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The membrane ultrastructure of isolated rat liver peroxisomes has been observed by rapid freezing and freeze-fracture techniques. Unidirectional and rotary shadowing allows a clear visualization of the intramembrane particles (IMPs) on both the protoplasmic fracture (PF) leaflet and the endoplasmic fracture (EF) leaflet and reveals an asymmetric distribution of IMPs. Both fracture faces were uniformly studded by IMPs, and the frequency was about seven times higher on the P face (2322 per 1.0 micron2) than on the E face (322 per 1.0 micron2). Administration of the peroxisomal proliferator clofibrate (ethyl-p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate) induced a marked increase in the frequency of IMPs on both the P face (2.2-fold) and the E face (1.7-fold). The average size decreased (P less than 0.001) from 45.7 +/- 16.5 nm2 to 35.2 +/- 10.8 nm2 on the P face. A similar increase in the frequency of IMPs was observed on the P face (1.8-fold) and the E face (1.8-fold) of peroxisomes from rats fed a semisynthetic diet containing 20% (w/w) of partially hydrogenated fish oil. The average size increased (P less than 0.001) from 36.6 +/- 19.7 to 50.0 +/- 23.5 nm2 on the E face. This study demonstrates alterations both in frequency and size distribution of IMPs in liver peroxisomal membranes on exposure of rats to agents known to induce peroxisomal proliferation. The increase in frequency of IMPs was as expected from the observed increase in one of the major integral membrane polypeptides, with apparent molecular mass of 69 (or 70) kDa, in proliferating rat liver peroxisomes.  相似文献   
H. Kryvi 《Protoplasma》1977,91(2):191-200
Summary The fine structure of the tentacular cartilage cells of the annelidSabella penicillum has been studied by scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The cells contain a large, transparent vacuole centrally, and a thin layer (>0.1 m) of cytoplasm around. Some granular endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and smaller clear vesicles are present in the cytoplasm. The nuclei are dense in the TEM preparations. The surrounding matrix is most dense close to the cells, and form a chondroid matrix, 0.2 to 0.5 m thick, consisting of a flocculate material. The boundary to the surrounding matrix is condensed in the central cartilaginous cells, but not in the pinnular. The rigid structure of the close chondroid matrix is demonstrated in the SEM. The structure is compared to other invertebrate cartilages so far described, and its functions are discussed.  相似文献   
Cod larvae, Gadus morhua L., were reared in the laboratory and released to a large marine enclosure 4 to 5 days after hatching (6–8° C). The development of the digestive system was studied until day 24 after hatching. Morphological investigations of the jaw apparatus and the digestive tract showed that the larvae are able to absorb ingested food well before exhaustion of the yolk sac. The foregut, and especially the midgut, were particularly active in lipid absorption, and the hindgut was characterized by pinocytotic activity. Duhng the first days of feeding, no distinct prey organisms were observed in the gut, and signs of food absorption in the epithelial cells of the gut were sparse.A distinct red fluorescence, restricted to the hindgut, was observed from day 11 to day 19. On the basis of changes in absorptive pattern in the gut we suggest that changes in digestive and absorptive abilities, as well as in nutritional needs, take place around days 15–17 after hatching.
In starved larvae, signs of degeneration of the gut tissue were first visible in the foregut. By day 9 after hatching, microvilli was degenerated to such an extent that the ability to absorb food must have been severely restricted. If larvae are starved longer than this, they will probably not survive.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of the membranes of noradrenaline (NA) and adrenaline (A) granules of the bovine adrenal medulla (Terland, O., T. Flatmark, and H. Kryvi, Biochim, Biophys. Acta 553, 460--468 (1979)) was analyzed by transmission, negative staining and freeze-etch electron microscopy. The two types of storage granules can be distinguished mainly by two morphological criteria: (a) The NA-granules have a more electron dense matrix core than the A-granules, (b) the NA-granules revealed less asymmetry in the distribution of intramembrane particles (nPF:nEF = 4,5:1) than the A-granules (nPF:nEF = 9:1). Thus, the trilaminar structure, negative staining pattern and size distribution of the intramembrane particles of the two fracture faces on freeze-etch electron microscopy were very similar for the two types of granules. Freeze-etching revealed a wide range of the particle size distribution for both fracture faces in both types of granules, with an average diameter of 12.6 +/- 2.7 nm (A-granules) and 10.2 +/- 2.8 nm (NA-granules) for the E-fracture faces and 11.4 +/- 2.7 nm (A-granules) and 9.8 +/- 2.4 nm (NA-granules) for the P-fracture faces. Some of the particles on the P-fracture face (outer surface of the membrane) revealed a subunit structure, most clearly seen in the specimens of NA-granules. Morhpometric analyses of sectioned bovine adrenal medulla revealed that the chromaffin granules on an average account for approx. 13.5% of the cytoplasmic volume in the total population of chromaffin cells.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructure of atrial and ventricular myocardial cells from Acipenser stellatus is described. The cells of the atrium are more loosely connected than those of the ventricle. Cell contact is by simple intercalated discs and by desmosomes. The cells are flattened, with peripheral myofibrils and a central region of mitochondria and the nucleus. The sarcoplasmic reticulum consists of subsarcolemmal tubules, that frequently extend towards the central mitochondria. Dyads are small and positioned at any sarcomeric level. No T-tubules are present. Specific granules are restricted to the atrial cell, and are sometimes present within the SR tubules.  相似文献   
The ultrastructural details of Z-discs from red, intermediate, and white axial muscle fibres from the sharks Etmopterus spinax and Galeus melastomus are described. Red fibre Z-discs contain the most amorphous matrix material, and are thicker (100–115 nm) than intermediate (85–88 nm) and white Z-discs (75–80 nm). Four sets of oblique bars extend tangentially from each thin filament. In each set two bars are present, those of white fibres are close together (approximately 5 nm), while those of red fibres are separated by a distance of 15 nm. A model of shark Z-disc structure is proposed. The denaturation (heat transition) temperatures of the muscle proteins were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The heat transitions of collagen, actin, and myosin were identified; the actin heat transition temperature increased in the sequence red, intermediate, and white. The total protein pattern of red and white muscle were studied by SDS electrophoresis. A protein with a molecular weight of about 55000 may represent a Z-disc protein.  相似文献   
Egg specific gravity is a function of egg volume, chorion volume, perivitelline space (PVS) and the specific gravity of chorion and ovoplasm. Experimental studies on cod ( Gadus morhua L.), a marine multiple batch spawner, showed that approx. forty per cent of the chorion volume is incorporated between batches and that the chorionic material has a mean specific gravity of 1·20 (range: 1·14–1·35). The chorion volume and specific gravity are low at the end of the spawning period in extremely fecund fish. Specific gravity of ovoplasm was observed to be 1·017 in marine eggs and calculated to be about 1·008 in brackish water eggs. Inherent variation in PVS is found to have little influence on egg specific gravity. With the other variables constant, egg specific gravity is inversely related to egg volume supported by studies on single batches of eggs. Measurements on every batch of eggs reveal that the production of large eggs (>1·3 mm) gives low density eggs initially and high density eggs towards the end of spawning, while the production of small eggs (<1·3mm) gives moderate specific gravity. These observations are discussed in relation to vertical distribution of the eggs and reproductive success of recruit and repeat spawners. There are indications that repeat spawners produce larger eggs.  相似文献   
A method is described for the preparation of (1) the heavy population of bovine adrenal chromaffin granules (SH (average sedimentation coefficient) = 12 400 S in 0.25 M sucrose) essentially free from contamination with mitochondria and other organelles, and (2) a subpopulation of this heavy population which is highly enriched in noradrenalin (?95% of the total catecholamine is noradrenalin). The method is based on isopycnic gradient centrifugation using a self-generating gradient of polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated colloidal silica particles (Percoll) in 0.5 M sucrose medium.The isolated population of noradrenalin granules appeared highly electron dense in transmission electron microscopy and revealed a rather narrow size distribution. The specific content of amine and adenine nucleotides (with reference to total granule protein) was markedly higher than for the total population of heavy chromaffin granules. The molar ratio of amines to adenine nucleotides was, however, lower in the noradrenalin granules, i.e. 4.8 vs. 11.9.  相似文献   
Feeding male rats a high cal% partially hydrogenated fish oil diet induced morphological and biochemical changes in hepatocytes at the mitochondrial and peroxisomal level. At the mitochondrial level, formation of megamitochondria was related to the development of an essential fatty acid deficiency, as measured by a high 20:3/20:4 fatty acid ratio. These mitochondrial changes were fully prevented by adding linoleic acid to the partially hydrogenated fish oil diet. The megamitochondria revealed a normal specific content of respiratory chain pigments, normal specific respiratory rates and a normal energy coupling. At the peroxisomal level, feeding of the partially hydrogenated fish oil diet caused a considerable proliferation, which was unrelated to essential fatty acid deficiency. The total number of peroxisomes increased 1.9-fold, and 2.6-fold in the presence of added linoleic acid. Essential fatty acid deficiency seemed to result in an inhibition of peroxisomal biogenesis. It was concluded that the induction of megamitochondria by partially hydrogenated fish oil was fully attributable to essential fatty acid deficiency, whereas peroxisomal proliferation must be attributed to other factors in the diet.  相似文献   
The cartilaginous fish Chimaera monstrosa swims slowly by means of pectoral fin movements, and fast by undulations of the tail. In order to compare the fibres in the corresponding muscles, they were studied by histochemistry and electron microscopy. Three fibre types were identified by microphotometry and morphometry. Most of the axial muscles are white fibres, containing little mitochondria and glycogen. Red fibres, with glycogen and about 5 % mitochondria constitute a thin sheet in the axial muscles, composed of one fibre layer only. Pink fibres, with intermediate amounts of glycogen and mitochondria are situated between these two types, but are often not covered by red fibres. Pectoral muscles contain numerous red and intermediate fibres, partially mixed, superficially, and white fibres deeper. Pectoral muscle red fibres contain about 25 % mitochondria, half of which are situated in subsarcolemmal accummulations. The sarcotubular system has T-tubules at the Z discs, and the terminal cisternae are partially divided by regularly spaced clefts.  相似文献   
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