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The promoters for each of the immediate-early genes from herpes simplex virus type 1 were cloned and fused to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase cassette. These chimeric genes were used as targets in a transient expression assay to determine how the immediate-early gene products ICP4 and ICP0 and the virion-associated stimulatory protein Vmw65 affected their expression in HeLa and Vero cells. The basal level of expression from these cassettes differed significantly depending on the extent of 5'-flanking sequence and the cell line that served as host. The promoters from IE-4 and IE-0 behaved in a qualitatively similar fashion independent of the host cell. However, the promoter for ICP27 had a unique response pattern: in Vero cells it acted as an alpha gene promoter, whereas in HeLa cells its response was more like that of a beta gene promoter. The promoter sequences for ICP22 and ICP47 behaved as the IE-4 and IE-0 promoters did in HeLa cells, but their response to the effector molecules in Vero cells was unlike that of other alpha gene promoters we have studied. Evidence is also presented for a role for ICP27 in autoregulation.  相似文献   
Fura-2, loaded into J774.2 macrophages as the acetoxymethyl ester, is sequestered into intracellular vacuoles within 90 min after the beginning of the loading at 37 degrees C. The dye is also efficiently secreted from the cells. Sequestration and secretion of fura-2 reduce the accuracy of measurements of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration in this cell line. Fura-2 is also sequestered and secreted by J774.2 when the dye is loaded into the cytoplasm as the pentapotassium salt by reversible permeabilization of the plasma membrane. Regardless of the mechanism by which fura-2 is loaded into the cytoplasm, both sequestration and secretion are prevented by 2.5 mM probenecid, a blocker of organic anion transport. Probenecid has no effect on resting or stimulated cytosolic free Ca2+ levels or on FcR-mediated phagocytosis. These findings suggest that macrophages express a transport mechanism for the anionic form of fura-2. This transport system is responsible for the clearance of fura-2 from the cytoplasm of this cell type. Furthermore we suggest that use of probenecid to block secretion and intracellular sequestration of fura-2 may overcome problems arising in the application of this Ca2+ indicator to macrophages and perhaps to other cell types.  相似文献   
Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) may be grouped according to the site from which they are isolated and the disease with which they are associated. We recently identified and cloned HPV type 51 (HPV-51) from a low-grade precancerous lesion (G. Nuovo, E. DeVilliers, R. Levine, S. Silverstein, and C. Crum. J. Virol. 62:1452-1455, 1988). Molecular epidemiologic analysis of cervical lesions, including condylomata and low- and high-grade precancers, revealed that HPV-51 was present in about 5% of the samples we examined. We have now determined the complete nucleotide sequence of this virus and compared it with other sequenced HPVs. Our analysis reveals that the 7,808-bp genome is composed of eight open reading frames which are encoded on the same strand and that this virus is most closely related to HPV-31. Sequence comparisons place this virus in the group of high-risk viruses (those with an increased risk of progressing to malignancy) along with HPV-16, -18, -31, and -33. Morphologic transformation experiments demonstrated that HPV-51 had transformation potential and that transformed cells contained RNAs homologous to E6 and E7.  相似文献   
Lucifer Yellow CH (LY) is an excellent probe for fluid-phase pinocytosis. It accumulates within the macrophage vacuolar system, is not degraded, and is not toxic at concentrations of 6.0 mg/ml. Its uptake is inhibited at 0 degree C. Thioglycollate-elicited mouse peritoneal macrophages were found to exhibit curvilinear uptake kinetics of LY. Upon addition of LY to the medium, there was a brief period of very rapid cellular accumulation of the dye (1,400 ng of LY/mg protein per h at 1 mg/ml LY). This rate of accumulation most closely approximates the rate of fluid influx by pinocytosis. Within 60 min, the rate of LY accumulation slowed to a steady-state rate of 250 ng/mg protein per h which then continued for up to 18 h. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that the reduced rate of accumulation under steady-state conditions was due to efflux of LY. Only 20% of LY taken into the cells was retained; the remainder was released back into the medium. Efflux has two components, rapid and slow; each can be characterized kinetically as a first-order reaction. The kinetics are similar to those described by Besterman et al. (Besterman, J. M., J. A. Airhart, R. C. Woodworth, and R. B. Low, 1981, J. Cell Biol. 91:716-727) who interpret fluid-phase pinocytosis as involving at least two compartments, one small, rapidly turning over compartment and another apparently larger one which fills and empties slowly. To search for processes that control intracellular fluid traffic, we studied pinocytosis after treatment of macrophages with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or with the tumor promoter phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). HRP, often used as a marker for fluid-phase pinocytosis, was observed to stimulate the rate of LY accumulation in macrophages. PMA caused an immediate four- to sevenfold increase in the rate of LY accumulation. Both HRP and PMA increased LY accumulation by stimulating influx and reducing the percentage of internalized fluid that is rapidly recycled. A greater proportion of endocytosed fluid passes into the slowly emptying compartment (presumed lysosomes). These experiments demonstrate that because of the considerable efflux by cells, measurement of marker accumulation inaccurately estimates the rate of fluid pinocytosis. Moreover, pinocytic flow of water and solutes through cytoplasm is subject to regulation at points beyond the formation of pinosomes.  相似文献   
We combined molecular hybridization and histological analysis of 58 biopsy samples from the uterine cervix to correlate the presence of certain strains of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) with specific pathological changes. HPV sequences were frequently detected (85%) in biopsies that contained a broad spectrum of precancerous changes. The presence of HPV 16 correlated strongly with precancers that exhibited morphological aberrations commonly found in invasive carcinomas and precancers that have a high risk of progression. This association underscores the potential importance of HPV type 16 in the genesis of genital cancers and emphasizes the value of histological analysis for detecting potentially oncogenic HPVs.  相似文献   
Ternary complex formation of tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) and plasminogen (Plg) with thrombospondin (TSP) or histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRGP) has been demonstrated using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, an affinity bead assay, and a rocket immunoelectrophoresis assay. The formation of these complexes was specific, concentration dependent, saturable, lysine binding site-dependent, and inhibitable by fluid phase plasminogen. Apparent Kd values were approximately 12-36 nM for the interaction of TPA with TSP-Plg complexes and 15-31 nM with HRGP-Plg complexes. At saturation the relative molar stoichiometry of Plg:TPA was 3:1 within the TSP-containing complexes and 1:1 within HRGP-containing complexes. The activation of Plg to plasmin by TPA on TSP- and HRGP-coated surfaces was studied using a synthetic fluorometric plasmin substrate (D-Val-Leu-Lys-7-amino-4-trifluoromethyl coumarin). Kinetic analysis demonstrated a marked increase in the affinity of TPA for plasminogen in the presence of surface-associated TSP or HRGP. Compared to fluid phase activation or activation on fibronectin- or Factor VIII-related antigen-coated surfaces there was a 35-fold increase in efficiency of plasmin generation. A substantial amount (up to 71%) of the plasmin formed remained surface-associated and was found to be protected from inhibition by alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor. Greater than 200-fold increase in inhibitor concentration was required to effect 50% inhibition. Complex formation of locally released tissue plasminogen activator with Plg immobilized on TSP or HRGP surfaces may thus play an important role in effecting proteolytic events in nonfibrin-containing microenvironments.  相似文献   
To assess maturation of central serotonin and catecholamine pathways at birth, we measured lumbar CSF homovanillic acid (HVA) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), stable acid metabolites of dopamine and serotonin, using HPLC with electrochemical detection. CSFs from 57 neonates (38 premature and 19 at term) and 13 infants 1-6 months old were studied. HVA levels increased with maturity (p less than 0.05; ANOVA), whereas 5-HIAA levels were similar in all these subjects. HVA/5-HIAA ratios increased markedly from 1 +/- 0.12 in the most premature neonates to 1.98 +/- 0.17 in the older infants (p less than 0.01; t test). There were no sex differences for these values.  相似文献   
We have studied the temporal and functional relationships between DNA replication and recombination in adenovirus-infected cells by using Southern blot hybridization to detect recombinant products among intracellular viral genomes. The data show that recombination can be detected soon after DNA replication has commenced and that the proportion of recombinant products increases thereafter. To determine the functional relationship between DNA replication and recombination, replication was blocked with the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin, the replication inhibitor cytosine arabinoside, and conditionally lethal mutations in either the virus-specified DNA-binding protein or the DNA polymerase. All treatments that directly or indirectly blocked DNA replication caused a delay in the appearance of recombinant products and a marked decline in their abundance relative to products of parental genotype. These data strongly suggest that DNA replication and recombination are interrelated, either because both processes share functions or because DNA structures produced by replication are suitable substrates for recombination. In addition, we have shown that some recombination function(s) is intrinsically thermolabile at 40.9 degrees C, even in wild-type crosses, since the appearance of recombinant products is delayed and their extent is reduced compared with that from crosses performed at 39.9 degrees C.  相似文献   
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