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Recently the plasmid RK2 replication initiation protein, TrfA, has been shown to bind to the beta subunit of DNA Polymerase III (DnaN) via a short pentapeptide with the consensus QL[S/D]LF. A second consensus peptide, the hexapeptide QLxLxL, has also been demonstrated to mediate binding to DnaN. Here we describe the results of a comprehensive survey of replication initiation proteins encoded by bacterial plasmids to identify putative DnaN-binding sites. Both pentapeptide and hexapeptide motifs have been identified in a number of families of replication initiation proteins. The distribution of sites is sporadic and closely related families of proteins may differ in the presence, location, or type of putative DnaN-binding motif. Neither motif has been identified in replication initiation proteins encoded by plasmids that replicate via rolling circles or strand displacement. The results suggest that the recruitment of DnaN to the origin of replication of a replisome by plasmid replication initiation proteins is not generally required for plasmid replication, but that in some cases it may be beneficial for efficiency of replication initiation.  相似文献   
Current control of the sheep blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) relies on chemical insecticides, however, with the development of resistance and increasing concerns about human health and environmental residues, alternative strategies to control this economically important pest are required. In this study, we have identified several isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), collected from various Australian soil samples, that produce crystals containing 130 and 28 kDa proteins. These isolates were highly toxic to feeding larvae in both in vitro bioassays and in vivo on sheep. By N-terminal amino acid sequencing, we identified the smaller crystal band (28 kDa) as a cytological (Cyt) protein. Upon solubilization and proteolytic processing by trypsin, the 130 kDa crystal protein yielded among others, a truncated 55-60 kDa toxin moiety which exhibited larvicidal activity against sheep blowfly. The amino-terminal sequence of the trypsin-resistant protein band revealed that this Bt endotoxin was encoded by a new cry gene. The novel cry protein was present in all the strains that were highly toxic in the larval assay. We have also identified from one of the isolates, a novel secretory toxin with larvicidal activity.  相似文献   
C-band patterns are described for 20Lilium spp. distributed across six sections. All species have a similar basic karyotype (n = 12) but C-bands differ markedly between them. The patterns are characterized by a dispersed scattering of thin intercalary bands as well as centric and NOR bands. Only one species,L. canadense, shows a clear equilocal pattern with intercalary C-bands occurring proximally in all of the longer chromosome arms. Comparing species, similar patterns are revealed forL. regale andL. sulphureum, forL. formosanum andL. longiflorum (all in sect.Leucolirion) and to a lesser extent forL. hansonii, L. martagon, andL. tsingtauense (sect.Martagon). The pattern forL. henryi (previously classed in sect.Sinomartagon) matches those ofL. regale andL. sulphureum quite well and its transfer to sect.Leucolirion is proposed. This is consistent with results from interspecies hybrids betweenL. henryi andL. regale (and related species) which are reportedly fertile. No other clear similarities in C-band patterns were seen across species. It seems that C-band patterns change rapidly inLilium and hence their usefulness in classification will be restricted to identifying closely related species.Dedicated to Prof.D. G. Catcheside on the 80th anniversary of his birth.  相似文献   
Region 98EF-100F in chromosome 3 is interesting for genetic analysis because it contains a number of genes of developmental importance. Although there are no preexisting simple deficiency stocks, this region is amenable to genetic manipulation using other types of rearrangements. In the present investigation we obtained deficiencies by combining the terminal deficiencies formed by segregation of Y;3 translocations with a series of duplications of the tip of 3R, both from Y;3 translocations with different breakpoints and from 3;1 duplications in which the 3R tip is carried as a second arm on the X chromosome. Analysis of such synthetic deficiencies reveals five haplo-abnormal loci in the 98A-100F interval. These include a haplolethal site, a newly described Minute and three previously reported Minute mutations. The newly discovered Minute has been designated M(3)99D and is localized cytologically to bands 99D1-9. The three previously reported Minute loci in the region have been localized more precisely: M(3)1 to bands 99B5-9, M(3)f to bands 99E4-F1 and M(3)g to region 100C-F. In addition, we have been able to obtain synthetic deficiencies uncovering all of the intervals from 99B5 to 100B. These deficiencies will be useful for future genetic and molecular analyses of the genes that map within the right tip of chromosome 3.  相似文献   
The continued development of effective anti-tick vaccines remains the most promising prospect for the control of the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. A vaccine based on midgut proteins could interfere with successful tick feeding and additionally interfere with midgut developmental stages of Babesia parasites, providing opportunities for the control of both the tick and the pathogens it transmits. Midgut proteins from partially fed adult female cattle ticks were analysed using a combination of 2-DE and gel-free LC-MS/MS. Analysis of the urea-soluble protein fraction resulted in the confident identification of 105 gut proteins, while the PBS-soluble fraction yielded an additional 37 R. microplus proteins. The results show an abundance of proteins involved in mitochondrial ATP synthesis, electron transport chain, protein synthesis, chaperone, antioxidant and protein folding and transport activities in midgut tissues of adult female ticks. Among the novel products identified were clathrin-adaptor protein, which is involved in the assembly of clathrin-coated vesicles, and membrane-associated trafficking proteins such as syntaxin 6 and surfeit 4. The observations allow the formulation of hypotheses regarding midgut physiology and will serve as a basis for future vaccine development and tick-host interaction research.  相似文献   
Root tip chromosomes were uniformly labelled with 3H-thymidine and replicate squashes were made. One set was untreated, one incubated in Ba(OH)2 solution, and a further set treated sequentially in Ba(OH)2 and hot saline-citrate (2 × SSC) to reveal C-bands. All replicates were autoradiographed and comparative grain counts made. Differences in grain numbers per metaphase cell showed that Ba(OH)2 extracted 40% of label, and that a further 23% was lost in the subsequent SSC incubation. The distribution of grains was mapped along a sample of each of five individually-recognisable chromosomes at the three treatment stages. Within each chromosome, the number of grains per segment did not differ significantly from a random distribution. This was true for all five chromosomes at all three stages of treatment, whether or not the regions were C-banded. — We conclude that DNA extraction occurs progressively during C-banding in Lilium, but that C-bands are not dark because of their relatively high retention of DNA.  相似文献   
The beta subunit of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme was fused to the green fluorescent protein GFP. The gene fusion under the control of the heterologous lac promoter was used to replace the wild-type allele in the chromosome. The formation of GFP-beta fluorescent foci in GFP-beta expressing cells required DNA replication and their number per cell was dependent on cell growth. Examination of GFP-beta foci in a synchronous round of replication suggested that DNA replication was accompanied by the recruitment of GFP-beta foci near the midcell, followed by the rapid migration of the foci in opposite directions to the 1/4 and 3/4 positions during DNA replication.  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli, interactions between the replication initiation protein DnaA, the beta subunit of DNA polymerase III (the sliding clamp protein), and Hda, the recently identified DnaA-related protein, are required to convert the active ATP-bound form of DnaA to an inactive ADP-bound form through the accelerated hydrolysis of ATP. This rapid hydrolysis of ATP is proposed to be the main mechanism that blocks multiple initiations during cell cycle and acts as a molecular switch from initiation to replication. However, the biochemical mechanism for this crucial step in DNA synthesis has not been resolved. Using purified Hda and beta proteins in a plate binding assay and Ni-nitrilotriacetic acid pulldown analysis, we show for the first time that Hda directly interacts with beta in vitro. A new beta-binding motif, a hexapeptide with the consensus sequence QL[SP]LPL, related to the previously identified beta-binding pentapeptide motif (QL[SD]LF) was found in the amino terminus of the Hda protein. Mutants of Hda with amino acid changes in the hexapeptide motif are severely defective in their ability to bind beta. A 10-amino-acid peptide containing the E. coli Hda beta-binding motif was shown to compete with Hda for binding to beta in an Hda-beta interaction assay. These results establish that the interaction of Hda with beta is mediated through the hexapeptide sequence. We propose that this interaction may be crucial to the events that lead to the inactivation of DnaA and the prevention of excess initiation of rounds of replication.  相似文献   
Root tips were pulse-labelled with tritiated thymidine. Late-labelled regions were mapped by quantitative autoradiography of metaphase chromosomes collected 11 h after the pulse for longiflorum (mean G2=14 h), and 13 h for pardalinum (mean G2=18 h). Late label in both species was preferentially located in sub-distal regions of the longer chromosome arms. Minimal labelling occurred in centromeric areas. — Some brightly Q-banded regions were late labelled, and some dull areas were not. However, late patterns were considerably more localised than bright Q-bands, and late regions were closely similar between species whereas Q-band patterns are not. Therefore bright Q-bands are apparently not consistently late replicating in Lilium, as they are in mammals, and they may therefore represent a different category of chromosomal substructure. — Centromeric C-bands and those at most nucleolar organisers were not late labelled. Only the more distal intercalary C-bands replicated late, and they were not significantly later than the chromatin surrounding them.  相似文献   
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