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Growth and death rates of aboveground plant parts were measured in a mature forest and four different-aged deciduous broadleaf forests regeneratede after clear-cutting, with special reference to rates for woody parts (stems and branches) of different diameters (ø) in rerms of the pipe model theory (Shinozaki et al., 1964). The total biomass increment of woody parts of trees higher than 1.3 m varied within a range of 2.1-4.6 ton ha?1 yr?1, the increase beingdue largely to the growth of canopy trees exposed to direct sunlight. Biomass increments of small (ø<1 cm) and medium (1≤ø<5 cm) woody parts were negligibly small except in the youngest forest, and changes in aboveground woody biomass with forest age after clear-cutting mainly resulted from accumulation of large (5 cm<ø) woody parts of canopy trees. Biomass loss of trees due to death and grazing increased with forest age from 4.0 to 8.3 ton ha?1 yr?1. Recovery of leaf and small wood falls was observed at the early stage of regeneration, while large wood falls increased during regeneration. Flower and fruit fall was markedly higher in the mature forest than in the other four forest types. Mortality of woody parts became higher with forest age and was 20, 5.0 and 0.46% yr?1 for small, medium and large parts, respectively, at the mature stage. Aboveground net production of the forest was in therange 7.6-13.3 ton ha?1 yr?1 with the undergrowth vegetation lower than 1.3 m being 0.4-1.4 ton ha?1 yr?1. Production recovered rapidly at an early stage of regeneration and was highest in mature forest.  相似文献   
In short-term carcinogenicity testing using CB6F1-TgrasH2 mice, sibling nonTgrasH2 mice are used as a negative control. However, selection of TgrasH2 and nonTgrasH2 mice has been performed by PCR with only transgene specific primers by the conventional method. Therefore, the conventional method involves the risk of false negative results due to reaction failure, and contamination with TgrasH2 mice in the control mice group. Based on the nucleotide sequence information around the pre-integration site, we developed a genotyping method for distinguishing not only TgrasH2 mice (hemizygous for the Tg allele) but also nonTgrasH2 (homozygous for the nonTg allele) in a positive manner.  相似文献   
Ichthyological Research - Lepadichthys coccinotaenia Regan 1921 (Gobiesocidae: Diademichthyinae) is redescribed on the basis of 60 specimens, including the holotype, and a new species of...  相似文献   
We previously reported emergence and disappearance of circadian molecular oscillations during differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and reprogramming of differentiated cells, respectively. Here we present a robust and stringent in vitro circadian clock formation assay that recapitulates in vivo circadian phenotypes. This assay system first confirmed that a mutant ES cell line lacking Casein Kinase I delta (CKIδ) induced ∼3 hours longer period-length of circadian rhythm than the wild type, which was compatible with recently reported results using CKIδ null mice. In addition, this assay system also revealed that a Casein Kinase 2 alpha subunit (CK2α) homozygous mutant ES cell line developed significantly longer (about 2.5 hours) periods of circadian clock oscillations after in vitro or in vivo differentiation. Moreover, revertant ES cell lines in which mutagenic vector sequences were deleted showed nearly wild type periods after differentiation, indicating that the abnormal circadian period of the mutant ES cell line originated from the mutation in the CK2α gene. Since CK2α deficient mice are embryonic lethal, this in vitro assay system represents the genetic evidence showing an essential role of CK2α in the mammalian circadian clock. This assay was successfully applied for the phenotype analysis of homozygous mutant ES cells, demonstrating that an ES cell-based in vitro assay is available for circadian genetic screening.  相似文献   
Cardiomyocytes proliferate during fetal life but lose their ability to proliferate soon after birth and further increases in cardiac mass are achieved through an increase in cell size or hypertrophy. Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is critical for cell growth and proliferation. Rheb (Ras homologue enriched in brain) is one of the most important upstream regulators of mTORC1. Here, we attempted to clarify the role of Rheb in the heart using cardiac-specific Rheb-deficient mice (Rheb−/−). Rheb−/− mice died from postnatal day 8 to 10. The heart-to-body weight ratio, an index of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, in Rheb−/− was lower than that in the control (Rheb+/+) at postnatal day 8. The cell surface area of cardiomyocytes isolated from the mouse hearts increased from postnatal days 5 to 8 in Rheb+/+ mice but not in Rheb−/− mice. Ultrastructural analysis indicated that sarcomere maturation was impaired in Rheb−/− hearts during the neonatal period. Rheb−/− hearts exhibited no difference in the phosphorylation level of S6 or 4E-BP1, downstream of mTORC1 at postnatal day 3 but showed attenuation at postnatal day 5 or 8 compared with the control. Polysome analysis revealed that the mRNA translation activity decreased in Rheb−/− hearts at postnatal day 8. Furthermore, ablation of eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 in Rheb−/− mice improved mRNA translation, cardiac hypertrophic growth, sarcomere maturation, and survival. Thus, Rheb-dependent mTORC1 activation becomes essential for cardiomyocyte hypertrophic growth after early postnatal period.  相似文献   
Ichthyological Research - A revised diagnosis is provided for the poorly known clingfish genus Lepadicyathus Prokofiev 2005. The genus belongs to Diademichthyinae (sensu Conway et al.) and is...  相似文献   
Chloroplast phylogeny indicates that bryophytes are monophyletic   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Opinions on the basal relationship of land plants vary considerably and no phylogenetic tree with significant statistical support has been obtained. Here, we report phylogenetic analyses using 51 genes from the entire chloroplast genome sequences of 20 representative green plant species. The analyses, using translated amino acid sequences, indicated that extant bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) form a monophyletic group with high statistical confidence and that extant bryophytes are likely sisters to extant vascular plants, although the support for monophyletic vascular plants was not strong. Analyses at the nucleotide level could not resolve the basal relationship with statistical confidence. Bryophyte monophyly inferred using amino acid sequences has a good statistical foundation and is not rejected statistically by other data sets. We propose bryophyte monophyly as the currently best hypothesis.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein plays an important role in the formation of the viral nucleocapsid and a regulatory protein involved in hepatocarcinogenesis. In this study, we have identified proteasome activator PA28gamma (11S regulator gamma) as an HCV core binding protein by using yeast two-hybrid system. This interaction was demonstrated not only in cell culture but also in the livers of HCV core transgenic mice. These findings are extended to human HCV infection by the observation of this interaction in liver specimens from a patient with chronic HCV infection. Neither the interaction of HCV core protein with other PA28 subtypes nor that of PA28gamma with other Flavivirus core proteins was detected. Deletion of the PA28gamma-binding region from the HCV core protein or knockout of the PA28gamma gene led to the export of the HCV core protein from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Overexpression of PA28gamma enhanced the proteolysis of the HCV core protein. Thus, the nuclear retention and stability of the HCV core protein is regulated via a PA28gamma-dependent pathway through which HCV pathogenesis may be exerted.  相似文献   
The effect of using a dose of 50 micro g rather than 100 micro g fertirelin in an ovulation/fixed-time insemination protocol for Holstein-Friesian dairy cows was investigated in three experiments. In each experiment, fertirelin was administered at the beginning of the protocol followed 7 days later by 500 micro g cloprosterol. Two days later, a second dose of fertirelin was given and AI performed 16-19 h later regardless of the incidence of behavioral oestrus.The effect on conception rate was studied in experiment 1 using 114 postpartum anoestrus cows. There was no significant difference in the age, parity or number of days after parturition in each treatment groups. The conception rate did not differ between the 50 micro g fertirelin group (61.1%; n=72) and the 100 micro g group (59.5%; n=42; NS). In experiment 2, a further 12 cows at 40-60 days postpartum were treated with 100 or 50 micro g fertirelin (n=6 per dose) with treatment commencing in the follicular or luteal phase of the oestrous cycle. The plasma concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) reached similar peaks of over 5 ng/ml 120 min after the intramuscular administration of fertirelin in both groups. There were no significant differences in LH levels between treatments or phase of the oestrous cycle when treatment commenced. Doses of 50 and 100 micro g fertirelin were compared in experiment 3 using 17 cows to study follicular wave development and synchronization by transrectal ultrasonography, conception rate and corpus luteum function. There were no significant differences between treatments for these factors.It was concluded that using a dose of 50 micro g fertirelin enabled the drug costs to be reduced without affecting the efficiency of a synchronization of ovulation/fixed-time AI protocol for dairy cows.  相似文献   
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