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Archean microfossils provide some of the earliest physical evidence for life on Earth, yet there remains a great deal of uncertainty regarding which micro‐organisms were actually preserved. Because of the limited cellular detail remaining, interpretation of those microfossils has been based solely on size and morphology. This has led to significant controversy surrounding the presence or absence of cyanobacteria as early as 3.5 billion years. Accordingly, there has been an experimental bias towards studying their silicification. Here we report the very first findings on thermophilic bacteria–silica interactions, and investigate how Sulfurihydrogenibium azorense, a representative of the Aquificales often found as prominent members of modern hot spring vent communities, interacts with highly siliceous hydrothermal fluids. We show that adsorption of silica is limited to silica polymers and colloids, and that the magnitude of silica adsorption is dependent on its chemolithoautotrophic pathway. Intriguingly, when S. azorense is grown as a H2‐oxidizer, it responds to increasing silica concentrations by producing a protein‐rich biofilm that may afford the cells protection against cell wall silicification. Although the biofilms of Aquificales could potentially contribute to or accelerate siliceous sinter formation under certain growth conditions, the cells themselves show a low preservation potential and are unlikely to have been preserved in the ancient rock record, despite phylogenetic analyses suggesting that they represent one of the most primordial life forms.  相似文献   
Microscale oxygen distribution in various invertebrate burrow walls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Profiles of dissolved oxygen were measured in pore waters of unburrowed sediment and the burrow walls of seven invertebrate dwellings. Burrows studied include those of Corophium volutator, Heteromastus filiformis, Arenicola marina, Saccoglossus bromophenolosus, Clymenella sp., Hemigrapsus oregonensis and Cirriformia luxuriosa all from mudflats in Willapa Bay, Washington. These animals comprise a range of burrow architectures ranging from simple, unlined burrows to more complex, mucous lined burrows. Oxygen penetrated unburrowed sediment between depths of 0.4–2.6 mm, whereas oxygen penetrated the burrow walls from 0.3 mm to 2.3 mm. Three groups of burrows are recognized based on the oxygen diffusive properties relative to the unburrowed sediment including those that: (1) slightly impeded oxygen penetration, (2) clearly inhibited oxygen penetration, and (3) enhanced oxygen penetration. Differences in the diffusive properties of the burrow wall are related to the burrow microstructure and presumably the microbial communities living within the burrow microenvironment. The results of this study suggest that burrow shape and burrow‐wall architecture may play an important role in controlling the diffusion of oxygen, and possibly of other dissolved gases (i.e. CO2, H2S). The results further demonstrate that simplified assumptions (i.e. that bioturbation uniformly enhances oxygen diffusion into suboxic and anoxic sediments), while requisite for numerical modelling, are not necessarily representative of field data.  相似文献   
Phloem loading and unloading of sugars and amino acids   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
In terrestrial higher plants, phloem transport delivers most nutrients required for growth and storage processes. Some 90% of plant biomass, transported as sugars and amino nitrogen (N) compounds in a bulk flow of solution, is propelled though the phloem by osmotically generated hydrostatic pressure differences between source (net nutrient export) and sink (net nutrient import) ends of phloem paths. Source loading and sink unloading of sugars, amino N compounds and potassium largely account for phloem sap osmotic concentrations and hence pressure differences. A symplasmic component is characteristic of most loading and unloading pathways which, in some circumstances, may be interrupted by an apoplasmic step. Raffinose series sugars appear to be loaded symplasmically. However, sucrose, and probably certain amino acids, are loaded into minor veins from source leaf apoplasms by proton symporters localized to plasma membranes of their sieve element/companion cell (se/cc) complexes. Sucrose transporters, with complementary kinetic properties, are conceived to function as membrane transporter complexes that respond to alterations in source/sink balance. In contrast, symplasmic unloading is common for many sink types. Intervention of an apoplasmic step, distal from importing phloem, is reserved for special situations. Effluxers that release sucrose and amino acids to the surrounding apoplasm in phloem loading and unloading are yet to be cloned. The physiological behaviour of effluxers is consistent with facilitated membrane transport that can be energy coupled. Roles of sucrose and amino acid transporters in phloem unloading remain to be discovered along with mechanisms regulating symplasmic transport. The latter is hypothesized to exert significant control over phloem unloading and, in some circumstances, phloem loading.  相似文献   
Comparative Requirement for Endogenous Ethylene during Seed Germination   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Requirement for endogenous ethylene during seed germinationof the following ten species was determined: Lycopersicon esculentumMill, (tomato), Allium cepa L. (onion), Avena fatua L., dormantpure line AN-51 (wild oats), Cucumis sativus L. (cucumber),Sinapis arvensis L. (wild mustard), Tagetes erecta L. (marigold),Raphanus sativus L. (radish), Triticum aeslivum L. (wheat),Catharanthus roseus L. (periwinkle), and Phaseolus aureus L(mung bean). Experiments were done under controlled conditionssuited for the germination of each species. Criteria used todetermine the need for endogenous ethylene were: (i) temporalrelationship between ethylene production and seed germination;(ii) parallel inhibition of ethylene synthesis and seed germinationby L-  相似文献   
The hot springs in Yellowstone National Park, USA, provide concentrated microbial biomass and associated mineral crusts from which surface functional group (FG) concentrations and pKa distributions can be determined. To evaluate the importance of substratum surface reactivity for solute adsorption in a natural setting, samples of iron‐rich sediment were collected from three different springs; two of the springs were acid‐sulfate‐chloride (ASC) in composition, while the third was neutral‐chloride (NC). At one of the ASC springs, mats of Sº‐rich Hydrogenobaculum‐like streamers and green Cyanidia algae were also collected for comparison to the sediment. All samples were then titrated over a pH range of 3–11, and comparisons were made between the overall FG availability and the concentration of solutes bound to the samples under natural conditions. Sediments from ASC springs were composed of hydrous ferric oxides (HFO) that displayed surface FGs typical of synthetic HFO, while sediments from the NC spring were characterized by a lower functional group density, reflected by decreased excess charge over the titration range (i.e., lower surface reactivity). The latter also showed a lower apparent point of zero charge (PZC), likely due the presence of silica (up to 78 wt. %) in association with HFO. Variations in the overall HFO surface charge are manifest in the quantities and types of solutes complexed; the NC sediments bound more cations, while the ASC sediments retained significantly more arsenic, presumably in the form of arsenate (H2AsO4?). When the microbial biomass samples were analyzed, FG concentrations summed over the titratable range were found to be an order of magnitude lower for the Sº‐rich mats, relative to the algal and HFO samples that displayed similar FG concentrations on a dry weight basis. A diffuse‐layer surface complexation model was employed to further illustrate the importance of surface chemical parameters on adsorption reactions in complex natural systems.  相似文献   
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