environmental position, mother's education, combined parental income, and, to a lesser degree, the number of grandparents born in the United States and religiosity (church attendance), were important model variables. We hypothesized that acculturation would be an important factor in predicting NEP scores; however, acculturation level was not an important predictor in our study, which we attribute to both the nature of our sample (i.e., highly acculturated college students) and small sample sizes of less-acculturated college students. We recommend that future research consider determining the importance of acculturation in Latino attitudes toward natural resources and the environment.  相似文献   
Abstract: Tree squirrels are one of the most familiar mammals found in urban areas and are considered both desirable around homes and, conversely, a pest. We examined fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) habitat use in inner city and suburban areas using radiotelemetry. We estimated habitat selection ratios at differing scales by season and fox squirrel activity. Telemetry data suggests that during periods of inactivity radiocollared fox squirrels (n = 82) selected 1) areas with greater tree canopy, 2) live oaks (Quercus fusiromis and Q. virginiana), and 3) trees with larger diameters and canopies. When inactive during the winter and spring, fox squirrels also preferred, within their core areas, to use the inside of buildings, and during periods of activity in the autumn and spring, fox squirrels preferred grassy areas. During periods of activity, fox squirrels avoided using pavement but did not exclude it from their core-area movements. Fox squirrels' ability to use buildings and to tolerate pavement in core-area movements make vast areas of the urban environment available to fox squirrels. In evaluating habitat variables that increased fox squirrel activity in urban areas, we found the number of large and medium trees, amount of pavement and grassy areas, canopy cover, number of oaks, and the area covered by buildings were all important factors in predicting fox squirrel activity in an urban environment. Our data suggests urban planners, animal damage control officials, wildlife managers, and landscapers who want to control urban fox squirrel populations through habitat manipulation should consider the reduction of oaks trees, a reduction of the canopy cover, and restricting the access of fox squirrels to buildings. Alternatively, home owners and squirrel enthusiasts hoping to bolster fox squirrel populations in urban areas should consider increasing the number of large mast—bearing trees and canopy cover and providing nest boxes.  相似文献   
The simultaneous study of the temporal dynamics of foraging behaviour, diet and seed abundance is essential to assess the way in which resources affect the behaviour and ecology of harvester ants. Here, we evaluate how fluctuations in grass seed abundance during three consecutive growing seasons influenced the foraging behaviour and diet of the harvester ants Pogonomyrmex rastratus, P. mendozanus and P. inermis in the central Monte desert, Argentina. Seed abundance of the most consumed grasses varied greatly through ant activity season, and ants altered their foraging behaviour in response to those changes. Foragers spent more time travelling and searching for food, and their foraging trips took longer during the low seed availability season. Foraging distance was very similar among species and, contrary to our expectations, did not vary between seasons. Foraging success of P. rastratus and P. inermis increased during the high availability season. This matched the seasonal pattern of foraging activity, suggesting that colonies may detect seed abundance and regulate their foraging effort with the rate of forager success. Although grass seeds were the main item in the diet of the three species, P. mendozanus, and to a lesser extent P. rastratus, turned more generalist when grass seeds were scarce. In contrast, P. inermis showed a very narrow diet breadth, only harvesting grass seeds in both seasons. Our results indicate the relevance of seed availability on foraging behaviour of harvester ants, which should be taken into account when predicting and evaluating the effect of ants on seed resources as well as numerical responses of harvester ant populations to the temporal and spatial variations in grass seed abundance.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Estimating black bear (Ursus americanus) population size is a difficult but important requirement when justifying harvest quotas and managing populations. Advancements in genetic techniques provide a means to identify individual bears using DNA contained in tissue and hair samples, thereby permitting estimates of population abundance based on established mark-capture-recapture methodology. We expand on previous noninvasive population-estimation work by geographically extending sampling areas (36,848 km2) to include the entire Northern Lower Peninsula (NLP) of Michigan, USA. We selected sampling locations randomly within biologically relevant bear habitat and used barbed wire hair snares to collect hair samples. Unlike previous noninvasive studies, we used tissue samples from harvested bears as an additional sampling occasion to increase recapture probabilities. We developed subsampling protocols to account for both spatial and temporal variance in sample distribution and variation in sample quality using recently published quality control protocols using 5 microsatellite loci. We quantified genotyping errors using samples from harvested bears and estimated abundance using statistical models that accounted for genotyping error. We estimated the population of yearling and adult black bears in the NLP to be 1,882 bears (95% CI = 1,389-2,551 bears). The derived population estimate with a 15% coefficient of variation was used by wildlife managers to examine the sustainability of harvest over a large geographic area.  相似文献   
Host control mechanisms are thought to be critical for selecting against cheater mutants in symbiont populations. Here, we provide the first experimental test of a legume host’s ability to constrain the infection and proliferation of a native‐occurring rhizobial cheater. Lotus strigosus hosts were experimentally inoculated with pairs of Bradyrhizobium strains that naturally vary in symbiotic benefit, including a cheater strain that proliferates in the roots of singly infected hosts, yet provides zero growth benefits. Within co‐infected hosts, the cheater exhibited lower infection rates than competing beneficial strains and grew to smaller population sizes within those nodules. In vitro assays revealed that infection‐rate differences among competing strains were not caused by variation in rhizobial growth rate or interstrain toxicity. These results can explain how a rapidly growing cheater symbiont – that exhibits a massive fitness advantage in single infections – can be prevented from sweeping through a beneficial population of symbionts.  相似文献   
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