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Diverse functions of ethylene in plants may depend on its ability to interact with other hormones. We studied the participation of ethylene in the regulation of accumulation and metabolism of cytokinins comparing ethylene-insensitive mutant plants of arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana [L.] Heynh., etr1-1) with the plants of original ecotype Columbia (Col-0). Because cytokinins can regulate growth of both leaves and roots, we determined the weights of these organs and the ratio between them. The content of zeatin and its riboside in the roots of etr1-1 plants was two times greater than in Col-0 plants, which could be accounted for by inhibition of conversion of these forms of cytokinins into 9-N-glucosides. In the leaves of mutant plants, expression of IPT3 gene responsible for the synthesis of cytokinins was more intense than in Col-0 plants, which could also contribute to a rise in the content of cytokinins. In this case, the weight of roots in etr1-1 mutants was lower than in the plants of original ecotype. Because high concentrations of cytokinins can inhibit root growth, suppression of accumulation of their biomass in mutant plants may be related to a greater content of cytokinins therein. The obtained results suggest that ethylene can suppress accumulation of cytokinins and, thereby, maintain redistribution of biomass in favor of the roots, which is important for plant adaptation to a shortage of water and ions.  相似文献   
The dependence of cytokinin accumulation in the shoot apexes of Arabidopsis plants on the delivery of these hormones from the roots was studied. For the estimation of cytokinin content in the cells, the immunohistochemical localization method using antibodies against zeatin riboside was used. Differential conjugation of free cytokinin bases and their ribosides was used to prevent washing of cytokinins during the dehydration process. Root cutting decreased the immunostaining of zeatin in the cells of the shoot apical meristem, thereby supporting the hypothesis about dependence of cytokinin accumulation in these cells on the hormone delivery from the roots. The level of cytokinins in the cells of the shoot apex decreased under the effect of protonophore, indicating the important role of the secondary-active transmembrane transport process of cytokinins in the maintenance of their level in the cells of the shoot apex.  相似文献   
The effects of nutrient-solution cooling and PEG addition to the nutrient solution on the phytohormone content, the rate of leaf growth, leaf extensibility under the influence of external mechanical action, osmotic potential, and transpiration were studied in seven-day-old wheat plants. Leaf growth rapidly ceased, and the transpiration rate was reduced in both treatments. Growth cessation induced by PEG was transient, and growth resumption was preceded by an increase in the leaf extensibility. The functional role of auxin accumulation in plant shoots in the control of extensibility as well as the relationship between the ABA accumulation and a decrease in the cytokinin content, on the one hand, and reduced transpiration, on the other hand, under stress conditions are discussed.  相似文献   
The removal of four of five roots of 7–8-day-old wheat plants resulted in the activation of lateral root growth and the initiation of lateral root primordia on the remained root as compared to the main root of intact plants. The extent of this growth response depended on placing cut surface above or beneath the surface of the nutrient solution. The measurement of the IAA and cytokinin contents showed accumulation of these hormones in the root of experimental plants as compared to the main root of intact plants. IAA accumulation was correlated with the number of lateral roots and their primordia. The analysis of hormonal balance and their transport from the shoot to the root permits discussing the involvement of these hormones and their interaction in the control of root growth at the stages of both primordium initiation and development and lateral root elongation.  相似文献   
Microbiology - The strain of facultative chemolithotrophic bacteria isolated from soil within the aphotic zone of the Kinderlinskaya Cave (Southern Urals, Russia) was identified as member of the...  相似文献   
Hormone production by micro-organisms selected as antagonists of pathogenic fungi and the effect of their introduction into soil on hormone content and growth of lettuce plants were studied. Hormones in bacterial cultural media and in plant extracts were immunopurified and assayed using specific antibodies to indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA), and different cytokinins (zeatin riboside (ZR), dihydrozeatinriboside (DHZR) and isopentenyladenosine (iPA)). ZR was shown to be the main cytokinin present in bacterial cultural media as a complex with a high molecular weight component. Inoculation of lettuce plants with bacteria increased the cytokinin content of both shoots and roots. Accumulation of zeatin and its riboside was greatest in roots shortly 2days after inoculation, when their content was 10 times higher than in control. Changes in the content of other hormones (ABA and IAA) were observed at the end of experiments only. Accumulation of cytokinins in inoculated lettuce plants was associated with an increase in plant shoot and root weight of approximately 30% over 8days.  相似文献   
The addition of 100 mM NaCl to the root medium of barley plantscaused the rapid cessation of elongation of the growing leafthree, followed by a sudden resumption of growth during thefollowing hour. The idea that resumption of growth is precededand mediated by rapid and tissue-specific changes in ABA concentrationand by changes in transpiration was tested. Leaf elongationvelocity was recorded continuously using linear variable displacementtransducers (LVDT), ABA was determined by immunoassay, and transpirationand stomatal conductivity were measured gravimetrically andby porometry, respectively. Within 10 min following additionof salt, ABA increased 6-fold in the distal portion of the leafelongation zone; in the proximal portion, ABA accumulated witha delay. In the portion of the growing blade that had emergedABA increased 3-fold and remained elevated during the following20 min. This preceded a decrease in transpiration and stomatalconductivity, which, in turn, coincided with growth resumption.Twenty hours following the addition of salt, the ABA concentrationshad returned to the level before stress. Leaf elongation velocitywas still reduced. It is concluded that NaCl causes a rapidincrease in ABA in the transpiring portion of the growing leaf.This leads to a decrease in transpiration. As a result, xylemwater potential is expected to rise. The moment that the waterpotential gradient between the xylem and the peripheral cellsin the growth zone favours water uptake again into the latter,leaf elongation resumes. The results suggest that ABA causesdifferent responses in different leaf regions, all aimed atpromoting the resumption of leaf growth. Key words: Abscisic acid, cell elongation, Hordeum vulgare, leaf growth, salinity, water relations.  相似文献   
The influence of an air temperature increase by 4°C and nutrient solution cooling down to 5 ± 1°C on stomatal conductance and hormone level of seven-day-old wheat (Triticum durum L., cv. Bezenchukskaya 139) seedlings was studied. An elevated air temperature resulted in a rapid rise of stomatal conductance preceded by the increase in the level of cytokinins in leaves. Cooling of the nutrient solution induced gradual stomatal closure along with a decreasing cytokinin level in leaves. Hormone concentration in the xylem sap of wheat seedlings was determined, and the rate of hormone transport from the roots to shoots was calculated. The role of cytokinins in the regulation of stomatal conductance under conditions of local thermal treatments is discussed.  相似文献   
We describe the involvement of abscisic acid (ABA) in the control of differential growth of roots and shoots of nutrient limited durum wheat plants. A ten-fold dilution of the optimal concentration of nutrient solution inhibited shoot growth, while root growth remained unchanged, resulting in a decreased shoot/root ratio. Addition of fluridone (inhibitor of ABA synthesis) prevented growth allocation in favour of the roots. This suggests the involvement of ABA in the redirecting of growth in favour of roots under limited nutrient supply. The ABA content was greater in shoots and growing apical root parts of starved plants than in nutrient sufficient plants. Accumulation of ABA in shoots of nutrient deficient plants was linked to a decrease in leaf turgor. Increased flow of ABA in the phloem apparently contributed to the accumulation of ABA in the apical part of the roots. Thus, partitioning of growth between roots and shoots of wheat plants limited in mineral nutrients appears to be modulated by accumulation of ABA in roots. This ABA may originate in the shoots, where its synthesis is stimulated by the loss of leaf turgor.  相似文献   
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