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In den Jahren 1987 bis 1989 wurden die Auswirkungen und Effekte eines kombinierten Befalls des Winterweizens mit Sitobion avenae (Fabr.) und Puccinia recondita Rob.ex Desm. f.sp.tritici Erikss. untersucht. Dabei wurde das Verhalten der Schaderregerpopulationen und die Einflußnahme auf das Ertragsgeschehen bei separatem und simultanem Befall erfaßt. Während bei starkem Befall der oberen Blattetagen mit P.recondita eine Förderung der Aphidenpopulation an den Ähren der befallenen Pflanzen registriert werden konnte, war bei schwachem Braunrostbefall keine Einflußnahme auf die Blattläuse nachweisbar. Durch das kombinierte Auftreten beider Schaderreger kann es zu Reduktionen bei der Kornmasse/Ähre und bei der Tausendkornmasse kommen, die größer sind, als die Summe der Verluste bei Einzelbefall. Ähren stark braunrostbefallener Winterweizenpflanzen wurden zeitiger von S.avenae angeflogen und schneller besiedelt als diese von gesunden Kontrollpflanzen. Als Ursache für die Förderung der Populationsentwicklung von S.avenae werden durch P.recondita induzierte Veränderungen im Angebot an freien Aminosäuren in der Wirtspflanze diskutiert.  相似文献   
Examining how pathogens cross species boundaries, spread within species, and persist within their hosts is an essential part of understanding the factors that underpin the evolution of virulence and host resistance. Here, we review current knowledge about the genetic diversity, molecular epidemiology, prevalence, and pathogenicity of simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs). SIVs have crossed species boundaries from simian hosts to humans on at least 12 separate occasions, one of which led to the global HIV–AIDS crisis. Though SIVs infect a wide range of primates, scientists have only recently begun to describe the natural history of SIV infection in their natural hosts. Several new studies reveal how both viral and host factors are responsible for the transmission to, and adaptation in, new hosts. These studies also suggest that the spread of the virus may be affected by host-specific traits, including social structure, mating system and demographic history. These studies challenge the traditional view that SIV is relatively benign in its natural host, and instead suggest that a highly dynamic relationship exists between SIV and its simian hosts.  相似文献   
In this study, we report the screening of four Arcobacter species for the presence of small and large plasmids. Plasmids were present in 9.9% of the 273 examined strains. One Arcobacter cryaerophilus and four Arcobacter butzleri plasmids were selected for further sequencing. The size of three small plasmids isolated from A. butzleri and the one from A. cryaerophilus strains ranged between 4.8 and 5.1 kb, and the size of the large plasmid, isolated from A. butzleri, was 27.4 kbp. The G+C content of all plasmids ranged between 25.4% and 26.2%. A total of 95% of the large plasmid sequence represents coding information, which contrasts to the 20 to 30% for the small plasmids. Some of the open reading frames showed a high homology to putative conserved domains found in other related organisms, such as replication, mobilization and genes involved in type IV secretion system. The large plasmid carried 35 coding sequences, including seven genes in a contiguous region of 11.6 kbp that encodes an orthologous type IV secretion system found in the Wolinella succinogenes genome, Helicobacter pylori and Campylobacter jejuni plasmids, which makes this plasmid interesting for further exploration.  相似文献   
We studied the behavioral and emotional dynamics displayed by two people trying to resolve a conflict. 59 groups of two people were asked to talk for 20 minutes to try to reach a consensus about a topic on which they disagreed. The topics were abortion, affirmative action, death penalty, and euthanasia. Behavior data were determined from audio recordings where each second of the conversation was assessed as proself, neutral, or prosocial. We determined the probability density function of the durations of time spent in each behavioral state. These durations were well fit by a stretched exponential distribution, with an exponent, , of approximately 0.3. This indicates that the switching between behavioral states is not a random Markov process, but one where the probability to switch behavioral states decreases with the time already spent in that behavioral state. The degree of this “memory” was stronger in those groups who did not reach a consensus and where the conflict grew more destructive than in those that did. Emotion data were measured by having each person listen to the audio recording and moving a computer mouse to recall their negative or positive emotional valence at each moment in the conversation. We used the Hurst rescaled range analysis and power spectrum to determine the correlations in the fluctuations of the emotional valence. The emotional valence was well described by a random walk whose increments were uncorrelated. Thus, the behavior data demonstrated a “memory” of the duration already spent in a behavioral state while the emotion data fluctuated as a random walk whose steps did not have a “memory” of previous steps. This work demonstrates that statistical analysis, more commonly used to analyze physical phenomena, can also shed interesting light on the dynamics of processes in social psychology and conflict management.  相似文献   
The LEW.1LM1 inbred rat strain, which has been derived from a (LEW×LEW.1W) F2 hybrid, carries a major histocompatibility (RT1) haplotype which is distinct from that of the LEW strain (RT1 1) in that certainRT1.C region-determined class I antigens are not expressed. Here we show that this phenotypic defect is due to genomic deletion of about 100 kb of theRT1.C region. Certain deleted DNA fragments have been cloned from the wild-type DNA into the EMBL4 vector. Five clones have been characterized and are shown to possess different restriction maps and to each carry a single stretch of class I cross-hybridizing sequences. Probes derived from the non-class I coding part of two clones detect fragments which are present in the wild-type but absent from thelm1 mutant. The type of deletion described here in the rat is discussed in the context ofH-2D/Q deletions in the mouse.  相似文献   
In a study to examine the effects of dietary oat bran on serum lipids, subjects who ate two oat bran muffins a day for 28 days showed a 5.3% reduction in serum total cholesterol and an 8.7% reduction in low-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol levels, while no changes were noted in subjects consuming wheat or mixed wheat and oat bran muffins. Similarly, those who ingested oat bran muffins showed an 8.3% reduction in serum triglyceride values as contrasted with an overall increase of 6.4% in the other groups combined. These findings suggest that oat bran taken daily can significantly lower serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in a young, healthy population.  相似文献   
The examination of whole mounts prepared for transmission electron microscopy has resulted in the finding of thirteen taxa of nanoplanktonic coccolithophorids from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. The material was collected as part of the AMERIEZ programme, March 1986. Cold-water adapted nanoplanktonic coccolithophorids have previously been shown to constitute a recurrent plankton element at subarctic and arctic localities. Three of the Weddell Sea species, Wigwamma annulifera, W. arctica , and Papposphaera sagittifera , are conspecific with northern hemisphere material, while two species, Calciarcus alaskensis and Turrisphaera arctica , are possibly identical with previously described arctidsubarctic material. Six taxa new to science have been described from the Weddell Sea, Wigwamma antarctica, W. triradiata, Trigonaspis melvillea, Pappomonas weddellensis, Papposphaera obpyramidalis , and P. simplicissima . The cooccurrence of identical forms at the two poles, and the fact that the species described are allocated to "arctic" genera, indicate a geologically relatively recent exchange of biological material between the poles.  相似文献   
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