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Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-based surveys of the occurrence of five barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) serotypes (MAV, PAV and SGV in “Group 1”; RPV and RMV in “Group 2”) in CIMMYT bread wheat nurseries and other small grain crops in various locations world-wide were undertaken in 1988, 1989 and 1990. The objective was to investigate the relative occurrence of BYDV serotypes in areas relevant to CIMMYT cereal breeding programs. Overall, MAV and PAV serotypes predominated in the samples collected, though their relative frequencies depended on the location. SGV serotypes were uncommon in most locations. Group 2 serotypes occurred widely, but RMV serotypes were more common than RPV serotypes.  相似文献   
Seed-transmission of nematode-borne viruses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Transmission through seed of crop and weed plants seems to be characteristic of nematode-borne viruses. It occurred with tomato black ring virus (TBRV) in nineteen species (thirteen botanical families), with arabis mosaic virus (AMV) in thirteen species (eleven families), with raspberry ringspot virus (RRV) in six species (five families), and also, in more limited tests, with tomato ringspot, cherry leaf roll and tobacco rattle viruses. A remarkable feature was that infected seedlings, except those containing tobacco rattle virus, often appeared healthy. The occurrence and extent of seed-transmission depended on both the virus and the host plant. In many progenies more than 10%, and in some 100%, of seedlings were infected. The viruses were transmitted through at least two or three generations of seed of those host species tested. After 6 years' storage, TBRV- and RRV-containing seed of Capsella bursa-pastoris and Stellaria media germinated to give infected seedlings. In controlled crossing experiments with strawberry and raspberry, virus was transmitted to seed from both male and female parents but, at least in raspberry, the presence of competing virus-free pollen much decreased the ability of pollen from infected plants to set seed. There was no evidence that healthy mother plants became infected when their flowers were pollinated with infected pollen.  相似文献   
Plants with symptoms of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) obtained in infection feeding assays of aphids collected in the field in Idaho between 1986 and 1988 were tested for virus transmissibility by possible aphid vectors. Isolates obtained during 1987–1988 were also tested with a range of polyclonal antisera which distinguished PAV, MAV, SGV, RPV and RMV serotypes. In 1989 some Idaho (ID) BYDV isolates, maintained as standards for comparison, were serotyped and tested for aphid transmissibility, using 11 species of aphids. There was not always the expected correspondence between serotype and vector specificity for ID isolates. For isolates obtained from field-collected Rhopalosiphum padi, vector transmissibility and serotype corresponded with previous reports; however, 44% of isolates which were serotyped as RMV were also transmissible by species other than Rhopalosiphum maidis. Similarly, the transmissibility of the ID laboratory standards did not always conform to the reported vector specificity of serotypes. The laboratory ID-MAV culture was transmitted by Metopolophium dirhodum and Myzus persicae as well as by Sitobion avenae. The laboratory ID-SGV culture was transmitted by R. padi and 5. avenae as well as by Schizaphis graminum. The ID-RPV culture was transmitted by S. graminum and Rhopalosiphum insertum as well as R. padi. Both of two laboratory ID-RMV cultures were transmissible by R. insertum and R. padi transmitted one of them. The results indicate that, for isolates collected in Idaho, vector specificity cannot be assumed from their serotypes.  相似文献   
Seed-transmission in the ecology of nematode-borne viruses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Virus-free populations of vector nematodes can acquire tomato black ring (TBRV), raspberry ringspot (RRV) and arabis mosaic (AMV) viruses from weed seedlings grown from virus-carrying seed. When soils from fields where nematode-borne viruses occurred naturally were air-dried to kill vector nematodes and then moistened, TBRV and RRV occurred commonly in the weed seedlings that grew, but AMV occurred only rarely. Similar tests did not detect tobacco ringspot, grapevine fanleaf or tobacco rattle viruses in weed seeds in the single soil studied in each instance, although these three viruses are also seed-borne in some of their hosts. Many weed species, when infected experimentally, readily transmit TBRV and RRV to their seed, but the viruses were much commoner in naturally occurring seed of some of these species than of others. These discrepancies between the frequency of seed-transmission of viruses from experimentally infected plants and the extent of natural occurrence of infected seed seem largely to reflect the host preferences of the vectors. Infective Longidorus elongatus kept in fallow soil retained TBRV and RRV only up to 9 weeks. When weed seeds in the soil were then allowed to germinate, the nematodes reacquired virus from the infected seedlings. Some weed species were better than others as sources of virus. Persistence of these viruses in fields through periods of fallow or fasting of the vector therefore depends on a continuing supply of infected seedlings produced by virus-containing weed seeds. This is probably less true of viruses like AMV and grapevine fanleaf, which persist for 8 months or more in their vectors (Xiphinema spp.). A few seeds containing TBRV and RRV were found in soils free of vector nematodes, suggesting that the viruses are disseminated in weed seed. This probably explains how TBRV and RRV have reached a large proportion of L. elongatus populations in eastern Scotland.  相似文献   
Abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation in response to drought stresswas studied in F5 and F6 progeny of a cross between two springwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes contrasting in ABA accumulation:TW269/9 (high ABA) and Highbury (low ABA). Selection in earliergenerations had been made on the basis of ABA accumulation indetached and partially dehydrated samples of the fourth leafof the main stem (MSL4). Detached-leaf tests with MSL4 from several low and high ABAselections at F5 confirmed differences found in ABA accumulationin the F4 generation. Approximately two-fold differences weremaintained at F5 in both cabinet-grown and field-grown plants. Measurements of the ABA concentrations present in flag leavestaken from drought-stressed plants in the field gave variableresults. Several selections at F5 which differed in ABA contentby about 70% in detached-leaf tests with MSL4, contained, overall,the same concentration of ABA in both low and high ABA selectionsas plants became water-stressed. However, low and high ABA F6selections which were sampled on five occasions over severalweeks differed consistently in the level of ABA present fora particular degree of water stress. The high ABA selectionscontained c. 50% more ABA than low ABA selections.Possible explanationsare given for the inconsistencies between ABA levels from lowand high ABA selections in detached-leaf and attached-leaf tests. Key words: Wheat Triticum aestivum, Abscisic acid, ABA, Drought stress  相似文献   
Potted white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings were grown ingravel either in outdoor cold frames or in growth chambers.They were watered every second day with a salt solution containingdifferent amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. After 13 weeksof growth individual seedlings were illuminated separately for8 h in the presence of 14CO2 and the rates of their apparentphotosynthesis, respiration, and translocation of recent 14C-photosynthateto their roots were observed. Roots were extracted with 80 percent ethanol and the nature of various 14C compounds in theextract was determined by paper chromatography. The best over-all growth of plants, mycorrhizal development,apparent photosynthesis, and translocation of recent photosynthateto the roots were observed in plants grown at the intermediatelevels of N and P nutrition. Sucrose was always the dominant form in which recently translocated14C occurred in the roots, although with increased nitrogensupply there was increased hydrolysis of sucrose to hexosesand appearance of 14C in the amino- and organic acids.  相似文献   
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