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Two nuclear gene mutants of pea, chlorotica-887 and chlorina-5756, are temperature-sensitive in the development of photosystem II activity. Low temperature flourescence emission spectra of leaves show that the peak at 697 nm from the reaction center of photosystem II is present when the mutants have been grown at 18°C, but absent when they have been grown at 30°C. For leaves of chlorina-5756 grown at 18°C the relative size of the peak at 697 nm is reduced compared to that of leaves of the wild type or chlorotica-887 grown at this temperature. Flourescence induction curves of leaves from wild type plants and chlorotica-887 grown at 18°C possess two steps, while those of leaves from chlorina-5756 grown at 18°C or 30°C and chlorotica-887 grown at 30°C show at fast rise to the maximal level of fluorescence. Measurements on chloroplasts isolated from the mutants indicated that the photosystem I activity per g leaf material is comparable for plants grown at 18°C and plants grown at 30°C. In contrast, no photosystem II activity was detected when the mutants had been grown at 30°C. It is suggested that these mutants are affected in a component required for the assembly of functional photosystem II complexes.  相似文献   
Abstract: White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are important game mammals and potential reservoirs of diseases of domestic livestock; thus, diseases of deer are of great concern to wildlife managers. Contact, either direct or indirect, is necessary for disease transmission, but we know little about the ecological contexts that promote intrasexual contact among deer. Using pair-wise direct contacts estimated from Global Positioning System collar locations and joint utilization distributions (JUDs), we assessed habitats in which contacts occur to test whether direct contact rates among female white-tailed deer in different social groups differs among land-cover types. We also tested whether contact rates differed among seasons, lunar phases, and times of day. We obtained locations from 27 female deer for periods of 0.5–17 months during 2002–2006. We designated any simultaneous pair of locations for 2 deer <25 m apart as a direct contact. For each season, we used compositional analysis to compare land-cover types where 2 deer had contact to available land-cover weighted by their JUD. We used mixed-model logistic regression to test for effects of season, lunar phase, and time of day on contact rates. Contact rates during the gestation season were greater than expected from random use in forest and grassland cover, whereas contact rates during the fawning period were greater in agricultural fields than in other land-cover types. Contact rates were greatest during the rut and lowest in summer. Diel patterns of contact rates varied with season, and contact rates were elevated during full moon compared to other lunar periods. Both spatial and temporal analyses suggest that contact between female deer in different social groups occurs mainly during feeding, which highlights the potential impact of food distribution and habitat on contact rates among deer. By using methods to associate contacts and land-cover, we have created beneficial tools for more elaborate and detailed studies of disease transmission. Our methods can offer information necessary to develop spatially realistic models of disease transmission in deer.  相似文献   
1. Invertebrate herbivory was studied in twenty-eight populations of the submerged macrophyte Potamogeton perfoliatus in Danish streams and lakes in mid-June. All populations but one experienced invertebrate herbivory and loss ranged from 0 to 11.9% of leaf area among populations. Loss generally increased with leaf age towards the base of the plants, and young apical leaves were rarely damaged. 2. Herbivory loss was significantly higher in streams (mean 5.0%) than in lakes (mean 2.2%), but varied greatly among populations within the same stream or lake and was not correlated to physico-chemical site characteristics, size or density of plant population, or leaf N and P content. High levels of invertebrate herbivory were therefore not associated with certain types of streams or lakes. 3. High herbivore biomass relative to abundance of plants was conducive to high loss. In streams, the biomass of the trichopteran Anabolia nervosa accounted for 50% of the variability in loss. No single species appeared to be equally important in lakes, although loss was correlated to the biomass of the chrysomelid beetle Macroplea appendiculata. Obligate herbivores, such as lepidopteran larvae, apparently exerted little damage on P. perfoliatus, and leaf mining and channelization from specialist feeders were negligible. It is concluded that shredders acting as facultative herbivores were the most important invertebrate herbivores on P. perfoliatus in Danish freshwaters.  相似文献   
We adapted and optimized the use of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens binary PVX expression system (PVX agroinfection) to screen Solanum plants for response to pathogen elicitors and applied the assay to identify a total of 11 clones of Solanum huancabambense and Solanum microdontum , out of 31 species tested, that respond to the elicitins INF1, INF2A and INF2B of Phytophthora infestans . Prior to this study, response to INF elicitins was only known in Nicotiana spp. within the Solanaceae. The identified S. huancabambense and S. microdontum clones also exhibited hypersensitivity-like cell death following infiltration with purified recombinant INF1, INF2A and INF2B, thereby validating the screening protocol. Comparison of INF elicitin activity revealed that Nicotiana plants responded to significantly lower concentrations than Solanum , suggesting variable levels of sensitivity to INF elicitins. We exploited natural variation in response to INF elicitins in the identified Solanum accessions to evaluate the relationship between INF recognition and late blight resistance. Interestingly, several INF-responsive Solanum plants were susceptible to P. infestans . Also, an S. microdontum  × Solanum tuberosum (potato) population that segregates for INF response was generated but failed to identify a measurable contribution of INF response to resistance. These results suggest that in Solanum , INF elicitins are recognized as general elicitors and do not have a measurable contribution to disease resistance.  相似文献   
We examined whether extensive dry season dieback and mortality in a South African fynbos community were due to drought or pathogen attack. Plant dieback and mortality have been reported elsewhere in similar plant communities suggesting potential for a widespread climatic or biotic threat to this community. We collected tissue samples from Brunia noduliflora, the dominant plant in the community, and cultured them for potential plant pathogens. We also measured dry season predawn and midday water potentials of healthy and stressed plants and constructed pressure‐volume curves to assess turgor loss point. Plant stress and mortality were monitored over a 2‐year study period. Both healthy plants and plants that displayed moderate signs of stress had dry season predawn water potentials well above their turgor loss point suggesting plants were not water stressed. However, plants displaying >60% crown dieback had much lower water potentials (as low as ?12 MPa). A previously undescribed fungus (Pythium sp.) was isolated from the root vascular tissue of all stressed plants and was not present in healthy plants. The proximate cause of plant stress was likely pathogen‐induced, while the ultimate cause of plant death appears to be extreme water stress. The present study suggests that Brunia (Bruniceae), Leucadendron (Proteaceae) and Erica (Ericaceae), all emblematic and dominant genera within the diverse fynbos community, may be susceptible to Pythium infection. This may pose a serious threat to communities already threatened by climate change.  相似文献   
1. Many amphibious plant species grow in the transition between terrestrial and submerged vegetation in small lowland streams. We determined biomass development, leaf turnover rate and invertebrate herbivory during summer in terrestrial and aquatic populations of three amphibious species to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of aerial and submerged life.
2. Terrestrial populations had higher area shoot density, biomass and leaf production than aquatic populations, while leaf turnover rate and longevity were the same. Terrestrial populations experienced lower percentage grazing loss of leaf production (average 1.2–5.1%) than aquatic populations (2.9–17.3%), while the same plant dry mass was consumed per unit ground area.
3. Grazing loss increased linearly with leaf age apart from the youngest leaf stages. Grazing loss during the lifetime of leaves was therefore 2.4–3.1 times higher than mean apparent loss to standing leaves of all ages. The results imply that variation in density of grazers relative to plant production can account for differences in grazing impact between terrestrial and aquatic populations, and that fast leaf turnover keeps apparent grazing damage down.
4. We conclude that the ability of amphibious plants to grow submerged permits them to expand their niche and escape intense competition on land, but the stream does not provide a refugium against grazing and constrains plant production compared with the terrestrial habitat.  相似文献   
The northern pike Esox lucius L. is a freshwater fish exhibiting pronounced population subdivision and low genetic variability. However, there is limited knowledge on phylogeographical patterns within the species, and it is not known whether the low genetic variability reflects primarily current low effective population sizes or historical bottlenecks. We analysed six microsatellite loci in ten populations from Europe and North America. Genetic variation was low, with the average number of alleles within populations ranging from 2.3 to 4.0 per locus. Genetic differentiation among populations was high (overall θST = 0.51; overall ρST = 0.50). Multidimensional scaling analysis of genetic distances between populations and spatial analysis of molecular variance suggested a single phylogeographical race within the sampled populations from northern Europe, whereas North American and southern European populations were highly distinct. A population from Ireland was monomorphic at all loci, presumably reflecting founder events associated with introduction of the species to the island in the sixteenth century. Bayesian analysis of demographic parameters showed differences in θ (a product of effective population size and mutation rate) among populations from large and small water bodies, but the relative differences in θ were smaller than expected, which could reflect population subdivision within the larger water bodies. Finally, the analyses showed drastic population declines on a time scale of several thousand years within European populations, which we ascribe to either glacial bottlenecks or postglacial founder events.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 91–101.  相似文献   
SEM studies of the spathe structures in the two closely related genera Cryptocoryne and Lagenandra show differences between the inner and outer surfaces, as well as in cell structures in the various parts of the spathe. The cell structure reveals patterns mat makes it possible to depict homologous structures of the spathe, even though the spathes of the two genera look different. The basal part of the kettle has a mucilage covering of the cells, interpreted as a hitherto unnoticed food source. The cells of the inner surface of the kettle and tube have downward pointing trichomes. On the second day of flowering these collapse and sink into the cell lumen, which is suggested to create a unique lattice-like structure that enables the insects to climb out of the kettle and tube. The cell structure of the flap shows that it is a prolongation and continuation of the spathe tube margin.  相似文献   
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