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Male Great Plains toads, Bufo cognatus, exhibit two mating tactics. At any time, most males give advertisement calls to attract females, while other males, ‘satellites’, remain silent and station themselves near callers in an attempt to intercept females. Females are usually capable of moving through choruses undetected by males. Those females detected by males can avoid being clasped by quickly darting away; but if clasped, can detach the male by inflating. Females initiated amplexus with callers; subsequently calling males mated with 92% of the females and satellites mated with the remaining 8%. Toads employing the satellite tactic associated with males that had longer calls and that were larger, although call duration was the stronger predictor. The percentage of males exhibiting satellite behaviour during a sampling period varied from 0 to 57%. Several hypotheses explaining satellite frequency were explored, including variation in male density, male quality, and operational sex ratio. Of the variables considered, only two aspects of male density (namely, the number of unmated males per m of shoreline and number of calling males per m shoreline) affected satellite frequency. High male density may cause at least some calling males to lose vocal conspicuousness, thereby favouring satellite behaviour. However, male density accounted for only 17% of the observed variation in satellite frequency. This, plus the fact that up to 74% of marked males switched between tactics, suggests that factors such as higher energetic demands of calling may affect satellite frequency.  相似文献   
Neurons of the inferior olive of the rat were studied at different stages of their postnatal (PN) development by using the current clamp technique in slices maintained in vitro. Antidromic and synaptic activation of inferior olivary neurons could be achieved in preparations as young as PN day 2. Neurons at this age already exhibited a variety of ionic conductances which included fast sodium-dependent spikes, high-threshold and low-threshold calcium spikes, potassium-dependent currents, Ca-dependent after-hyperpolarizing potentials (AHPS), and both instantaneous and time-dependent inward rectification at hyperpolarized levels of membrane potential. The two types of Ca-dependent responses recorded in olivary neurons during the first postnatal week were graded with the magnitude of the depolarization imposed on the cells. Furthermore, the high-threshold Ca spikes were only clearly observed during this early period when K conductances were depressed by the injection of caesium into the cells or by bath application of 4-aminopyridine. In contrast, the high-threshold Ca spikes could be obtained without suppression of K currents and were all-or-none in character in some neurons after PN day 8 and in all neurons after PN day 11. The observations suggest that the balance between K and Ca currents changes throughout maturation and is largely in favour of the K current until about the end of the first PN week. At all ages studied, the low-threshold Ca spikes were much less sensitive to the Ca channel blocker cadmium than were the high-threshold Ca spikes. Finally, spontaneous, regular oscillations of the membrane potential were observed for the first time at PN day 16 and were only commonly observed after PN day 19, suggesting a late development of electrotonic coupling between olivary neurons.  相似文献   
In the United States, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) provides a specific framework for the disposition of Native American Ancestral remains within its purview. However, samples such as a bone fragment, tooth, or other biological tissue taken from the remains of these Ancestors have been treated by institutions and researchers as independent of the individual from whom they were removed and used in destructive research such as paleogenomic and other archaeometric analyses without consultation, consent, and collaboration from Native American communities; are not cared for in keeping with the current best practices for Indigenous Ancestors; and are not likely to be repatriated to their communities. Here, we demonstrate that any biological samples removed from Ancestors who are covered under NAGPRA must also be handled according to the stipulations defined for “human remains” within the legislation. As such, we are not proposing a change to existing legislation, but rather best practices, specific to the context of the United States and NAGPRA, relating to the use of and care for biological samples taken from Native American Ancestors.  相似文献   
Summary The mitochondrial ATPase from a PHO 1 mutant (OLI 2, PHO 1, OLI 4 region on mit DNA of S. cerevisiae) was further examined. A new purification method using Lysolecithin instead of Triton allowed us to solubilize and separate a heterogeneous ATPase population from PHO 1-mitochondria: the major abnormal fraction had extremely low oligomycin-sensitivity (but normal specific immunological reactivity), while a minor normal fraction (representing about 20% of the initial mitochondrial ATPase activity) had high sensitivity and affinity for oligomycin.Moderate urea treatment of PHO 1-mitochondria leads to partial loss of ATPase activity and a concomitant increase of oligomycin-sensitivity, suggesting that a heterogeneous ATPase population exists in situ in the mitochondrial membrane: part of the major abnormal ATPase fraction is selectively inactivated by urea, producing a concomitant enrichment in the initially minor normal ATPase fraction.If the minor normal ATPase fraction is the only one capable of in vivo ATP synthesis, the deficient but oligomycin-sensitive cell growth and oxidative phosphorylation in vitro are readily explained.Further structural studies are under way to ascertain whether the minor normal ATPase fraction is strictly identical to the wild type, in which case PHO 1 is a regulatory gene, or not, in which case PHO 1 is a structural gene.  相似文献   
Summary Detailed mapping localized the PHO 1 mutation between the OLI 2 and OLI 4 loci on mitochondrial DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.In its mitochondrially integrated form, the PHO 1-ATPase3 was difficult to identify either immunologically or by specific inhibitors like oligomycin and DCCD. Solubilization by Triton X-100 allowed unambiguuous identification of this enzyme as an authentic mitochondrial ATPase. However, Triton extraction produced a 2 to 3 fold enhancement of the PHO 1-ATPase activity which also became drastically cold-sensitive. The wild type ATPase was neither activated nor made cold-labile by solubilization, and retained full sensitivity to oligomycin and DCCD.Sucrose gradient analysis of the Triton-extracted ATPase from wild type, PHO 1 mutant and rho - strains showed a density difference between the solubilized PHO 1-and wild type ATPase, and similarity between solubilized PHO 1-and rho - ATPase (F1).Whole cells of the PHO 1 mutant present considerably increased respiration rates.Comparison of oligomycin-sensitivity in whole cells, coupled isolated mitochondria and membrane-bound ATPase indicates a contrast between oligomycin-resistance of the ATPase and oligomycin-sensitivity of in vivo or in vitro coupling systems, which might characterize the products of this region of mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   
A series of well-orchestrated events help in the chromatin condensation and the formation of chromosomes. Apart from the formation of chromosomes, maintenance of their structure is important, especially for the cell division. The structural maintenance of chromosome (SMC) proteins, the non-SMC proteins and the SMC complexes are critical for the maintenance of chromosome structure. While condensins have roles for the DNA compaction, organization, and segregation, the cohesin functions in a cyclic manner through the cell cycle, as a “cohesin cycle.” Specific mechanisms maintain the architecture of the centromere, the kinetochore and the telomeres which are in tandem with the cell cycle checkpoints. The presence of chromosomal territories and compactness differences through the length of the chromosomes might have implications on selective susceptibility of specific chromosomes for induced genotoxicity.  相似文献   
Re‐introduction is an important tool for recovering endangered species; however, the magnitude of genetic consequences for re‐introduced populations remains largely unknown, in particular the relative impacts of historical population bottlenecks compared to those induced by conservation management. We characterize 14 microsatellite loci developed for the Seychelles paradise flycatcher and use them to quantify temporal and spatial measures of genetic variation across a 134‐year time frame encompassing a historical bottleneck that reduced the species to ~28 individuals in the 1960s, through the initial stages of recovery and across a second contemporary conservation‐introduction‐induced bottleneck. We then evaluate the relative impacts of the two bottlenecks, and finally apply our findings to inform broader re‐introduction strategy. We find a temporal trend of significant decrease in standard measures of genetic diversity across the historical bottleneck, but only a nonsignificant downward trend in number of alleles across the contemporary bottleneck. However, accounting for the different timescales of the two bottlenecks (~40 historical generations versus <1 contemporary generation), the loss of genetic diversity per generation is greater across the contemporary bottleneck. Historically, the flycatcher population was genetically structured; however, extinction on four of five islands has resulted in a homogeneous contemporary population. We conclude that severe historical bottlenecks can leave a large footprint in terms of sheer quantity of genetic diversity lost. However, severely depleted genetic diversity does not render a species immune to further genetic erosion upon re‐introduction. In some cases, the loss of genetic diversity per generation can, initially at least, be greater across re‐introduction‐induced bottlenecks.  相似文献   
Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1)-mediated loss of proximal tubular epithelial cell-cell interaction is regulated in a polarized fashion. The aim of this study was to further explore the polarity of the TGF-beta1 response and to determine the significance of R-Smad-beta-catenin association previously demonstrated to accompany adherens junction disassembly. Smad3 signaling response to TGF-beta1 was assessed by activity of the Smad3-responsive reporter gene construct (SBE)(4)-Lux and by immunoblotting for phospho-Smad proteins. Similar results were obtained with both methods. Apical application of TGF-beta1 led to increased Smad3 signaling compared with basolateral stimulation. Association of Smad proteins with beta-catenin was greater following basolateral TGFbeta-1 stimulation, as was the expression of cytoplasmic Triton-soluble beta-catenin. Inhibition of beta-catenin expression by small interfering RNA augmented Smad3 signaling. Lithium chloride, a GSK-3 inhibitor, increased expression of beta-catenin and attenuated TGF-beta1-dependent Smad3 signaling. Lithium chloride did not influence degradation of Smad3 but resulted in decreased nuclear translocation. Smad2 activation as assessed by Western blot analysis and activity of the Smad2-responsive reporter constructs ARE/MF1 was also greater following apical as compared with basolateral TGFbeta-1 stimulation, suggesting that this is a generally applicable mechanism for the regulation of TGF-beta1-dependent R-Smads. Caco-2 cells are a colonic carcinoma cell line, with known resistance to the anti-proliferative effects of TGF-beta1 and increased expression of beta-catenin. We used this cell line to address the general applicability of our observations. Inhibition of beta-catenin in this cell line by small interfering RNA resulted in increased TGF-beta1-dependent Smad3 phosphorylation and restoration of TGF-beta1 anti-proliferative effects.  相似文献   
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