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长白山林区核桃楸种群数量动态变化的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用种群年龄结构、存活曲线统计和Leslie模型对长白山核桃楸种群在水胡林、针阔混交林、核桃楸占优杂木林和杂木林4种不同群落类型中种群数量动态变化进行了研究和预测。结果表明,核桃楸种群表现出衰退型的年龄结构特点,幼苗和幼树比例较小,种群在幼年期死亡率较高,反映出核桃楸种群15~20龄在个体经历了比较强烈的环境筛作用;Leslie模型预测显示,核桃楸幼苗数量和种群总数量在今后35年基本呈下降趋势,除在核桃楸占优的林分中种群维持增长外,在其它3中森林类型都表现出衰退趋势。因此,促进核桃楸的天然更新、加强幼苗幼树的抚育工作对长白山地区核桃楸种群的发展至关重要。  相似文献   
采伐干扰对长白山核桃楸林生物多样性的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
马万里  罗菊春  荆涛 《植物研究》2007,27(1):119-124
运用Gleason丰富度指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Cody指数和重要值,对长白山核桃楸林不同采伐方式下的生物多样性及变化进行了研究。结果表明,采伐干扰下群落中草本层的植物多样性和重要值变化最大,α多样性和β多样性指数均在皆伐地表现最高,择伐地次之,未采伐地最低;在重要值上,择伐和皆伐后,草本层植物的种类组成和重要值排序明显不同于对照地。从形式上来讲是采伐方式不同引起了多样性的变化,但其实质是光照条件改变所致;从时间尺度上考虑,是时间边缘效应的结果。同时,核桃楸更新苗数量的调查表明,皆伐地内高的多样性指数和核桃楸幼苗的充分发育均是受光因子作用的结果,它们二者之间并无必然的因果关系。  相似文献   
An extensive drinking water-associated gastroenteritis outbreak took place in the town of Nokia in Southern Finland in 2007. 53% of the exposed came down with gastroenteritis and 7% had arthritis-like symptoms (joint swelling, redness, warmth or pain in movement) according to a population-based questionnaire study at 8 weeks after the incident. Campylobacter and norovirus were the main pathogens.A follow-up questionnaire study was carried out 15 months after the outbreak to evaluate the duration of gastrointestinal and joint symptoms. 323 residents of the original contaminated area were included. The response rate was 53%. Participants were inquired about having gastroenteritis during the outbreak and the duration of symptoms.Of those with gastroenteritis, 43% reported loose stools and abdominal pain or distension after the acute disease. The prevalence of symptoms declined promptly during the first 3 months but at 15 months, 11% reported continuing symptoms. 32% of the respondents with gastroenteritis reported subsequent arthritis-like symptoms. The disappearance of arthritis-like symptoms was more gradual and they levelled off only after 5 months. 19% showed symptoms at 15 months. Prolonged gastrointestinal symptoms correlated to prolonged arthritis-like symptoms.High proportion of respondents continued to have arthritis-like symptoms at 15 months after the epidemic. The gastrointestinal symptoms, instead, had declined to a low level.  相似文献   
An analysis was performed of the climatic responses of the radial growth of Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. at two sites—both of which included contrasting north- and south-facing slopes—in Tura, central Siberia, with the development of ring width and maximum-density chronologies for each slope. Both residual and standard chronologies of ring widths were positively correlated with temperature from late May until mid June on all four slopes. By contrast, standard chronologies of ring widths were negatively correlated with precipitation during the winter (from October to April) and in May on the north-facing slope at site 1 and on the south-facing slope at site 2 respectively. The negative correlations with precipitation during the winter and in May on some of the slopes suggested that delayed snowmelt in early spring might inhibit the radial growth of L. gmelinii, and the effects of snow are likely to vary with topography. Both residual and standard chronologies of maximum densities were positively correlated with temperature in early July on all four slopes. Maximum densities were also positively correlated with precipitation during summer of the previous year on all the slopes. These suggest that no major differences exist in terms of responses of maximum density to climatic factors between the north- and south-facing slopes.  相似文献   
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