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Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) is a euryhaline species with a capacity to cope with demands in a wide range of salinities and thus is a perfect model-fish to study osmoregulatory responses to salinity-adaptive processes and their hormonal control. Immature sea bream acclimated to different salinities, i.e. SW (38 per thousand), LSW (5 per thousand) and HSW (55 per thousand), were kept at 18 degrees C under natural photoperiod. Arginine vasotocin (AVT) and isotocin (IT) in plasma and pituitary were determined by HPLC. Plasma melatonin (Mel) was assayed by RIA. Plasma osmolality, ion concentrations (Na(+), K(+), Ca(2+), Cl(-)) and Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity in gill were measured. A steady increase in plasma AVT, along with increasing water salinity was observed. Pituitary IT concentration in HSW-acclimated fish was significantly higher than that in LSW group. AVT/IT secretory system of sea bream does appear to be involved in the mechanism of long-term acclimation to different salinities. The distinct roles and control mechanisms of both nonapeptides are suggested. Plasma Mel was significantly higher in LSW compared with both HSW and SW groups. Data indicate that the changes in Mel level are linked to osmoregulation. Further studies are required to elucidate a complex role of AVT, IT and Mel in sea bream osmoregulation.  相似文献   
The nonapeptides arginine-vasotocin (AVT) and isotocin (IT), which are the teleost homologues of arginine-vasopressin and oxytocin in mammals, have well established peripheral effects on osmoregulation and stress response, and central effects on social behavior. However, all studies that have looked so far into the relationship between these nonapeptides and social behavior have used indirect measures of AVT/IT activity (i.e. immunohistochemistry of AVT/IT immunoreactive neurons, or AVT/IT or their receptors mRNA expression with in situ hybridization or qPCR) and therefore direct measures of peptide levels in relation to social behavior are still lacking. Here we use a recently developed high-performance liquid chromatography analysis with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FL) method to quantify the levels of both AVT and IT in macro-dissected brain areas [i.e. olfactory bulbs, telencephalon, diencephalon, optic tectum, cerebellum, and hindbrain (= rhombencephalon minus cerebellum)] and pituitary of dominant and subordinate male cichlid fish (Oreochromis mossambicus). The pituitary shows higher levels of both peptides than any of the brain macroareas, and the olfactory bulbs have the highest AVT among all brain areas. Except for IT in the telencephalon there is a lack of correlations between central levels and pituitary peptide levels, suggesting an independent control of hypophysial and CNS nonapeptide secretion. There were also no correlations between AVT and IT levels either for each brain region or for the pituitary gland, suggesting a decoupled activity of the AVT and IT systems at the CNS level. Subordinate AVT pituitary levels are significantly higher than those of dominants, and dominant hindbrain IT levels are significantly higher than those of subordinates, suggesting a potential involvement of AVT in social stress in subordinate fish and of IT in the regulation of dominant behavior at the level of the hindbrain. Since in this species dominant males use urine to communicate social status and since AVT is known to have an antidiuretic effect, we have also investigated the effect of social status on urine storage. As predicted, dominant males stored significantly more urine than subordinates. Given these results we suggest that AVT/IT play a key role in orchestrating social phenotypes, acting both as central neuromodulators that promote behavioral plasticity and as peripheral hormones that promote integrated physiological changes.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that ubiquitous environmental contaminants may interfere with vertebrate endocrine systems. The selected endocrine biomarkers are used to indicate the condition of free-ranging populations of wildlife, including avian species. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of environment quality on serum thyroxine (T4) and melatonin (Mel) in white stork nestlings (Ciconia ciconia) living in different locations: small villages in natural areas surrounded by forests and crop fields, near the city and near the copper smelter. We extended our analyses to examine the hormones' day-night changes in conjunction with chicks' age. Total serum T4 and Mel was measured by RIA. T4 level, as a decisive measure of thyroid hormone productivity, was significantly lower in the nestlings exposed to pollutants from the copper smelter. Mel, as a well-known scavenger of free radicals, was elevated in the nestlings in the area near the copper smelter. This study indicates that alteration in T4 and Mel levels could be a useful marker of exposure of nestling wild storks to different toxic substances in field studies. Mel is postulated to be a susceptible defensive molecule as a protective mechanism for organisms.  相似文献   
An HPLC assay with solid-phase extraction and fluorescence derivatization was developed for measurement of arginine vasotocin (AVT) and isotocin (IT) in the neural tissues of fish. The efficiency and usefulness of the method have been verified in experiments by examination of peptides concentrations in brains of three fish species. The day-night changes in neuropeptides levels have been studied in brains of adult sea bream (Sparus aurata) and juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Seasonal fluctuations have been investigated in brains of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). The AVT and IT biosynthesis in brain seems to be controlled independently and probably each neuropeptide plays a different role in a circadian time-keeping system and an endocrine calendar in fish.  相似文献   
A method is described for continuous measurement of total renal blood flow in anesthetized rats and rabbits. It consists of recording time intervals in which a fixed volume of renal vein outflow enters into an extracorporeal renin vein - jugular vein shunt and is pumped back to animals' circulation. This technique yields absolute flow values of unequalled accuracy and requires virtually no calibration; however, it is not suitable for recording rapid flow transients. The RBF measured averaged 5.5 +/- (SE) 0.1 ml/min.g kidney weight in rats and 2.5 +/- 1.1 ml/min.g in rabbits; the flow was stable over at least 1.5-2 hrs. The rat kidneys tested showed usual capacity to autoregulate blood flow during graded reduction in renal perfusion pressure.  相似文献   
The pineal hormone melatonin is a potentregulator of seasonal and circadian rhythms invertebrates, among them fish. Melatoninsynthesis shows a diurnal rhythm with higherlevels at night. In recent years, the pinealgland and its major product gained a number ofattributes suggesting their role in integrationof various neural and endocrine functions. Besides the well-established physiologicaleffects mediated via high-affinity cellmembrane receptors belonging to the superfamilyof G-protein – coupled receptors, melatoninreveals direct intracellular actions.This paper attempts to synthesise thephysiological roles of this multifacetedhormone in fish. The use of higher vertebratesparadigms (considering every limit ininterpretation) was essential due to lack ofsatisfactory data on fish. The actions ofmelatonin in major organs responsible forosmoregulation in fish are discussed. Theinfluence of melatonin on water/ion excretionby affecting the circulatory blood hemodynamicand by interrelations with other hormonessystems engaged in water/ion homeostasis areconsidered. New data providing the firstevidence for the presence of melatonin bindingsites in fish gills and kidneys are presented. The paper suggests a new approach that may leadto an improved understanding of osmoregulationprocesses.  相似文献   
Pineal organ and its hormone melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is likely involved in timing and synchronisation of many internal processes, such as reproduction, with annual changes in environmental cues, i.e., photoperiod and water temperature. The seasonal changes in melatonin profile in stickleback brains related to the following reproductive phases were examined, and the link between melatonin concentrations and the stages of spawning cycle was analysed. Two wild populations of sticklebacks were exposed to annual environmental changes in their natural habitats. Brains, gonads, kidneys and livers were collected over 2 years. Melatonin was measured using RIA and the indices, gonadosomatic (GSI), nephrosomatic (NSI) and hepatosomatic (HSI), were calculated. The role of melatonin, as a component of internal calendar engaged in the control of seasonal breeding in this species, is discussed. The extremely high melatonin levels observed in early spring (March) and autumn (October) seem to mark out a time frame for spawning in sticklebacks. The seasonal pattern of melatonin production and identified development stages of gonads suggests the potential inhibitory effect of the hormone on stickleback reproduction in shortening photoperiod and stimulatory effect in lengthening photoperiod.  相似文献   
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - The pineal hormone melatonin is a potentregulator of seasonal and circadian rhythms invertebrates, among them fish. Melatoninsynthesis shows a diurnal rhythm...  相似文献   
Arginine vasotocin (AVT) and isotocin (IT) levels in plasma and pituitary, and melatonin (MEL) levels in plasma were determined in gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus) subjected to two different types of stress: i) high density (HD) and ii) food deprivation (NF: non-fed). Fishes were randomly assigned to one of 4 treatments that lasted for 14 days: 1) fed fish under normal low density (ND, 4 kg m(-3)); 2) non-fed (NF) fish under ND; 3) fed fish under high density (HD, 70 kg m(-3)); and 4) non-fed fish under HD. Ten fish from each tank were anaesthetized, weighed and plasma and pituitary samples were taken. Plasma and pituitary AVT and IT content were determined by HPLC, while plasma MEL was assayed by RIA. Plasma AVT and IT values were enhanced in all fish kept at high density. The response of AVT was much stronger than that of IT. The highest pituitary AVT and IT levels were shown in NF fish kept at normal density. The significantly higher plasma MEL levels were measured in fed fish kept at HD. These results suggest a role of AVT, IT and MEL in response of sea bream to a common stress factor, high density. Although food deprivation does not influence AVT and IT plasma levels, it seems to affect hypothalamic synthesis of nonapeptides. Further studies are required to elucidate the complex role of AVT, IT and MEL in the sea bream's response to different stress stimuli.  相似文献   
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