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We have cloned the AMO gene, encoding the microbody matrix enzyme amine oxidase (EC from the yeast Hansenula polymorpha. The gene was isolated by differential screening of a cDNA library, immunoselection, and subsequent screening of a H. polymorpha genomic library. The nucleotide sequence of a 3.6 kilobase stretch of DNA containing the amine oxidase (AMO) gene was determined. The AMO gene contains an open reading frame of 692 amino acids, with a relative molecular mass of 77,435. The 5' and 3' ends of the gene were mapped and show that the transcribed region measures 2134 nucleotides. The derived amino-acid sequence was confirmed by sequencing an internal proteolytic fragment of the purified protein. Amine oxidase contains the tripeptide sequence Ser-Arg-Leu, located 9 residues from the carboxy terminus, which may represent the topogenic signal for protein import into microbodies.  相似文献   
Acetylated low-density lipoprotein (acetyl-LDL), biologically labelled in the cholesterol moiety of cholesteryl oleate, was injected into control and oestrogen-treated rats. The serum clearance, the distribution among the various lipoproteins, the hepatic localization and the biliary secretion of the [3H]cholesterol moiety were determined at various times after injection. In order to monitor the intrahepatic metabolism of the cholesterol esters of acetyl-LDL in vivo, the liver was subdivided into parenchymal, endothelial and Kupffer cells by a low-temperature cell-isolation procedure. In both control and oestrogen-treated rats, acetyl-LDL is rapidly cleared from the circulation, mainly by the liver endothelial cells. Subsequently, the cholesterol esters are hydrolysed, and within 1 h after injection, about 60% of the cell- associated cholesterol is released. The [3H]cholesterol is mainly recovered in the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) range of the serum of control rats, while low levels of radioactivity are detected in serum of oestrogen-treated rats. In control rats cholesterol is transported from endothelial cells to parenchymal cells (reverse cholesterol transport), where it is converted into bile acids and secreted into bile. The data thus provide evidence that HDL can serve as acceptors for cholesterol from endothelial cells in vivo, whereby efficient delivery to the parenchymal cells and bile is assured. In oestrogen-treated rats the radioactivity from the endothelial cells is released with similar kinetics as in control rats. However, only a small percentage of radioactivity is found in the HDL fraction and an increased uptake of radioactivity in Kupffer cells is observed. The secretion of radioactivity into bile is greatly delayed in oestrogen-treated rats. It is concluded that, in the absence of extracellular lipoproteins, endothelial cells can still release cholesterol, although for efficient transport to liver parenchymal cells and bile, HDL is indispensable.  相似文献   
The relationship between the amount of exercise-induced muscle damage and the release of creatine kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and lactate dehydrogenase (LD) was studied. Gender differences in enzyme release and histological damage were also studied. Serial pre- and postexercise blood samples were drawn from untrained male and female catheterized Wistar rats that ran 1.5 or 2.5 h on a treadmill (incline 10 degrees). Three days postexercise, muscle damage was quantified morphometrically in five different hindlimb and forearm muscles. The 1.5 and 2.5 h of exercise elicited histological damage only in the soleus muscle. Significant plasma CK, AST, and LD elevations were found immediately postexercise both in male and female rats. However, the enzyme release was significantly greater in males than in females. Part of this could be explained by differences in clearance rates between males and females. No gender difference in amount of histological damage was found. The actual volume of histological muscle damage was significantly less than the calculated muscle damage based on enzyme release. An increase in the exercise duration from 1.5 to 2.5 h resulted in a disproportional increase in both histological muscle damage and muscle enzyme release. From the present study it is concluded that muscle enzyme release is not clearly reflected in histological muscle damage.  相似文献   
The preparation of a series of 1,3,4-thiadiazoles and 1,3,4-oxadizoles linked by a thioether to 2,6-di-t-butylphenol and the inhibition of cyclooxygenase (CO) and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) by these compounds is dicussed.  相似文献   
A novel method for insertion/deletion mutagenesis in meningococci was devised. This consisted of ligating a digest of total chromosomal DNA to a 1.1 kb restriction fragment containing an erythromycin-resistance marker ( ermC ), and subsequent transformation of the ligation mixture into the homologous meningococcal strain H44/76. Southern blotting of a number of the resulting erythromycin-resistant transformants demonstrated that all carried the ermC gene inserted at different positions in the chromosome. Mutants with a specific phenotype were identified by screening with the anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS) monoclonal antibody MN4A8B2, which is specific for immunotype L3. In this way, two independent L3-negative mutant strains were isolated. In transformation experiments with chromosomal DNA from these mutants, erythromycin-resistance and lack of MN4A8B2 reactivity were always linked, showing that the insertion/deletion was in a locus involved in LPS biosynthesis. On SDS–PAGE, the mutant LPS displayed an electrophoretic mobility intermediate between that produced by the previously isolated galE and rfaF mutant strains. Chemical analysis of the mutant LPS revealed that the structure was probably lipid A–(KDO)2–(Hep)2. Chromosomal DNA flanking the ermC insertion in these two mutant strains was cloned, and used as probe for the isolation of the corresponding region of the wild-type strain. From hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, it could be concluded that both mutations map to the same locus. The affected gene probably encodes the glycosyltransferase necessary for adding N -acetylglucosamine to heptose.  相似文献   
An account is given of the morphology and the taxonomy of the Asian, Australian and Pacific genus Archidendron (Leguminosae – Mimosoideae). A new infrageneric classification based on morphological data is presented, the genus being subdivided in 8 series. The phylogeny of the genus is discussed, the base of discussion being all available morphological, palynological and wood–anatomical characters. The presence/absence of stipules, the length of the staminal tube compared with that of the corolla–tube, the sessile/stipitate ovary(–ies), the morphology of the pods and the wood–anatomy have been particularly useful in determining the evolutionary trends within the genus. Analyses of the geographical range of selected character states are presented. The data suggest a Central – W. Malesian origin of the genus. The series endemic to the E. Malesian – Australian area have probably evolved more recently. The pluricarpellate condition of the flowers in several species endemic to the E. Malesian and Australian area is considered to be a derived character state. The following new taxa are proposed: Ser. Calycinae Nielsen, ser. Ptenopae Nielsen, ser. Bellae Nielsen, Archidendron falcatum Nielsen, A. cockburnii Nielsen, A. sabahense Nielsen, A. fagifolium (Bl. ex Miq.) Nielsen var. borneense Nielsen, A. kunsrteri (Prain) Nielsen subsp. ashtonii Nielsen, A. ellipticum (Bl.) Nielsen subsp. cordifoliolatum Nielsen. New combinations are proposed in the Malesian species formerly referred to Abarema, Zygia and Morolobium by Kostermans. Keys to and an enumeration of the species are presented.  相似文献   
The bile acid receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is expressed in adipose tissue, but its function remains poorly defined. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) is a master regulator of adipocyte differentiation and function. The aim of this study was to analyze the role of FXR in adipocyte function and to assess whether it modulates PPARγ action. Therefore, we tested the responsiveness of FXR-deficient mice (FXR−/−) and cells to the PPARγ activator rosiglitazone. Our results show that genetically obese FXR−/−/ob/ob mice displayed a resistance to rosiglitazone treatment. In vitro, rosiglitazone treatment did not induce normal adipocyte differentiation and lipid droplet formation in FXR−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and preadipocytes. Moreover, FXR−/− MEFs displayed both an increased lipolysis and a decreased de novo lipogenesis, resulting in reduced intracellular triglyceride content, even upon PPARγ activation. Retroviral-mediated FXR re-expression in FXR−/− MEFs restored the induction of adipogenic marker genes during rosiglitazone-forced adipocyte differentiation. The expression of Wnt/β-catenin pathway and target genes was increased in FXR−/− adipose tissue and MEFs. Moreover, the expression of several endogenous inhibitors of this pathway was decreased early during the adipocyte differentiation of FXR−/− MEFs. These findings demonstrate that FXR regulates adipocyte differentiation and function by regulating two counteracting pathways of adipocyte differentiation, the PPARγ and Wnt/β-catenin pathways.  相似文献   
Biofilm formation and dispersal in Gram-positive bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biofilms are structured communities of bacteria, which are adhered to a surface and embedded in a self-produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substances. Since biofilms are very resistant to antimicrobial agents, they are at the basis of a range of problems, including quality and safety issues in food industry. Recently, major advances have been made in elucidating the different structural components of the biofilm matrix, the regulatory pathways involved in biofilm formation, and signaling molecules involved in biofilm formation and dispersal, which provide opportunities for prevention and control of these biofilms in the food industry.  相似文献   
The present study concerns short- and long-term effects of interruption of the enterohepatic circulation (EHC) on hepatic cholesterol metabolism and biliary secretion in rats. For this purpose, we employed a technique that allows reversible interruption of the EHC, during normal feeding conditions, and excludes effects of anaesthesia and surgical trauma. [3H]Cholesteryl oleate-labelled human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was injected intravenously in rats with (1) chronically (8 days) interrupted EHC, (2) interrupted EHC at the time of LDL injection and (3) intact EHC. During the first 3 h after interruption of the EHC, bile flow decreased to 50% and biliary bile acid, phospholipid and cholesterol secretion to 5%, 11% and 19% of their initial values respectively. After 8 days of bile diversion, biliary cholesterol output and bile flow were at that same level, but bile acid output was increased 2-3-fold and phospholipid output was about 2 times lower. The total amount of cholesterol in the liver decreased after interruption of the EHC, which was mainly due to a decrease in the amount of cholesteryl ester. Plasma disappearance of LDL was not affected by interruption of the EHC. Biliary secretion of LDL-derived radioactivity occurred 2-4 times faster in chronically interrupted rats as compared with the excretion immediately after interruption of the EHC. Radioactivity was mainly in the form of bile acids under both conditions. This study demonstrates the very rapid changes that occur in cholesterol metabolism and biliary lipid composition after interruption of the EHC. These changes must be taken into account in studies concerning hepatic metabolism of lipoprotein cholesterol and subsequent secretion into bile.  相似文献   
A novel display system is described that allows highly efficient immobilization of heterologous proteins on bacterial surfaces in applications for which the use of genetically modified bacteria is less desirable. This system is based on nonliving and non-genetically modified gram-positive bacterial cells, designated gram-positive enhancer matrix (GEM) particles, which are used as substrates to bind externally added heterologous proteins by means of a high-affinity binding domain. This binding domain, the protein anchor (PA), was derived from the Lactococcus lactis peptidoglycan hydrolase AcmA. GEM particles were typically prepared from the innocuous bacterium L. lactis, and various parameters for the optimal preparation of GEM particles and binding of PA fusion proteins were determined. The versatility and flexibility of the display and delivery technology were demonstrated by investigating enzyme immobilization and nasal vaccine applications.  相似文献   
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