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Replication of Ibaraki virus was not inhibited by 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine, indicating that the virus is an RNA virus. The virus was resistant to ether, chloroform and deoxycholate, sensitive to trypsin, very labile at acidic pH but stable at pH 6.4 or higher, and was resistant to repeated freezing and thawing. The virus was readily inactivated at 56 C or higher, was fairly stable at 37 C, and very stable at 4 C, while it rapidly lost infectivity when stored frozen at —20 C. The virus was readily sedimented by centrifugation at 40 000Xg for 60 min. It readily passed through membrane filters of 200 mμ pore size, passed through 100 μfilters but only with some titer loss and did not through 50 mμ filters. In these tests, the bluetongue virus used as a control behaved in the same manner as Ibaraki virus. These findings provide additional evidence for the similarity of Ibaraki virus to bluetongue virus which had been previously demonstrated on the basis of seasonal incidence, symptomatology and pathology of the diseases caused by these viruses and the behavior of the viruses in cell cultures, embryonated eggs and laboratory animals. The present study, however, provided no evidence for any serological relation between these two viruses. More Information is needed to reach a final decision on the classification of Ibaraki virus, particularly regarding the morphology of the virion, the doublestrandedness of the viral RNA and other basic features.  相似文献   
This paper uses computational fluid dynamics to simulate and analyze intragastric fluid motions induced by human peristalsis. We created a two-dimensional computational domain of the distal stomach where peristalsis occurs. The motion of the gastric walls induced by an antral contraction wave (ACW) on the wall of the computational domain was well simulated using a function defined in this study. Retropulsive flow caused by ACW was observed near the occluded region, reaching its highest velocity of approximately 12 mm/s in the narrowest region. The viscosity of the model gastric contents applied in this study hardly affected the highest velocity, but greatly affected the velocity profile in the computational domain. The shear rate due to gastric fluid motion was calculated using the numerical output data. The shear rate reached relatively high values of approximately 20 s−1 in the most occluded region. The shear rate profile was almost independent of the fluid viscosity. We also simulated mass transfer of a gastric digestive enzyme (pepsin) in model gastric content when peristalsis occurs on the gastric walls. The visualized simulation results suggest that gastric peristalsis is capable of efficiently mixing pepsin secreted from the gastric walls with an intragastric fluid.  相似文献   
The toxic effect of aluminum (Al) on the growth of Carrot cells(SO-l) decreased to a greater degree with addition of a mediumconditioned by Al-tolerant carrot cells (TA-l) than with a mediumconditioned by SO-l cells. The toxic effect of Al was reducedgreatly by adding an acidic fraction of the conditioned media,but little or not at all by a neutral or basic fraction. Offour organic acids detected in the acidic fraction, the majorone was citric acid which was present in a much greater amountin the conditioned medium of TA-l cells than in that of SO-lcells. The toxic effect of Al was reduced by adding citric or malicacid instead of the conditioned medium, but not by succinicor fumaric acid. Chelating abilities of the organic acids wereevaluated by shifts in their titration curves, and were foundto be closely correlated with the detoxification effects. Thus,the Al tolerance of TA-l cells may in fact be due to the chelatingeffect of citric acid which is abundantly released into themedium by the Al-tolerant carrot cells. (Received July 9, 1984; Accepted November 22, 1984)  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Research - The vascular anatomy of seven genera of Magnoliaceae:Elmerrillia, Liriodendron, Magnolia, Manglietia, Michelia, Paramichelia andTalauma, was examined. Based on the...  相似文献   
Benzyladenine (BA) stimulated division but not expansion ofmesophyll cells and repressed chlorophyll accumulation in attachedyoung bean leaves. Even in the presence of fluorodeoxyuridine(FUdR) or mitomycin C which causes complete suppression of BA-inducedincrease in DNA content, BA increased RNA and protein contentsand fresh weight, but decreased chlorophyll accumulation. Moreover,BA n the presence of FUdR induced marked cell expansion. Inthe presence of a-amanitin (AM), BA did not produce any changein DNA content, fresh weight or cell size. All of the BA effectswere observed even in the presence of fluorouracil (FU) plusthymidine (TdR). AM and cycloheximide added 0–12 h effectively inhibitedBA-stimulated cell division but showed no effect if added at18 h. FU plus TdR added 0–18 h had almostno effect onthe cell number at 24 h. These results indicate that BA stimulates the mRNA synthesisnecessary for induction of cell division, and that the synthesisof cytoplasmic rRNA is not always necessary for BA-stimulatedcell division, and moreover, that BA stimulates expansion growthof cells in which DNA synthesis is suppressed. (Received August 16, 1982; Accepted March 31, 1983)  相似文献   
No significant change was found in the electrolytes and lipids of the brain analyzed after glutaraldehyde fixation by perfusion of laboratory animals; such fixation also satisfactorily preserves neural tissues for electron microscopy. The brains of normal and tumor-bearing C3H mice, Wistar rats, and New Zealand rabbits were studied. Little difference was found in the dry weight and the content of sodium, potassium, total lipid and lipid fractions, and in the sulfate space (S35O4) between specimens from unperfused and perfused animals, whether normal or tumor-bearing. The results suggest the possibility of using selected regions of the nervous system, dissected after fixation, for chemical study and at the same time characterizing similar regions morphologically with the electron microscope.  相似文献   
The in vivo metabolism of galactosylceramide (gal-cer) in normal mice and in twitcher mice, a model of human GLD, was examined following intracerebral administration of gal-cer containing [1-14C]stearic acid. In normal mice, gal-cer was hydrolyzed to ceramide within 6 hours and ceramide was hydrolyzed to sphingosine and fatty acid. Most of the released fatty acid was immediately incorporated into other lipids. About 75% of injected gal-cer was hydrolyzed 80 hours after the injection, while in the twitcher mouse, only 17% of gal-cer was hydrolyzed. These results show that degradation of gal-cer is impaired in the twitcher mouse brain, but contradict to the fact that there was no evidence of any accumulation of gal-cer in the brain. This discrepancy may be due to the different sorting routes of biosynthesized and exogenously-administered gal-cer in the mouse brain. Most of the biosynthesized gal-cer is incorporated into myelin, while the injected gal-cer is incorporated into lysosomes.  相似文献   
Two variants of carrot (Daucus carota L. cv. MS Yonsun) celllines, which had been selected with Al-phosphate as a sole sourceof phosphorous, were characterized on their mechanisms of phosphate-utilizationfrom Al-phosphate. Both cell lines excreted citrate into themedium. The amount of citrate excretion was highly correlatedwith cell growth in the presence of Al-phosphate. There wasabout a 1 to 1 correlation between solublized-Al and excreted-citratein the medium during cell growth. These results suggest that1) the citrate could chelate with Al, at a 1 to 1 ratio, inAl-phosphate, 2) the citrate-chelated Al remains outside thecells, and 3) solublized phosphate from Al-phosphate is utilizedfor the growth of carrot cells. The characteristics of the selectedcells were very stable, since the rate of citrate-excretionshowed no change after subculturing 25 passages without Al-phosphate. (Received August 7, 1989; Accepted October 19, 1989)  相似文献   
Because of the importance of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in thegrowth and development of plants, extensive studies of the biosynthesisof IAA have been performed during the four decades since thediscovery of IAA as a plant hormone. The pathway for the biosynthesisof IAA in plants remains, however, to be unelucidated, eventhough studies within the past decade have revealed unexpectedaspects of such biosynthesis. By contrast, two pathways to IAAhave been characterized in bacteria at the molecular level:the indole-3-acetamide (IAM) pathway (L-tryptophan  相似文献   
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