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Lingulate brachiopods are described from the Upper Cambrian - Lower Ordovician (Tremadoc-Arenig) of Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, and Norway), South Ural Mountains, northeastern Central Kazakhstan, and the southern Kendyktas Range in southern Kazakhstan. The faunas comprise a total of 56 species of which 20 are new these are assigned to 40 genera, of which the lingulids Agalatassia and Keskentassia , the siphonotretid Siphonotrerella. and the acrotretids Galinella, Longipegma, Ottenbyella, Akmolina, Mamatia, Sasyksoria , and Otariella are new. The new Subfamily Elliptoglossinae is proposed. The poorly known Cambrianardovician stratigraphy of the South Urals. northeastern Central Kazakhstan, and the southern Kendyktas Range is reviewed. Many sequences in these areas that were previously referred to the Upper Cambrian and Tremadoc can now be correlated with the lower Arenig Hunneberg Stage in Baltoscandia. Three main types of faunal assemblages can be distinguished: (1) the Broeggeria assemblage; (2) several microbrachiopod assemblages; and (3) the Leptembolon-Thysanotos assemblage. The Broeggeria assemblage is distributed world-wide in the Tremadoc of the southern Kendyktas Range, Scandinavia, Belgium, Great Britain, Canada, and Argentina, while the Leptembolon-Thysanotos assemblage is confined to the Arenig of an area surrounding the East European platform, including northern Estonia, Poland, Germany, Bohemia, Serbia, and the South Urals. The microbrachiopod assemblages are known mainly from the Upper Cambrian - Arenig of Scandinavia, South Ural Mountains, northeastern Central Kazakhstan, and the southern Kendyktas Range.  相似文献   
Abstract:  New material of the enigmatic brachiopod Salanygolina obliqua Ushatinskaya from the Early Cambrian of Mongolia shows that it has a colleplax – a triangular plate – in the umbonal perforation, which is enlarged by resorption. This structure is otherwise only known from the equally enigmatic Palaeozoic orders Chileida and Dictyonellida (Rhynchonelliformea, Chileata). The colleplax in Salanygolina is here considered to be homologous with that of the chileates. Salanygolina is also provided with a ridge-like pseudodeltidium, which is another chileate feature. Other characters of Salanygolina , like the radial arrangement of adductor muscle scars and postero-medially placed internal oblique muscles are characteristic of chileates, but also found in the paterinates. In contrast, mixoperipheral dorsal valves with low rudimentary interareas are well known in paterinates, but not yet recorded from chileates. Thus, Salanygolina shows a mosaic combination of morphologic characters, known both from the paterinates and chileates, indicating that it may represent a stem group of the rhynchonelliform chileate brachiopods. The laminar phosphatic secondary shell of Salanygolina is composed of closely packed and nearly identical hexagonal prisms, oriented with their long axis normal to the laminae in a honeycomb pattern. The prism walls appear to have originally been composed of organic membranes and might represent precursors of the organic sheaths of calcite fibers that are typical of calcitic shells with a fibrous microstructure.  相似文献   
New data on the earliest ontogeny of Mid-Ordovician Baltoscandian clitambonitoid ( Apomatella , Neumania and Oslogonites ) and polytoechioid ( Antigonambonites and Raunites ) brachiopods reveal significant differences in the life history of the taxa belonging to these two superfamilies. The Polytoechioidea and probably other members of the Billingsellida had planktotrophic larvae, in which the dorsal and ventral mantle lobes formed separately and without reversion. The 'pedicle sheath' in Antigonambonites is secreted by a section of modified ventral mantle and thus this 'pedicle' is not homologous within the pedicle of rhynchonellate brachiopods. It is likely that polytoechioids and other members of the strophomenate clade had the same type of ontogeny and mode of attachment. In contrast, the ontogeny and mode of attachment of clitambonitoids are similar to that of recent rhynchonellates: their mantle lobes and both valves formed simultaneously, and the pedicle most likely formed from the larval pedicle lobe. Evidence for the lecithotrophic nature of clitambonitoid larva is discussed. This confirms that the Clitambonitoidea, unlike the Polytoechioidea, represents an ingroup within the Rhynchonellata.  相似文献   
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