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In this study we examined ecosystem respiration (RECO) data from 104 sites belonging to FLUXNET, the global network of eddy covariance flux measurements. The goal was to identify the main factors involved in the variability of RECO: temporally and between sites as affected by climate, vegetation structure and plant functional type (PFT) (evergreen needleleaf, grasslands, etc.). We demonstrated that a model using only climate drivers as predictors of RECO failed to describe part of the temporal variability in the data and that the dependency on gross primary production (GPP) needed to be included as an additional driver of RECO. The maximum seasonal leaf area index (LAIMAX) had an additional effect that explained the spatial variability of reference respiration (the respiration at reference temperature Tref=15 °C, without stimulation introduced by photosynthetic activity and without water limitations), with a statistically significant linear relationship (r2=0.52, P<0.001, n=104) even within each PFT. Besides LAIMAX, we found that reference respiration may be explained partially by total soil carbon content (SoilC). For undisturbed temperate and boreal forests a negative control of total nitrogen deposition (Ndepo) on reference respiration was also identified. We developed a new semiempirical model incorporating abiotic factors (climate), recent productivity (daily GPP), general site productivity and canopy structure (LAIMAX) which performed well in predicting the spatio‐temporal variability of RECO, explaining >70% of the variance for most vegetation types. Exceptions include tropical and Mediterranean broadleaf forests and deciduous broadleaf forests. Part of the variability in respiration that could not be described by our model may be attributed to a series of factors, including phenology in deciduous broadleaf forests and management practices in grasslands and croplands.  相似文献   
Most phytophagous insects feed on a single plant during development, and this may influence not only performance‐linked traits, but also more subtle morphological differences. Insect–plant interactions are thus valuable for studying environmental influences on phenotypes. By using geometric morphometrics, we investigated the variation in forewing size and shape in the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis reared on six species of passion vines (Passiflora spp.). We detected wing shape sexual dimorphism, for which the adaptive significance deserves further investigation. There was size as well as wing shape variation among individuals fed on different hosts. These subtle differences in shape were interpreted as environmental effects on development, which should be under weak natural selection for these traits, and therefore not strongly canalized. This result reinforces the role of plasticity on host‐plant use, as well as the corresponding consequences on developmental variability among phytophagous insects. We propose that this variation can be an important factor in resource specialization and partner recognition, possibly triggering reproductive isolation and sympatric speciation in phytophagous insects. This interaction also shows itself as a good model for studying the role of environmental and interaction diversity in evolution. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 765–774.  相似文献   
Neuroendocrine Correlates of Circadian Rhythmicity in Crustaceans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The secretion of neurohormones from the crustacean X-organ –sinus gland system is controlled by environmental influences,light being the most conspicuous. Two sets of photoreceptorsappear to mediate the influence of light on neurosecretion basedon intracellular recordings from X-organ neurons and estimationsof hormone release. Extra-retinal photoreceptors can initiateneurohormonal release from the eyestalk. Neurosecretory activity is also influenced by putative neurotransmitters.GABA is found in high concentrations in the medulla temninalisof the eyestalk and is released by stimulation, in a calcium-dependentmanner. Diurnal variations occur in the amounts of eyestalk neurohormones,either those present in the eyestalk or released by electricalstimulation of the isolated sinus gland. Rhythm phases varyfrom one hormone to another. Neurohormones secreted in the eyestalkare also found in other regions of the central nervous system.Rhythms of neurosecretion are present both in the secretionin the isolated eyestalk and in eyestalkless animals, thus indicatingthat rhythmicity is a distributed property of the neurosecretorysystem.  相似文献   
Bursts of speciation have followed colonization of remote oceanic islands by diverse taxa, a process evidenced by island endemics around the world. The present study explores whether the Malvinas – Falkland Islands (MFI), a relatively understudied archipelago off the South Atlantic coast of Patagonia, harbour endemic genetic lineages of passerine birds. Nine passerine species nest regularly in the MFI (Cinclodes antarcticus, Muscisaxicola maclovianus, Troglodytes cobbi, Cistothorus platensis, Turdus falcklandii, Anthus correndera, Melanodera melanodera, Sturnella loyca, and Carduelis barbata). Mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase I sequences) are used to quantify and compare divergence between insular and continental populations, finding genetic patterns to vary across these nine species. Most MFI passerines do not show significant genetic differentiation from continental populations, whereas C. platensis, M. melanodera, and T. falcklandii are modestly diverged. Finally, T. cobbi differes markedly from its closest continental relative Troglodytes aedon, a result that is confirmed using nuclear and vocal data. The study also identifies broadly divergent lineages within continental populations of C. platensis and T. aedon. Taken together, these results suggest that the land bird populations of the MFI were established at different times. Troglodytes cobbi is the oldest MFI land bird, splitting from continental T. aedon during the Great Patagonian Glaciation of the Pleistocene. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, •• , ••–••.  相似文献   
The study of the genetic variation of early height growth traits in seedlings helps to predict the possible outcomes of tree populations in the face of climate change. Second‐year height growth of 10 geographically marginal populations of Patagonian cypress (Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic. Ser. et Bizzarri) (Cupressaceae) was characterized under greenhouse conditions. Variation among and within an average of 15 open‐pollinated families (comprising 21 seedlings per family) for each population was analysed for six size and timing traits obtained from fitted Boltzmann growth curves. The among‐family and among‐population variances were 4.03% and 2.74% of the total phenotypic variation, while the residual variance was 84.57% on average. Genetic differentiation among populations was low, except for the maximum growth rate (QST = 0.35) and for growth initiation (QST = 1). For most traits, genetic variation and heritability were variable across populations, except for growth initiation, which showed in general null intra‐population levels of genetic variance. Although no direct associations were found between the additive genetic variation and latitude or altitude, the north range of the distribution was more variable for the pool of the analysed traits. Although most extreme‐marginal populations of A. chilensis would be very limited in their ability to evolve if climate in north‐west Patagonia turns drier and warmer, their long‐term persistence could largely rely on a phenotypic diversification strategy.  相似文献   
Assumptions of steady‐state conditions in biogeochemical modelling are often invoked because knowledge on the development status of the modelling domain is generally unavailable. Here, we investigate the role of vegetation pool sizes on nonequilibrium conditions through model‐data integration approaches for a set of sites using eddy covariance CO2 flux data. The study is based on the Carnegie–Ames–Stanford Approach (CASA) model, modified (CASAG) in order to evaluate the sensitivity of simulated net ecosystem production (NEP) fluxes to vegetation pool sizes. The experimental design is based on the inverse model optimization of different parameter vectors performed at the measurement site level. Each parameter vector prescribes different simulation dynamics that embody different model structural assumptions concerning (non)steady‐state conditions in vegetation and soil carbon pools. We further explore the potential of assimilating biometric constraints through the cost function for sites where in situ information on aboveground biomass or wood pools is available. The integration of biometric data yields marked improvements in the simulation of vegetation C pools compared to single constraints with eddy flux data. Overall, it is necessary to relax both vegetation and soil carbon pools for consistency with the observed data streams. Multiple constraints approaches also leads to variable model performance among the different experimental setups and model structures. We identify and assess the limitations of various model structures and the role of multiple constraints approaches for tackling issues of equifinality. These studies emphasize the need for establishing consistent data sets of fluxes and biometric data for successful model‐data fusion.  相似文献   
Numerous studies have investigated the presence and the effectiveness of volatile pheromones in Lepidoptera. Conversely, very few studies have focused on the composition and the perception of the relatively low volatile components of cuticular mixtures. Yet, cuticular lipids are implied in the recognition processes of several solitary and social insects. In the present study, the cuticular signatures of the satyrid butterflies Lasiommata megera and Lasiommata paramegaera were examined by gas chromatography. General linear model and discriminant analyses on chemical data clearly revealed large differences between sexes, which showed the same diversification pattern in both species. Moreover, a strong diversification between the two species was found, as were differences among populations. These results represent a first step in demonstrating the communicative function of cuticular compounds in the L. megera / paramegaera complex. Moreover, the discrimination among different species and populations on the basis of cuticular mixtures could represent a platform for studying chemotaxonomy and chemical biogeography in butterflies, as already found in several other insect groups.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 703–710.  相似文献   
A checklist of the 11 genera and 16 species of Bromeliaceae from the Parque Estadual do Pico do Itambé in Santo Antônio do Itambé and Serra Azul de Minas, Minas Gerais, south‐eastern Brazil, is presented. Bromelioideae is the most diverse subfamily and is concentrated in forested areas. Tillandsioideae and Pitcairnioideae are most abundant in elevated areas of campo rupestre vegetation. Vriesea medusa Versieux, a new night‐blooming species belonging to section Xiphion (E.Morren) E.Morren ex Mez, was found in the area and is described and illustrated. It appears to be an endemic species distinguished from Vriesea nanuzae Leme by a combination of the usually larger dimensions in the rosette, the curved inflorescence which has lateral peduncles bearing up to five sterile bracts, the larger number of flowers, floral bracts and sepals that become dark purplish‐brown towards the apex and the coloration of the leaves. Dyckia glandulosa L.B.Sm. & Reitz and Vriesea densiflora Mez, previously poorly known, were rediscovered and are depicted in their habitat for the first time. Vriesea procera var. tenuis L.B.Sm. is a new record for the state. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 709–715.  相似文献   
Nectaries and reproductive biology of Croton sarcopetalus (Euphorbiaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flower morphology, nectary structure, nectar chemical composition, breeding system, floral visitors and pollination were analysed in Croton sarcopetalus , a diclinous-monoecious shrub from Argentina. Male flowers have five receptacular nectaries, with no special vascular bundles, that consist of a uniserial epidermis with stomata subtended by a secretory parenchyma. Female flowers bear two different types of nectaries: inner (IN) and outer (ON) floral nectaries. IN, five in all, are structurally similar to the nectaries of male flowers. The five ON are vascularized, stalked, and composed of secretory, column-shaped epidermal cells without stomata subtended by secretory and ground parenchyma. In addition, ON act as post-floral nectaries secreting nectar during fruit ripening. Extrafloral nectaries (EFN) are located on petioles, stipules and leaf margins. Petiolar EFN are patelliform, stalked and anatomically similar to the ON of the female flower. Nectar sampled from all nectary types is hexose dominant, except for the ON of the female flower at the post-floral stage that is sucrose dominant. The species is self-compatible, but geitonogamous fertilization is rarely possible because male and female flowers are not usually open at the same time in the same individual, i.e. there is temporal dioecism. Flowers are visited by 22 insect species, wasps being the most important group of pollinators. No significant differences were found in fruit and seed set between natural and hand pollinated flowers. This pattern indicates that fruit production in this species is not pollen/pollinator limited and is mediated by a wide array of pollinators.  相似文献   
Understanding how net ecosystem exchange (NEE) changes with temperature is central to the debate on climate change‐carbon cycle feedbacks, but still remains unclear. Here, we used eddy covariance measurements of NEE from 20 FLUXNET sites (203 site‐years of data) in mid‐ and high‐latitude forests to investigate the temperature response of NEE. Years were divided into two half thermal years (increasing temperature in spring and decreasing temperature in autumn) using the maximum daily mean temperature. We observed a parabolic‐like pattern of NEE in response to temperature change in both the spring and autumn half thermal years. However, at similar temperatures, NEE was considerably depressed during the decreasing temperature season as compared with the increasing temperature season, inducing a counter‐clockwise hysteresis pattern in the NEE–temperature relation at most sites. The magnitude of this hysteresis was attributable mostly (68%) to gross primary production (GPP) differences but little (8%) to ecosystem respiration (ER) differences between the two half thermal years. The main environmental factors contributing to the hysteresis responses of NEE and GPP were daily accumulated radiation. Soil water content (SWC) also contributed to the hysteresis response of GPP but only at some sites. Shorter day length, lower light intensity, lower SWC and reduced photosynthetic capacity may all have contributed to the depressed GPP and net carbon uptake during the decreasing temperature seasons. The resultant hysteresis loop is an important indicator of the existence of limiting factors. As such, the role of radiation, LAI and SWC should be considered when modeling the dynamics of carbon cycling in response to temperature change.  相似文献   
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