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The influence of Rms163 plasmid on lysogenization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells by B39 phage was studied. Plasmid Rms163 was shown to increase the frequency of lysogenization of PAO1 cells 7-8 times. C-mutants of B39 phage were isolated. According to complementation test, c-mutants were distributed into two groups--cI and cII/III. The product of cI is essential for establishment and maintenance of lysogenic state, cII/cIII product being only necessary for establishment of lysogenization. The mutants with special characteristics were isolated: B39cx1 phage carries a mutation which seems to be located on a regulatory site essential for establishment of lysogenic state. The region of the B39 genome responsible for interaction with Rms163 plasmid was mapped. Possible mechanisms of Rms163 plasmid interference with transposable B39 phage are discussed.  相似文献   
To reveal possible differences in adsorptional specificities of transposable phages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and to study the genetical control of this character, we isolated a group of phage-resistant P. aeruginosa mutants using some temperate and virulent phages. The study of resistance of the mutants to all the phages permitted us to find some types of mutants and to build a formal scheme of distribution of adsorptional receptors on the surface of P. aeurginosa cell. According to the results obtained, there are two main "receptor chains", where the receptors for all phages under study are grouped. For the majority of phages, just a single adsorptional receptor is obligatory, and at least two essential receptors are needed for adsorption of virulent phage E79. Two receptors were found also for another virulent phage, phi 11, one of them only being essential. Transposable phages can be grouped into three types, according to their adsorptional specificities. No correlations of adsorptional specificity types and all other characteristics of transposable phages studied (including the sub-groups of transposable phages belonging to different DNA homology types) were found. Genes of natural transposable phages controlling the differences in adsorptional specificities revealed can recombine in phage crosses.  相似文献   
Bacterial cells lysogenic for D3112, a transposable Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage restrict the growth of a related heteroimmune B39 phage. The lysogens are divided into two different types PAO(D3112). In the lysogens of the type I the efficiency of B39 growth only decreases slightly, the lysogens of the type II restricting completely the growth of this phage (e.o.p. is less than 10(-7). As shown by the results of Southern hybridization experiments, lysogens of the type I are monolysogens, while those of the type II are double or polylysogens. Restriction of B39 in PAO(D3112) is caused by expression of a locus in the D3112 genome. The locus has been termed as cip (control of interaction of phages). The cip locus was mapped at the interval 1.3-2.45 kb of the D3112 physical map using different deletion derivatives of D3112. Expression of cip only takes place in the prophage state and not during the phage lytic development. When expressed, cip affects the early steps in the growth of B39 lowering the level of integration and transposition processes; the effect is not dependent on the way of initiation of the lytic cycle (through prophage induction or infection).  相似文献   
Using a mathematical modeling technique, possible spatial mechanisms of processing information by the ampullae of Lorenzini were investigated in the skate during detection of the dipole electric field corresponding in the first approximation to the bioelectric fields of marine vertebrates and invertebrates. Stationary voltage distribution in the inhomogeneous environment was calculated numerically. An unlimited volume of seawater was used as the environment into which a slim disk was placed simulating the body of the fish, which served to create inhomogeneity. When the dipole axis was on the same plane as the disk, distortion in the voltage distribution was negligible. On occasions when the dipole was perpendicular to the plane of the disk, the electrical field energy absorbed by ampullary groups decreased significantly. Calculations suggested that by reorienting its body the fish is able to phase out signals coming from dipoles with their axes on different planes from that of the skate's body.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 660–665, September–October, 1985.  相似文献   
Electron microscopical examination of the new virulent bacteriophage phi KZ, specific for Pseudomonas aeruginosa, has revealed an unusual structure in its capsid. In the center of the phage head is a cylinder of low electron density ("inner body"), surrounded by fibrous material which is packed around the inner body in a spoollike manner. The inner body itself has a springlike appearance. These structures disappear after adsorption of phage particles to bacteria. Various morphological forms, which can be interpreted as intermediate steps in phi KZ DNA condensation, have been seen in ultrathin sections of phi KZ-infected cells.  相似文献   
It has been shown that D3112 prophage can be integrated into different chromosomal sites of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The other Mu-like phages (B3, B39, PM69) are capable to insert their genomes during infection process into the plasmids RPL11, RMS148, RMS163. Their integration is occasionally accompanied by formation of mutations in plasmid genes. The certain types of auxotrophic and morphological mutants (thi, met, pigmented, met - pigmented) can be found at a frequency about 10% among survivors after a long (48 h) incubation at 42 degrees C of PAO (D3112cts15) or PAO (B39cts1) lysogens. The spectrum of mutants might depend on the time of heat induction. After a short exposure (10-20 min), arg and pigmented mutants can be found. Accumulation of certain kinds of mutants after heat induction is quite a specific phenomenon for Mu-like phages; heat induction of PAO (F116ts245) does not lead to selection of these specific bacterial mutants (F116 is unrelated to Mu-like phages and has extrachromosomal location).  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that the genome of phage D3112 of Preudomonas aeruginosa can be transposed into Escherichia coli chromosome as a component of the hybrid plasmid RP4 TcrKms::D3112. Also, transposition of D3112 from E. coli (D3112) chromosome into RP4 plasmid occurs. The phage stimulates the chromosome mobilizing activity of RP4 plasmid, similar to other transposons. E. coli (RP4::D3112) cells were previously shown to form no colonies at 30 degrees C. Auxotrophic mutants and mutants incapable of utilizing different carbohydrates were found among E. coli clones survived after a long incubation at 30 degrees C (at frequencies approximately 10(-3) - 10(-4). These mutants inherited stably the capability to produce D3112 phage. E. coli auxotrophic mutants have arisen indeed as a consequence of phage integration into the E. coli chromosome, since prototrophic transductants derived from these mutants after their treatment with generalized transducing P1 phage have lost the ability to produce D3112 phage. Clones with mutations in Km or Tc genes of RP4 plasmid, occurring at high frequencies (about 3%) were found after introduction of RP4 into E. coli (D3112). These mutant RP4 plasmids carry insertions of D3112 genomes. Clones of E. coli which lost mutant plasmids still produce D3112 and retain their initial auxotrophic mutations.  相似文献   
During the period of COVID-19, the occurrences of mucormycosis in immunocompromised patients have increased significantly. Mucormycosis (black fungus) is a rare and rapidly progressing fungal infection associated with high mortality and morbidity in India as well as globally. The causative agents for this infection are collectively called mucoromycetes which are the members of the order Mucorales. The diagnosis of the infection needs to be performed as soon as the occurrence of clinical symptoms which differs with types of Mucorales infection. Imaging techniques magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scan, culture testing, and microscopy are the approaches for the diagnosis. After the diagnosis of the infection is confirmed, rapid action is needed for the treatment in the form of antifungal therapy or surgery depending upon the severity of the infection. Delaying in treatment declines the chances of survival. In antifungal therapy, there are two approaches first-line therapy (monotherapy) and combination therapy. Amphotericin B ( 1 ) and isavuconazole ( 2 ) are the drugs of choice for first-line therapy in the treatment of mucormycosis. Salvage therapy with posaconazole ( 3 ) and deferasirox ( 4 ) is another approach for patients who are not responsible for any other therapy. Adjunctive therapy is also used in the treatment of mucormycosis along with first-line therapy, which involves hyperbaric oxygen and cytokine therapy. There are some drugs like VT-1161 ( 5 ) and APX001A ( 6 ), Colistin, SCH 42427, and PC1244 that are under clinical trials. Despite all these approaches, none can be 100% successful in giving results. Therefore, new medications with favorable or little side effects are required for the treatment of mucormycosis.  相似文献   
A detailed scheme of the peripheral part of the electroreceptor system of the thorn-back ray (Raja clavata) is given. The results of morphological experiments are used to construct energetic directional diagrams, representing responses of the ampullary system to the vector of intensity of a homogeneous electric field. Calculations showed that the overall directional diagram of the two largest ampullary groups is circular in shape. The distribution of experimentally determined thresholds to electrical stimulation, recorded by the use of an autonomic response (respiratory reflex) also was found to be close to a circle. The results suggests thatR. clavata possesses a highly sensitive "guard" system capable of finding any direction of the electric field intensity vector in the horizontal plane.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Karadagh Branch, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kurortnoe, Feodosiya, Crimea. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 815–821, November–December, 1984.  相似文献   
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