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Human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) Rev acts by inducing the specific nucleocytoplasmic transport of a class of incompletely spliced RNAs that encodes the viral structural proteins. The transfection of HeLA cells with a rev-defective HIV-1 expression plasmid, however, resulted in the export of overexpressed, intron-containing species of viral RNAs, possibly through a default process of nuclear retention. Thus, this system enabled us to directly compare Rev+ and Rev cells as to the usage of RRE-containing mRNAs by the cellular translational machinery. Biochemical examination of the transfected cells revealed that although significant levels of gag and env mRNAs were detected in both the presence and absence of Rev, efficient production of viral proteins was strictly dependent on the presence of Rev. A fluoroscence in situ hybridisation assay confirmed these findings and provided further evidence that even in the presence of Rev, not all of the viral mRNA was equally translated. At the early phase of RNA export in Rev+ cells, gag mRNA was observed throughout both the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm as uniform fine stippling. In addition, the mRNA formed clusters mainly in the perinuclear region, which were not observed in Rev cells. In the presence of Rev, expression of the gag protein was limited to these perinuclear sites where the mRNA accumulated. Subsequent staining of the cytoskeletal proteins demonstrated that in Rev+ cells gag mRNA is colocalized with β-actin in the sites where the RNA formed clusters. In the absence of Rev, in contrast, the gag mRNA failed to associate with the cytoskeletal proteins. These results suggest that in addition to promoting the emergence of intron-containing RNA from the nucleus, Rev plays an important role in the compartmentation of translation by directing RRE-containing mRNAs to the β-actin to form the perinuclear clusters at which the synthesis of viral structural proteins begins.  相似文献   
Rat pheochromocytoma PC 12 cell membranes were shown to possess A2-like adenosine binding sites as assessed by using 5'-N-ethylcarboxamide[3H]adenosine [( 3H]NECA). Specific [3H]NECA binding to PC 12 cell membrane at 0 degrees C was saturable and showed a monophasic saturation profile. In contrast, [3H]NECA binding to PC 12 cell membrane at 30 degrees C exhibited a biphasic profile suggesting the presence of two specific binding site. The rank order of potency for inhibition of [3H]NECA binding at 0 degrees C was NECA greater than 2-chloroadenosine greater than 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine greater than isobutylmethylxanthine much greater than phenylisopropyladenosine. These adenosine binding sites were solubilized with sodium cholate and the solubilized portion retained the same ligand binding characteristics as those of the membrane-bound form. Gel filtration experiments indicated an apparent Stokes radius of 6.7 nm for these adenosine binding sites/detergent complexes.  相似文献   
Using Toyopearl and cyclohexane: cyclohexanol solvent, fourCl-containing Chls were separated from 36Cl-labeled cells ofthe blue-green, Plectonema boryanum. In normally grown cells,all four Cl-containing chlorophylls amounted to less than 1/2,000of the total Chi and about 1/50 of P700, values much lower thanpreviously reportedcontents of Chi RC I, and varied from algato alga. The level of Cl-containing Chi was markedly enhancedwhen the cells were poisoned with methyl viologen. These resultssuggests that these Cl-containing Chls are not related to thereaction center of PS I. (Received June 23, 1987; Accepted September 17, 1987)  相似文献   
The 3H-labeled prostaglandin D2 [( 3H]PGD2) binding protein in the membrane fraction of mastocytoma P-815 cells was characterized. The specific binding of [3H]PGD2 to the cells or the membranes reached a maximum at pH 5.6, and was saturable, displaceable and of high affinity when incubated at 0 or 37 degrees C. The Bmax values for [3H]PGD2 binding in the two preparations at pH 5.6 were much higher at 0 degrees C than at 37 degrees C, whereas the Kd values were almost equal (85.3 nM for the cells and 80.5 nM for the membranes, respectively). High specific [3H]PGD2 binding activity in the mildly acid-treated cells was still observed when the external pH was raised from 5.6 to 7.2. Furthermore, specific [3H]PGD2 binding to the membranes (at 0 degrees C, pH 5.6) increased on addition of phosphatase inhibitors (NaF and molybdate) in the presence of 10 microM ATP, but practically disappeared on pretreatment of the membranes with phosphatase. On incubation of the membrane with [gamma-32P]ATP and molybdate, the stimulated incorporation of the [32P]phosphate into several peptides, including ones having an Mr of around 100,000-120,000, was observed. These results suggest that [3H]PGD2 binding in the mastocytoma P-815 cell membrane is controlled through phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of the receptor itself.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody A5 (MAb-A5), which was raised against Xenopus tadpole tectal cells, recognizes a cell surface-related protein molecule (A5 antigen) expressed on the visual centers of Xenopus tadpoles (S. Takagi, T. Tsuji, T. Amagai, T. Takamatsu, and H. Fujisawa, 1987, Dev. Biol. 122, 90-100). The present immunohistochemistry using MAb-A5 indicated that, in addition to the visual centers, A5 antigen was expressed on the general somatic sensory tract in the medulla and spinal cord of Xenopus tadpoles. As the general somatic sensory tract has been shown to be a pathway for ectopically transplanted retinal axons (M. Constantine-Paton and R. R. Capranica, 1976, J. Comp. Neurol. 170, 17-32; M. J. Katz and R. J. Lasek, 1979, J. Comp. Neurol. 183, 817-832), we examined whether retinal axons transplanted close to the spinal cord or medulla preferentially grow into the A5 antigen-positive general somatic sensory tract. We performed eye transplantation at embryonic stages and detected precise locations and trajectories of transplanted retinal axons within the medulla and spinal cord in tadpoles after filling retinal axons with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP histochemistry in combination with MAb-A5 immunohistochemistry indicated that almost all HRP-filled transplanted retinal axons joined the A5 antigen-positive general somatic sensory tract. These findings suggest the involvement of A5 antigen in specific cell-cell recognition between retinal axons and their targets.  相似文献   
The resonances of the imino protons and all of the non-exchangeable protons (except for H5'/H5') of d(CGCAAAAAAGCG)d(CGCTTTTTTGCG) have been assigned by means of one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopies. Qualitative analyses showed that the overall structure is of the B-form, but local conformational deviations exist. The NOEs between the imino protons of thymines and H2 of adenines suggest that the A-T base pairs are propeller-twisted to almost the same degree as in crystals. A remarkable chemical shift of H1' was observed for the residue located just before the oligo(dA)oligo(dT) tract, suggesting the presence of conformational discontinuity at the junctions between the oligo(dA)oligo(dT) tract and the other portions. Analyses of cross peaks in NOESY spectra between H2 of adenines and H1' of the 3'-neighbouring residues on the complementary strand revealed that the minor groove of the oligo(dA)oligo(dT) tract is narrow and compressed gradually, from 5' to 3', along the tract.  相似文献   
Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was purified about 2,000-fold from the kidney of androgen-treated mice and its molecular properties were examined and compared with those of the enzyme from rat liver. The purified enzyme showed two protein staining bands on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, corresponding to Mr of about 54,000 and 52,000. The apparent Mr of the enzyme determined by gel filtration was 57,000 in the presence of 0.25 M NaCl and 110,000 in its absence. The apparent Km value for L-ornithine was about 0.1 mM in the absence of NaCl and 0.7 mM in the presence of 0.25 M NaCl. Thus, salts appeared to cause subunit dissociation and also an increase in the Km value for the substrate. Putrescine and D-ornithine acted as inhibitors competing with the substrate. Antizyme from the rat liver inhibited the activities of the mouse enzyme and the rat enzyme similarly. The mouse and the rat enzymes exhibited a very similar immunological cross-reactivity to rabbit antibody raised against the mouse enzyme but, when the antibody directed against the rat enzyme was used, the cross-reactivity of the rat enzyme was higher than that of the mouse enzyme. Thus, the molecular properties of mouse ODC were very similar to those of the rat enzyme.  相似文献   
An assay method for the infectivity of Hantaan virus, a causative agent of HFRS (hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome), was developed by the use of IFA (immunofluorescent antibody technique). With the aid of this method, the growth characteristics of Hantaan virus, 76-118 strain, were followed in A549 cells. At a maximal MOI (multiplicity of infection) of 1.6 VAIU (viral antigen-inducing units) per cell, the conventionally available value, plateau level potencies of the viral antigen and virus infectivity were attained at eight and ten days postinfection, respectively, and most of the infective virus produced accumulated in the culture fluids of infected cells. When infections were defined with MOI values in terms of VAIU per cell, development of the viral antigen was highly consistent and followed a given pattern of kinetics. Based on these findings, a protocol for preparation of the viral antigen in IFA was presented, wherein spot culture and FBS treatment were emphasized as effective procedures to minimize non-specific staining.  相似文献   
Considerable inherent variations in the relation between macropterous and brachypterous wing forms, and nymphal density were found in field populations of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål (Homoptera: Delphacidae), collected from various locations in Japan. When compared under uniform laboratory rearing conditions, most of the female populations exhibited higher ratios of macropters with increasing nymphal density, but some showed extremely high proportion of brachypters and the others were highly macropterous, over broad ranges of density. These results indicate the possibility that the planthoppers in Japan, which are known not to persist in winter, are derived from different migration sources.About ten generations of successive selection for brachyptery from a population showing usual density-dependent wing morphism generated populations similar to highly brachypterous ones mentioned above. Genetic analysis of the inheritance of wing morphism revealed that brachyptery in the females was controlled by a single pair of dominant alleles. However, in the males wing forms did not segregate so clearly in the crossing experiments. This suggests that wing morphism in N. lugens in under sex-limited inheritance.
Einwanderung von Nilaparvata lugens mit unterscheidlicher Reaktion auf Populationsdischte bei der Flügelausbildung
Zusammenfassung In Feldpopulationen von Nilaparvata lugens Stål., welche in verschiedenen Regionen Japans gesammelt wurden, bestand in der Beziehung zwischen makropteren bzw. brachypteren Flügelformen und der Larvendichte eine beträchtliche Variation. Unter einheitlichen Zuchtbedingungen im Laboratorium stieg der Makropterenanteil bei den meisten Weibchenpopulationen mit steigender Temperatur; bei einigen Populationen hingegen war entweder der Brachypterenanteil oder der Makropterenanteil extrem hoch und zwar über weite Dichtebereiche. Dies deutet auf die Möglichkeit hin, dass die Zikade in Japan, wo sie bekanntlich nicht überwintert, jeweils aus verschiedenen Quellen einwandert.Wenn eine Population mit der üblichen dichteabhängigen Flügelausbildung 10 Generationen lang auf Brachypterie selektioniert wurde, entstanden Populationen, die den erwähnten hochbrachypteren Populationen aus dem Feld glichen. Die genetische Analyse der Vererbung der Brachypterie ergab, dass bei Weibchen ein einzelnes dominantes Allel verantwortlich ist. Bei Männchen dagegen trennten sich bei Kreuzungsexperimenten die Flügelformen nicht so klar. Dies deuted auf Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern bei der Vererbung der Flügelformen.
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