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  1985年   3篇
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Mächler, F., Lehnherr, B., Schnyder, H. and Nösberger,J. 1985. A CO2 concentrating system in leaves of higher C3-plantspredicted by a model based on RuBP carboxylase/oxygenase kineticsand 14CO2/12CO2 exchange.–J. exp. Bot. 36: 1542–1550. A model is presented which compares the ratio of the two activitiesof the enzyme nbulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase asdetermined in vitro with the ratio of photosynthesis to photorespirationin leaves as determined from differential 14CO2/12CO2 uptakeor from CO2 compensation concentration. Discrepancies betweenmeasurements made in vitro and in vivo are attributed to theeffect of a CO2 concentrating system in the leaf cells. Interferencefrom dark respiration is discussed. A CO2 concentrating systemis postulated which is efficient mainly at low temperature andlow CO2 concentration. Key words: —Photosynthesis, photorespiration, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase  相似文献   
Lehnherr, B. M?chler, F. and N?sberger, J. 1985. Effect of CO2concentration during growth on a CO2 concentrating mechanismin white clover as predicted from differential 14CO2/12CO2 uptake.-J. exp. Bot. 36: 1835-1841. White clover was grown at 20 and100 Pa p(CO2). The CO2 response of net photosynthesis and differentialuptake of 14CO2 and 12CO2 by leaves were measured at varioustemperatures and at various O2 and CO2 partial pressures andcompared with predictions from ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenasekinetics. Discrepancies between the observed gas exchange characteristicsfor the leaves and those predicted from the enzyme kineticswere interpreted as being due to a CO2 concentrating mechanism.Plants grown at 20 Pa p(CO2) showed a higher affinity for CO2than plants grown at 100 Pa p(CO2) when measured at 10 ?C. Nodifference in affinity was found at 30 ?C. The postulated CO2concentrating effect was greater in plants grown at low CO2than in plants grown at high CO2 concentration and occurredonly at low temperature and low CO2 partial pressure. It issuggested that plants grown at the lower CO2 partial pressurehave a higher affinity for CO2 due to a more efficient CO2 concentratingsystem than plants grown at the higher CO2 partial pressure. Key words: Photosynthesis, CO2, concentration, RuBP carboxylase/oxygenase  相似文献   
Lehnherr, B., Mächler, F. and Nösberger, J. 1985.Influence of temperature on the ratio of ribulose bisphosphatecarboxylase to oxygenase activities and on the ratio of photosynthesisto photorespiration of leaves.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1117–1125. Rates of net and gross photosynthesis of intact white cloverleaves were measured by infrared gas analysis and by short termuptake of 14CO2 respectively. Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylaseoxygenase (RuBPCO) was purified from young leaves and kineticproperties investigated in combined and separate assays. Theratio of carboxylase to oxygenase activities was compared withthe ratio of photosynthesis to photorespiration at various temperaturesand CO2 concentrations. The ratio of photosynthesis to photorespiration at 30 Pa p(CO2)was consistent with the ratio of carboxylase activity to oxygenaseactivity when each was measured above 20 °C. However, theratio of photosynthesis to photorespiration increased with decreasingtemperature, whereas the ratio of carboxylase to oxygenase activitywas independent of temperature. This resulted in a disagreementbetween the measurements on the purified enzyme and intact leafat low temperature. No disagreement between enzyme and leafat low temperature occurred, when the ratio of photosynthesisto photorespiration was determined at increased CO2 concentrations. The results suggest an effect of low temperature and low CO2concentration on the ratio of photosynthesis to photorespirationindependent of the enzyme. Key words: Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase, photorespiration, temperature  相似文献   
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