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Question: What are the mechanisms by which fire reduces competition for both a short‐lived and a long‐lived species in old‐growth ground‐cover plant communities of wet pine savannas (originally Pinus palustris, replaced by P. elliottii)? Location: Outer coastal plain of southeastern Mississippi, USA. Methods: I reviewed previous competition experiments and proposed a new hypothesis to explain the relationship between fire, competition, and species co‐existence in wet longleaf pine savannas. The first study is about growth and seedling emergence responses of a short‐lived carnivorous plant, Drosera capillaris, to reduction in below‐ground competition and above‐ plus below‐ground competition. The second study deals with growth and survival responses of a long‐lived perennial carnivorous plant, Sarracenia alata, to neighbour removal and prey‐exclusion to determine if a reduction in nutrient supply increased the intensity of competition in this nutrient‐poor system. Results: Fire increased seedling emergence of the short‐lived species by reducing above‐ground competition through the destruction of above‐ground parts of plants and the combustion of associated litter. Prey exclusion did not increase competitive effects of neighbours on the long‐lived species. However, because the experiment was conducted in a year without fire, shade reduced nutrient demand, which may have obviated competition for soil nutrients between Sarracenia alata and its neighbours. Conclusion: Repeated fires likely interact with interspecific differences in nutrient uptake to simultaneously reduce both above‐ground competition and competition for nutrients in old‐growth ground cover communities in pine savannas. Restoration practitioners should consider the possibility that the composition of the plant community is just as important as fire in ensuring that frequent fires maintain species diversity.  相似文献   
S Kitahata  S Chiba  C F Brewer  E J Hehre 《Biochemistry》1991,30(27):6769-6775
Crystalline (monomeric) soybean and (tetrameric) sweet potato beta-amylase were shown to catalyze the cis hydration of maltal (alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-2-deoxy-D-arabino-hex-1-enitol) to form beta-2-deoxymaltose. As reported earlier with the sweet potato enzyme, maltal hydration in D2O by soybean beta-amylase was found to exhibit an unusually large solvent deuterium kinetic isotope effect (VH/VD = 6.5), a reaction rate linearly dependent on the mole fraction of deuterium, and 2-deoxy-[2(a)-2H]maltose as product. These results indicate (for each beta-amylase) that protonation is the rate-limiting step in a reaction involving a nearly symmetric one-proton transition state and that maltal is specifically protonated from above the double bond. This is a different stereochemistry than reported for starch hydrolysis. With the hydration catalyzed in H2O and analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography, both sweet potato and soybean beta-amylase were found to convert maltal to the beta-anomer of 2-deoxymaltose. That maltal undergoes cis hydration provides evidence in support of a general-acid-catalyzed, carbonium ion mediated reaction. Of fundamental significance is that beta-amylase protonates maltal from a direction opposite that assumed for protonating starch, yet creates products of the same anomeric configuration from both. Such stereochemical dichotomy argues for the overriding role of protein structures in dictating the steric outcome of reactions catalyzed by a glycosylase, by limiting the approach and orientation of water or other acceptors to the reaction center.  相似文献   
A possibly physiologically significant inhibition of yeast enolase by fluoride occurs in the absence of inorganic phosphate. The inhibition increases with time, is strongly dependent on fluoride concentration and requires substrate and “catalytic” Mg2+. The inhibition increases more slowly in the presence of product (phosphoenolpyruvate) than substrate (2-phosphoglycerate). The dependence on fluoride concentration and the spans of substrate analogue displacement titrations suggest the inhibition is produced by two moles of fluoride per active site.  相似文献   
We have investigated the disposition of ethiofos (20 mg, 4 microCi [14C]ethiofos) in the isolated perfused rat liver preparation to determine the hepatic contribution to the poor oral bioavailability of the drug. Ethiofos clearance (10.6 +/- 3.3 ml h-1) was only a small fraction (1.2 +/- 0.03%) of the perfusate flow rate. The elimination half-life was calculated at 7.1 +/- 1.9 h. The area under curve, AUC0-4 h, for ethiofos (2858 +/- 314 nM h ml-1) was not significantly different from that of 14C (3038 +/- 692 nM h ml-1) or total material convertible to WR-1065 (total WR-1065, 3324 +/- 612 nM h ml-1), indicating a low level of metabolism. The AUC0-4 h for free WR-1065 (37.5 +/- 23.3 nM h ml-1) was less than 2% of ethiofos. Biliary elimination of ethiofos, WR-1065, and 14C was below 1%. At 4 h postdose, 7.9 +/- 1.9% of the dose of radioactivity remained in the liver. Less than 1.5% could be identified as ethiofos (0.12 +/- 0.09%) or total WR-1065 (1.09 +/- 0.05%). Ethiofos, 14C, and total WR-1065 were approximately evenly distributed between the 10,000-g pellet and supernatant. However, significantly more ethiofos, WR-1065, and 14C were recovered from the 105,000-g supernatant compared with the pellet. In summary, both the metabolism and biliary elimination of ethiofos and its derivatives were sparing. Hence it is likely that in the rat, the contribution of the liver to the presystemic biotransformation and poor bioavailability of ethiofos is relatively minor.  相似文献   
G A Armour  G J Brewer 《FASEB journal》1990,4(5):1488-1493
The formation of new membrane vesicles normally occurs during eukaryotic organellogenesis and maturation of bacteriophage PM2. This virus was studied as a simple model for membrane morphogenesis. Previous biochemical and genetic studies suggest that a major structural protein of PM2, sp6.6, is an integral membrane protein involved in viral membrane morphogenesis. To establish the necessity of sp6.6 in membrane formation, restriction fragments of PM2 that contained the sp6.6 coding sequence were cloned into several plasmid vectors for expression in Escherichia coli. A construction in pBR322 containing two HindIII fragments of PM2 DNA caused production of intracellular membrane vesicles of the same size as those produced in the course of natural infection of Alteromonas espejiana. Similar results were obtained with a smaller construct of HindIII fragments in the plasmid vector pPL-lambda. Expression of sp6.6 was detected via incorporation of 35S-labeled methionine after SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and with a specific rabbit antiserum on immunoblots. Other constructs did not produce recognizable vesicles or sp6.6. These results are the first to suggest that a hydrophobic membrane protein can cause development of new membrane structure.  相似文献   
Following a single acute exposure to chlorine gas, persistenteffects on epicuticular waxes, cuticular transpiration, treegrowth and mortality were studied in foliage of Pinus ponderosaand Pseudotsuga menziesii for three growing seasons. Chlorinegas exposure caused foliar injury to both exposed foliage andfoliage that flushed after exposure (P < 0.05). The tendencyto form films of water rather than droplets was greater in directlyexposed foliage (P < 0.001). Rates of cuticular transpirationwere higher for directly and indirectly exposed foliage of Pinusponderosa up to 1 year after exposure and up to 6 months afterexposure for directly exposed Pseudotsuga menziesii(P < 0.001),after which P. menziesii needles defoliated. Total water content(TWC) and relative water content were significantly correlatedwith foliar injury (P < 0.05). TWC was lower for directlyexposed foliage up to 1 year after exposure (P < 0.001).There was no persistent negative effect on Fv/Fm ratios after1 year. Exposure to chlorine gas did not affect needle lengthor annual shoot increment growth, but exposure was correlatedwith increased bud production. Needle longevity of foliage thatflushed 2 months after exposure was reduced significantly (P< 0.001). Annual stem increment growth for both species decreasedover at least three growing seasons following chlorine gas exposure(P < 0.001), and depended on distance from the spill site.Cone production was lower for exposed Pinus ponderosa treescompared to controls (P < 0.05), and tree mortality was higherwithin approx. 50 m of the release site forPseudotsuga menziesii. Growth responses for both conifers agreed well with predictedpatterns of carbon allocation after defoliation caused by chlorinegas exposure. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, conifers, chlorine gas, leaf wettability, cuticular transpiration, water relations, growth, mortality  相似文献   
S S Fojo  S W Law  H B Brewer 《FEBS letters》1987,213(1):221-226
The complete nucleic acid sequence of human preproapolipoprotein (apo) C-II has been determined from 2 apoC-II clones isolated from 2 different human genomic DNA libraries. The cloned fragments were approx. 14 and 18 kb long, and sequence analysis established that the apoC-II gene consists of 3338 nucleotides containing 3 intervening sequences of 2391, 167, and 298 bases. The first intron is located within the 5'-untranslated region of apoC-II and contains 4 Alu type sequences. The second intron interrupts the codon specifying amino acid - 11 of the apoC-II signal peptide. The last intron, which contains a 38 bp sequence which is repeated 6 times, interrupts the codon specifying for amino acid +44 of the mature apolipoprotein.  相似文献   
Erythrina lectins possess similar structural and carbohydrate binding properties. Recently, tri- and tetra-antennary complex type carbohydrates with non-reducing terminal galactose residues have been shown to be precipitated as tri- and tetravalent ligands, respectively, with certainErythrina lectins [Bhattacharyya L, Haraldsson M, Brewer CF (1988) Biochemistry 271034-41]. The present work describes a comparative study of the binding and precipitating activities of fourErythrina lectins,viz. E. corallodendron, E. cristagalli, E. flabelliformis, andE. indica, with multi-antennary complex type carbohydrates and synthetic cluster glycosides. The results show that though their binding affinities are very similar, theErythrina lectins show large differences in their precipitating activities with the carbohydrates. The results also indicate significant dependence of the precipitating activities of the lectins on the core structure of the carbohydrates. These findings provide a new dimension to the structure-activity relationship of the lectins and their interactions with asparagine-linked carbohydrates.Abbreviations EAL, ECorL, ECL, EFL, and EIL represent the lectins from the seeds ofErythrina arborescens, - E. corallodendron, E. cristagalli, E. flabelliformis, andE. indica respectively - AFOS thetri-antennary complex type oligosaccharide from asialofetuin - AFGP the tri-antennary glycopeptide from asialofetuin - MeGal methyl -d-galactopyranoside Unless stated otherwise all sugars are in thed-configuration.  相似文献   
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