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A new portable digital sound emitter (DSE) for normal and interactive playback of sound signals in the field and in the laboratory is described together with two examples of applications of the DSE in interactive field experiments. The DSE may be loaded with a broad spectrum of digitised sounds, e.g. artificial signals or natural animal vocalisations, and it is controlled via the keyboard of a portable PC running a dedicated program. This program, which can be tailored to support a vast number of different demands, enables the experimenter to start and stop the analog output from the DSE at any time and to choose freely between the available sounds and playback modes. The use of the DSE for interactive playback experiments therefore is only limited by the ability of the operator to perceive the vocalisations of the participating animal and to operate the keyboard of the PC.  相似文献   
The European–Mediterranean–Oriental Dactylorhiza romana/sambucina polyploid complex was studied with regard to genetic and morphological variation patterns. Allozyme and morphometric data were collected from 24 and 19 populations, respectively, initially identified as D. flavescens, D. insularis, D. markusii, D. romana, D. sambucina, and an indeterminate taxon. Genetic distances were calculated and illustrated by an unweighted pair‐group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) dendrogram, and principal components analyses (PCAs) were used to summarize morphological variation patterns. Another PCA was performed on combined allozyme and morphometric data. On the basis of the dendrogram and the PCA plots, main groups of populations were delimited, and the probability that each morphological character would distinguish correctly between these groups was estimated. After combining morphometric interpretations with studies of herbarium material and information from the literature, the following taxa were confidently accepted: D. romana ssp. romana, D. romana ssp. guimaraesii (comb. et stat. nov.) , D. romana ssp. georgica, D. sambucina, D. cantabrica (sp. nov.) , and D. insularis. Levels of genetic diversity suggest that D. romana s.s. is the least derived member of the complex. The evolutionary divergence of the diploid species, D. romana and D. sambucina, was probably the outcome of vicariant speciation, whereas D. romana ssp. georgica and D. romana ssp. guimaraesii appear to have evolved from D. romana s.s. through incomplete vicariant and peripheral isolate speciation events, respectively. In some populations of the diploid taxa, a significant deficiency in heterozygotes was found at one to three loci. It is proposed that this pattern may indicate a Wahlund effect, hypothesizing that local populations are subdivided into demes determined by the commonly sympatric occurrence of two distinct colour morphs combined with partial morph constancy of individual pollinators (bumblebees). Several pathways are possible for the origin of the allotriploid D. insularis and the apparently allotetraploid D. cantabrica. A taxonomic revision is provided. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 152 , 405–434.  相似文献   
Abstract: To estimate wolf (Canis lupus) kill rates from fine-scale movement patterns, we followed adult wolves in 3 territories of the Scandinavian wolf population using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) during the winters of 2001–2003. The resulting 6 datasets of 62–84 study days gave a total of 8,747 hourly GPS positions. We visited clusters of positions in the field on average 8.8 days after positioning and found moose (Alces alces) killed by wolves during the study period on 74 (8%) of the 953 clusters. The number of positions and visits to a cluster, their interaction, and the proportion of afternoon positions were significant fixed effects in mixed logistic-regression models predicting the probability of a cluster containing a wolf-killed moose. The models, however, displayed a poor goodness-of-fit and were not a suitable tool for estimating kill rates from positioning data alone. They might be used to reduce fieldwork by excluding unlikely clusters, although the reduction was not substantial. We discuss proximate factors (i.e., human disturbance and access to prey) as well as ultimate factors (i.e., social organization, intra-guild dominance, and litter size) as potential causes of the observed high temporal and spatial variation in prey-handling. For similar future kill-rate studies, we recommend increasing field efforts and shortening positioning intervals.  相似文献   
Abstract: We document a new record dispersal for wolves worldwide. The natal straight-line dispersal distance of a Global Positioning System-collared female wolf from the Scandinavian population was 1,092 km from southeast Norway to northeast Finland, with a multistage actual travel distance of >10,000 km. Natural gene flow to the isolated, inbred Scandinavian wolf population may occur if survival of dispersers is improved.  相似文献   
Abstract: White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are important game mammals and potential reservoirs of diseases of domestic livestock; thus, diseases of deer are of great concern to wildlife managers. Contact, either direct or indirect, is necessary for disease transmission, but we know little about the ecological contexts that promote intrasexual contact among deer. Using pair-wise direct contacts estimated from Global Positioning System collar locations and joint utilization distributions (JUDs), we assessed habitats in which contacts occur to test whether direct contact rates among female white-tailed deer in different social groups differs among land-cover types. We also tested whether contact rates differed among seasons, lunar phases, and times of day. We obtained locations from 27 female deer for periods of 0.5–17 months during 2002–2006. We designated any simultaneous pair of locations for 2 deer <25 m apart as a direct contact. For each season, we used compositional analysis to compare land-cover types where 2 deer had contact to available land-cover weighted by their JUD. We used mixed-model logistic regression to test for effects of season, lunar phase, and time of day on contact rates. Contact rates during the gestation season were greater than expected from random use in forest and grassland cover, whereas contact rates during the fawning period were greater in agricultural fields than in other land-cover types. Contact rates were greatest during the rut and lowest in summer. Diel patterns of contact rates varied with season, and contact rates were elevated during full moon compared to other lunar periods. Both spatial and temporal analyses suggest that contact between female deer in different social groups occurs mainly during feeding, which highlights the potential impact of food distribution and habitat on contact rates among deer. By using methods to associate contacts and land-cover, we have created beneficial tools for more elaborate and detailed studies of disease transmission. Our methods can offer information necessary to develop spatially realistic models of disease transmission in deer.  相似文献   
Streamlining of plant patches in streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Plants in shallow streams often grow in well‐defined monospecific patches experiencing a predictable unidirectional flow, though of temporally variable velocity. During maximum patch development in summer we studied: (i) the shape and streamlining of 59 patches of Callitriche cophocarpa, (ii) allometric relationships between canopy size and sediment area colonized by roots (root area) and (iii) fine‐scale flow gradients for a representative patch exposed to a range of velocities to evaluate relationships between patch shape and physical impact. 2. Canopy and root area viewed from above were elongated and streamlined in the flow direction, while uniform vegetative growth in all directions from a single colonizing shoot would have generated a circular form. Canopies were slightly wider in the upstream part than in the gradually tapering part downstream and the maximum height to length ratio averaged 0.25. The canopy and root area of the patches were more elongate and slender in sites with shallow water, where currents accelerate alongside patches and restrict lateral expansion, compared to deeper sites where currents can pass above the canopy. Similarly, the frontal area relative to planform area or root area was significantly lower in shallow water . Canopy shape and indices of streamlining did not change significantly with approach velocity (0.02–0.40 m s?1), either because canopy shape is not sensitive to approach velocity or summer velocities were too low to induce such changes. 3. Sediment elevation within patches (avg. 4.1 cm) increased significantly with patch length, but did not differ between unstable sand or more stable coarse sediment for the same patch length. Shape of canopy and root area did not change significantly with sediment type. 4. Pressure drag on the canopy as a whole is probably reduced by its rounded front, restricted height and overall slender form with a low frontal area, while the downstream overhanging canopy increases drag compared to an ideal streamlined object. Across a 100‐fold range of root areas from 0.01 to 1 m2, the frontal area of the canopy increased 29 times, planform area increased 38 times and volume increased 76 times, suggesting a trade‐off between physical impact of flow, light interception and anchoring strength. 5. The canopy was compressed at high approach velocities, with low current velocity within the canopy while steep velocity gradients developed across the exposed outer surfaces as the diverted flow accelerated. Because drag processes are additive, and exist at different spatial scales and Reynolds numbers on the surface and inside of plant canopies, direct measurements on entire canopies under controlled conditions are needed to test the functional importance of their shape, size and porosity to flow.  相似文献   
With the advent of sophisticated genetic markers, studies on mating systems and reproductive apportionment have become increasingly feasible. In particular, paternity analyses in haplodiploid species have gained in power as hemizygous paternal genotypes allow maternal and paternal genotypes to be directly inferred from offspring genotypes. The computer program matesoft offers both newly developed algorithms for inferring maternal and paternal genotypes, and integrated estimation and correction procedures for calculating mating frequency statistics. Standard data are offspring genotypes of male‐haplodiploid organisms, including social Hymenoptera.  相似文献   
1. Return of large‐bodied zooplankton populations is of key importance for creating a shift from a turbid to a clear‐water state in shallow lakes after a nutrient loading reduction. In temperate lakes, recovery is promoted by submerged macrophytes which function as a daytime refuge for large zooplankton. However, recovery of macrophytes is often delayed and use of artificial plant beds (APB) has been suggested as a tool to enhance zooplankton refuges, thereby reinforcing the shift to a clear‐water state and, eventually, colonisation of natural plants. 2. To further evaluate the potential of APB in lake restoration, we followed the day–night habitat choices of zooplankton throughout summer in a clear and a turbid lake. Observations were made in the pelagic and littoral zones and in APB in the littoral representing three different plant densities (coverage 0%, 40% and 80%). 3. In the clear lake, the zooplankton (primarily Daphnia) were mainly found in the pelagic area in spring, but from mid‐May they were particularly abundant in the APB and almost exclusively so in mid‐June and July, where they appeared in extremely high densities during day (up to 2600 ind. L−1). During night Daphnia densities were overall more equally distributed between the five habitats. Ceriodaphnia was proportionally more abundant in the APB during most of the season. Cyclopoids were more abundant in the high APB during day but were equally distributed between the five habitats during night. 4. In the turbid lake, however, no clear aggregation was observed in the APB for either of the pelagic genera (Daphnia and Bosmina). This may reflect a higher refuge effect in the open water due to the higher turbidity, reduced ability to orient to plant beds and a significantly higher fish density (mainly of roach, Rutilus rutilus, and perch, Perca fluviatilis) in the plant beds than in the clear lake. Chydorus was found in much higher proportions among the plants, while cyclopoids, particularly the pelagic Cyclops vicinus, dominated in the pelagic during day and in the pelagic and high density plants during night. 5. Our results suggest that water clarity is decisive for the habitat choice of large‐bodied zooplankton and that introduction of APB as a restoration measure to enhance zooplankton survival is only a useful tool when water clarity increases following loading reduction. Our results indicate that dense APB will be the most efficient.  相似文献   
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