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The prophage of coliphage N15 is not integrated into the chromosome but exists as a linear plasmid molecule with covalently closed hairpin ends (telomeres). Upon infection the injected phage DNA circularizes via its cohesive ends. Then, a phage-encoded enzyme, protelomerase, cuts the circle and forms the hairpin telomeres. N15 protelomerase acts as a telomere-resolving enzyme during prophage DNA replication. We characterized the N15 replicon and found that replication of circular N15 miniplasmids requires only the repA gene, which encodes a multidomain protein homologous to replication proteins of bacterial plasmids replicated by a theta-mechanism. Replication of a linear N15 miniplasmid also requires the protelomerase gene and telomere regions. N15 prophage replication is initiated at an internal ori site located within repA and proceeds bidirectionally. Electron microscopy data suggest that after duplication of the left telomere, protelomerase cuts this site generating Y-shaped molecules. Full replication of the molecule and subsequent resolution of the right telomere then results in two linear plasmid molecules. N15 prophage replication thus appears to follow a mechanism that is distinct from that employed by eukaryotic replicons with this type of telomere and suggests the possibility of evolutionarily independent appearances of prokaryotic and eukaryotic replicons with covalently closed telomeres.  相似文献   
Aflatoxins are polyketide-derived secondary metabolites produced by Aspergillus spp. The toxic effects of aflatoxins have adverse consequences for human health and agricultural economics. The aflR gene, a regulatory gene for aflatoxin biosynthesis, encodes a protein containing a zinc-finger DNA-binding motif. AFLR-Protein three-dimensional model was generated using Robetta server. The modeled AFLR-Protein was further optimization and validation using Rampage. In the simulations, we monitored the backbone atoms and the C-α-helix of the modeled protein. The low RMSD and the simulation time indicate that, as expected, the 3D structural model of AFLR-protein represents a stable folding conformation. This study paves the way for generating computer molecular models for proteins whose crystal structures are not available and which would aid in detailed molecular mechanism of inhibition of aflatoxin.  相似文献   
Visualization of molecular structures aids in the understanding of structural and functional roles of biological macromolecules. Macromolecular transport between the cell nucleus and cytoplasm is facilitated by the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The ring structure of the NPC is large and contains several distinct proteins (nucleoporins) which function as a selective gate for the passage of certain molecules into and out of the nucleus. In this note we demonstrate the utility of a python code that allows direct mapping of the physiochemical properties of the constituent nucleoporins on the scaffold of the yeast NPC׳s cytoplasmic view. We expect this tool to be useful for researchers to visualize the NPC based on their physiochemical properties and how it alters when specific mutations are introduced in one or more of the nucleoporins. The code developed using Python is available freely from the authors.  相似文献   
Co-combustion of eucalyptus bark (as shredded fuel) and rubberwood sawdust was conducted in a swirling fluidized-bed combustor using a 22-vane axial flow swirler. During the co-firing tests, the fuel blend feed rate was maintained at about 60 kg/h, while the mass/energy fraction of the blended fuels was variable. Excess air supply ranged from 20% to 80% for each fuel option via variation of primary air, while secondary air was injected tangentially into the bed splash zone at a constant flowrate. For comparison, tests with pure rubberwood sawdust at similar operating conditions were performed as well. Temperature and concentrations of O2, CO and NO were measured along radial and axial directions in the combustor as well as at stack. For all fuel firing options, the radial and axial temperature profiles in the reactor were found to be weakly dependent on operating conditions. However, the gas concentration profiles exhibited apparent effects of fuel properties, excess air and secondary air injection, which resulted in variable emission characteristics of the combustor. For the sawdust energy fraction in the fuel blend of about 0.85, CO and NO emissions can be controlled at acceptable levels (both complying with the national emission limits) by maintaining excess air between 50% and 55%. Under such conditions, the co-combustion of high-moisture eucalyptus bark and rubberwood sawdust in the proposed combustor occurs in a stable regime with high, 99.6%, combustion efficiency.  相似文献   
The prophage of coliphage N15 is not integrated into the bacterial chromosome but exists as a linear plasmid molecule with covalently closed ends. Upon infection of an Escherichia coli cell, the phage DNA circularises via cohesive ends. A phage-encoded enzyme, protelomerase, then cuts at another site, telRL, and forms hairpin ends (telomeres). We demonstrate that this enzyme acts in vivo on specific substrates, and show that it is necessary for replication of the linear prophage. We show that protelomerase is an end-resolving enzyme responsible for processing of replicative intermediates. Removal of protelomerase activity resulted in accumulation of replicative intermediates that were found to be circular head-to-head dimers. N15 protelomerase and its target site constitute a functional unit acting on other replicons independently of other phage genes; a mini-F or mini-P1 plasmid carrying this unit replicates as a linear plasmid with covalently closed ends. Our results suggest the following model of N15 prophage DNA replication. Replication is initiated at an internal ori site located close to the left end of plasmid DNA and proceeds bidirectionally. After replication of the left telomere, protelomerase cuts this sequence and forms two hairpin loops telL. After duplication of the right telomere (telR) the same enzyme resolves this sequence producing two linear plasmids. Alternatively, full replication of the linear prophage to form a circular head-to-head dimer may precede protelomerase-mediated formation of hairpin ends.  相似文献   
Problems presented by genera, or small groups of genera, which have been given family rank are reviewed, and the genera are divided into a number of categories according to the closeness of their affinity to other genera or families. Satellite genera that stand in close relation to families should be united with them. Binary families, that have been divided into two (or more) related families, should be re–united. Families connected by linking genera, should, logically, be united but practical considerations usually prevent this. Clusters of diverse but more or less distantly related genera present unusual problems, being treated either as several, often monogeneric families or as a loosely structured family. Truly isolated genera must be given family and often ordinal rank.  相似文献   
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