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Abstract. A village-scale field trial of pyrethroid-impregnated mosquito nets was undertaken in The Gambia, West Africa, in the Mandinka village of Saruja (13o13'N, 14o55'W) during July-November 1989. Nearly all the villagers possessed and used their own bednets. Anopheles gambiae is the main vector of human malaria in the area.
An experimental wash-resistant formulation of permethrin was compared with standard emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations of permethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, versus placebo-treated bednets. Target concentrations of pyrethroids on bednets were permethrin 500mg/m2 and lambda-cyhalothrin 25 mg/m2. The experimental design involved random allocation of a treatment to one net per family. Whereas 68% of people questioned said they washed their nets fortnightly, observations during the 16-week trial period showed that only 4/130 (3%) of nets involved in the trial had been washed as frequently as once per month.
Early morning searches for mosquitoes under bednets (1 day/week for 16 weeks) found significantly more mosquitoes (60% An. gambiae ) in placebo-treated nets than in pyrethroid-treated nets. The numbers found with each of the three pyrethroid treatments did not differ significantly from each other. Insecticidal efficacy of the treatments was tested by bioassays using wild-caught unfed mosquitoes exposed to netting for 3min. Linear regression analysis of bioassay mortality against number of times that a net had been washed by villagers showed that nets impregnated with the wash-resistant permethrin retained their insecticidal properties better than nets impregnated with lambda-cyhalothrin or with the standard permethrin formulation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The cicadelloid leaf-hoppers, Eurymela distincta (Signoret) and Eurymela fenestrata (Le Pelletier & Serville), feed on the phloem sap of Eucalyptus spp. The osmotic pressure profile of haemolymph and gut fluids is consistent with a filtration mechanism based on passive osmosis. This is responsible for shunting water rapidly from foregut to hindgut in the relatively simple filter chamber. The osmotic gradient which drives the system is probably produced by active secretion of sodium and potassium into the Malpighian tubules and posterior midgut. Although the osmotic pressures in all parts of the system are higher, the mechanism is probably similar to that previously described for xylem-feeding cicadas.
The major haemolymph cations are sodium and magnesium and the concentrations of sodium and magnesium in the urine are higher than potassium. A variety of storage granules in the midgut contain calcium, phosphorus (as phosphate), ferric iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese and copper.  相似文献   
The development of Caryospora bigenetica in vitro is described by light microscopy. Sporozoites from snake-derived oocysts were purified and inoculated onto cultures of primary testicle cells of the cotton rat, cotton rat kidney cells, and human fetal lung cells. Intracellular sporozoites were observed one and two days postinoculation (DPI). Motile, extracellular first-generation merozoites were present 3 DPI, and second-generation merozoites were present 5 DPI. Mature gamonts were observed 9 DPI and developed into unsporulated oocysts by 10 DPI. Oocysts sporulated in vitro, and excystation was observed. Cells that were penetrated by in vitro-produced sporozoites formed caryocysts by 16 DPI. To test infectivity of in vitro-derived stages, merozoites were removed from cultured cells 5 DPI and inoculated intraperitoneally into a mouse; infection resulted. Sporulated oocysts removed from cell cultures 12 DPI produced facial swelling in an orally inoculated cotton rat.  相似文献   
Release of sporozoites from the oocysts of Cryptosporidium baileyi is described from Nomarski interference-contrast microscopy. Just prior to excystation, the four sporozoites became motile and rearranged themselves within the oocyst. The sporozoites were then rapidly expelled through an opening that formed in the oocyst wall, and the residuum was either released or retained within the oocyst. Excysted sporozoites were crescent shaped and measured 5.0–9.0 μm × 1.0–1.6 μm (x?= 6.8 × 1.1 μm). Excystation occurred when sodium taurocholate or a mixture of trypsin and sodium taurocholate was present in the incubation medium. High levels of excystation occurred at 37° or 40°C, but excystation did not occur at 4°C. The ability of biles from two avian and two mammalian hosts to produce excystation of C. baileyi was also studied. After a 2-h incubation at 40°C, the percentages of excystation were 69.5% in goat bile, 45.0% in pig bile, 33.0% in chicken bile, and 34.5% in turkey bile.  相似文献   
A novel experimental method was developed which allows the determination of the threshold concentration of sucrose by use of a linear sucrose gradient in water. With this method a continuous tasting of the test-liquid is possible. A panel of 15 persons experienced in taste-testing was used. Three gradients of different steepness were applied: 0 to 1.5% (w/w) sucrose in 2 min (I), 3 min (II) and 4 min (III). The results of the new method were compared with those of the standard method (DIN). With gradients I and II we found values which were significantly higher than those of the standard method (I: 0.49% (w/w); II: 0.46% (w/w); DIN: 0.31% (w/w)), whereas with gradient III the same threshold value was found as with the DIN-Method (III: 0.32% (w/w)).  相似文献   
High concentrations (1000 parts 10–6) of trichloroacetate(TCA) inhibit germination of Pinus radiata seed. Seedlings growingin the presence of lower concentrations (100 parts 10–6)take up TCA where it becomes concentrated in cotyledons anddeveloping primary needles. TCA inhibits biosynthesis of nonacosan-10-oland long chain diol constituents of the primary needle epicuticularwax concomitant with a reduction in appearance of tubular waxexcept around stomatal pores. Epicuticular wax from TCA-treatedplants consists mainly of alkyl esters, and is amorphous. Itis suggested that P. radiata stomatal subsidiary cells possesstubular epicuticular wax chemically distinct from that of epidermalcells.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate long-term platinum retention in patients treated with cisplatin and oxaliplatin.  相似文献   
The compulsory dispute settlement regime included in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention is recognized as one of the most comprehensive in a modern international convention. Yet, in the recent application of this regime, the question has arisen as to whether the procedural prerequisites associated with the LOS Convention's compulsory dispute settlement mechanism are so arduous as to avoid binding and compulsory jurisdiction in most instances. This article addresses that question by examining, in particular, the reasoning of the Southern Bluefin Tuna arbitration tribunal, which found Article 281 of Section 1 of the LOS Convention to bar jurisdiction to the compulsory dispute settlement mechanism prescribed by the Convention, and offers suggestions as to how states might distinguish or overcome the barriers imposed by the Southern Bluefin Tuna tribunal in future cases.  相似文献   
Over 6 yr the effectiveness of imazalil, prochloraz and fenpiclonil, applied either alone or in a mixture, in controlling gangrene, dry rot, skin spot and silver scurf on potato tubers in store was compared with that of 2-aminobutane and thiabendazole. An assessment was also made of their efficiency in controlling the development of these diseases on the daughter tubers of seed tubers treated at harvest or before planting. Overall, 2-aminobutane was more effective in controlling gangrene (Phoma foveata) in store than the spray-applied fungicides. Deposits of imazalil, thiabendazole and fenpiclonil were greater when sprays were applied with an electrostatic sprayer than with a hydraulic sprayer. The opposite was found with the mixture of prochloraz Mn and tolclofos-methyl. More effective gangrene control was associated with the highest deposits. Fenpiclonil and the mixture of thiabendazole and imazalil were more effective in controlling dry rot (Fusarium solani var. coeruleum) than imazalil alone. The development of dry rot was, however, increased by 2-aminobutane treatment on eight out of 14 stocks. 2-aminobutane gave the greatest reduction (83%) in the severity of skin spot during storage whereas thiabendazole alone, and the mixture of thiabendazole and imazalil, gave mean reductions of 70% and 65% respectively. This mixture and fenpiclonil gave the greatest reduction in the severity of silver scurf although, in general, reductions in silver scurf with fungicide treatment were less than with skin spot. The type of sprayer used to apply a fungicide did not affect the effectiveness of the fungicides in controlling either skin spot or silver scurf on tubers in store, or on the daughter tubers. The incidence of gangrene and dry rot on daughter tubers was not reduced consistently by fungicide treatment of seed tubers of the six stocks tested. However, the severity of skin spot and silver scurf was reduced by fungicide treatments of all eight stocks but the reduction in disease was greater for skin spot than for silver scurf. All fungicides gave reductions in the severity of skin spot, and fenpiclonil and the mixture of thiabendazole and imazalil were the most effective for silver scurf. The effectiveness of the fungicides in controlling these diseases was similar for seed treated at harvest and that treated before planting.  相似文献   
Permethrin-impregnated bednets reduce nuisance arthropods in Gambian houses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The prevalence of bedbugs (Cimex hemipterus L.), chicken ticks (Argas persicus Oken) and headlice (Pediculus capitis De Geer) was surveyed in a rural area of The Gambia. At the beginning of the study 37.5% of children's beds were infested with bedbugs and 3.9% with chicken ticks, whilst the prevalence rate of pediculosis in children under 10 years old was 28.8%. Both bedbugs and headlice were clustered within compounds. Headlice prevalence increased with hair length and they were more common on girls than boys. Following this cross-sectional survey all bednets in the sixteen hamlets were either dipped in permethrin or a placebo. About 4 months later it was found that bedbugs and chicken ticks had disappeared from homes in which the bednets had been impregnated with permethrin. There was no reduction in hamlets with placebo-treated bednets. The rate of acquiring headlice between the two surveys was reduced by 91.1% in children who slept under insecticide-treated bednets compared with children with placebo-treated bednets. There were also significantly fewer day-flying and crawling insects, except earwigs, in homes of children who slept under insecticide-treated bednets compared with those with placebo-treated nets. These additional benefits of permethrin-treated bednets should contribute to their widespread acceptance and utilization by the community for personal protection.  相似文献   
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